Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine Hundred and Fifty Six: Riding the Phoenix Down to the Fairyland


"Sister-in-law, it's a waste of your two big phoenixes, why don't you play with them?" Ye Ziqin looked at the two big guys in front of her and said greedily.

"It's not that you don't have the money to buy it, just buy it yourself if you really like it!" Pei Qing said angrily.

Every time Ye Ziqin came to her eldest brother's house, Pei Qing was a little annoyed when she saw these two big guys always say that, as if she never tired of it.

"How expensive is that, tens of millions, it's too extravagant to buy by yourself!" Ye Ziqin said while touching, and finally sighed, as if she was too poor.

"You are a miser!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Ye Ziqin ignored the teasing words, but said: "Didn't you say that you can ride these two phoenixes for a ride? I haven't seen you ride them before, why don't we try?"

"What can I do, what if I fall down?" Pei Qing said.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, I have protective equipment on my body, so I won't get hurt even if I fall." Ye Ziqin said indifferently.

This is true. The reason why Ye Zishu developed space protection equipment was inspired by this at the beginning. With this equipment, he can even avoid high-air currents.

Pei Qing was a little moved by what she said, with a hesitant expression, Ye Ziqin added to the fire and said: "Are you worried about my brother saying it? It's okay, my brother won't say it even if he knows, if he says it, he's just talking about me, I'm not afraid , what are you afraid of?"

Hearing what she said, Pei Qing didn't want to make decisions on her own, and said: "It's not a question of whether you will be scolded or not, but it's too ostentatious. Your brother will definitely not like it!"

"Then go to the head office for instructions!" Ye Ziqin said angrily.

Then she dragged Pei Qing downstairs to Ye Zishu's laboratory. They were still allowed to enter and exit freely on the upper three floors, but the lower floors were the real laboratories, and no one else was allowed to enter.

It's not that there are any great secrets in it that are afraid of being leaked, but that there are many dangerous things in it, which are not clear to professionals, and may be fatal.

Ye Zishu usually stays in the laboratories on the upper floors, and is usually busy in the office on the basement floor. The main reason why he stays here is cleanliness.

"Why did you come here suddenly?" Ye Zishu looked up at Pei Qing and Ye Ziqin and asked with a smile.

"Brother, I want to go for a ride in the big phoenix with my sister-in-law!" Ye Ziqin went straight and said it directly, but Pei Qing didn't speak at the side.

Ye Zishu looked at Pei Qing and saw that she also wanted to try, so he didn't intend to stop her. As long as they were safe, he had no reason to object.

As for before, I was mainly worried about his thoughts. In fact, he is not that passionate. It is human nature to love to play, and it can even be said to be the nature of all animals.

"You still want to come and ask me?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

"Isn't this sister-in-law wanting to ask you for instructions?" Ye Ziqin said.

"Don't listen to Ziqin's nonsense, the main reason is that flying around like this is too ostentatious." Pei Qing said quickly.

"Actually, I don't want you to play, but I don't think it's interesting to fly to the sky for ten or twenty minutes. If the power is insufficient and you fall down, shouldn't it be a waste of money?" Ye Zishu said.

"Can only fly so far?" Ye Ziqin asked in surprise.

"What do you think? It wasn't originally designed to be a mount. If you have to be a mount, it will naturally exceed the standard energy consumption." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"If it's only a ten-minute flight, it's probably going to be a round trip to the county seat. It's really not interesting!" Ye Ziqin's enthusiasm dropped sharply.

She thought she could fly in the sky all the time, because the two phoenixes could fly around the clock without people on board, but that's all.

The reason is that their internal battery capacity is not particularly large. The reason why they can fly around the clock is also due to their huge body and solar power hair on their bodies, which can continuously replenish power.

In addition, it is a bionic power system itself, which saves energy consumption compared with traditional mechanical power systems, but the flying speed will not be particularly fast, and the cruising speed is only about 80 kilometers per hour.

If it is too fast, the energy consumption will increase, and there is no way to achieve unlimited battery life. If one person sits, it will not simply increase the weight, but the energy consumption will increase exponentially.

"How about tomorrow, I'll transform those two phoenixes, and then I won't have such worries, even if I fly all over the country, there will be no problem." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Ye Ziqin suddenly became happy, and quickly took Pei Qing out to bring the two phoenixes, without even giving Pei Qing a chance to speak.

After a while, the two phoenixes came to the laboratory unsteadily, and Ye Zishu directly asked the general robot experimenter to take them to the underground laboratory.

The renovation project, one is to install a new energy system, replace the battery with higher energy density and the supporting power supply system.

The second is to install a set of riding equipment. You can't just sit on it, not to mention that it is easy to fall off with little effort, and it is uncomfortable to sit for a long time.

It stands to reason that a set of protective equipment should be provided for the two phoenixes, but he doesn't think it is necessary. When they ride, they can order their own space field to cover the mount.

In fact, if their space field covers the whole body of the human body and the mount, it can avoid the influence of the earth's gravity, because the surrounding space is very far away from the earth's gravitational field.

It is not a big problem to do this for a short time, but it will not work for a long time. After all, people have to breathe. As long as the surrounding space field is opened, it will not be able to isolate the influence of the earth's gravitational field.

Ye Shu didn't need to worry about these transformations, these universal robot experimenters could do it well. Seeing the two leave the laboratory, Ye Shu continued to work in the office.

During this period of time, he was busy with Jurassic Park when he was free. It was easy to say before, but when he actually did it, he found that it was not that simple.

The main reason is that there is still too little information about the Jurassic period that humans currently have. If you think it’s Jurassic Park just by getting a few dinosaurs, it’s not interesting.

What he wants is to build a small Jurassic Park ecosystem, which must be all-encompassing, including tall and mighty large dinosaurs, as well as small, flexible, and even cute dinosaurs.

There must also be other non-dinosaur creatures. Any ecosystem does not have only one or two kinds of creatures, but a large number of creatures along the biological chain, and each creature can find its own living position.

In addition, it is necessary to restore the plants of the Jurassic period as much as possible. The current plants must be very different from the Jurassic period. It makes no sense for animals to be replaced one crop after another, but plants will not be replaced.

In order to achieve this goal, his method is a bit simple and crude, that is, based on the collection of existing known information, use a super quantum computer to simulate.

Based on the climate environment and geological conditions of the Jurassic period and other factors, plus some information from the current archaeological discoveries, the simulation is carried out.

There may be many simulated versions, and then Leaf Book can conduct a comprehensive simulation of these versions to see which ecosystem is the most stable.

As for whether the final result of the simulation is exactly the same as the Jurassic period, no one can guarantee, let alone no one has seen it with their own eyes, even if they have seen it with their own eyes, it is impossible to understand it in such detail.

As long as it is probably not bad, no one has seen it with their own eyes anyway. It can even be said that the simulated ecosystem of the Jurassic period may be more known than the so-called experts.

After all, the computing power of super quantum computers has broken through the sky. Compared with archaeological discoveries, their various simulated versions may be closer to reality.

At present, the super quantum computer has simulated an unknown number of versions, and most of the versions collapsed after the simulation reaches a certain level, indicating that there may be some errors in the directionality.

No matter what kind of computer it is, it is perfected in the process of continuous trial and error and repeated improvements. Although I don’t know how many times it failed, there are still several relatively stable versions of the Jurassic ecosystem.

It’s just that Ye Shu thinks it’s not enough, anyway, he’s not in a hurry, let the super quantum computer do more calculations to simulate some successful versions, and he’ll talk about it after reading it.

The reason is actually very simple. The current successful versions are not suitable for tourism projects in his opinion because they are too bloody and violent.

Although he knows that the natural world is a world where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp, but as a tourist project, try to be as concealed as possible, so as not to expose the bloody violence too nakedly.

In addition to being too violent and bloody, there is also a relatively poor natural environment. It is also a virgin forest and a grassland, some of which can be beautiful, but some are very ordinary.

So he needs more versions, which must not only achieve the wild feeling of the primitive forest, but also have a sense of modern human aesthetics, so that when you come here, you can not only see various creatures from the Jurassic period, but also see Lots of great views.

Only by keeping tourists here as long as possible can the development of the surrounding economy be driven, and the indirect income generated will be much higher. This is different from mandatory stays, and tourists will willingly stay for a few more days.

In addition to the computer simulation of the Jurassic period, Ye Zishu himself is also looking at these materials. Although it is so far away from modern times, these experts and scholars have collected a lot of materials and research results.

No matter how fast he reads, it still takes a lot of time to set aside one or two hours a day to read. If even he doesn't have enough knowledge reserves, how can he judge that the results of the super quantum computer simulation are reasonable?

In addition, he has to prepare technical reserves in advance. After all, it is not an easy task to recreate the ecology of the Jurassic period, and a lot of technology is required.

Not to mention other things, let's talk about such a huge biological system, just relying on human beings to design slowly, even the most advanced genetic design ability will not help.

He needs to design a super intelligent genetic design system that can automatically design related animal and plant genes based on the data simulated by super quantum computing.

At the same time, it is necessary to integrate the knowledge he has learned about biological robots, which is not entirely biological genes, and there is still a big difference from the genetic design technology he gave to Qilin Agricultural Development Group and Taiji Group.

Moreover, if you want to quickly build the environment of the Jurassic period, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to do it with ordinary manpower, and the cost is too high.

He must use new technology, which can be carried out in a relatively short period of time according to the results simulated by the super quantum computer, which is obviously beyond the reach of ordinary technology.

Even if it is built according to the design, how to maintain the climate required by the entire ecology will also be a problem that needs to be faced.

These are all things that he needs to do slowly, and some of them need to search a lot of information to find a more suitable method. In the process, he can also learn a lot of new knowledge.

For example, he found small-scale climate modification and maintenance technologies in the virtual library, but he felt that the cost was too high and it was not suitable.

Now he wants to find out whether it can be realized by using special fields. Compared with ordinary science and technology, using fields to realize is obviously a higher-end method, but he has not figured it out yet.

Ye Zishu didn't get up the next day, he usually gets up around 8 o'clock, this has been an old habit for many years, and there are not many things going on now, so there is no need to change it.

Ye Ziqin started yelling outside the door, chatting with Pei Qing very loudly, as if he didn't hear it, he suddenly felt why the school had a summer vacation, which made these students panic.

She opened her eyes and looked at the time, and found that it was only half past seven, and Pei Qing usually got up earlier than Ye Zishu, so Ye Ziqin probably came here during Pei Qing's work and rest time.

Now I can't sleep anymore, I got up and started to wash, and then opened the door, I saw Ye Ziqin and Pei Qing sitting at the dining table talking and laughing, I don't know what happy things they said.

"Get up, hurry up and eat!" Pei Qing said quickly when she saw him coming out.

Now the three meals a day at home are very punctual, and the universal robot is very proficient in timing and doing things, even breakfast has many tricks.

In the past two years, it seems that breakfast is rarely repeated. Anyway, breakfast is almost eaten in all parts of the country. Today's breakfast is relatively light, with only one soup powder.

Not long after Ye Zishu sat down, the universal robot brought over his breakfast, which was just right, and there was carrot fried meat on top of the soup powder. This habit was the habit of his hometown.

Although it is a bit nondescript, it suits his appetite. With the delicious soup, the whole person feels very good after a bowl of soup, but he can't eat too much for breakfast.

Seeing that he had finished eating, Ye Ziqin said: "Brother, let's go and see those two phoenixes. I was thinking about this all night last night, and even planned the flight route."

"Actually, I don't recommend that you fly too far. It's already summer, and it's not worth it to get you tanned." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Don't lie to me, there is space protection equipment, how could you be sunburned!" Ye Ziqin retorted immediately.

Unexpectedly, her reaction was so fast, Ye Zishu immediately lost his temper, causing Pei Qing who was next to her to laugh non-stop, and there were not many chances to make him feel embarrassed.

Ye Zishu wiped his mouth and said, "Okay, I guess the transformation should have been completed by this time, let's go and have a look!"

He took two people to the underground laboratory, but did not enter the real laboratory, but waited for the general robot to send the two phoenixes up.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, two huge phoenixes finally appeared in front of the three of them. There was no change in appearance, except that there was a cushion behind the two phoenixes.

It is not obvious when not in use, but when in use, the cushion will be inflated in a short time, making it more comfortable for people to sit on.

In addition, there is a stretchable and adjustable backrest behind the cushion, which is not an ordinary mechanical structure, so it is not very convenient to stretch and stretch, and it is not very comfortable to use.

Instead, special bionic materials are used to make the backrest. Ye Ziqin and Pei Qing can use the artificial intelligence in the space protection equipment to control the height and inclination angle of the backrest, and even the hardness can be adjusted.

If you don't want to sit, you can also adjust to bed rest, but the sun in the sky is a bit dazzling, and you will have trouble with your eyes when lying down, unless you squint all the time.

Through the introduction of Universal Robots, the two ladies were very satisfied with this transformation, and then asked Ye Zishu to lead the two phoenixes outside, while the two of them disappeared after a puff of smoke, and they didn't know what to do.

Ye Zishu waited outside with the two phoenixes for more than 20 minutes, only to see that they were all dressed up in a fairy tale film and television drama. Is this for role-playing?

"Isn't it just to go out for a flight, there is no need to dress up like this?" Ye Zishu felt that the two were troublesome, so he couldn't help but said.

"Brother, you have no interest in life at all, don't you think it's a bit awkward to drive such a fairy mount and wear modern clothes?

The way we are dressed now matches these two phoenixes. Maybe others will think that they are immortals descending from the earth. Do you think it is interesting? "Ye Ziqin said with a smile.

Ye Zishu couldn't complain about their weird ideas anymore. Could it be that other people are fools? Robot pets are nothing new now.

Perhaps guessing Ye Zishu's thoughts, Pei Qing said, "The pair of phoenixes I bought was only produced as a pair. The reason is probably that the price is too high. The Kirin Basic Industry Group thinks it may be too much. Sell ​​it!"

"Okay, you can do whatever you want! Are you coming back for lunch?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I don't know yet. If we fly too far, we'll just find a place to eat. If we don't fly too far, we'll come back to eat!" Ye Ziqin said.

"Okay, I'll cook for myself at noon, and it won't be too late if you come back!" Ye Zishu said.

Ye Ziqin and Pei Qing were speechless when they heard his words. Even if it was a waste, wouldn't it be a waste of two people's food? How much is it worth?

But he didn't tease him, as if it was useless to say it, he didn't actually deduct it, but felt that such a waste was unnecessary and a meaningless waste.

Although this pair of phoenixes is a male and a female, there is not much difference in size, and the two did not deliberately choose, each randomly found one, and then let it lie down.

It was too high to stand up, and the two of them couldn't get up at all. After they sat on the special cushion and waited for about ten seconds, they obtained absolute control over the cushion.

I saw that the originally flat cushion changed instantly. The cushion began to thicken, and then something like a soft rope stretched out from around the cushion, quickly weaving it into a backrest and an armrest.

Even in order to avoid falling due to forward leaning, a railing is specially provided in front, so that there is no risk of falling as long as it is flying normally.

However, when the flight is unstable, there will be additional measures that can directly fix their bodies, but it is usually not used.

Seeing that they were both ready, Ye Zishu stood a little further away, and the two phoenixes stood up from their prone position, making them seem to be sitting on the top of a two-story building.

Subconsciously screamed a few times, while Ye Zishu was watching a show beside him. Don't think it's cool to fly on such a mount. In fact, he doesn't have a strong psychological quality, and it is easy to make people afraid of heights.

This is just standing up, but the height of an ordinary two-story building, when flying, the highest flying altitude is as high as more than 5,000 meters. Looking down from this height, it is very scary.

In fact, the factory setting of this pair of Phoenixes does not have such a high altitude, and the maximum flying altitude is only 500 meters. The reason is that it is unnecessary to be too high, and the high air flow is strong, which is prone to problems.

During the renovation yesterday, although the appearance did not change much, in fact many things inside were changed, otherwise they would not be allowed to fly around.

The two phoenixes flapped their wings a few times, as if they were adjusting their state, and then began to flap continuously, the frequency became higher and higher, and their feet left the ground after a while.

There is no need for run-up like ordinary birds, the reason is that the flight directly off the ground is more stable, especially when landing, it is particularly important.

I saw the two phoenixes with their feet off the ground, their flapping wings changed slightly, and then began to slide forward, and then went up in a spiral, flying to a height of hundreds of meters in an instant.

The maximum flying speed of the two phoenixes before was only 80 kilometers per hour. After the modification, the flying speed of the two phoenixes can reach thousands of kilometers per hour at the fastest.

The reason for doing this is mainly because of the protection of the space field. If there is no such thing, let alone a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour, even a speed of tens of kilometers per hour, people will not be able to stand it.

The modified two phoenixes can be said to be completely in accordance with the standard of mounts, and only their family can do this, other people really can't do it.

"Brother, let's go!"

"Honey, goodbye!"

The two ladies greeted him at high altitude, and without waiting for his response, they directly controlled the Phoenix to fly out of the village, and disappeared from his sight in an instant.

Just when the two were happily riding the phoenix for a ride, the villagers panicked. Several villagers ran to him and asked why. The villagers naturally saw what the two of them did just now.

After Ye Zishu explained for a while, they believed that it was a technological product. They thought it was a real phoenix. Don't blame them for being too superstitious, but it was beyond their cognition.

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