Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine hundred and sixty-fifth quelling resource price hikes and announcement of Jurassic Park

Just making money from the stock market does not make much money. Tidal Investment Company knows that many capitals are very confident at this time, so they started a VAM mode with these capitals, or paper futures.

This kind of financial derivatives transaction can expand the scale of the financial market infinitely, which is more profitable than simply manipulating stocks. As a result, the other party is confident enough to reach a deal with Tidal Investment Company.

In view of the fact that the total size of the mineral resource market is not as large as that of the energy market, and to avoid being collectively operated by capital, they did not completely take one-way operations this time, but took hedging operations.

In this way, even if things deviate from your expectations, you can still reduce losses. Although you don’t make as much money as one-way operations, the advantage is the high safety, so you won’t lose your underwear.

Not long after the relevant transactions were completed here, the temporary domestic iron ore procurement committee announced that the iron ore price negotiations had failed and that they would not start negotiations on the iron ore price for the next year.

This news shocked the world, and many people found it incredible. We must know that my country needs a very large amount of iron ore every year, which has reached more than one billion tons. It is the world's largest importer of iron ore.

Is this decision crazy? Without iron ore, it means that a large number of steel companies will stop production, and domestic infrastructure will also be greatly affected.

No one thought that the price negotiation would end in failure. Not to mention ordinary people, even iron ore suppliers who were originally full of confidence felt incredible when they heard this news.

They hurriedly communicated with this side to confirm whether the news was true, and when they got a positive answer, they were like a thunderbolt. This bad news completely exceeded their expectations.

Also inconceivable or shocking, there are international capitals who are ready for this. They did not expect that our country is so stubborn and would rather let domestic steel companies stop production than accept price blackmail.

The capital market took the lead in responding, and a large number of selling orders began to appear. In order to stabilize the market sentiment, the big capital had to come down to take orders in person, hoping to stabilize the stock prices of various mining giants.

You must know that they have signed a large number of off-market transactions with Tidal Investment Company, as well as a large number of paper transactions and related financial derivative transactions, the number is very large.

The stock prices of mining giants themselves are due to the rapid growth of my country's economy and the sharp increase in demand for iron ore, resulting in very good operating income and relatively high stock prices.

When this news came out, the stock prices of many mining giants fell by 30% directly, and there was a possibility of further declines. Fortunately, these big capitals entered the market and finally stabilized the situation and did not let the stock prices fall further.

Seeing this situation, here decided to increase some efforts, so Kirin Resources Development Group officially announced that it will increase the scale of seabed mining, and the production capacity is expected to increase to 1 billion tons.

Ye Zishu asked them to use one year to expand the production capacity by 500 million tons, but they didn't expect them to double it directly. Regardless of whether it can be realized or not, anyway, it is more bluffing to talk about it at this time.

If it is really expanded to 1 billion tons by Kirin Resources Development Group, it means that the country will not need to buy iron ore from other mining giants for a long period of time in the future.

This means that the decline in the performance of these mining giants is not temporary, but a long-term phenomenon. Their stocks have no long-term holding value at all, and if they hold them again, they will be locked up for a long time.

Sure enough, after the news came out, the financial market responded immediately. The stock price that had been stabilized had a large number of sell-offs, which directly reached half of the original price.

At this time, big capital began to play a role again. In order to stabilize the financial market, they had to invest a huge amount of money to take over the market, and finally stabilized the situation.

However, the current stock price is less than 40% of the peak period, and has directly dropped by more than 60%. Shareholders have suffered huge losses, and these mining giants are also facing tremendous pressure.

Negotiations failed and the stock price fell sharply. Someone in the management must take the blame, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to the majority of investors.

After all, the negotiations failed, and they could hardly absolve themselves of the blame.

Maybe it's because the news isn't hot enough to dislike it. It didn't take long for Baihu Technology to announce that it will

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In a few years, the space station will be built into a small space city and a space port.

This is nothing, after all, I said it before, but I didn't expect Baihu Technology to be in such a hurry. The space station has not been fully operational, and it hastily carried out follow-up plans, which was much earlier than the time they had set before.

However, the latter piece of news made many people understand why it was ahead of time. They announced that they are currently actively researching space mining technology, and it is expected that a large-scale space mining spacecraft will be built within 5 years.

At the same time, in order to explore space resources, Baihu Technology will launch a large number of small space resource detectors in the next five years, and has completed the space resource exploration mission.

When all these news are added together, the meaning is obvious. All the actions point to space mining. This is something that many people have thought about, but they don't know when it will be realized.

If Baihu Technology really develops large-scale space mining technology, it means that mankind has officially entered the stage of space resource utilization, and the status of the so-called resource-rich country on the earth will plummet.

But is it possible? When most people hear this news, they will inevitably think of this question in their minds, because with the current space technology of human beings, it is still far away from large-scale space mining.

However, the company that announced the news was Baihu Technology Company, a company that has created countless miracles, making the answer in many people's minds uncertain.

You must know that not long ago, Baihu Technology Company successfully landed on the moon with 5 astronauts on the surface of the moon, and began to build a simple base on the moon to prepare for the large-scale construction of a lunar base.

This has already explained the problem. The space technology of Baihu Technology Company has definitely exceeded the expectations of many people. The first manned landing on the moon was successful in one go, and the process was very smooth, and there was no thrilling feeling at all.

Although it is uncertain whether Baihu Technology can develop large-scale space mining technology within 5 years, if anyone can accomplish this feat, Baihu Technology must be one of them.

Whether you believe it or not is actually not important. What matters is whether the investors in the financial market believe it or not. This is the best reflection of your true thoughts.

Sure enough, after the news was announced, the financial market responded immediately, and the prices of related mineral resource stocks immediately fell, and most of them had fallen by 70% of their peak stock prices.

At this time, Tidal Investment Company no longer held the borrowed stocks in its hands, but also chose to sell them to further drive down the price. As a result, in just one week, the stock price was basically only 20% of the peak period.

But even so, Tidal Investment Company still holds a considerable part of the borrowed stocks in its hands. The reason why they don't continue to sell is because they want to keep some chips in their hands. Otherwise, if the capital counterattacks, they will feel uncomfortable without chips in their hands.

As a result, at the end of January, the other party seemed to have given up the counterattack, and did not forcefully buy the stocks of these mining companies on a large scale by relying on strong capital.

After analysis, it should be that the interests of many capitals are inconsistent. Some people hope to increase the stock price because they have reached other transaction agreements with Tidal Investment Company.

But there are also capitals that do not have this trouble. They know that buying the stocks of these mining companies is a trap, so they are naturally unwilling to step in. As for the difficulties faced by other capitals, they have nothing to do with them.

There is absolutely no sense of loyalty in the capital market, everything is for their own interests, and some capitals even wish that other capitals will die, so that they can dominate the global capital market.

The reason why they were able to work together before was mainly because they had common interests, let alone common interests now, if they don't step on the way, it's already considered the utmost benevolence and righteousness.

Tidal Investment Company didn't expect that just by posting a few messages, they would beat the opponent to the point of no counterattack. They didn't use many tricks, and they made money safely and securely.

According to statistics afterwards, they made a total of 300 billion US dollars from the financial market. Although it is incomparable with the previous few times, it is still a huge sum of money.

Ye Zishu let him give a part of the money to Kirin Resources Development Group, so that it has enough funds for production expansion. It should not be enough for them to expand production with their own capital scale.

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Now that they have announced that they will expand the mining capacity to 1 billion tons, naturally they cannot let them break their promises, and such a large-scale mining capacity can be digested domestically, so there is no need to worry about overcapacity.

And it's not just iron ore mining here, they also mine other ores. Although the domestic demand for iron ore is high, the demand for other ores is also very large.

It can be said that with the rapid economic development of a country, the demand for resources and minerals must be all-round, especially for our populous country, the demand for each mineral resource is not a small number.

Although these capitals have stumbled on iron ore, they are paying close attention to the situation in my country's steel market to see why they have the confidence to do so.

It is not a big secret that Kirin Basic Industry Group has a large amount of resource reserves. After many inquiries, some information can still be obtained.

When they learned that Kirin Basic Industries Group had enough resources for more than one year, the international capital completely extinguished their previous thoughts, and the entire market finally returned to rationality.

Therefore, it is iron ore that is really affected in the country. Other mineral resource companies dare not open their mouths at all. Most of them still maintain the previous prices, and a few increase, but only slightly.

This is still acceptable to Kirin Basic Industries Group, as long as the lion does not open its mouth to use price blackmail, they can still accept it.

These are all things to say later. At the end of December, Pei Qing went out to the capital to discuss with relevant departments, discussing the technology of in vitro life breeding.

After more than a year of testing, it has been proved that this technology is real and effective and will not affect newborns, but it faces ethical problems.

The discussion with the relevant departments this time is to negotiate the scope of application. Large-scale use is definitely not acceptable. Not to mention the disagreement of the relevant departments, it is estimated that the people will also have opinions on this.

The best way is to strictly regulate the scope of use, but Ye Zishu believes that there are more men than women in China, and see if it can provide convenience for single men.

For example, if a man is single over the age of 35, has no criminal record, no bad habits, and a decent income, but cannot marry a wife, he believes that he can still be qualified to use this technology.

However, he knows that it is difficult to realize this idea, because if it is really done, a series of adjustments will be required, including the improvement of laws and regulations, the norms in the implementation process, and so on.

He didn't think that he could be recognized all at once, but based on practical considerations, he provided another possibility to avoid many problems caused by gender imbalance.

Pei Qing didn't come back from the capital until December passed, which shows how difficult the process was, and she must have encountered great resistance.

Taiji Group not only actively promotes the application of this technology domestically, but also actively publicizes and promotes it internationally, and has started negotiations with various countries.

Due to religious and other reasons, some countries were directly rejected before negotiations started. Most countries are willing to negotiate, but it may take a lot of time to reach a result.

When coming up with this technology, Ye Zishu already expected that there would be a lot of resistance, but he didn't feel depressed or lost. Anyway, the technology already exists, and it is only a matter of time before it is popularized.

It's just that his bio-robot plan will be delayed again, which will affect the plan of Tidal Investment Company. Fortunately, the global economy is gradually recovering, and it will have an impact, but not too much.

On January 1st, Wancheng Foundation officially announced the Jurassic Park construction plan, and then Kirin Industrial Group also announced the plan.

Their two companies are the main implementers of this plan, so it is not surprising that they announced it, and it also shows that the project has passed the review of relevant departments.

In fact, it is not surprising to pass the review. Compared with agriculture and animal husbandry, the value created is far lower than the construction of tourism projects, and the completed tourism projects are still unique.

It is conservatively estimated that it can create trillions of yuan in revenue every year, and provide at least 2 million jobs. If it exceeds expectations, the project will generate higher revenue, and it is possible to reach more than 5 trillion yuan.

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It depends on the effect after the actual construction is completed. Anyway, the renderings given to them by Ye Zishu are very amazing. There are almost beautiful scenery everywhere inside, as if they are in an independent world, which is completely different from the existing world.

At the same time, the previous idea was also revised. Before, it was only intended to build a service area around Jurassic Park, but now it has been changed to build a large city in the center of Jurassic Park.

The city can accommodate 10 million people at the same time, including 2 million to 5 million city managers and service personnel, and can accommodate 5 million to 8 million tourists at the same time.

This is calculated based on the average stay time of each tourist for about one month, because according to the calculation, if one wants to explore all of Jurassic Park, one month is definitely not enough.

In addition, the city itself is full of scenic spots, and there are many interesting settings in it. If you want to have fun, it will take at least a month.

In order to make the city magical, he prepared the sky sky technology for the city, which can cover the city under the sky sky.

After the sky is opened, the whole city will be immersed in a magical scene, such as turning the city into an underwater world, all marine animals seem to be swimming around, and you can also see a lot of underwater wonders.

It can also turn the city into a space city, making people feel as if they are in a huge space city, looking as far as the eye can see, full of bright stars.

Such a scene will come every night, and each time the theme is different, making every day of tourists in this city unique.

Not to mention the surrounding Jurassic Park, the city alone is very attractive. He believes that as long as conditions permit, many tourists are still willing to stay here for a few more days.

However, to build such a huge city, the scale of funds spent is also very large. The total investment is estimated to be as high as 15 trillion yuan. Including the investment in the construction of Jurassic Park, the total investment scale is 20 trillion yuan.

Building a city capable of accommodating 10 million people requires a huge amount of money. A city of this size is considered a super-large city in any country.

What's more, in order to be able to cooperate with the sky and the sky to create a more realistic simulation scene, many architectural designs and materials are different, and the cost is naturally higher.

Moreover, this is a tourist city. In order to make tourists not want to leave once they come, in addition to conventional commercial facilities, there are also a large number of unique urban experience projects.

It is possible to spend 15 trillion yuan to build the city, but Ye Zishu did not charge technology patent fees. He provided a lot of advanced materials for this, and there are also technologies that are inconvenient to display directly.

The technology of Tianmu Cangqiong alone is worth one trillion yuan. It is not only a virtual reality technology that can cover the entire city, but also a climate regulation technology, and it is also a super defense technology.

As mentioned above in virtual reality technology, temperature regulation is also very important for this city, because the temperature inside Jurassic Park is generally very high, coupled with very frequent rainfall and high humidity.

Living in such a city is very stuffy. Anyway, Ye Zishu is not willing to live in such a city for a long time, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

At this time, climate conditions are particularly important. Through temperature adjustment, the temperature of the entire city can be maintained at around 25 degrees for a long time, and the humidity can also be maintained within a comfortable range for a long time.

In this city, you don't have to worry about spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is warm like spring all year round. Even if you don't want to see Jurassic Park, this is a good place for a seasonal vacation.

Such a huge investment is all in charge of Wancheng Foundation. They really don't have that much money at the moment, but they can get a loan from the bank first to operate the project. Anyway, the banks under the Tidal Group are not short of money.

Then when their real estate projects are sold, they will have a lot of cash in their hands, which can not only repay bank loans, but also have a lot of surplus.

However, they still owe money to the big brother companies. If the funds in their hands are really not good investment projects, they will return part of the funds to the brother companies.

If 20 trillion yuan of funds are poured down, it will create

Chapter 965 Calming down the tide of rising resource prices and the announcement of Jurassic Park news is free to read.

There are about 10 million direct and indirect jobs. Although not all of them are long-term jobs, they are still very good.

Wancheng Foundation's real estate business has gradually entered a shrinking stage. In the past two years, it has been desperately developing other industries. The purpose is to gradually give these construction employees a chance to transform.

It would not be possible to dismiss them directly and drive them back to their hometowns. For this reason, Wancheng Foundation did not dare to neglect, and racked its brains to think of projects to allow as many employees as possible to successfully transform.

The Jurassic Park project has relieved their anxiety, and given them two or three years, there may be more projects to digest these employees so that they can have continuous and stable jobs.

It is precisely because Wancheng Foundation is under a lot of pressure that Yepshu will entrust them with business as long as they have a business that suits them. In contrast, other companies do not have such great pressure.

When the two companies announced the news, there was no reaction at first, because the two companies did not receive much attention, far behind Qinglong Technology.

The reason is very simple. Kirin Industrial Group itself is very low-key, and this time it is released in the name of the headquarters, and its popularity is relatively low.

Although Wancheng Foundation is very large in scale, it is still a real estate company in the eyes of others. In addition, they also put various businesses under the subsidiary group, so the headquarters is not well-known.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the announcements issued by the two companies did not immediately attract attention. Fortunately, there are always people who care about these two groups and have noticed the news.

As a result, the news about the construction of Jurassic Park spread like wildfire on the Internet platform. Everyone didn't understand it, so they naturally wanted to find out.

It's a pity that the two companies did not give any renderings, but they gave the investment scale, which shocked everyone with an investment of 20 trillion yuan.

This is such a huge project that requires 20 trillion yuan. Many people can hardly imagine how to spend 20 trillion yuan, and they also lament that they are really rich.

Some people thought at first that it was just a model park with Jurassic creatures as samples. Parks like this are not new, and many cities in China already have them.

There is even a Jurassic-themed digital gallery, where you can see introductions to various dinosaurs and other Jurassic creatures, as well as simulated scenes.

It turns out that they need to invest 20 trillion yuan, so they don't think so. If they just build such a theme park, they can't spend so much even if they can spend it.

But no one thinks that they can create a real Jurassic Park. Everyone speculates that they will use the technology of robot pets to create it. After all, this technology is already very mature in China.

Moreover, the price of robot pets is too expensive. If a theme park with a large area is built, it may really be possible to spend such a large amount of money.

Wancheng Foundation did not expect that the information it released routinely would receive so much attention, so it revealed more information and told the outside world that they were building the real Jurassic Park.

The dinosaurs and other creatures in it are all real creatures, and they cover an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square kilometers. Later, a CG video is attached, which makes people really excited to watch.

Although many experts or people who think they have some knowledge question Wancheng Jiye's statement, the reason is that the technical difficulty is too high and it is basically not feasible.

But it does not prevent netizens from discussing this matter. Wancheng Foundation has not proved that it can do it. It is useless to say more now. When it is really built, there will naturally be no doubts.

Although the voices on the Internet are very complicated, the publicity effect is very good. Now almost the whole world knows about this project, which saves a lot of publicity costs.

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