Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 957 Xiti News Hot Search List No. 1 and Emergency Landing Device

"Mom, look at the phoenix in the sky!" A boy who was shopping with his mother jumped up excitedly when he saw two huge phoenixes flying in the sky.

At the same time, she desperately held her mother's hand. The woman looked up at the sky, and found that there were two flying objects in the shape of phoenixes flying over her head, not like kites.

The main reason is that the current wind is not too strong, and it is not a good day to fly a kite. The woman immediately picked up the phone, opened the software and took pictures, and then posted them on the Internet.

Naturally, not only the little boy discovered such a spectacle, as long as the whole county is still walking outside, it is possible to see it after being reminded by others, and they took pictures to record it.

Ye Ziqin and Pei Qing didn't dare to fly too high, and only kept a distance of about 500 meters from the ground. At the same time, they didn't dare to fly too fast, and they were a little cautious at first.

However, if you want to see the great rivers and mountains clearly, you really have to lower the altitude. If it is too high, you may not be able to see anything except white clouds.

Seeing the brand-new county town, the two made a few laps in the air, then headed south along the Nanshan Mountain, entered Poyang Lake, lowered their altitude, and passed by the lake at low altitude.

Flying like this on the vast lake is very exciting, even the phoenix broke the lake water with its claws, and the splash caused by the beating of its wings made the two feel very exciting.

This scene was also seen by the workers who cultivated pearls on Poyang Lake, and they photographed it and posted it on the Internet. This time it was much clearer, and they could clearly see someone sitting on it.

"Tell me, is what we just saw a hallucination?" One person asked the companion next to him after taking the photo.

"It can be fake, didn't you see that even the photos were taken?" Another person said while taking his mobile phone and zooming in on the pictures.

It's a pity that the pixels of the mobile phone are not very high. After zooming in, it is not clear, so I have to give up and return the phone to my companion. If it is a high-end model worth tens of thousands of yuan, the pixel will be much higher.

"But look, their outfits are a bit like those in fairy tales!" The companion took the phone and said to the costumes inside.

"It's not that you haven't been online before, and it's not that you can't buy such clothes. Maybe they wear them like this on purpose. You don't really think you're a fairy, do you?"

Being teased by his companion, the other party didn't take it seriously at all, but continued: "Tell me if the phoenix they are riding is real. I have never seen such a big bird, and it is also a bird in the shape of a phoenix."

This stumped my companions. Except for airplanes, balloons, and airships, I have never seen other products that can carry people.

And who would be able to fly such an aircraft if they have nothing to do, the wind blowing directly in front of them can blow people away, but judging from the appearance just now, the other party was sitting upright without being affected at all.

The companion couldn't speak for a long time, so he could only keep silent. Anyway, he didn't believe in gods, even if there were gods, he wouldn't be so ostentatious, otherwise it wouldn't be a legend.

"Let's wait, there are many great gods on the Internet, and there must be someone who is more knowledgeable than us!" The companion finally said.

The two flew aimlessly, without worrying about causing trouble to others. They crossed Poyang Lake and began to fly north. There is a very famous mountain here, that is Mount Lu. ….Since Phoenix has its own navigation function, you don’t have to worry about getting lost in the sky. After arriving at Mount Lushan, you start to lower the altitude again, and you can have a panoramic view of the mountains, rivers and rivers here.

Then it landed in a square in Guling Town, Lushan Mountain, and immediately attracted a large number of tourists to watch. It is summer now, and many tourists come to Lushan Mountain to escape the summer heat.

The two of them were not embarrassed at all. After standing on the ground, the two phoenixes did not stop, and flew into the air again, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Now that the phoenix flew away, everyone could only stare at them, but Ye Ziqin was kind-hearted, and the master explained: "This is a robot pet we bought, not a real phoenix!"

Listening to her explanation, many people suddenly realized that robot pets are nothing new.

Maybe some of these tourists bought it, even if they didn't buy it, there is a lot of information about robot pets on the Internet.

As long as anyone who has been in contact with the Internet can have access to this kind of information, everyone is scattered, but many people speculate on how expensive these two machine phoenixes are.

Because ordinary robot pets are very expensive, many people have complained about them. Even the cheapest robot pets are not less than 100,000 yuan, and most pets are around 200,000 yuan.

Such a big phoenix, and it can also carry people to fly, how much does it cost? Think about a helicopter, the general price is several million yuan, or even tens of millions of yuan.

Helicopter flying is not as convenient as these two phoenixes. Looking at the situation just now, after they play, they can still contact the phoenix and let the phoenix fly down to greet them. Helicopters alone cannot do this.

Everyone has not realized how flying without much protection like this can solve the adverse effects of high-air currents on the human body. The focus is on the price of the two Phoenixes and how rich they are.

This is the first time Pei Qing has come to Mount Lushan. She has been busy with Tai Chi Group affairs before, so she has no time to travel around at all.

Then I followed Ye Zishu back to my hometown, and I became even more homebound. Except for shopping in the county, I basically stayed at home, so I didn't travel to Lushan Mountain, which is not too far away.

Ye Ziqin has been here before, she has more time as a student, plus she has money, and it is not too far from the county, only an hour or two by car, so it is very convenient to travel here.

Originally, the two of them were just having a meal, Ye Ziqin saw that Pei Qing had never traveled here, so she acted as a temporary tour guide and took Pei Qing to the main attractions.

In fact, the scenery of Lushan Mountain is not particularly beautiful. The biggest difference from other famous mountains and rivers is that this is a summer resort. The top of the mountain is very open and there are many places to live.

In addition, the business atmosphere is good, and the prices are much lower than other famous mountains and rivers. You can drive directly to the top of the mountain, which is also a condition that other famous mountains and rivers do not have.

If you don’t need money, you can come here during the non-peak season and stay for ten days and a half months, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money, which is similar to the fancy of other ordinary commercial areas. This is also one of the conditions for becoming a summer resort.

Although there are not many beautiful natural scenery here, even the Lushan Waterfall, which "flows down three thousand feet", is not large because it is summer and there is less rain. ...But there are quite a lot of historical attractions here, such as the villa where the teacher lived, the Meilu where Song Meiling lived, etc., you must see it when you come, and you may be a little disappointed.

This is a major feature of scenic tourism. If Ye Zishu came, he would definitely say that as long as you don't have strong expectations for anything, you won't have strong regrets or disappointments.

It took an afternoon to visit many scenic spots here. The two of them didn't whistle like in the movies and TV dramas and let the mounts fly down from the sky.

Instead, just give orders in your mind. Under modern technology, even the so-called martial arts and fairy tales are not enough. It seems that the modern technological society is more advanced.

The two had just walked to the square where they landed before, and the two phoenixes grew from small dots in the sky to bigger in a short while, and then appeared in front of their eyes, and fell safely.

This attracted a large group of people to stop and watch. The two phoenixes really attracted people's attention. The phoenix lying on its stomach and letting the two of them ride on it was obviously beyond the perception of many people.

Someone took a picture of the whole process and posted it on the Internet. Unfortunately, the two of them didn't stay here for long. After sitting down, they took off immediately and disappeared into the vast sky in an instant.

Since it was almost time for dinner, the two of them didn't continue to hang out, and went straight to the house in the Phoenix, returning home just in time for dinner.

Ye Zishu also guessed that it was time for dinner, so he sat in the gazebo and waited for the two of them. When he saw two small black dots in the sky, he knew it was the two of them.

Sure enough, after a while, two huge phoenixes were clearly seen, and then landed on the atrium square in an instant, and the two moved neatly.

The two phoenixes didn't stop, and flew up again, and went to rest in their old nest. In fact, the main reason is that they are too big, and they feel a little in the way here.

"How do you feel?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile when he saw the two of them coming to the gazebo.

"It's very good, it's much more fun than flying, and we went to visit Mount Lushan in the afternoon!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"You guys had a good time, but the Internet is a mess. Congratulations, you are the number one on the Internet hot search list!" Ye Zishu poured a cup of tea for the two of them each, and said with a smile.

Ye Ziqin didn't care about this, and said with a smile: "Isn't this better? Robot pets will sell more!"

Ye Zishu shook his head after hearing this, and said, "It's not as easy as you said. Don't look at it as a one-night renovation. In fact, the two phoenixes have all been replaced except for the appearance."

While the three of them were talking, the Emperor of Truth finally appeared on the Internet. First, someone confirmed that the two phoenixes were indeed robot pets, because the person who posted the message had seen them when he was visiting a robot pet shop.

It's just that the price is a bit scary, 20 million yuan for one, and it's not sold separately. It takes 40 million yuan to buy two together. No one is willing to pay such a high price for this.

However, the person who broke the news said that the salesman did not tell him that the two phoenixes could fly by riding them. If he had told him this at the time, he might have bought them. ….Not to mention other things, just saving transportation costs is not small, this is to take an airplane with you anytime, anywhere, and it is much easier to use than an airplane.

The news platform is an intelligent platform, which will automatically organize hot news into news series. When the confirmed post comes out, it will be directly ranked in the front.

People who have seen it, apart from envy, the only feeling is that they are really rich. They spent 40 million yuan to sell two robot pets. Sure enough, ordinary people in the world of rich people cannot imagine.

Of course, some people think that 40 million yuan is not expensive. If you really have the advantage of riding and flying, it is worth the price. Riding is definitely more attractive than flying a plane.

Then Pei Qing's identity was also exposed. Apart from changing their attire, the two of them didn't make up on purpose so that others wouldn't see it.

In addition, Pei Qing often showed up before, so she is no stranger to her appearance, so it is not surprising to see that it is her. As for Ye Ziqin, she was not spared being picked out either.

It's just that she didn't find out her identity as the anchor, because during the live broadcast, beauty software was used, making it difficult to connect with her as a real person.

She also has a lot of classmates and friends, and it is impossible to be a little transparent. When everyone learned that she is Ye Zishu's younger sister, everyone was not surprised at all.

Who Ye Zishu is, there are probably very few people who don't know. With his wealth and status, the price of two mechanical phoenixes is in his eyes.

Seeing these comments, Ye Zishu couldn't help complaining, although he is indeed rich, but he hasn't taken 40 million yuan into his eyes, not to mention the company's money is not his personal money, there is a big difference Far.

"Look, it's fine to ride by yourself, but you still have to show off around the city, won't you be picked up by others?" Ye Zishu handed the phone to Ye Ziqin, and laughed and cursed angrily.

Ye Ziqin took a look at the phone and said with a smile: "Why should I think, your sister and I are not shameful, so I have to hide it?"

Seeing her stubborn mouth, Ye Zishu said angrily: "After school, let's see if you can still say that!"

At that time, there will probably be no people on campus who don't know her, and there will be different eyes looking at her wherever she goes. If she doesn't have a strong psychological quality, she will really feel uncomfortable.

"You miscalculated, I have been an anchor, how could I not get used to being watched by others!" Ye Ziqin countered.

"Okay, we've been shopping all afternoon, and we're already very hungry, let's eat!" Seeing that the two seemed to be addicted, Pei Qing hurriedly said.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu didn't continue talking. He didn't really care about it, as long as Ye Ziqin thought it was okay.

After dinner, Ye Zishu took the time to look at the news and public opinion, and found that the company that produces robotic pets under the Kirin Basic Industry Group actually came out to refute the rumors.

First of all, they admitted that they had produced robot pets that looked exactly like these two phoenixes. As for whether they were bought by Pei Qing, they must have information, but they didn't disclose it. After all, it belonged to the client.

The second is to declare that the Phoenix they produced does have the ability to fly, and can even fly with people for a short time, but it is definitely not designed for manned. …. Judging from the comprehensive information on the Internet, they think that the robot pet phoenix they produced does not have such a strong ability to carry people. I hope everyone will not confuse it.

If it is another company, I wish this hot spot has something to do with them. This will not only improve the corporate image, but also increase product sales.

However, the companies under him have high requirements for business ethics, which is a basic part of corporate culture, so it is not surprising that they came out to clarify the facts.

But what is interesting is the third point. They even said that although they can't make such an advanced manned robot pet yet, they will analyze the difficulty later.

For example, energy system problems, the impact of airflow on passengers, and accidental safety measures are not so easy to solve.

But they believe that they can make a bionic aircraft that is not too different. If someone needs to order it, they can place an order with them, and they accept private orders.

After reading Ye Zishu, I know how they did it. With their technology, they can actually make a long-endurance manned robotic pet aircraft, as long as they need to transplant the energy storage system on the personal flight suit.

It's just that the cost is too high if you do this, and many technologies in the personal flight suits cannot be taken away, that is, the personal flight suits operated in major scenic spots are all guarded by special personnel sent by them.

With a high probability, they will use the high-density battery of Huanyu Group as an energy storage device, and then open a hole on the back of the flying robot pet to make it look like a cockpit, which can resist the impact of high air flow on the occupants.

In other words, their so-called private customization, except that it looks like a flying pet, is actually no different from an airplane, it will be much less fun, and its battery life is not that strong.

However, for rich people, it is not bad to buy it as a toy. As for whether there is such a trick, it is not known.

Ye Zishu thought that the two ladies would not play again after playing for a day, and this matter had such a big impact, at least they knew how to restrain themselves.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them had breakfast the next day, they discussed where to go to play again, which made Ye Zishu very helpless. It seemed that this summer vacation did not plan to stop.

He regretted transforming the two mechanical phoenixes so perfectly, even if they didn't transform them, they would be much better than they are now, but it is impossible to stop them, after all, they are not doing bad things.

Ye Zishu can only let them wear the necessary things. If there is a problem at that time, it will be troublesome. Who knows where they will go to play, it is right to prepare more, anyway, there is a storage ring for it.

Watching the two of them flying into the sky on a phoenix, Ye Zishu shook his head and returned to his office to start his day's work.

First of all, he took a look at the sales of robot pets yesterday. It stands to reason that such hot news should help their sales of robot pets to some extent.

As a result, I opened it and found that it really worked, although the increase was not too obvious. After all, the matter had just fermented, and it only started after the afternoon.

Looking at the sales growth curve, there was a wave of upward momentum yesterday, an increase of 20,000 units from the previous day's sales, which is no longer a small number. ….For such an expensive product, the sales volume itself will not be very high. A sudden increase of 20,000 units is equivalent to suddenly selling 20,000 more cars, which is considered a good performance.

Next, he wants to see if the robot pet can continue to perform so well, so that it is not in vain for him to transform the two phoenixes so perfectly.

After reading the data, there is no such thing, and I directly started today's research project, which is the emergency landing device for high-rise buildings, which is mainly used for self-rescue in high-rise fires.

This idea suddenly appeared in his mind after seeing yesterday's news. At present, there are still big problems in the promotion of personal flying machines.

One is that the cost is very high, and most people really can’t afford it, and the other is that it may cause serious social problems. The most typical one is burglary, etc., which makes it easier. I won’t say much about the others.

In a modern society, living in high-rise buildings is an inevitable trend. Small towns like theirs are better off. Generally, residential buildings only have about eleven or two floors, and they will not be built too high.

But in big cities, the cost of land is relatively high, and most buildings are relatively high. Once a fire occurs, especially a severe fire, escape will become very difficult.

Earthquakes are not to be feared. After all, the buildings constructed by Wancheng Jiye are equipped with anti-seismic devices. What is feared is fires, which cannot be controlled. No matter how strict the rules and regulations are, it is impossible to prevent them from happening.

At this time, the emergency landing device comes in handy. As long as it is set on the chest, it can hold the chest tightly. The user can jump out of the window directly and bring the person to the ground safely.

This kind of device can only bring people down from a high altitude, but it cannot take people up from the ground. On the one hand, the power is not enough, on the other hand, the energy is not enough, and the third is that the system does not allow it at all.

This kind of device must be light, and neither the weight nor the volume should be too large. The built-in power device must be relatively small. He controlled its maximum static load at 150 kg.

Ordinary fat people should not be so heavy. No matter how fat they are, they may not be able to walk. There is no need to carry such a device. The design can only take care of the majority, and there is no need to greatly increase the cost for a few people.

Since it is close-fitting equipment, ordinary jet devices cannot be used. He chose to use a distributed self-suction power device, which sucks in air from the outside and

For others, such a device is very difficult to process and the technical content is not low, but for Kirin Basic Industries Group, it is not a rare technology, and it is still easy to manufacture.

The most difficult part is actually the energy storage device. This kind of thing is usually used in an emergency, and it is usually not special. Therefore, after a full charge, it cannot automatically run out of power after a while, and the leakage rate must be low enough.

The second is that the weight must be light enough, and the energy density must be high enough. Anyway, with the current battery technology of Huanyu Group, it is very difficult to achieve this.

Ye Zishu didn't think about it for a while, and directly decided to develop a new type of high-energy lithium-ion battery. Before, because the price of lithium mines was very high, Huanyu Group kept lithium-ion batteries except for the consumer electronics field.

Other fields have replaced sodium-ion batteries. In contrast, sodium-ion batteries have lower storage capacity than lithium-ion batteries at the same weight and technical level, which is determined by physical characteristics.

Now the seawater desalination plant of Kirin Environmental Industry Group is operating on a large scale, and the metal lithium separated from seawater has reached 170,000 tons, which has exceeded the global lithium production capacity.

Therefore, the price of lithium is much lower than before. Of course, no matter how low it is, it will not be lower than sodium. The reserves of the two are not on the same order of magnitude. With the reserves of lithium, it will never be the price of cabbage.

The energy density of ordinary lithium-ion batteries is still relatively limited. He plans to develop more advanced lithium-ion batteries to increase the energy density to a satisfactory level.

In fact, in terms of cost, it is more appropriate to use chemical energy, but miniaturization requires the use of thermoelectric conversion materials. At present, this material is still in the confidential stage, and naturally it will not be used in products for public sale.

After completing the design of the whole set, Ye Zishu estimated the cost. The total cost of a set of such a device is about 20,000 yuan, which is estimated based on the cost of Kirin Basic Industry Group.

If it is handed over to an outside company for production, the cost will be more than that. The cost of a distributed micro-channel power system alone will be several times higher, and it is not known whether a qualified product can be produced.

Such a set of devices has a total weight of 3 kg, can be used continuously for half an hour when fully charged, and comes with an intelligent management system. It is almost enough for a family to be equipped with such a device.

After putting the person on the ground, it will automatically take off and continue to rescue other family members. This is the biggest feature of this set of preparations. The warranty period is 10 years, and the battery is charged once every six months. The market price is about 50,000 yuan.

Although the technical content is not low, it is too expensive for the market to accept. If this price can guarantee the safety of the whole family, well-off families may be equipped with one set. .

Milky pudding reminds you: remember to collect after reading

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