Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 959 The second phase of lunar exploration and collective conspiracy


Before the heat of these events has completely subsided, in mid-September, Baihu Technology officially announced the successful completion of the first phase of lunar exploration.

It has been nine months since the launch of the lunar probe at the beginning of the year. The entire launch process has been very smooth, and all the equipment has been working normally so far.

The main purpose of the first phase of lunar exploration is to verify the technology and data related to the earth to the moon, and at the same time use the launched ground probes, satellite detection and communication technologies to analyze the resources of the moon.

There are three main reasons why human beings are so obsessed with the moon. First, the moon is the closest planet where humans can achieve manned landing, and it is also the easiest planet to achieve.

Therefore, many manned space technologies and extraterrestrial survival technologies can be verified through the moon. Therefore, the moon is also the first planet that humans step into space, and it is also a planet that must be conquered.

The second is that the abundant resources on the moon are needed by human beings. With the development of the earth's economy and the increase of population, the demand for resources continues to rise.

The earth's resources will become more and more insufficient, and we can only seek resources from space, and the moon is the easiest space resource that humans can find.

The third is to establish a space scientific research station on the moon, which is beneficial to human research on space. The earth is surrounded by a thick atmosphere, but the moon does not have such troubles, and the observation of the starry sky is more direct.

Since the gravity is lower than that of the earth, it is also meaningful to arrange some high-tech industrial production facilities that are sensitive to gravity on the moon.

Of course, the greatest significance of conquering the moon is political significance. Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the previous things. At present, the major powers in the world have begun to compete in the space field again.

Needless to say, the reason is that Baihu Technology Co., Ltd. has taken too much action in the space field. Although it is still slightly insufficient in terms of the types of space projects, the main reason is that the development time is still short.

However, the speed of development is very fast. Probes have been launched to the moon and Mars, and two probes have been launched to Venus and Mercury in the middle of this year.

In the future, they will launch more probes into space. These space scientific research projects are unacceptable to some countries that claim to be at the forefront of the global space field.

Even though they have been slapped in the face in the field of space stations, the idea of ​​not admitting defeat still exists, and it is also a means of rallying the hearts of the people in the country, which is particularly important to them.

White Tiger Technology announced the successful completion of the first phase of the lunar exploration program. It was not just a simple announcement, which meant nothing to them. After all, they were not a state-owned unit and did not need to be responsible to anyone.

The reason for saying it is to introduce the second phase of the lunar exploration plan,

That is to realize the manned moon landing plan, which is a step further than launching unmanned probes.

So far, only the old man has achieved manned moon landing. Although there are different opinions on whether the moon landing is true, for Baihu Technology, it is meaningless to argue about these.

Regardless of whether the other party has achieved a manned moon landing, Baihu Technology's plan will not be affected in any way, and their manned moon landing is not just for national pride.

According to the plan they announced, manned landing on the moon is not just about simply sending people up for a "visit here", but the first step to start the lunar project.

If the manned moon landing is realized, the construction of a permanent base on the moon will be carried out immediately. In the initial stage, a permanent scientific research base will be built, which can accommodate more than 10 scientific research personnel for long-term living.

Then it is to build more auxiliary facilities, such as building a lunar electromagnetic orbital catapult, reducing the cost of returning the moon to the earth, increasing the load capacity of the lunar returner, and so on.

This is to prepare for the next step of lunar resource mining. Only electromagnetic orbital catapults can launch a large amount of mineral resources into space cheaply.

At this stage, it is also necessary to establish a large number of mineral resource mining bases and resource processing factories on the moon to bring truly useful resources back to the earth while reducing transportation costs.

When it comes to the manned moon landing, Baihu Technology does not dare to rush to send real people to the moon, but is going to send a general-purpose robot first. On the one hand, it is to further determine whether there are problems with the various technologies of the manned moon landing.

On the other hand, these general-purpose robots are sent to the past to build the necessary facilities on the moon and create conditions for the subsequent landing of real people on the moon.

Therefore, this time I will bring a lot of equipment for building a simple base. Although Ye Zishu did not provide much help in the construction of the lunar base, we cannot rely on him for everything.

However, Baihu Technology has hired hundreds of thousands of general-purpose robots as scientific researchers, and there are super artificial intelligence and super quantum computers behind it. With these blessings, the research and development capabilities are very powerful.

Baihu Science and Technology Company did not intend to complete the construction of the moon base in ten or eight years. For others, the construction of the permanent base on the moon can be completed in this amount of time, which is considered very fast.

But for Baihu Technology Company, it is unacceptable. In addition to having practical needs, the permanent base on the moon is also a verification base for studying the permanent base on Mars.

If it is delayed here, it means that the permanent Mars base will also be delayed, and their ultimate goal is to realize Mars immigration and build Mars into a livable planet.

Of course, they accelerated the plan mainly because they are not short of money at present. Last year, they achieved a revenue of 1.2 trillion yuan, and this year's revenue will not be lower than this.

In addition, their own cost is relatively low, and there is not much pressure on them to properly advance the plan. This is where their confidence lies.

And they didn't have any ink marks, and directly announced that the manned moon landing plan will start on October 1, and a manned moon landing rocket will be launched on the same day. On this special day, the significance is much greater.

This year is 1999, and a military parade will inevitably be held on October 1. On the National Day, the launch of a manned lunar landing spacecraft and the official launch of the lunar development plan will naturally have a different meaning.

Everyone has mixed opinions on Baihu Technology's approach. Some people think that Baihu Technology's plan is a bit too fast, and what to do in case of problems should be based on stability.

Some people think that there is no need to invest so much in the field of space, and it is generally beneficial to extend the timeline, at least the annual investment will be much less.

It's a pity that Baihu Technology Company is a private company, and all the money they spend is earned by them, and they don't use state funds. This kind of voice is not very loud.

Where everyone has opinions, the main reason is that the plan is too hasty, for fear of mistakes. In the event of an accident, the astronauts will pay with their lives, so it is better to be safe.

Of course, most people don't think so far, and they shouldn't think about these things. For them, since the plan is formulated, the conditions must be met. Anyway, unconditional support is enough.

The foreign media is actually divided into two factions. One faction naturally belittles or spreads rumors about Baihu Technology's moon landing plan from various angles, even to the point of "shameless".

The other faction affirmed the achievements of Baihu Technology over the years, and at the same time expressed full expectations for this plan. Of course, they did not forget to urge their own country to speed up the progress. Don't wake up early, but catch up late.

As for their remarks, no matter whether they are good or bad, they will not affect the plan of Baihu Technology Company. After all, the world speaks with strength, and fabricating lies regardless of the facts is nothing but a joke.

However, Ye Zishu obviously underestimated the influence brought by Baihu Technology Company, and just a few days after Baihu Technology Company announced its next plan, Ye Zihua contacted him.

It turns out that Western capital intends to repeat the old tricks, prepare to integrate resources, and drive up the price of mineral resources. If this is not aimed at us, Ye Zishu will not believe it.

At present, my country is the country with the fastest economic development in the world and the country with the largest demand for mineral resources. Whether it is industry or infrastructure, it cannot do without the support of various mineral resources.

Before, they collectively raised the price of international energy. The reason is that my country's oil import ratio is very high, and the speed of increasing imports is very fast.

Either endure the pain of slowing economic development and reduce the import of petroleum energy, or can only obediently spend high prices to purchase petroleum energy, there is no other choice.

Originally, this plan could be said to be seamless, but it turned out that Kirin Energy Industrial Group suddenly increased the scale of solar power generation on a large scale.

This is not the most difficult thing for them to accept. Kirin Energy Industry Group can still use electricity to produce fossil energy such as fuel oil and natural gas, which caused them heavy losses.

In the final analysis, fossil energy is some hydrocarbons. These two elements are very abundant on the earth, and it is possible to produce them artificially using technology.

However, these metal minerals cannot be produced from scratch using technology, so they are very confident in this collective increase in resource prices and do not think they will be attacked.

The tidal group obtained this news through its own secret channels. Over the years, the tidal group has secretly established a huge intelligence network all over the world and played a huge role.

It's just that this news tells Chao Chao Group that apart from allowing Chao Chao Group to follow suit in financial operations, it does not substantially help solve the problem.

Moreover, the Chaozhou Group does not dare to conduct financial operations after hearing the news casually. If the other party waits to invite you into the urn after laying an ambush, it will be in big trouble.

It is precisely because of this that, except for some financial operations on energy futures, the Tidal Group conducts traditional securities trading operations and does not conduct other futures transactions.

Because they understand very well that after so many years of development in the past, the West still has a strong control over global mineral resources, and it is fully capable of human intervention when necessary.

In the financial field, you must be bold. If you don’t have the guts, don’t play games in the financial field. You must also resist the temptation to enter unfamiliar fields without certain confidence.

Ye Zishu told Ye Zihua not to act rashly, as if nothing had happened, because they couldn't change anything, at most they just made some money, which didn't mean much to them.

He actually thinks that there is no problem with a slight increase in the price of mineral resources. If the news is true, it is obviously not a small increase, and it is estimated that a double increase will be light.

In fact, doubling the increase is acceptable given my country's economic resilience, but domestic prices may rise slightly, or corporate profits may shrink.

What I am afraid of is finding various reasons to reduce the supply of mineral resources, not to mention the spirit of contract. For some people, this is something that can be torn up at any time, depending on whether it is needed or not.

After finishing the phone call with Ye Zihua, Ye Zishu immediately notified Guo Dongmei, Kylin Basic Industry Group, Kylin Resource Development Group, and Huanyu Group to hold an online meeting.

Kirin Industry Group is the largest supplier of raw materials in my country, not only supplying various metal raw materials, but also supplying chemical raw materials, polymer raw materials and other raw materials and finished products.

At the same time, it is also a group enterprise with a relatively large demand for these materials in China, which is why Ye Zishu entrusted these businesses to Kirin Industrial Group.

Therefore, it is very necessary for Guo Dongmei to participate in this meeting. Needless to say, the remaining groups are all companies that are closely related to the changes in international raw material prices.

First of all, Ye Zishu explained the reason for holding this meeting. When everyone heard the news, they felt that these international capitals were like vultures.

Now the best global economy is our country. Although the international community is gradually getting out of the haze of the financial crisis, it is not so easy to restore to the previous state.

But if you want to recover as soon as possible, you can only snatch benefits from other places. Now our country has a solid economic foundation, relatively strong financial protection, and strong military strength. It is difficult to achieve the goal by relying on conventional methods.

The only weakness is the high dependence on foreign mineral resources. As a country with a large population and a large economy, the annual demand for mineral resources is very large. Don't even think about it. Starting from this perspective is the most successful way to snatch it.

Seeing that Wang Chuanfu was a little nervous, Ye Zishu said: "Actually, this situation was foreseen a long time ago. The imperialists are determined to persecute me. If they are not prepared, they will be slaughtered long ago!"

After saying this, Wang Chuanfu really looked a lot better. At the same time, he expressed his admiration for Ye Zishu's foresight. When people are most proud, they tend to ignore the danger.

And Ye Zishu has followed the glorious footsteps along the way, and he can realize this problem in advance, which has to be admired.

Ye Zishu didn't pay attention to these, but turned to ask the person in charge of Kirin Basic Industry Group how much resource reserves they had and how long they could handle it.

"Since we entered the mineral resources smelting industry, we have been deliberately reserve resources, and the total tonnage of steel reserves has reached 500 million tons so far.

At the same time, the reserve tonnage of copper is also 10 million tons, the tonnage reserve of nickel is 1 million tons, and the reserves of other resources can generally meet domestic consumption for more than one year. "Said the person in charge of Kirin Basic Industry Group.

Ye Zishu was very surprised when he heard this. How did they reserve so many resources without saying a word? You must know that although their smelting ability is very strong, it is very difficult to have so many reserves while meeting domestic demand. Difficult to do.

Faced with Ye Zishu's doubts, Guo Dongmei took the lead and explained: "First of all, we have always had a tradition of reserving resources, and there is a lot of surplus resources smelted by ourselves every year.

In addition, due to the improvement of my country's industrial system in the past two years, the dependence on external industrial products has further decreased, resulting in a rapid decrease in the total amount of my country's imported goods.

However, my country's export has not slowed down because of this, resulting in a further increase in my country's international trade surplus, which is not conducive to the development of trade relations between my country and the world.

In order to reduce the trade surplus and avoid further expansion of foreign exchange reserves, we have to choose to import more commodities. After much deliberation, we can only increase imports of resource commodities.

The second is to increase the import of agricultural products from some developing countries, which is also a part of accelerating the recovery of the global economy, and the country encourages us to do so.

But the main thing is to import raw materials. After all, for us, this is a necessity. For us, the import of agricultural products is the icing on the cake, and it does not substantially help our country's economy. "

After listening to Guo Dongmei's explanation, Ye Zishu finally realized that it seemed that he had been ignoring things for a long time, and he didn't even notice these things, so he had to reflect on himself.

Our country's dependence on the import of agricultural products is not high. Don't look at Ye Zishu who thinks that the development of agriculture is not advanced enough, it is based on his standards.

The agricultural technology and food processing technology represented by Qilin Agricultural Development Group and Qilin Food Industry Group alone are enough to beat the world.

Since the raw material reserve can be used for more than one year, he is relieved, and at the same time, he affirms that Kirin Basic Industry Group has prepared for a rainy day, which finally came in handy and helped a lot.

Then he said to the person in charge of Kylin Resources Development Group: "Our reserve resources can support us for a period of time, which can be regarded as giving us enough time to solve the problem.

Next, your group will speed up the scale of seabed mining. It is best to provide half of my country's industrial development demand within a year. Do you have confidence? "

Kylin Resources Development Group mainly provides seabed mining technology, and the actual equipment manufacturer is Huanyu Group. Part of their shipbuilding business is to produce seabed mining equipment for it.

The reason why Leaf Book requires half of the demand to be met, not all, is mainly because the sources of mineral resources are very extensive, but it is difficult to adjust the supply chain in the short term.

If we can be self-sufficient in half, many sellers in the world will panic. After all, their top priority is making money, not just dying.

Moreover, it is not necessary for our country to achieve self-sufficiency. If we do, our country will need to import even less. Do we still need to do international trade?

At that time, other countries will have a strong demand for my country's high-tech products, but they will not have enough funds to purchase them, which will also hinder my country's exports.

What's more, building such a huge production capacity also requires a huge cost. In fact, Ye Zishu is more optimistic about the development of the space mining business.

After the spaceport of White Tiger Technology Company is built and the moon base is built, the resources mined from the moon alone will be very impressive, let alone the resources mined from other planets or asteroids.

Therefore, it is necessary to control the quantity. Don’t expand the production capacity here, and stop production after a few years.

"If the other party really starts to raise prices collectively, Kirin Resources Development Group will officially announce your deep-sea mining technology information to the outside world. You don't need to go into too much detail, you just need to disclose the general information to the outside world.

Before disclosing the news, communicate with Tidal Investment Company and let it carry out sniping in the financial market. It makes no sense not to make some money with such a good opportunity.

Then Kirin Basic Industry Group reduces its imports of foreign mineral resources, and the insufficient part is first used to top up the reserve resources. In this way, countries that rely heavily on the export of mineral resources may not be able to stand it.

With such a two-pronged approach, it is estimated that the possibility of carrying it to the end is relatively low. Of course, it is also possible that the other party will come to the bottom of the pot and directly announce that it will not be able to supply it in a short period of time, causing the price to skyrocket in the short term.

If such a situation really occurs, you will announce to increase investment in domestic resource exploitation. Although our country has less resources per capita, it will be fine for a while.

I really hope that our actions are just bluffing, otherwise it will be no fun. We really need to reshuffle the global resource industry! "Leaf Book said.

Although he thinks the latter possibility is relatively low, after all, the interests of these mineral resource exporting countries are not completely consistent, and it is much better to earn less than earning no money.

As the world's largest seller of resources, my country's loss of our market will deal a huge blow to them, and even the economies of some countries will experience a lot of decline.

More importantly, if a war really breaks out, the flames of war may not be limited to the field of mineral resources, and it is likely to expand. At that time, it will have a serious impact on the global economy that has just improved, and recovery may be far away.

Of course, Ye Zishu also didn't want to see this. This would not only be detrimental to the investment projects of Tidal Investment Company, after all, they also counted on the companies they invested in before to create benefits for them.

At the same time, it will also be detrimental to the international currency issued by the Tidal Group. After all, if these currencies want to circulate globally, the best way is to promote them through bilateral trade, and then gradually expand to multilateral trade.

In fact, no matter how much you worry, it is useless. The most stupid way is to cover up the water with the soil. Anyway, our country has a lot of cards, and its industries also have a lot of cards. It is definitely far better than other countries.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu thought about the matter before and after, and felt that the problem was not too big, and the key confidence was still in the reserve resources of Kirin Basic Industry Group.

Coupled with the seabed mining of Kirin Resources Development Group and my country's own resources, it is enough to deal with the worst situation, not to mention that he doesn't think there will be extreme situations.

Politics is about weighing pros and cons, especially in international politics. No country will really go all the way to the black, and no country will sacrifice its own interests for the interests of other countries. This is not in line with human nature.

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