Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 969 The Pressure of Wancheng Foundation and the

In order to get rid of the foreseeable recession of real estate, Wancheng Foundation is desperately developing other businesses, but no matter how they develop, it is difficult to get rid of the construction industry.

The reason is simple, that is, their assets in the real estate and construction industries are too large, and the scale of direct investment given to them by Leaf Book has reached more than 80 trillion yuan in the past few years.

In addition to the inward transfer of funds caused by the operation of the entire industrial chain, the total investment scale in the real estate field has reached more than 120 trillion yuan, and the construction area under construction and has been built is as high as more than 40 billion square meters.

The country has a population of 1.2 billion. Based on the per capita 40 square meters, 48 ​​billion square meters is enough for the people of the country to have a very comfortable living environment.

Even with the addition of other commercial facilities and public facilities, there is indeed less and less room for the development of Wancheng Foundation, and the shrinking of the real estate business is inevitable.

Last year, their income from residential leasing and commercial real estate leasing business reached 15 trillion yuan, which is the single highest income among all their businesses.

The revenue of other third-party engineering construction businesses also reached 5 trillion yuan last year. They mainly undertake government construction projects, and the private business is mainly provided by enterprises under Ye Zishu.

The revenue of other industries also reached 20 trillion yuan last year, including construction machinery and equipment, building materials and construction services, passenger and cargo logistics and transportation services, and other businesses such as tourism and urban services.

Overall, Wancheng Foundation has been relatively successful in diversification over the past few years, with a total revenue of 40 trillion yuan. Even if businesses related to engineering and construction are excluded, there is still 20 trillion yuan in revenue.

However, compared with the number of employees they have, this revenue is still a lot worse. The number of employees under their umbrella has reached 150 million, and the per capita revenue is only more than 260,000 points.

It shows that if Yeaf Book does not invest in them, it will be difficult for them to maintain such a large number of personnel, and they will inevitably lay off quite a lot of personnel, at least half of them.

Now there is not much time left for Wancheng Foundation. After this year, the real estate business will be difficult to accommodate so many people. There will be no suitable arrangements at that time, so we can only lay off employees.

He didn't blame Wancheng Jiye for its slow development. Over the years, Wancheng Jiye had made great contributions to urbanization and the development of domestic transportation.

Originally, they did not have the gene to develop the service industry, but in order to be able to accommodate these employees, they still endured the pain that did not match their own genes, did not shrink back, and resolutely developed the service industry.

Although I am a little worried that Wancheng Foundation will not be able to complete the task, Wancheng Foundation still has a buffer period of one or two years, and I hope they can complete this difficult task.

This is not only for the sake of its employees, but also for the sake of Wancheng Foundation itself. Once this feat is accomplished, it means that their business scale will not shrink significantly due to the shrinking real estate business. ..

The transformation process is certainly painful, but once it succeeds, it means that the sea and the sky will be brighter. Wancheng Foundation is still a giant in China, and it does not have to endure the uncertainties brought by cyclical industries.

Although there are only two companies that have turned over their profits this year, namely Phoenix Technology and Taiji Group, the total amount of profits turned over is actually more than the previous year, reaching 30 trillion yuan. ....

All the profits turned in by Ye Zishu were given to Wancheng Foundation. Without this supplement, their entire system would not be able to operate, and they would need to rely on a large amount of debt to survive.

But starting this year, they will start to buy houses one after another. Although this is a one-off sale, the income is definitely much higher than that of renting out, so they have a lot of cash in their hands.

By this time, Ye Zishu will no longer invest in them, and they will need to rely on these funds to develop other businesses in the future, which means they have officially graduated from him.

The revenue of Baihu Technology Co., Ltd. last year was also very impressive, with a total revenue of 2 trillion yuan. The international military industry trade and the domestic military system that is being improved,

It has become an opportunity for rapid revenue growth.

Last year, a new business joined, that is, the procurement of army equipment, which contributed a lot to their total revenue, except for large-scale equipment procurement.

They also purchased a large number of individual combat equipment, among which individual combat uniforms and full information perception equipment are the most eye-catching existence in individual combat equipment.

It can not only greatly improve the combat power of individual soldiers, but also integrate with the modern informationized combat system. Its importance is self-evident, and the purchase quantity is naturally not stingy.

Last year, 400,000 sets of individual combat equipment were purchased, and the price of a complete set was as high as 500,000 yuan. This business alone contributed 200 billion yuan in revenue.

However, last year's revenue should be considered a relatively high level, and it should be difficult to continue to increase substantially. After all, national defense expenditure is not unlimited and must be determined according to national defense needs and economic strength.

However, there will not be a significant decline. The reason is that my country is still in the stage of rapid development of the national defense system, and the stock of military equipment is not very high, and it will take a long time to accumulate.

Although the overseas business is also developing in full swing, in view of the complexity of the overseas business situation and the level of economic strength of each country, it is difficult to make a substantial increase. It is already good if it does not decrease significantly.

Fortunately, he never thought of taking money from Baihu Technology Company. With these proceeds, it is enough to develop their space business.

And the most costly interstellar ship project does not require them to pay for it. When the time comes, Qilin Resource Development Group will pay for it, and they will be able to make a lot of money instead.

The income of Tidal Investment Company last year dropped significantly compared to the previous two years. After all, the previous two years were a windfall, and it was not in a normal state, so it cannot be used as a comparison.

However, relying on huge financial assets and limited financial operations, their income last year was not bad, with a total revenue of 5 trillion yuan, which is still among the best among all investment companies.

If they really want to make money in the financial market, they will definitely not make so little money. In fact, in order to promote the recovery of the global economy, they have reduced a lot of financial operations to avoid disrupting the pace of economic recovery.

As for their insurance business and banking business, I won't say much here. Anyway, the money they earn has nothing to do with him. As long as they operate stably, he can be less worried.

After reading the annual reports of these major companies, the overall growth momentum of last year was very strong. The revenue scale of the main entity companies under them reached as high as 530 trillion yuan, and the net profit scale also reached. In order for you to check the fastest update of this book next time , be sure to save your bookmarks!

Chapter 969 The pressure of the Wancheng foundation and the "invincible" artificial intelligence free reading. operating efficiency.

The third reason is that the emergence of a large number of industrial industries has played an important role in the sustainable development of the economy. The most typical is the bionic technology he provided.

I just talked about robotic pets and domestic service robots before. In fact, the scope of application of bionic technology is far beyond these two industries, but it is too complicated to explain in detail.

It can even be said that although he provided the technology, he himself is not very clear about how to use these technologies to produce high-value products.

After all, he is only one person, and he can only make predictions about large-scale industries, and it is impossible for him to understand all other products and industries that require the use of bionic technology.

If he really had this, he would not need so many engineers and design and development personnel at all, and he could do it all by himself.

It was precisely because he realized that he could not do this that he chose to walk on two legs. One leg was to rely on the industry he founded to develop and utilize the technology he provided.

The other leg is to hand it over to artificial intelligence, let the universal robot start a business, get rid of the inherent limitations of human thinking, and let the science and technology he gave can be further developed. ....

In fact, it also proved the correctness of his approach. The two companies, Starlight Group and Spark Group, have created 200 trillion yuan in revenue.

If he hadn't made this decision at the beginning, it is very likely that the 200 trillion yuan in revenue would not have been created with the company he founded before.

Of course, in the process of the development of these two groups, many companies also fell in the competition and occupied the market space of these companies.

But this only occupies a very small part. Most of the market was created by the two companies themselves. Generally speaking, the cake has grown bigger, and it has doubled countless times than before.

He doesn't have to worry too much about future economic development. With the development of the interstellar ship project, another wave of new technologies will benefit the domestic industrial and commercial system, which will inevitably create a new economy.

In the future, it is no longer necessary to worry about insufficient jobs, but to worry that there is not enough population in the country to support economic development. At this time, humanoid robots can be developed to a greater extent.

Since then, a complete fault has been formed between our country's economy and the global economy, although there will still be trade links between them, and even personnel and travel links.

However, whether the global economy is good or bad will not have too much impact on the overall economy of our country, and it will become a relatively independent existence of the global economy, which has never happened in any previous period.

It is precisely because of the great development of its industries last year that the number of their employees also hit a new high, finally breaking through the 600 million mark.

This does not include general-purpose robots. As of the beginning of this year, the number of general-purpose robots produced by Kirin Basic Industries Group is as high as 45 million. Without these general-purpose robots, at least 90 million jobs can be provided.

Of course, this is only an ideal state. In fact, there are not enough qualified people to replace many jobs that general robots do, such as his medical institutions, educational institutions, scientific research institutions and so on.

The reason why he can develop rapidly without being restricted by talents is because of the existence of these general-purpose robots, so that his industries can develop various industries without the trouble of talents.

This is certainly not the limit. As the two artificial intelligence-controlled companies continue to develop, they will further squeeze the development space of other companies, and the scale and personnel may be further improved.

For artificial intelligence, there is no such thing as making money with harmony. As long as they can replace each other, they will not hesitate to formulate strategies and then strictly implement them, unless other companies have barriers that they cannot break through.

Obviously, except for some state-owned enterprises, no company can set up insurmountable barriers in front of artificial intelligence, and naturally it cannot become a real competitor of artificial intelligence.

As he said, he doesn't care about other business owners and capitalists, and naturally he doesn't care about their interests. He speaks with his strength, and there is no such thing as humility in the market.

Naturally, there are no restrictions on the industrial development of artificial intelligence, as long as it is not illegal and conforms to traditional and commercial values.

If the development of artificial intelligence is restricted, there will be no two companies with the current scale. Compared with the companies he founded, the development of the two companies in charge of artificial intelligence is actually much more difficult. ....

One is that the financial support given is very little. Starlight Group took over these state-owned enterprises. Except for the land and factory assets, everything else was a burden.

This is especially true for Xinghuo Group. Since they were founded from scratch, they only gave a start-up capital, and then relied on bank loans for development without any support.

The second is that the technical support given is very little, and they can only pick up the rest from the existing industrial system. After taking it, they still need to carry out a lot of secondary research and development.

Of course, this doesn't really matter. The strength of artificial intelligence in research and development is not weaker than that of humans, and it may be much stronger in technology application, otherwise it would not be possible to develop so fast.

The third is that there is less policy support, including both the policy support in the system given by Ye Zishu and the government policy support. Compared with the high-end companies created before, the companies they founded are much smaller.

They are a group of companies composed of a series of small and medium-sized enterprises. Although the total scale is very large, the scale of a single company is not very large. The large ones may have revenues of tens of billions of yuan, and the small ones may only have a few Ten million yuan in revenue.

Moreover, the places where they choose to start their industries are all small counties, and some are even in villages and towns. The policy support they receive is very limited, and they are lucky not to be made things difficult.

If it were a different person who was in charge of these two companies, not to mention the problem of ability, just the troubles encountered would make people want to give up, feeling that the society is so sinister, and there are people against them everywhere.

It's just that artificial intelligence doesn't have real feelings. They will only act according to whether the goal can be achieved, so they are much stronger than humans in terms of resilience and will not be hit by various setbacks.

If it is said that these enterprises founded by Ye Zishu have filled the gaps in many domestic industries, they have received very little targeting, and even received a lot of support from the government.

Then the Xingguang Group and the Xinghuo Group, in the process of development, marched forward on the corpses of their competitors, and it is conceivable that they were targeted. After all, "cutting people's money is like killing their parents", and they have to work hard.

It is in such an environment that the two groups have grown to such a scale in two or three years, which has also promoted the development of my country's industry and commerce in all aspects.

Although the company he founded before is not small in size, the fields involved are still relatively limited. He just chooses a few fields that can make a lot of money to develop, and he doesn't know many details.

The reason is not that he doesn't want to do it, but that he can't do it. If he does, neither his personal energy nor the management ability of the entire system can meet the requirements.

In the end, not only will the development not be good, but it is likely to fall into a quagmire, implicating the originally well-developed industries. Therefore, he has been developing industries that he is capable of developing in the past few years.

In contrast, a management system composed entirely of artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots is far more capable of management than a management system supported by humans.

Because they will not have any private interests and greed, and will only try their best to complete the task according to the ultimate goal, which can ensure that the execution is in place, and there will be no possibility of going out of style. ....

In the eyes of outsiders, this is a management team with strong professional ability, strict organization, strong execution, and impartiality. It has all the advantages and there is no reason for failure.

After reading the annual reports of these companies, Ye Zishu began to look at the annual reports of the two companies under his father's supervision. Compared with the previous companies, the scale of these two companies was a bit small.

The development of Juewei Food Group last year was not as strong as the previous year, with a total revenue of only 15 billion yuan. The reason is not that the market is not big enough, but that the number of competitors has increased.

In the final analysis, this industry has taken advantage of the early development, the brand awareness is relatively high, and there are no difficult technical barriers to overcome. Of course, the formula he provided has played a role to some extent.

Therefore, the upper limit of this enterprise is destined not to be very high, unless it conducts diversified development, but it is difficult for them to complete the diversified transformation by themselves.

Ye Zishu didn't think about how much they could do, as long as they managed a business in a stable and stable manner, in terms of total revenue, their performance was pretty good.

The net profit margin is basically maintained at 15%. The net profit is 2.2 billion yuan, and the dividend is 1.1 billion yuan.

In comparison, Xingmiao Aquatic Products Group's industrial scale is much larger, and the pearl industry is still the bulk of their business, but it is different from before.

Although their pearl industry was also exported before, most of the market is still in the country, and their global popularity is not yet well-known.

But last year, we did a lot of work on publicity, and at the same time, with the help of the industrial channels of Leaf Book, the effect was very good, and it has a great reputation all over the world.

Their county seems to have a tendency to become the center of the global pearl industry, not just a domestic pearl industry base. This status is very important for the development of the county's pearl industry.

The pearls produced by Xingmiao Aquatic Products Group are large in size, high in output and rich in color. They are ideal pearl products in the jewelry industry, and special pearls are also available.

For example, pearls specially developed for cosmetics and foundations for cosmetics are not only non-irritating to the skin, but also have a certain maintenance effect on the skin.

Pearls with medicinal value are sought after to a certain extent with the development of the Chinese medicine industry in China and even abroad, especially now that many medicines under the Taiji Group use this pearl as a raw material.

This has also promoted the rapid development of medicinal value pearls. After all, Taiji Group is the benchmark of the pharmaceutical industry, and their actions have a great impact on the pharmaceutical industry.

In the past, there were always people who questioned the scientific nature of traditional Chinese medicine, but now there are almost no such people. No one understands medicine better than Taiji Group. This has almost become a consensus at home and abroad.

And many of the medicines under the Taiji Group are traditional Chinese medicine formulas, but they have undergone a lot of technical processing for the sake of confidentiality, so as to avoid being cracked.

If this is not obvious, the pharmaceutical chain store established by Taiji Group has both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, and will also give advice on the use of traditional Chinese medicine, which has won wide acclaim.

Now people in many foreign countries are also pursuing traditional Chinese medicine. However, due to the problem of medical licensing, Taiji Group has not over-recommended traditional Chinese medicine as it does in China, and mainly develops in China.

Last year, the total revenue of Xingmiao Aquatic Products Group reached 100 billion yuan, of which 80 billion yuan came from pearl cultivation, that is, the supply of pearl raw materials.

The remaining 20 billion yuan in revenue comes from pearl processing. The added value of selling pearl raw materials is obviously low. It involves the pearl processing industry, which is conducive to enhancing the value of the industry.

The net profit margin is also higher than the previous year, reaching 35%, and the net profit is 35 billion yuan. Their family received 8.75 billion yuan in dividends, and the amount in hand was 7 billion yuan. .

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