Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 964 Jurassic Park Construction Plan and Iron Ore Price Negotiation

The assignment of the task of the interstellar ship project means that the entire project has officially started, and it also means that his work in this area has finally come to an end, and he can devote more attention to the construction of Jurassic Park.

At present, he has asked Shengshi Film and Television Company to purchase the relevant copyright of "Jurassic Park", otherwise it may constitute infringement, unless the name is not used, for example, it is changed to Jurassic World.

However, the spread rate would not be so high if he did this, and he would not have to go through so much trouble in order to save this little money. Most importantly, using someone else's name could save a lot of publicity costs.

In addition, "Jurassic Park" itself is a very good IP. Shengshi Film and Television Company can get a lot of box office if it buys it and shoots it by itself. As long as the price is right, it is still worth buying.

When he was busy with the Starship project, the task of being in charge of the Jurassic Park project was handed over to artificial intelligence for the authenticity of the simulation.

Artificial intelligence directly starts from the environment of the earth at that time, and the biological structure and ecological structure at that time are the main clues, and it just deduces countless solutions.

Over the past few months, artificial intelligence has accumulated hundreds of thousands of relatively successful simulation results using super quantum computers. The ecology is relatively stable, and the biological structure born from the simulation is more in line with the characteristics of that time.

Seeing so many results, Ye Shu has stopped the artificial intelligence from simulating. There may be different results after simulating, but he doesn't use so many.

The area of ​​the Badain Jaran Desert is so large, only close to 50,000 square kilometers. If you want to integrate so many results together, you can't accommodate so many biological species.

It is the 100,000 results simulated so far. After synthesis, appropriate deletions need to be made, and non-key animals and plants should be deleted, leaving a small and relatively stable ecosystem.

This work is naturally done by artificial intelligence. If Ye Shu is allowed to complete the integration work, even if he is a genius, it will take a year or two, which is a waste of time and energy.

His main focus is still on how to quickly build the climate environment of the Jurassic period and how to maintain a stable ecosystem for a long time. This is what he should do.

His previous idea was to use genetic modification to make the animals and plants of the Jurassic period conform to the characteristics of the time in terms of body size, but adapt to the current climate environment in terms of adaptability.

In this way, it does not need to spend a lot of energy to maintain the microclimate environment, and can directly survive in the current climate environment, and the feasibility of this scheme is very high.

However, after careful consideration, he still intends not to follow this plan completely, but to create a unique climate environment by integrating his technology and actual needs.

The main body of Jurassic Park must be a super-humid virgin forest, which is full of towering trees, swampy lakes, and desert terrain. The climate and environment are complex and changeable, as are the geographical features.

To complete the construction of such a scene, relying on the existing technology, even if there is a steady supply of fresh water, it cannot be created. The reason is that the microclimate will be severely restricted by the influence of the macroclimate environment.

Even if the required climate environment and geographical features are maintained for a short time, they will gradually change with the passage of time, always converging towards the general climate environment.

What's more, if you follow the normal environmental transformation process, it will take too long to transform a desert area into a virgin forest.

Even if he provides a lot of regular technical support, this process will take more than ten to twenty years. With his character, how could he be willing to wait so long.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, he plans to use field technology to create an independent small environment, so that the climate conditions in this area will not be affected by the external environment.

Among them, the climate mainly needs to maintain a high-temperature and humid environment, and the internal carbon dioxide content is much higher than the external one, which is about twice as high.

In fact, according to the composition of the atmosphere at that time, carbon dioxide was at least five times that of the present, and it was precisely because the concentration of carbon dioxide was too high that

The greenhouse effect is obvious, leading to higher global temperatures.

It's just that if the carbon dioxide is too high, the internal temperature will be too high, which is not conducive to tourists' travel.

Chapter 964 Jurassic Park construction plan and iron ore price negotiation for free reading.

It's like a sauna inside, and you can't stay for a long time at all.

Therefore, considering comprehensively, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in a relatively appropriate range, and to find a balance between the needs of the ecosystem and the needs of tourism projects. Therefore, it is more appropriate to maintain twice the current carbon dioxide content.

At the same time, the oxygen content is higher than the oxygen content in the Jurassic period. The oxygen content in the Jurassic period was only about 13.5%, which is far from the current 21%.

People may experience symptoms of hypoxia in an environment with an oxygen content lower than 18%, so it cannot be completely followed by the atmospheric environment of the Jurassic period, so the oxygen content is consistent with the oxygen content in the modern atmosphere.

Then in the end, we can only reduce the nitrogen content. A slight reduction in nitrogen will not have any impact on the internal ecosystem, nor will it have any impact on tourists.

These ideas are very beautiful, but how to do it is a big problem. Even Ye Zishu has studied the field knowledge for so long, but he still has no clue.

At present, the highest field knowledge he has studied and researched is the space field, followed by the energy field. As for how to use the field to lock matter, he has not dabbled too much.

I originally planned to study how the field locks matter, but after thinking about it, it would take a long time to relearn a field knowledge, which is equivalent to starting from scratch.

Don't think that field knowledge is easy to learn. The several fields he has learned so far are only superficial. The reason why he can be applied is entirely because there are ready-made ones.

It would not be an easy task for him to skillfully use this knowledge to develop new field technologies. The birth and application of each field technology may bring about a revolution.

The most important thing is that the research and development of field technology is difficult to use super quantum computer assistance, and can only be done by himself. This is a completely different system from the current technology system.

Since starting from scratch is not a good choice, he can only look for possibilities from the field knowledge he has learned, so that he may be able to make something.

To lock matter in a space, he intends to use the space field to realize the locking of matter, but his research on the space field has not yet reached home.

At present, there is only research on how to create space, which is also the basis of space field research. If you can't even create space, let alone advanced research on space.

In the field of advanced space research, the content is very rich, such as space displacement, space barriers, space locking, space fragmentation and so on.

If he wants to use space to lock matter, he needs to use space barrier technology, which can prevent matter from breaking through the artificially created space.

But this alone is not enough. After all, this is a tourism project. To allow tourists to come and go freely, it is not even possible for tourists to clearly feel the existence of the space field.

The best way is to create a huge independent space. After entering, people seem to have changed the world, and cannot clearly feel the natural boundary between the outside world and the interior space.

Obviously, he still can't reach this level. If he really reaches this level of technology, it means that he can create a vast dimensional space, and truly achieve a world in one grain of sand.

Moreover, the energy required to maintain a huge space is also very large. Tourism projects are commercial projects, and cost needs to be considered. Even if the technology is achieved, it cannot be the best solution.

Therefore, he can only combine space barrier technology and intelligent control technology, and use powerful monitoring and sensing technology to intelligently control substances.

Although it is a bit different, it can temporarily solve the problem, and even at critical moments, it can directly lock the animals and plants in Jurassic Park to prevent its spillover.

Matter locking is considered to be a feasible solution, and the rest is to prevent energy overflow. If energy cannot be locked, the internal temperature and external temperature will remain relatively consistent in the end, or at least develop in this direction.

Therefore, energy-locking technology comes in handy, but just energy-locking is not enough, because energy is locked in a small space for a long time, and it is easy to generate rapid accumulation of energy, which leads to energy imbalance.

His solution is also to combine with intelligent technology to control and manage the energy field and maintain a constant internal temperature.

Chapter 964 Jurassic Park construction plan and iron ore price negotiation for free reading.

Qualitative, basically the same solution as above.

Leaf Book refers to this set of technology system as smart climate field technology. In addition to creating a large climate field, it also needs to create many small climate fields in order to form more internal geomorphic and environmental characteristics.

Because these technologies are too high-level, he does not plan to hand over the technology to his subsidiaries, but plans to produce it in his personal laboratory, and then hand it over to the general robot for construction.

This is different from the gravity field. The gravity field is the lowest level of technology among all the space field technologies. It can't even create a dimensional space. It only realizes the gravity effect by disturbing the surrounding space.

The gravity of the planet is very large, because the mass of the planet itself is relatively large, and the curvature of space-time formed around it is relatively high. The gravity field uses this principle to artificially create a gradient in space.

In addition, the gravity field will play an important role in the future interstellar development process, so they did not hide it, and directly gave the technology to Baihu Technology Company to enable it to have production capacity.

But they can only follow the gourd. It is not an easy task to rely on these technologies to develop other field technologies. It can even be said to be almost impossible, and there is too much theoretical basis in the middle.

It is now November, and he hopes to get everything done before the Chinese New Year, but before that, the terrain can be transformed first.

The artificial intelligence will first combine the terrain and landforms with the simulated Jurassic Park based on the topographical characteristics of the Badain Jaran Desert with as little modification as possible.

At the same time, it is necessary to take care of the tourists' experience so that tourists can complete the tour in a reasonable route, and even build a number of tourist resorts inside. Naturally, the price cannot be compared with the price of accommodation outside.

These are all value-added projects. If you want to spend less money, you can choose to live around Jurassic Park. If you want to experience the charm of Jurassic Park all-weather, you can live in the internal resort.

Then he called Wancheng Foundation, Qilin Agricultural Development Group, Qilin Environmental Industry Group and other enterprises, held a collective meeting, and officially informed them of the establishment of the Jurassic Park project.

Since the land was previously contracted by Qilin Agricultural Development Group, he hoped to hand over the operation of the entire project to Wancheng Jiye. After all, Wancheng Jiye itself has a tourism business, and it is doing well.

The Kylin Agricultural Development Group is still doing its own agriculture with peace of mind, but the cultivation of many animals and plants needs the Kylin Agricultural Development Group to be responsible, so they also have a lot of work tasks.

At first, I thought that the Qilin Agricultural Group was unwilling. After all, the area of ​​the Badain Jaran Desert is very large. I just saw a turning point, and it ended up being transferred to Wancheng Jiye for free. It is understandable that I am not happy.

Unexpectedly, they readily agreed to this. In their view, even if this desert is transformed into fertile land, it will be difficult to obtain huge profits, but it will take a lot of energy and cost.

In fact, doing agriculture, no matter what kind of agriculture it is, is earning hard money. Even if they have more technology, compared with other industries, it still belongs to the category of earning hard money.

Of course, the meat, fish, shrimp and seafood products they produce using cell-directed induction technology do not belong to the traditional agricultural category, but can already be classified as industrial categories, and they still earn a lot of profits.

They are more optimistic about the technological value to be obtained than the value of the land given up. The animal and plant genes of the entire Jurassic period are a huge fortune.

What's more, surrounding the theme of Jurassic animals and plants can also create huge business opportunities, such as opening restaurants around the Jurassic, and the food inside is related to the animals and plants in Jurassic Park.

These ingredients are definitely not the slaughter of animals in Jurassic Park, or the collection of plants in it, but are specially cultivated by Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

The price of this special ingredient must be very high. If hundreds of millions of people come to experience it every year, they can make a lot of money just by selling these ingredients, which is definitely more profitable than farming.

Wancheng Foundation is currently mainly responsible for terrain transformation. There will be mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts and other terrains in it. Even after reasonable arrangements, the workload is still not small.

Fortunately, the earthwork business is him

Chapter 964 Jurassic Park construction plan and iron ore price negotiation for free reading.

What they are good at, and their own human resources are also very rich, it is the most suitable for this matter.

Kylin Environmental Industry Group is responsible for the environmental transformation of the Jurassic Park project. In the early stage, it will cooperate with Wancheng Foundation to carry out terrain and soil transformation. Later, he will provide climate transformation equipment and technology and let it be responsible.

When Ye Zishu said that it would build a Jurassic Park covering an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers, all the people in charge of the meeting were surprised, and it felt a bit like a fantasy.

At first they thought it was just a Jurassic theme park, with some models and dolls inside, but if they did this, they would not use an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers.

So they thought it was a dinosaur made with bionic technology, and then put it in such a large forest to create the atmosphere of Jurassic Park to attract tourists.

It's just that such speculation was also denied by Ye Zishu. What he wanted to create was a real Jurassic Park, and all the animals and plants in the Jurassic period in it were real.

This makes everyone feel incredible. You must know that the animals and plants in the Jurassic period have been extinct for many years. Although the genetic material of animals has basically disappeared, there are still some fossils.

After so many years of geological changes, the plants are probably turned into coal, and they don't even know what they looked like at the beginning, let alone genetic genes.

How did the boss create these animals and plants without genetic genes? This is everyone's doubts. Fortunately, Ye Zishu didn't intend to hide it, telling them that it was calculated through simulation.

Therefore, there is no guarantee that these animals and plants must have existed in the Jurassic period. What they created is Jurassic Park, as long as it is roughly correct, the details that are too detailed do not conform to the facts, and others do not know.

With this explanation, it is much easier for everyone to accept, especially the Kirin Agricultural Development Group, which still trusts the boss's genetic technology, but does not think that there will be a technical bottleneck for the boss to do so.

In fact, they haven't thought too deeply about it, thinking that it is to create Jurassic Park under the existing climate and environmental conditions, otherwise they would never be so calm.

The content of the meeting was mainly to assign tasks to them and prepare them for manpower and mechanical equipment. Wancheng Foundation also needed to acquire the land around the park in advance and design a tourism development service area.

After the design of Jurassic Park on his side is finished, they can start construction immediately. It doesn't take much time, and the overall design plan can be drawn up in a few days.

This matter is not hidden. Wancheng Foundation can directly announce the plan to build Jurassic Park. At the same time, it must communicate with relevant departments in advance so that the project can be approved.

Not long after Ye Zishu finished arranging the task, the international capital finally started to deal with resource prices. First of all, when Kirin Basic Industry Group and the iron ore supplier were negotiating prices, the other party opened their mouths.

For public resources like iron ore, they usually sign a supply for a whole year, so the supply price for the next year needs to be negotiated this year, otherwise they will face the danger of cutting off the supply of iron ore.

Of course, you can also buy from the market based on the market price, but if you do that, first, the supply stability is poor, and second, it is difficult to buy such a large amount of goods in the free market.

Generally, even if the price is raised, it will not be particularly exaggerated. An increase of 10% to 20% is considered an exaggeration. In the end, they actually wanted to increase the price by 150%. Obviously, they are taking advantage of the fire.

If their price is really followed, the price of iron ore per ton will be as high as 200 US dollars, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the price of related domestic products.

This is not the worst case scenario. If the price of iron ore rises sharply, it will drive up the prices of other resources. In fact, they don't just want to make money from iron ore.

Instead, they want to rely on the opportunity of rising iron ore prices to cause other resource prices to rise sharply, and this will also give a strong signal to the market and increase expectations for global resource price increases.

Faced with such a problem, Ye Zishu’s instructions are to talk slowly and not to sign an agreement with them in a hurry. Just doing this will not prevent other domestic companies from signing agreements with iron ore suppliers.

After all, people don't have that

Chapter 964 Jurassic Park construction plan and iron ore price negotiation for free reading.

With so much inventory, if the supply of iron ore is not available, they will face the danger of suspending production, so employees need to feed, suspending production means no income, and they have little choice at all.

If you want to solve their problems, you can only let the Qilin Resource Development Group give them priority in the ore collected from the seabed, so as to ensure their normal production.

At present, the annual iron ore mining volume of Kirin Resources Development Group is about 100 million tons, and the remaining production capacity needs to mine other mineral resources, and not all equipment is universal.

Ye Zishu thought over and over again, in order to maintain the same front, he still planned to give up the ore resources of Kirin Resource Development Group to other domestic steel companies to solve their problems.

He wants to see how long these iron ore suppliers can hold on after losing the huge domestic market. Anyway, after one year, the mining capacity of Kirin Resources Development Group will increase.

Not to mention other things, as long as the supply of iron ore reaches more than 500 million tons, it can basically meet the needs of the domestic industry, but there is no excess steel for export.

Not only that, Tidal Group also promised to provide these steel companies with low-interest loans to solve the capital turnover problems they may face, so that even if they stop production, they will not be unable to pay wages.

He dared to do this mainly because the overall proportion of these domestic steel companies in the country is not very large, only about 20%, and the remaining 80% are occupied by Kirin Basic Industry Group.

In order to prevent them from thinking that this is a good opportunity to expand their market share, Kirin Basic Industries Group disclosed to them the amount of inventory it owns to dispel their illusions.

Such a multi-pronged approach should be able to stabilize all domestic iron and steel enterprises. As for small private iron and steel enterprises, it is fine to cooperate if they are willing to cooperate, and it will not affect the overall situation if they are unwilling.

After the formation of the united front, the subsequent iron ore negotiations have come to a standstill. The other party seems not in a hurry, and the side is not in a hurry either.

Just as the negotiations on our side were at a stalemate, the bad news came that the steel companies of RB and HG even reached a new price supply agreement with these iron ore suppliers.

Sure enough, the price has increased by 150%. The purpose of doing this is to further coerce our country to agree to their new price, as if telling us that this is the law of the market.

Sure enough, after the signing of these agreements, the attitude of the iron ore suppliers was tougher than before, as if they could handle us, but we also had confidence and did not give in because of this.

In this way, it has been delayed until December. If the supply agreement has not been signed, it will be difficult to arrange the subsequent plans, and the time is getting tighter and tighter.

But the attitude of the other party is getting tougher and tougher, because the price of iron ore in the international market has indeed risen, and the rate is not small, which makes them feel that they have more bargaining chips in their hands.

However, my country's negotiating team represented by Kirin Basic Industry Group remains steadfast, and even does not want to negotiate at first. The reason is that the other party's attitude is too arrogant, and there is no need to be angry.

And the iron and steel enterprises under Kirin Basic Industry Group have even begun to arrange holidays. After January, they plan to give these employees a long holiday and pay their wages as usual.

Anyway, for Kirin Basic Industry Group, even if it does not produce, it is still more than enough to feed these workers, not to mention that their inventory is still there, and they can still make money to support their employees if they sell it.

As it dragged on until January, the other party became nervous, but still did not give up. The capital behind it became even more frantic for capital speculation, and the iron ore market price was even higher.

This also provides an opportunity for the Tidal Group to make money, and they have made a lot of money by doing more, but they are planning to sell short because they plan to stop negotiations and stop talking to these suppliers.

my country's imported iron ore accounts for 80% of the world's iron ore. The reason is that my country has been investing heavily in infrastructure construction in recent years, and at the same time, Kirin Basic Industries Group has also hoarded goods.

If they lose this 80% of the market, it means that they will face a huge blow. At that time, their stocks will plummet, and the price of iron ore futures will also be hit hard.

This will give the Tidal Group another chance to make money,

Chapter 964 Jurassic Park construction plan and iron ore price negotiation for free reading.

The money earned from the capital market alone is enough to make up for the losses of Kirin Basic Industries Group.

Chapter 964 Jurassic Park construction plan and iron ore price negotiation for free reading.

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