Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 955 Super energy storage device and Jurassic Park construction plan

When Ye Zishu and his team came over along the way, they found that many local residents came to watch the excitement. For them, such a project was unheard of.

No one thought that one day the seawater could be transported here. For them who endured the drought all year round, it would be no different from rain from the sky.

As long as the project continues to operate, a large amount of water will be continuously delivered every year, coupled with the rainwater replenishment brought by the evaporation of water vapor, the climate is likely to improve significantly within a year or two.

Ye Zishu saw that the Lop Nur in front of him had already formed a large area of ​​water. With the continuous injection of water, a huge lake with blue waves would be formed here.

This water channel is designed to transport 1 trillion tons of water per year, but after halfway ecological water replenishment and urban water supply, the water supply to Lop Nur is about 500 billion tons.

Then take Lop Nur as an example, continue to build water pipelines westward, and carry out water replenishment operations to residential areas and ecological areas along the route. Most of the rest will be consumed by the ecological water replenishment of the Taklamakan Desert.

Therefore, the amount of water directly injected into Lop Nur is about 300 billion cubic meters per year, but the ecological water supplemented along the way is mixed with snow-capped mountain meltwater, and the amount of backflow through the river is not low.

At present, I dare not make major changes casually. I just fill Lop Nur and several other lakes with water to see how the subsequent climate changes will be. After calculating the data, I will proceed to the next step.

If it is felt that the climate is changing in a favorable direction, it is likely that a large amount of water will continue to be injected, and the area of ​​​​Lop Nur will continue to extend westward and northward, further expanding the area of ​​​​the lake.

But these are not in a hurry. The development of the Tarim Basin needs to be discussed in many ways, and how to develop is the most suitable. At present, we just want to build a natural water tower.

Allowing the water vapor from Lop Nur to supplement the atmospheric water in the northwest region will help form natural rainfall and improve the climate in the Hetao area and further east.

Although the Lop Nur in front of us has begun to take shape in the vast expanse of blue waves, there is actually no scenery to see here. Only the maintenance personnel have set up some temporary resting places to avoid the hot weather.

After reading this, Ye Zishu and his team continued westward and entered the cities along the northern route to see how the water supply was. They used to rely on the snowmelt of the Tianshan Mountains for life and production.

Now the water from the Bohai Sea can be directly used. The local people feel it is amazing, but it does not have much impact on their daily life.

In fact, the residents of the cities along the line are not stressed about water use. The amount of melted water from the snow-capped mountains is very large every year. The main water shortage is agricultural water, which is also the place with the largest water consumption.

Then Ye Zishu and the others took a helicopter to the Taklamakan Desert in the center of the Tarim Basin, where the thermal radiation energy absorption field of the Kirin Energy Industry Group was built.

The entire thermal radiation energy-absorbing field covers the entire Taklimakan Desert, and this is the truly inaccessible place, without even a decent road.

The entire construction process relied on large helicopters to transport materials. It is said that as many as 50,000 transport helicopters were used to complete the construction of the thermal radiation energy absorption field in the desert. ...But the effect is also very good. When he came to check last year, the hot weather was unbearable. Now he brought Pei Qing here, and after the helicopter landed, he felt that the weather was very good.

After measurement, the surface temperature is about 25 degrees, and the body temperature is lower, about 20 degrees. Standing in the vast desert, but not feeling the heat, it is also a great spectacle.

When a group of people stood here and looked at the bright white sun in the sky, but couldn't feel the corresponding heat, it seemed that the sun in the sky was fake.

This is the effect of the thermal radiation energy absorption field, which can absorb thermal radiation energy in a certain area to form a steady stream of electricity, which is much more powerful than the so-called solar power generation equipment.

However, it is difficult for human eyes to detect its existence. They drove the helicopter over and did not feel the existence of the thermal radiation energy-absorbing field.

If it weren't for seeing the real effect, no one would believe that this place is actually shrouded in an energy enchantment.

The place they came to was a gold production point. The building was built in a half-buried way, and next to it was a towering metal structure tower, which was hundreds of meters high.

There are a total of 100 gold production points like this in the Taklamakan Desert, and they are all built near the fulcrum towers of the thermal radiation energy absorption field.

On the one hand, this is to disperse the risk. If they are put together, it will be troublesome. On the other hand, it is also to save costs. Otherwise, it is not an easy task to output such a high power .

For example, Kirin Energy Industry Group will build a 10 trillion-kilowatt-hour power transmission network to support the east-to-west water transmission project, which will cost as much as 2 trillion yuan.

If more than 360 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity are output to a fixed location, even if the distance is very short, the cost of consumption is still high, and local production like this is the most economical way.

In addition, the place is relatively remote, there are no people around, and the safety is relatively higher. The whole process of gold production is in charge of general robots, and there is no need to transport daily necessities here frequently.

As for the transportation of goods, it can only be completed by transport helicopters. Basically, it takes less than a week to dispatch a transport helicopter to transport gold once.

To be honest, such transportation costs are relatively high, but compared to building a huge power transmission network, it is still relatively cost-effective, and it is currently the best solution.

However, the follow-up road network construction plan is also under planning. At that time, each energy node will be relied on to build a crisscross road network in the Taklamakan Desert.

This is conducive to the subsequent development of the Taklamakan Desert, but it is not an easy task to build a criss-crossing road network here, even if the temperature is not so hot.

Entering the gold production point, even though it is called a gold production point, it actually produces many types of elements, and all the elements behind the iron element can be produced.

If gold is produced all year round, the market will not use that much at all. A large amount of gold can only depreciate the price of gold. They only need to produce the amount of gold that supports currency issuance.

The remaining energy is used to produce other elements that have extensive industrial uses but are scarce on the surface, which is conducive to promoting the development of related industries and earning more income. ….The gold production site is built like a bunker. Except for the necessary ventilation, there are no extra doors and windows. If it is not for the general-purpose robots working, it is estimated that people will not stay in it for long, and they will have strong negative emotions.

After reading Ye Zishu, I feel that such an approach does not seem to be necessary. I have not developed a super energy storage device before, so there is no way to do it.

In the space defense equipment I provided to several close relatives, I used super energy storage equipment. A fist-sized energy storage device can store more than 1 trillion kWh of energy.

This means that it only costs about 360 to store the annual electricity output of the entire thermal radiation energy-absorbing field, and even if it is used in rotation, 400 is enough.

Then taking the collected energy back to the designated location for production is much better than the current practice, and even more hidden.

It is not a big problem to do so now. After the development of Taklimakan, people here will come and go very frequently. The construction of such a bunker building feels a bit like "there is no silver three hundred taels here".

After seeing this golden production point, Ye Zishu did not continue to inspect other production points, it was completely unnecessary, and returned directly by the original helicopter.

Then continue westward along the northern line, and finally come to Ks, which is a very important city in the entire basin and one of the important passages into Central Asia.

In the future, this place will definitely develop into a large-scale city, so he also attaches great importance to this. At present, the relevant promotion work has not yet reached here, and the situation is similar to the last time he came to see it, and there is not much change.

However, Wancheng Foundation intends to increase investment here, and is currently negotiating. As long as the Tarim Basin is greatly developed, KS, as an important town, will definitely benefit a lot, and there is nothing wrong with the early layout.

Ye Zishu didn't intend to continue shopping here, so he took a plane directly to Xining, planning to inspect the desert area of ​​the Qaidam Basin.

Compared with the drought and hotness of the Tarim Basin, the Tarim Basin is actually not that hot. The main reason for the formation of deserts is the drought and lack of rainfall formed by the landform.

In the future, a tributary will be drawn from the east-to-west water transfer project to replenish the ecology here. As for how much water will be replenished, it has not yet been determined.

The unanimous opinion of ecological experts is that it is best not to make major changes here, and it is best to replenish water appropriately, because the climate here has relatively little impact on the entire western region.

Like the several deserts seen earlier, yellow sand is formed all over the sky every day, and at the same time, it continues to erode into residential areas, to the extent that it has to be resolved.

Moreover, the resources here are relatively rich. It would be a pity if it is submerged by water. In addition, the population is sparsely populated, so the necessity of transformation is not great, but it will have a greater impact on the animals and plants living here.

It took a month to go around in this way. After returning home, a meeting was held immediately to re-arrange the energy storage and transportation.

Ask Kirin Energy Industry Group to secretly build several new precious metal production plants in the mainland. As for super energy storage devices, they will be manufactured in his own private laboratory. ….There are matching supporting facilities. The super energy storage device is a very standard crystal ball. When there is no energy storage or the energy is zero, it is in a very transparent state.

As the hidden energy inside gradually increases, the color of the crystal ball gradually becomes darker. When the energy is fully stored, it completely turns into a dark purple crystal ball, which is very beautiful.

Just how to store electricity and how to guide it out is not something that can be achieved by general technology, and special equipment is needed to carry out these tasks.

In addition, it is also required to formulate a strict workflow to prevent the need for confidentiality, and the entire process is still in charge of the general robot to avoid equipment loss.

Only then did Kirin Energy Industry Group know that the boss still has such a powerful energy storage device. To be honest, with this device, it is completely possible to build a super interstellar warship. .

Its implied energy density is not lower than that of a controllable nuclear fusion device, and even its complexity is not as high as that of a controllable nuclear fusion device, at least it occupies much less land.

These words reminded him that he didn't think it was necessary to take out such an advanced device before, and he still hoped that the technological level of the outside world would develop freely.

Now that it is used by Kirin Energy Industry Group, it means that it is no longer kept secret. It may be a secret for ordinary people, but it is difficult for special departments to keep it secret.

Therefore, it is completely possible to use it in a limited field, and the necessity in other aspects is not high, but it is very suitable for the energy core of interstellar transport spacecraft and battleships.

Although it is relatively difficult to rely on such an energy and power system to get out of the solar system, as long as it still relies on action and reaction to propel, interstellar travel is not realistic.

However, it is more than enough for activities in the solar system. It can even be said that with such an energy system, most parts of the solar system can be traveled casually.

After arranging the affairs of the Kylin Energy Industry Group, Ye Zishu included the Starship Project into his own plan, and prepared to find time to complete research in this area.

As for such super energy storage devices, Leaf Book intends to provide 1,000 of them to Kirin Energy Industrial Group, so that they will be more comfortable in energy storage and utilization.

In addition to the energy storage and transportation of the thermal radiation energy absorption field, it is necessary to set up five such super energy storages in each province to support the regulation of internal energy in each province.

In this way, the cost can be reduced from the energy peak shift adjustment, although the electricity is converted into chemical energy, and then converted from chemical energy into electrical energy, the loss in the middle is relatively low.

But after all, there are still losses, and other costs in the conversion process are relatively high. Even if the technology he provides is advanced, these costs will inevitably be spent.

If such an energy storage device is used for peak shift regulation, the annual cost savings can be considerable. If this technology has been available for a long time, there is no need to build such a large conversion facility, and further cost savings can be achieved.

"Tell me, which of these places is suitable for the construction of Jurassic Park?" Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing holding a map.

Pei Qing was stunned by his question, she didn't react for a while, and said after a few seconds: "Why do you suddenly have this idea?"... "It is impossible to develop the economy in the Northwest region in a short period of time. It is not an easy task. The main market is in the central and eastern regions, and the cost of relocating there is too high.

Although agricultural development is good, the scale of output value is very limited. For high-value cash crops, although the unit price is high, the total output value is limited.

If it is a mass agricultural product, the price is relatively low, and it is necessary to prevent direct competition with other local agriculture. Generally speaking, the scale is very limited.

That's why I want to develop characteristic industries, which must not only be able to develop rapidly, but also have unique competitiveness, and the scale of output value should not be too small.

I think there is nothing more suitable than building a huge Jurassic Park in Northwest China. Even if 100 million tourists are received every year, the direct economic scale will be as high as several trillion yuan.

The associated economic scale may be as high as 10 trillion yuan. Compared with other tourism projects, I think this tourism project has a strong attraction all over the world. "Leaf Book said.

Tourism projects are definitely not as simple as collecting tickets. The value created by transportation, accommodation, tour guides, additional value-added services, etc. is definitely several times higher than that of tickets.

Especially for foreign tourists, when they come to China, they will definitely not only go to Jurassic Park to experience it, but also go to other domestic tourist attractions or cities, and there will be a lot of benefits.

As the domestic industry becomes more and more perfect, industrial development will gradually enter a bottleneck, and it will become more and more difficult to maintain the high-speed growth in the past, so breakthroughs can only be made in the service industry.

However, in the current service industry, there are actually not many high-value jobs that can be maintained. The average income is actually not as high as that of the industrial industry, but the number of employees is relatively large.

"What about safety? Our personal strength is probably powerless against prehistoric giants. Even if we are sitting in a zoo car, it is difficult to get safety protection." Pei Qing said.

If an accident happens to a tourist, the compensation alone will cost a lot, and such a tourism project seems inhumane, and it is likely to have a very large negative impact.

"You don't have to worry about that, I have a way to make these prehistoric giants obedient and not attack humans!" Ye Zishu said confidently.

He didn't say it was a biological robot. The reason was that the impact was too great. As long as he didn't say it, no one would know that the living thing in front of him was a robot. With the current level of biology, nothing could be found.

When Pei Qing heard his words, she was skeptical, but she didn't refute. Maybe he really has a way, after all, the man in front of him has created too many miracles.

"Whether it is necessary to collect the genetic material of dinosaurs and other Jurassic organisms is not an easy task. The dinosaur fossils or dinosaur egg fossils obtained now have not much genetic material available.

What's more, there are other creatures from the Jurassic period that have disappeared into history and can't even find a trace. Our understanding of that period is actually not very rich. "Pei Qing said.

The Leaf Book was never intended to be reproduced by searching for biological genetic material from the Jurassic period. Such work is almost impossible to complete. … Even if the genetic material of some Jurassic creatures is found, it will be difficult to complete the construction of the entire Jurassic Park. It is impossible to have only a few creatures in a huge park, which seems a bit fake.

He wants to restore the ecosystem of the Jurassic period, even if it is fake, it is much more real than what he learned from books, and it is very helpful for modern humans to understand the prehistoric state.

In fact, based on the current environment of the earth, it is difficult to 100% replicate the ecosystem of the Jurassic period, after all, the natural environment is different from that time.

At least the current oxygen content is much lower than that at that time, and it is difficult to support the development and reproduction of large organisms, which is why land organisms are generally smaller now.

The artificially manufactured Jurassic biological robots can be slightly modified, so that huge creatures can still survive in a relatively thin oxygen environment.

The best way is to create a space with exactly the same climate conditions as the Jurassic period, so that the degree of restoration will be higher, but he is hesitant about this.

Because in order to achieve this, a lot of advanced field technologies are needed, so far he has not demonstrated other field technologies except for the thermal radiation energy-absorbing field technology.

Even for thermal radiation energy-absorbing field technology, the technology is not directly handed over to Kirin Energy Industry Group, but produced from his private laboratory and used by them.

Compared with the current level of technology, the field technology is too advanced, and there are several layers in the middle, so it is always hesitant to use it.

Compared with thermal radiation energy-absorbing fields, if you want to create an independent space environment, you need to use a space field, and the space field is considered a high-end technology among all field technologies.

"Actually, there is no need to reproduce 100% of it, you only need to show most of it, and as for the genetic material, you don't have to find the real thing.

You have forgotten our technical strength in the field of genetics. As long as the ecosystem of the Jurassic period is roughly determined, it can be deduced scientifically.

Even if there are some gaps, the gap will not be particularly large. In fact, most tourists don't care whether it is 100% real, they just need to see something new and experience a thrill.

Ours is not a purely scientific project, but a purely commercial project. It cannot be handled with academic thinking, and it will never be done. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing knew how he did it. For others, it is not as difficult as looking for the preserved genetic material, but for him, it is really not a problem.

"In this case, then I have no problem. I think this place is more suitable among these places." Pei Qing pointed to a location on the map and said.

What she was talking about was the Badain Jaran Desert, which covers an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square kilometers. The area is large enough, and the surrounding population is relatively dense, which is conducive to driving the economic development of the surrounding area.

He originally wanted to choose a place in the Qaidam Basin, where there are few people and it is much easier to deal with, but Pei Qing chose the Badain Jaran Desert.

It’s not bad to think about it carefully. If a virgin forest is built here, it will be of great benefit to the desert areas in the east, and the improvement of the surrounding climate will be more obvious.

"Then listen to you and choose this place!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Are you really planning to do it?" Pei Qing asked eagerly seeing that he didn't seem to be joking.

"Can this be false?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Even with the technology, it is not easy to build it. We have been there just now, and we just grew some grass, which is far from the environment needed by Jurassic Park." Pei Qing said.

"What you said is true, but I am confident that it will be completed within five years!" Ye Zishu said with certainty.

Seeing what he said, Pei Qing naturally wouldn't say anything else. Besides, it was a denial of his ability, and she also wanted to see what kind of scene this Jurassic Park would be after it was completed. She was looking forward to it.

In the following time, Ye Zishu officially included this project in his research scope, but he did not regard it as a main project, and still used his spare time to study it.

He currently has no major projects, and spends most of his time reading books. Whether it's Star Wars or Jurassic Park, they are just entertainment in his spare time, not urgent. .

Milky pudding reminds you: remember to collect after reading

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