Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 958: The completion of the main dredging project of the Yellow River


On August 1, Kirin Industrial Group and relevant departments held the completion and official operation ceremony of the east-to-west water transmission project, which was held only two months after the water was connected.

The main reason is that it was a trial run before. After a two-month adaptation period, if there are any problems, it should be exposed. The current operation is in good condition, and there are no engineering and technical omissions.

At this time, it is necessary to hold a grand ceremony. Don't look at the Kirin Industrial Group, which only took more than half a year to complete the construction of the east-to-west water transfer project from scratch.

From the perspectives of technical difficulty, project volume and the significance of its existence, this project can be rated as one of the super projects of this century.

This is to use the power of human beings to forcibly create a world-class waterway, and it is also a water transportation project against nature, which is completely worthy of a grand ceremony.

Originally, he wanted to invite Ye Zishu to participate in the past, but he didn't agree. Now that he has nothing to do, there is no need to add things to himself.

And because he didn't hold any position and belonged to Xianyun Yehe, he didn't want to participate, and it was difficult for others to say otherwise, so he could only respect his personal wishes.

It was also from this grand ceremony that everyone suddenly discovered that such a huge water transfer project was completed in just over half a year, and many people felt a little unbelievable.

At that time, most people believed that it would take at least 5 years to complete the project. After all, the annual water delivery volume is here, and the construction work alone will take a lot of time.

Everyone thought that in order to save operating costs, engineering construction would open roads and build bridges when encountering water. In fact, they did not place too much emphasis on operating costs.

If you can make a detour, try to detour as much as possible. Compared with digging tunnels, the cost of detours is a lot, but the construction period will not be delayed. It is possible to build bridges when encountering water, but currently only simple facilities are used.

There is only one purpose, first to achieve the whole project goal, as for other aspects, it can be done slowly in the future, for example, in order to reduce the length of the path, some tunnels will be excavated.

More formal bridges will also be built on various waterways. After these are completed, appropriate modifications will be made to the main route from east to west, which will not delay things.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to complete such a project in more than half a year. It may take more than half the time just to dig a long tunnel.

So if you look at it from the map, it is obvious that the entire main water pipeline is twisted and twisted, and most of them will avoid densely populated cities to avoid problems that cause floods and cause casualties.

In order to avoid man-made damage in a special period, causing too much impact on nearby residents and land,

Smart water gates will be set up every 10 kilometers or so throughout the pipeline.

As long as it is judged that the water flow in the pipeline is abnormal, the two sluice gates in front of and behind the problematic pipeline section will be closed immediately, so that even if the water pipe leaks, only the water in the pipeline section of about 10 kilometers will overflow.

In fact, there are still many measures to ensure the safety of the pipeline, such as setting up security and maintenance personnel along the line, using robots and manual review inspection operations, and so on.

After these pipelines are put into operation, they can provide more than 100,000 direct jobs and tens of thousands of indirect jobs every year. From the perspective of employment, this project is also of great significance.

Ye Zishu watched their project documentary at home, it was very magnificent, and it was very moving. Everyone put in a lot of effort for this project.

It's a pity that he, who made an important contribution, didn't show up in the camera. If he hadn't heard his name from the mouth of the scientific researcher, others would have thought he wasn't involved.

In fact, the most important technical part of this project was done by him. If he did not provide advanced piping materials, the cost of the piping alone would rise sharply, the manufacturing period would be extended for a long time, and the later maintenance costs would be even greater.

Without the super water pump he provided, it would be no easy task to efficiently transport such a large amount of water thousands of kilometers away, not to mention the loss in the middle.

Of course, without the existence of the thermal radiation energy-absorbing field, the entire project would not exist. No one can afford the operating costs, not even the country.

The entire documentary has been widely disseminated not only on domestic Internet and TV, but also on foreign Internet and media. It is the most intuitive material for everyone to understand this project.

It may be because the publicity is very good. Many countries with water shortages have sent cooperation requests to Kirin Industrial Group, hoping to introduce technology to solve their domestic water shortage problems.

In fact, most countries have more or less water shortage problems, but some countries can alleviate the problem of water shortage through management means.

But some countries are helpless, especially for relatively poor countries without industry and technology, they can only silently endure the punishment of nature and live a hard life.

Among them, the Middle East countries are the most active. For them, water is the most precious resource, and they are not short of money, so they have the strongest desire for cooperation.

Kirin Industrial Group also intends to establish more water resource supply cooperation around the world. It is an indisputable fact that the world is facing a shortage of water resources. How to solve the problem of water resource shortage is also a major problem facing the world.

More than one billion people in the world are in a state of extreme water shortage, more than two billion people are in a state of high water shortage, and the number of people in a state of slight water shortage is even larger.

Although there were technologies such as desalination of sea water in the past, the cost was relatively high, and only developed countries or wealthy countries could easily afford it.

Kirin Industrial Group already has the technical conditions to provide cheap water resources, as long as countries around the world are willing to cooperate with them, they will basically refuse to come.

Kirin Industrial Group does not intend to make much money from the water, and intends to provide it to the world as a global public basic resource, and does not seek excess profits.

Of course, they won't suffer a lot if they do this. Although the profits from water supply are not high, the separation of seawater minerals can bring them a lot of money.

For this west-to-east water transmission project, the various minerals that have been separated can easily allow Kirin Environmental Industry Group to earn more than one trillion yuan in revenue.

Although the progress of international cooperation will not be so fast, and the scale of cooperation in a single country is relatively limited, the total amount is still considerable.

With the competitiveness of Kirin Environmental Industry Group, as long as it actively participates in global competition, it is still easy to beat other water companies and dominate the entire market. Of course, political factors must be excluded in this process.

At that time, the water business alone will be able to generate several trillion yuan in revenue for Kirin Environmental Industry Group every year, and the mineral resources obtained from seawater will be a very promising business.

The most important thing is that once you really grasp the entire market, it means lying down to make money. Although the profit rate will not be too high, it is very stable.

Just half a month after the official operation ceremony was held here, the first phase of another major project, the Yellow River dredging, was finally completed, and this project took a long time.

The construction started at the beginning of last year. If you count from the preparation, the project took nearly two years to widen a river with an annual flow of 50 billion cubic meters to an annual runoff of up to 500 billion cubic meters.

This work can also be recorded in the annals of history. From ancient times to the present, no one has been able to complete such a magnificent project, thanks to the industrialization era and the advancement of science and technology.

Five super giant excavators, like five water fortresses, are distributed in various sections of the Yellow River, excavating an astonishing 1 million tons of earthwork per hour.

Without these five super excavators, it would be impossible to achieve the goal in such a short period of time. It would take at least 10 years to increase the runoff capacity of the Yellow River by 10 times.

The manpower and material resources spent are countless. It is difficult to start such a project when it is not necessary, and it is likely to be evaluated as a project that wastes money and people.

Of course, the Yellow River dredging project is also necessary. With the increase of rainfall in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, if the Yellow River is not dredged, a large number of floods will inevitably occur.

To be honest, it is also fortunate that the dredging work of the Yellow River was carried out in time. With the arrival of summer and the official operation of the east-to-west water transfer project, the water flow of the Yellow River has increased significantly.

According to the latest monitoring data, it is found that the annual runoff of the Yellow River may reach about 100 billion cubic meters based on the current data, directly doubling the previous one.

This is still two months of trial operation for the East-to-West Water Transmission Project. If it has been in operation for several years, when the groundwater is replenished, the surface ecology will be improved and the rainfall will increase significantly.

It is conservatively estimated that the annual runoff of the Yellow River is likely to reach about 500 billion cubic meters. This is not an exaggeration. It transports 1 trillion tons of water to the west every year.

Except for a part of the evaporation that did not land in the Yellow River Basin, most of the evaporation will still form rainfall. Even if there is no rainfall, Qilin Environmental Industry Group can make them fall.

There is also a considerable part of the surface water that will flow into the Yellow River through the tributaries of the Yellow River, resulting in a surge in the water volume of the Yellow River. Only one Yellow River runs through the northwest and diverts a large amount of water to the ocean.

Of course, doing so is not without disadvantages. The famous Hukou Waterfall may not be seen in the future. In order to be able to realize year-round navigation, this is the price that must be paid.

The year-round navigability of the entire basin requires not only a large amount of water flow from the Yellow River throughout the year, but also a relatively flat terrain and relatively gentle water flow throughout the river, so that ships can easily navigate.

However, compared with the economic benefits brought by the navigation of the whole basin throughout the year, the economic benefits brought by these tourist attractions are negligible, and everyone can still settle the account.

The dredging project is only part of the management of the Yellow River. The next step is to increase the water and soil conservation of the entire Yellow River Basin to prevent the Yellow River from carrying a large amount of sediment and blocking the river.

At present, the water and soil conservation work in the entire Yellow River Basin is under the responsibility of Qilin Environmental Industry Group. Before the dredging work has not been completed, the water and soil conservation work can only be controlled to a limited extent.

For example, a certain area on both sides of the Yellow River cannot be treated. The reason is that during the dredging process, a large amount of sediment will be sprayed to both sides, making it impossible to carry out work at all.

Moreover, in order to make the terrain on both sides of the river relatively flat, earthworks on the riverbanks have to be carried out in the later stage. This work has not been fully completed. After all, it is still a bit slow to rely on earthmoving trucks.

At present, Kylin Environmental Industry Group is mainly focusing on the water and soil conservation work on the Loess Plateau in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, covering the originally bare yellow land here with a layer of green clothing.

Judging from the pictures they sent over, and Ye Zishu's inspection in June, this work has been done very well, and the entire Loess Plateau has been covered in green.

It's just that due to the relatively short time, at present, a large number of grass seeds are scattered through drones and other aerial operation equipment, so most of these greens are also grown grass.

To really manage the Loess Plateau, it is not enough to rely on grass vegetation to achieve soil and water conservation, but also to form large forests of trees in suitable places.

Only in this way will the soil and water conservation work be more effective. This work is currently being carried out and is mainly divided into two parts. One part will arrange artificial planting of trees, mainly in areas with better terrain or areas with more people.

It is not necessary to do this, but to provide jobs for local residents. Due to the need for the management of the Loess Plateau, many local residents need to return their farmland to forests.

Some of the residents will be relocated to the surrounding cities to settle down, but the number of residents in the entire Loess Plateau is as high as hundreds of millions, and it is impossible for all of them to be properly arranged.

Therefore, there are still a considerable number of residents who cannot be relocated, but returning the farmland to forests is something that has to be done, and such land, farming can't make much money.

So the job of artificially planting trees was launched, so that these people who are still living on the Loess Plateau can have a job to earn a living, and the income is much better than that of farming.

After the desert contracted by the Kylin Agricultural Development Group becomes fertile land, some people here will be moved there, or join the Kylin Agricultural Development Group to work, or the state will allocate better land.

It is even possible to build new cities in several important places, which can also accommodate a considerable number of residents. These are follow-up measures and will be difficult to complete in a short period of time.

If the Jurassic Park of Leaf Book is really successful, it is possible to surround Jurassic Park, and many towns will be formed around it to engage in tourism-related jobs.

This is why the northwest region must be well developed, and the Loess Plateau must be recuperated. Only by developing the northwest region can these populations be relocated and live better.

The other part is to use drones to sow the seeds of trees. These trees do not need to have too high economic value, they only need to play the role of water and soil conservation.

This part of the work has only just begun. Most of the drones and other aerial sowing equipment have been used to sow grass seeds. In addition, the grass seeds sowed before have formed a large green area, which has played a certain role in water and soil conservation.

Therefore, it is not particularly urgent. It needs to be implemented step by step, without affecting the overall project goal, and at the minimum cost. This is the best way.

In order to cooperate with water and soil conservation operations, Kylin Environmental Industry Group did not dare to implement large-scale artificial rainfall in summer, but only carried out limited ecological water replenishment rainfall, so that these vegetation can grow better.

It can be said that it is very cost-effective for the country to realize such a magnificent project by spending trillions of yuan, and the contractors have also tried their best to achieve profitability with limited funds.

The super river dredging machine developed by Wancheng Foundation was born under such a background, and the accumulated technology can not only be used for river dredging.

It can also be used in the field of land reclamation, such as some islands and reefs in the South my country Sea. If such technical equipment is used, large areas of land can be created in a cheaper way.

For example, in order to reduce the cost of vegetation planting, a large number of drone equipment is used, which greatly promotes the technology accumulated in the field of civilian drones in our country.

Although our country itself is in the leading position in the world in this field, many new technologies have been born through the large-scale procurement of Kirin Environmental Industry Group and the need for dedicated water and soil conservation operations.

Behind any super project, there is not a single manpower stacking. If simple manpower stacking can be completed, many projects are estimated to have started construction long ago, so why wait until now.

The direct impetus behind super engineering is actually the support of technology and industrial industries. In turn, super engineering can also promote the development of industry and technology industries, and the two complement each other.

Of course, the Yellow River dredging project has only completed the first phase, and the entire Yellow River water system needs to be sorted out and dredged later, so that the entire Yellow River Basin and branch watersheds will become a true northern water town.

While the completion ceremony for the first phase of the Yellow River dredging project was being held here, negotiations for the second phase of the Yellow River Basin Treatment had already begun.

There are not many contractors involved, and Wancheng Foundation and Qilin Industrial Group are the only ones capable of completing such a large-scale water system treatment work, and other companies simply cannot participate.

The main content of the negotiation is still about the contracting fee and the specific management of those watersheds, and what standards need to be achieved. These are the focus of the negotiation.

Although the main watershed of the Yellow River still needs to carry out water and soil conservation work, it is not completely completed, but there are no major problems, and it only needs to be done step by step.

At this time, the management of the major tributaries of the Yellow River was immediately put on the agenda, and it seemed more urgent, because the water volume of the major tributaries was also increasing significantly.

If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, the possibility of flooding in the major tributaries is also very high, and the amount of sediment carried by the tributaries cannot be ignored, and the work of water and soil conservation should be carried out as much as possible.

In addition, in order to deal with other responses brought about by climate change in the north, it is not enough to treat the naturally formed tributaries, and some artificial river construction work is also required.

In the past, it was very difficult to build a large-scale artificial river, but with the super dredging equipment of Wancheng Jiye, the impossible has become possible.

Therefore, both parties need to organize a large number of experts and scholars to demonstrate the excavation of the artificial river, and to calculate and discuss the scale of the project, which will take time.

Fortunately, the excavation of artificial river channels has not been included in the second phase of the treatment project. The second phase of the treatment project is mainly for the treatment of the natural tributaries of the Yellow River.

After half a month of expert discussions and contract negotiations, the two parties finally reached a cooperation. The general contract scale of the second phase of the project is 2 trillion yuan.

Among them, 1 trillion yuan is used for the dredging of the 13 major tributaries of the Yellow River and other unscaled river dredging work, although the amount of earthwork may not be as large as the main course of the Yellow River.

However, the amount of dredging work is more than that of the main road of the Yellow River, mainly because the total mileage is not small, the terrain is more complicated, and the difficulty of dredging is higher than that of the main road of the Yellow River.

The remaining 1 trillion yuan is mainly used for soil and water conservation, which seems like a lot, but in fact, it has to bear the work of returning farmland to forests due to soil and water conservation.

Regarding the management of the Loess Plateau, the two parties did not negotiate on this aspect, which resulted in a substantial excess of costs during the implementation process, which may cause Kylin Environmental Industry Group to suffer losses.

Therefore, during the second phase of negotiations, the two parties included this part, and at the same time compensated for the problems in the implementation process of the first phase, so there was such a high cost.

However, the project period of the second phase is much longer than that of the first phase. The entire project period is 5 years. Compared with the 2 years of the first phase, the time is still relatively generous.

The excavation of the artificial river is planned to be completed in the third phase of the project. It is not clear how to excavate it is more appropriate. It will take a few years to see how the rainfall in each place is.

The excavation of artificial rivers not only needs to take care of the needs of the residents along the way, but also conform to the geographical location, so that the cost will be lower and the excavated rivers will be more meaningful.

The completion of two consecutive mega-projects is two great joys for the country. The impact is in all aspects, and it cannot be simply swept away by simple environmental governance.

First of all, the control of desertification in the north becomes possible, which will add thousands of miles of fertile land to our country. The number of residents in the north that can be carried will increase significantly, and the per capita usable area will also increase significantly.

The second is the development of commerce in the north, especially in the northwest region, which will be greatly developed along with the Yellow River treatment project, and the cost of commodity transportation in the northwest region will be greatly reduced.

This means that the northwest region has the conditions to develop industry. In the past, due to transportation costs, the northwest region had obvious shortcomings in industrial development, which was also one of the main reasons for the slow economic development.

I won’t say much about other impacts here, as I have said one after another before, the above two alone are enough to raise the domestic economy and people’s livelihood to a higher level.

Moreover, such huge funds have been poured into these super projects continuously, which has also driven the economic development of the northern region. After all, the money is spent in these places, and the residents of these places will naturally benefit the most.

Domestic media platforms have been monopolized by the news of these two projects these days. Even the military trade cooperation between our country and some countries has been suppressed and has become a niche news.

This was absolutely impossible to happen before, because the scale of this military trade cooperation is very large, and its significance cannot be underestimated.

Compared with the two domestic super news that are more concerned by the Chinese people, the foreign media paid much more attention to this military trade cooperation, and they even used the word "unprecedented".

First of all, in terms of the scale of cooperation, the total scale has reached 100 billion US dollars. Although it is not the first large-scale cooperation in my country, it is the largest single scale.

The second is that there are more countries in cooperation, and this time they are basically members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. This is intriguing, and it depends on how they interpret it.

But no one thinks that there is financial cooperation between them. The reason is that our country has not made any efforts to promote the internationalization of the currency in recent years. Everything is going with the flow, so it has not aroused the vigilance of some countries.

Everyone's interpretation is still from the perspective of oil interests. They think that my country should have made great concessions in energy output. During this period, my country's energy export has indeed decreased, which can be used as evidence.

No matter how it is interpreted, what is certain is that the world pattern is undergoing drastic changes, and the changes are still happening with irresistible force. This makes many countries very anxious, but they are powerless.

It can be described in one sentence, that is, "In the face of the torrent of the times, any struggle is futile!"

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