Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 960 Controllable nuclear fusion, exotic animal mounts and virtual shopping

Afterwards, Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua held another online meeting, and told him about the situation here, so that he could make a good layout in the financial market.

The reason why I was not sure before was that I didn't know how many chips I had in my hand. Now that I knew that I had enough chips in my hand, I would be a little sorry for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if I didn't operate.

I have a reserve of resources that can be used by the whole country for one year, so even if imports are stopped for one year, it will not affect normal domestic economic activities.

But for some countries, serious problems will occur if this income is lost, and the government may even collapse. Not all countries can ignore this interest.

Due to the needs of investment, Tidal Investment Company gained a lot after the financial crisis after selling off the shares of mining companies, because in the long run, the holding value of these financial assets is still good.

Now that the value of these financial assets is in hand, it can be used as a bargaining chip, so that Tidal Investment Company can play a better role in financial games.

After arranging these things, Ye Zishu was gone. He believed that Ye Zihua and the person in charge of his company could handle these things well.

Recently, he is researching controllable nuclear fusion and wants to use it as one of the energy cores of interstellar ships. Currently, there are two ways to go. One is to directly use super energy storage to store enough energy.

The other way is to use controllable nuclear fusion. He didn't plan to take out controllable nuclear fusion so soon before, but now thinking about it, he doesn't need to be so conservative.

In the past, it was said that the country's strength was still lacking, and it was likely to cause trouble if it was too prominent. Now that the country's military strength has been raised, there are not many worries.

In addition, for some time to come, the development of the space industry will be the main direction of national development. It is not impossible to rely on the current energy system, but there are still certain defects.

Although super energy storage can be used, he does not want to use it on a large scale prematurely. The reason is that the field-related technology is not at the same level as the existing scientific system.

In contrast, controllable nuclear fusion seems acceptable. At least the relevant theories of nuclear fusion have been perfected, but it is just a further step towards controllability.

As for the electricity consumption of residents on the ground, there is no need for controllable nuclear fusion. The current domestic solar power generation and thermal radiation energy absorption fields are sufficient to meet the domestic demand for energy.

There are many routes for controllable nuclear fusion. Even he, under the current conditions, cannot propose a better route, or take the route of magnetic confinement. At present, there is no material that can directly withstand such a high temperature.

There are actually more routes for the nuclear fusion materials used. The current research is mainly on the nuclear fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium. Naturally, he will not do this, but choose two other routes.

The first is the fusion reaction of deuterium and deuterium, which produces helium 3 and possibly tritium. This process will generate free neutrons, which has a certain degree of radiation, and at the same time has great damage to the inner wall material.

The second is the nuclear fusion reaction formed by the collection of helium 3 and helium 3. This is the most perfect nuclear fusion reaction, and no neutrons will be generated in the middle, which means that the requirements for the inner wall are low, and the replacement cycle is very long. ….Unfortunately, the amount of helium 3 on the earth is not high, which is why everyone cares so much about the helium 3 on the moon. As long as the helium 3 on the moon is mined, it means that there is a continuous source of energy.

The main reason for the current study of deuterium-tritium controllable nuclear fusion is that it is relatively easy to realize, and even if the nuclear fusion of deuterium and deuterium is achieved, neutrons will be released, which are also radioactive, but relatively few.

Of course, nuclear fusion of deuterium and helium 3 also produces free neutrons, which is relatively safer than the first one, and the limitation is also due to insufficient resources of helium 3.

When Ye Zishu sorted out the technical materials, he naturally didn't choose any one in particular, but chose to ask for all of them. As long as these materials were given to Baihu Technology, their research and development level of controllable nuclear fusion devices would rise in a straight line.

But it is natural to have a plan for future development,

Transitional products do not need to be treated as main application prospects under certain conditions.

That is to say, he intends to use super energy storage as the energy source for interstellar ships at the beginning, and wait until helium 3 is mined on the moon, and then use controllable nuclear fusion to build other interstellar ships.

Once there is the ability to mine interstellar resources in large quantities, helium 3 will not be a scarce resource. Apart from other things, in theory, helium 3 on Mercury is much more abundant than on the moon.

It can even be said that any planet without an atmosphere and a magnetic field may have helium-3 resources. In fact, helium-3 is not particularly scarce in the starry sky, but we have not set foot on the starry sky freely.

However, he has no objection to the initial use of deuterium and helium 3 for controllable nuclear fusion, because this reaction only releases protons, that is, hydrogen plasma. As long as it is charged, it can be controlled by a magnetic field.

It happens that seawater is the place with the most deuterium on the earth. Every liter of seawater contains 0.146g of heavy water, which means that 0.03g of deuterium can be obtained.

Kirin Environmental Industry Group itself has a large number of seawater desalination operations. Although it has little to do with the extraction of heavy water, it is incidental.

During this time, he was researching how to extract heavy water from seawater in a cheaper way. At present, he mainly relies on the differences in boiling points and electrical properties between heavy water and ordinary water.

However, the cost of this extraction method is very high, and the process is very cumbersome, resulting in a very high price of heavy water, which costs tens of millions of yuan per ton.

At present, the extraction method he uses is electrolysis. Compared with ordinary water, heavy water is not easy to be electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen to extract heavy water with higher purity.

It’s just that this method is not efficient and consumes a lot of energy, which is also an important reason for the high price of heavy water. After electrolyzing ordinary water, what remains is heavy water.

And he plans to use the difference in density between heavy water and ordinary water to develop a special osmotic membrane. Ordinary water with a lower density can pass through the osmotic membrane, leaving behind heavy water with a higher density.

Ordinary permeable membranes definitely do not have such a high sensitivity, and even the biological permeable membrane he gave to Kirin Environmental Industry Group cannot reach this level.

Ye Zishu took a lot of time to develop this high-sensitivity density permeable membrane technology and handed it over to Kirin Environmental Industry Group. ….They obtained this osmotic membrane technology, which can not only be used to produce osmotic membranes for separating heavy water in the future, but also can be used to separate other isotopic compounds, with extremely high strategic and economic value.

When sorting out the controllable nuclear fusion technical information, he listed the ultra-high temperature igniter separately, which was originally used for nuclear fusion high-temperature ignition devices.

But before the controllable nuclear fusion is completed, it can be used as an ignition device for hydrogen bombs, so that before the hydrogen bomb explodes, it does not need to use nuclear fission to provide high temperature and become cleaner.

If the material of the hydrogen bomb is changed to a reaction between deuterium and deuterium, it means that it can basically be used as an ordinary bomb, at least as a small tactical bomb.

Although he does not agree with war, he is not opposed to the development of weapons and equipment, because he knows that the world will always obey the law of the jungle, and if there is not enough force to defend oneself, the consequences will be very serious.

His industry can develop so safely, not because the country has a big weapon in its hands. Without these things for self-defense, no matter how well his industry develops, it is just a wedding dress for others.

"You really don't plan to go to the capital?" Pei Qing asked this for the third time.

He was naturally very honored by the country's invitation, but he felt that he should not be too ostentatious, and he should stay in his hometown to recuperate and study knowledge.

If it was the past, he might still go happily. After all, no young man can resist the temptation at such a bright moment, let alone a young man, no matter how old he is, he will not refuse.

But now, he doesn't have this thought, and he acts as low-key as possible. Apart from publishing a few books, he even quit social networking.

In doing so, he actually meant to retire after success. Although he still played an immeasurable role in his industry, his sense of presence was much weaker than before.

Moreover, his personality is actually not suitable for socializing. Although he can drink with others, he is actually not very happy in his heart, and the ordinary life is suitable for him.

In addition, after these years of hard work, his big goal has actually been achieved, and his whole person has become more and more desireless, and he doesn't care about his fame.

Just like Hong Kong's handover in 1997, he was invited to participate at that time, but he also refused. This time, he also did not agree to participate in the handover of Macau in December.

The reason why he keeps sending invitations to him is also the intention of the other party. As for whether to accept or not, it is up to him. Anyway, he is becoming more and more elusive now, at least in the eyes of some people.

"You can go to the capital alone!" Ye Zishu said.

As the helm of the Taiji Group, Pei Qing was also invited, although she was not a director in the past two years. Of course, this was based on the importance of the Taiji Group.

Not only the Taiji Group, but several important group presidents under him were also invited. Even Wang Changtian of Shengshi Cultural Group was invited.

"Then I won't go, I'll stay with you at home!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"This is not the time to be arrogant. You are representing the entire Tai Chi Group, and I am only representing myself. It doesn't matter if you go or not!" Ye Zishu said seriously. ....The main reason is that they are already together now. If he doesn't go alone, others will understand. After all, he has always been a loner, and his personality is like this, others can understand.

If Pei Qing didn't even go, it was inevitable that some people would think too much, and Pei Qing had no reason not to go, as she could also take the opportunity to visit her parents in the capital.

"You only allow the state officials to set fires and not allow the common people to light lamps!" Pei Qing said angrily.

"Can it be the same? If I pass by, my good fellow, with so many big and small business figures surrounding me, what will others think?" Ye Shu said angrily.

If he had been in the past, standing together with the presidents of so many groups under his banner would give people infinite associations. Although this was the case, the visual impact of standing together was not as strong.

This is also the reason why he seldom convenes the offline annual meeting of the presidents of his subsidiaries. The only time when they gather together is the last time when they moved.

Pei Qing is also a smart person. Hearing what he said, she didn't continue this topic. It's true. It's better in private. In this kind of public place, it's easy to be photographed.

If it is posted on the Internet, everyone will see that he is standing in the c position with so many big figures present, and there will definitely be heated discussions, and there will even be various strange voices appearing.

Although it won't do anything to him, it will inevitably bring him some troubles. To be the boss behind the scenes, you must have the consciousness of being the boss behind the scenes, and don't just run to the front desk and wander around.

Don't pursue perfection in life, and don't think about taking advantage of all the benefits. Don't look at his huge industrial system, which seems to encroach on the interests of a large number of other people.

In fact, most of his industries are industries that others cannot do. Even if it is real estate, Wancheng Foundation has not deliberately suppressed other real estate companies, and even has many cooperations.

For example, Wancheng Foundation has provided a lot of building materials for other real estate companies, and many architectural designs for other real estate companies have also cooperated with Wancheng Foundation.

Of course, such a harmonious picture is also related to the vigorous development of the domestic economy. It has not yet reached the stage of stock game, and everyone can eat something without interfering with each other.

In addition, his industrial system itself is huge, and no one will conflict with such a behemoth before the moment of life and death. What's more, the domestic economy has developed so fast in recent years, and everyone knows the reason.

Many factors have allowed it to develop steadily and steadily for so many years. If it really comes to the stock competition, it may not be so harmonious.

The stock competition will eventually come. Before that, he is naturally unwilling to appear frequently in public, try to downplay his sense of existence, and avoid involving himself in it.

As for the companies under him, competition is the competition, and the business field is not humble and courteous. Being able to defeat the opponent shows that the opponent has not done well enough and has a reason to be eliminated by society.

He hasn't restricted his companies from competing with others for his own reasons. If he really has such an idea, others will not say that he is benevolent, but only that he is stupid.

This is like the ancient princes and generals. Only by going forward and achieving success continuously can we have a good destination, otherwise we will become a negative example of history and teach future generations not to be such people. …. Either be willing to be mediocre and be a person who does not compete with the world, or be brave enough to fight hard, constantly strengthen yourself, and make yourself a strong person. This is his philosophy of life.

Now, from a personal point of view, he has actually returned to the ordinary. Even if he has an impact on the outside world, he should try to be positive as much as possible, which everyone is happy to see.

His industries, but there is no saying that they are ordinary. Either they will continue to maintain strong competitiveness, or they will be annihilated in the long river of history. There is no third choice.

"By the way, Kirin Basic Industry Group has launched a series of exotic animal mounts. Shall we buy some?" Pei Qing skipped the topic just now and started talking about this topic.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu said, "They are quite good at doing business!"

Maybe Kirin Basic Industries Group can't make an airborne mount like his modified Phoenix, but there is a considerable market demand for cool mounts.

So they found a new way to develop a variety of rare and exotic animal robot pets. Not only can they be kept at home to guard the home, but they can also be taken out to show off in the market. The return rate is absolutely overwhelming.

For the rich, luxury cars may be tired of playing. Now that the Rare and Exotic Beasts series is released, they have a new object of comparison, and they must definitely grasp the hobbies of these rich people.

This series of exotic animal mounts was not prepared for ordinary people, not to mention the profit, and the cost alone was not affordable for ordinary people.

To be able to become a mount, the body size must be very large, plus the need for a camel, and even running, there are extremely high requirements for stability and structural strength, and more attention should be paid to materials and workmanship.

But this was the first time he heard Pei Qing say this, so he said, "How do you know?"

"I saw it on the e-commerce platform. I really like the look. I just want to buy one or two to play with. At the same time, I can make some achievements for them!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Ye Zishu picked up his mobile phone and downloaded the e-commerce platform that Pei Qing said. It is also a product of the e-commerce company, but it is different from the three mainstream e-commerce platforms.

This platform mainly focuses on customized services, such as the rare and exotic animal series products of Kirin Basic Industry Group, which will not be directly produced and sold in specialty stores.

Instead, it accepts private customization. On the one hand, it gives these rich people a sense of superiority, and on the other hand, it saves costs and avoids creating more inventory.

Ye Zishu glanced at it. This platform is a customized platform for consumer products, and the prices of the products inside are very expensive, which belongs to the category of luxury goods. No wonder he didn't know it.

Usually, he is not very responsible for the purchase of daily necessities at home, and he has no preference for purchasing private luxury goods. He usually wears whatever he has on his body, as long as he is generous and decent.

According to his knowledge of the software, he knew how to play it easily, and then entered the flagship store of the Kirin Industrial Group, which specializes in the production of robot pets.

Immediately, a dazzling array of products appeared in front of my eyes. In addition to the exotic animal mount series, there were many other high-end robot pets, some of which were also sold in specialty stores.

This place can accept additional requirements from customers. For example, Pei Qing doesn't like the beaks of the two pet parrots and wants to change the color. As long as she is willing to pay extra money, as long as the technology here can do it, she will generally meet the customer's requirements. ….This may also be the trend of future industrial development. The price of popular products is generally relatively low, which meets the needs of the public, but customized products will also be provided to meet the additional needs of customers and provide more profits for enterprises.

He clicked on the page to the Rare and Exotic Beast Mount Series, and after looking at it, there were quite a few, such as Tianma, Bai Ze, Ji Liang, Qing Niu, Zou Wu, Di Ting, etc., all arranged clearly.

As for the beasts in the real world, there is also no shortage of them. There are also a lot of lions, tigers, horses, etc. The price is cheaper than the exotic beast mount series, but it is not affordable by ordinary people. ..

After scanning it casually, Ye Zishu had to sigh. Originally, a group of engineering men would still do business like this. After reading it, he felt like he wanted to buy it.

"Actually, the effect of viewing on mobile phones is not very good. You can also use smart glasses to view these products, as if they are right in front of you, and the details can be seen clearly!" Pei Qing suggested.

Ye Zishu heard this and asked: "Have their other e-commerce platforms also realized virtual 3D presentation?"

"Of course, this technology will definitely be implemented on all their platforms. This is also a major trump card for their e-commerce platform, and it has also boosted the sales of smart glasses in disguise." Pei Qing said.

In the past, people in China had to think carefully about buying a pair of smart glasses. In the past two years, wages have risen very fast. Buying one is less than a month's salary of many working-class people, and the pressure to buy it is not so great.

Therefore, the sales of smart glasses in China have repeatedly hit new highs, not only making up for the losses in foreign markets, but the total sales are still increasing rapidly.

The source of everything is that there are more and more applications surrounding smart glasses, and e-commerce platforms are just one of them. For girls, using smart glasses to choose products is definitely attractive.

However, Ye Zishu is not too interested in this. Boys are not very interested in details. As long as they meet the functional purpose, it is almost enough, and they are not willing to waste time on other aspects.

Looking at Ye Zishu's puzzled eyes, Pei Qing continued: "You haven't seen shopping with smart glasses, it's no different from shopping.

If the user enters their body and appearance information, the online try-on effect is very good. Basically, the clothes they buy fit well, which is very attractive to girls. "

"Has the platform of Hummingbird Life Service Company realized virtual 3D?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Of course, they already belong to one company, so there is no reason not to share their technology with other companies. Using smart glasses to choose offline services is also very effective.

For example, if I want to eat in some stores in front of my house, I can directly enter the restaurant of the other party. Not only can I see the decoration of the restaurant, but also understand how all their menus are presented in food data.

You can even communicate with the store as if you were talking face-to-face. This communication experience is much better than typing or voice communication.

Their travel-related applications also launched an online travel business, where you can directly visit some scenic spots in the virtual world, but there are no people and there is a lack of fireworks. "Pei Qing said patiently.

After Ye Zishu heard it, did he think Phoenix Technology planned to realize the second world ahead of schedule? Although there is still a big gap with the requirements in his mind, it already has some taste, or it is a prototype.

With its powerful computing power and powerful artificial intelligence technology, it's really not that difficult to do this, so it's not surprising that they can think about it.

They are highly recognized for their ability to integrate these technologies into their own products, which shows that they have not managed much in recent years, and they have not just rested on their laurels. .

Milky pudding reminds you: remember to collect after reading

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