Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 970 Listening to a Concert at the Art Theater


Unexpectedly, the two companies that were set up randomly at the beginning can develop to this scale now, especially the Xingmiao Aquatic Products Group, which was just to help the surrounding villagers earn income through fish farming.

Now it has grown to a scale of 100 billion yuan in revenue, which not only drove the employment of more than 100,000 people in the county, but also created a prominent business card for the small county.

Although there are many places where freshwater pearls are cultivated in China, this place is unique. Since their pearls came out, all other pearls have become ordinary products.

It not only makes other pearls ordinary, but also pushes Xingmiao Aquatic Products Group to the throne of the global pearl industry. There is still a lot of room for development in the future.

These two companies can be regarded as companies that have really grown from the county, and industries like Taiji Group's layout in the county are not really local companies.

Fortunately, in order to keep as much tax revenue as possible for the county, an independent accounting company was set up for the county's medical industry, which contributed a lot of tax revenue to the county.

Their family has distributed so much money, a total of more than 7.8 billion yuan. As far as their family's food and clothing are concerned, they can't use it up at all, so they can only donate part of it.

This time, instead of taking a small donation, I plan to donate 5 billion yuan. Of the remaining 2.8 billion yuan, 800 million yuan will be donated to people and institutions in need in the county, leaving only 2 billion yuan for myself.

In fact, a small county town no longer needs his father's donations. The county's fiscal revenue is very ample, which can fully meet the county's various public expenditures.

In fact, after so many years of development, the number of poor people in the country has been very low. As long as anyone with hands and feet is willing to come out to work, there is absolutely no problem in supporting a family in Hukou.

Just don't rule out the population who are poor due to special reasons such as health and family. It is necessary to make charitable donations to them. While economic development, we must not forget the socially disadvantaged groups.

Since the overall situation last year was so good, it is natural to increase the salaries of its employees significantly. Before this year, the average monthly salary was adjusted to 25,000 yuan, which is 300,000 yuan per year.

This income is not low in the world, even much higher than the average salary in developed countries, but he thinks that this salary is not suitable for the domestic economic situation.

If calculated based on the 600 million employees in his industry, the total annual salary is 180 trillion yuan, and their net profit last year was as high as 130 trillion yuan.

That is to say, the profit retained by the enterprise is too high, which is not conducive to the development of the domestic economy in the long run. The reason why he didn't care about this issue before is that his industry needs a lot of capital investment.

At that time, when we were still working hard to make the cake bigger, the social benefits from investment were higher than those from personal consumption.

At the same time, investment can also effectively expand social employment opportunities and benefit more people.

Now the domestic employment situation is very good, and there are very few people without jobs. At this time, it will be more meaningful to increase personal salaries. In addition, domestic infrastructure construction and industrial and commercial investment have also reached a certain scale.

If there are no interstellar ships and space mining plans, perhaps the scale of industrial investment and infrastructure investment will gradually shrink, and economic development will gradually shift to the consumer side.

Ye Zishu just wanted to increase the average monthly salary to 30,000 yuan, but after thinking about it, he still felt that this was inappropriate, so he decided to maintain the original idea and increase the average monthly salary to 2.5 trillion yuan.

There are many reasons. The first reason is that the next space program will require a huge amount of money. A 1-kilometer-long ship is conservatively estimated to be trillions of yuan, but it may actually be much higher than this.

If you build a 10-kilometer-class ship, it will cost 50 trillion yuan conservatively. Regardless of the wealth of his industry, he can't actually build many ships.

And he believes that if you want to easily travel in the solar system, a 10-kilometer-long ship is the most suitable, allowing personnel to stay on the ship for a long time without worrying about being unable to maintain it.

In order to be able to build these super spaceships, a new round of investment has to be started. If the salary increases too fast, it will still have a great impact on the investment plan.

The second reason is to gradually lower the expectations of employees. The previous salary increase was too fast, which made the employees a little bit blindly optimistic, and even the whole society was a bit blindly optimistic.

In fact, optimism is a good thing, but he doesn't want to see that optimism is based on wealth, but should be based on inner strength and knowledge, because once the wealth changes, it will be difficult to maintain the heart.

Moreover, the annual salary of 300,000 yuan is enough to provide a fairly comfortable living condition. Although they cannot afford top-level luxury goods, most of the goods are not too heavy for them to purchase.

If they spent all of these salaries, Ye Zishu would not say anything, because he was afraid that many people would invest a lot of money in speculation and the capital market, which was not what he wanted to see.

The third reason is that the economy has grown to its current scale. He believes that the speed of development will not increase by leaps and bounds in the future. Last year was a big surprise for him.

The main reason is that the development of the two companies controlled by artificial intelligence is too good, coupled with the new technology blessing he provided, they performed so well last year, which is not often the case.

Before the interstellar mining business is officially launched, the previous few years belong to the investment stage. The economy is good during the investment process, but it does not mean that the entire industrial system can achieve large-scale profitability.

The fourth reason is that my country's currency is under pressure to appreciate. Maintaining a low exchange rate for a long time is beneficial to exports. However, at this scale, it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain the original exchange rate.

Perhaps the government will take advantage of the Tidal Group’s issuance of international trade currency to re-anchor, and the currency will definitely appreciate at that time, which is conducive to the import of global raw materials.

As for foreign exchange, the country is not worried about it. After all, the government collects a lot of gold from it. Using gold as collateral for loans can reduce the risk of violent fluctuations in its own currency.

If the salary is raised too high all of a sudden, and the currency appreciates, it is very likely that there will be a global buying, buying and buying situation, just like the small rb back then.

This will further put new pressure on the currency and have an important impact on the current international trade. This reason alone is enough to require him to focus on stability and not be too radical.

For the sake of prudence, he decided to slow down and leave some room for the future. The current rise is too fast, and if there are some future economic twists and turns or slow development, he will not be very passive.

Moreover, not all of its industries have high revenues and profits, and a rapid increase in revenue will put a heavy burden on these companies. In summary, too fast a salary increase will do more harm than good.

After issuing the salary adjustment decision to each of its group companies, Ye Zishu began to prepare for the annual meeting and plan the development direction for the next year, which is very important for the entire industrial system.

"Have you finished reading the annual report? How is the situation?" Pei Qing couldn't help asking when Ye Zishu, who had been hiding in the study all day, finally came out before dinner.

As far as the Taiji Group she manages is concerned, the performance is still very good, and there are new businesses joining in, and there is no fear of a serious decline in subsequent revenue.

What's more, the recovery of the global economy is also conducive to the development of their business. After all, their pharmaceutical and medical products have markets all over the world.

But she doesn't know how other companies are doing. The medical and pharmaceutical industry is different from other industries. No matter how bad the economy is, this industry will not be too bad. Even if other industries disappear, this industry will still exist.

"After reading it, the situation is very good!" Ye Zishu responded.

When Pei Qing heard this, she immediately felt relieved. Since she used it very well, it meant that it was really good, and she could tell from the smile on Ye Zishu's face.

As for the more detailed information, she didn't inquire about it either. It wasn't that she wasn't interested, but that the two sides had formed a tacit understanding over the years. If it wasn't her own business, try not to inquire about it.

"When are you going to visit your parents in the capital?" Ye Zishu asked.

"How about January 20?" Pei Qing asked.

"No problem, there should be nothing on my side that I can't get away from." Ye Zishu said.

"Then let's fix this day, Ziqi and Ziqin will come back with us!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Some time ago, she went to the capital to discuss matters with relevant departments. She lived with Ye Ziqin, and later called Ye Ziqi to live with her, and they got along very well.

As for the things to be done, there is no obvious progress. To promote the limited commercialization of in vitro breeding requires very complicated procedures. The people in the relevant departments only promised to consider it, and did not make any promises, let alone any timetable.

On the other hand, some overseas countries are advancing faster. It may be possible to carry out experimental medical treatment locally by the middle of this year. Of course, there are also some countries that have no discussion at all and are directly vetoed.

For many countries, this technology is not urgently needed, and it is still very controversial. It even has something to do with religion. It is very troublesome to deal with, so they simply rejected it.

To be honest, Leaf Book is not optimistic about large-scale promotion, so when promoting, it will set the target at a restricted application level, and only use it for those who have difficulty in reproducing the next generation.

"Are you still working tomorrow?" Pei Qing asked.

"Do you have arrangements?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"You've been busy for a whole year, why don't you go to the county theater to see a performance tomorrow." Pei Qing said.

The southeast area of ​​the county seat is planned as cultural and art venues, high-end villas and parks. Naturally, there is also an art theater here, but it is invested by Wancheng Foundation, not Shengshi Cultural Group.

Shengshi Cultural Group currently only builds cultural and art centers in cities above the prefecture-level city level. The scale is much larger than that in counties, and it is currently unable to take into account the construction of cultural and art centers in county-level cities.

If they really want to expand their business to the county in the future and they have enough funds, they can buy it from Wancheng Jiye, but they need to follow the market price.

The reason is that during the development of Wancheng Foundation, Shengshi Cultural Group did not help much, and since it is not in the education industry, it will definitely not give the cost price.

Unexpectedly, it has already been completed. According to Wancheng Jiye's habit, it will not be fully opened until the entire area is fully completed, and it is generally not open for business in the middle.

"The southeastern part of the county has been built?" Ye Zishu asked.

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she said angrily: "You don't care about the things around you at all. Apart from hiding in the laboratory every day, you don't hear anything outside the window. It's been more than a month."

"It's okay if I'm wrong. We'll just go tomorrow. What kind of performance is it?" Ye Zishu quickly apologized, and then emphasized that only two people will go, which made Pei Qing very satisfied.

"In order to warm up the new art theater, Wancheng Jiye invited many singers from Shengshi Records to sing." Pei Qing said.

"That's fine, let's go and listen!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

He hasn't paid attention to the music circle for a long time. If it wasn't for making money at that time, he probably has nothing to do with the music circle in his whole life.

He doesn't need to arrange the follow-up matters, not even Pei Qing, as long as he instructs the general-purpose robots, they can handle these trivial matters.

After the two had dinner, Ye Zishu did not continue to work, but stayed with Pei Qing. It was the end of the year, and it was time to take a break. Although the past year had not accomplished as many things as before, it was not easy.

In order to learn field theory well, he spent too much time, but now he still feels that he has only scratched the surface, and has not really understood the core essence of field theory.

In the complicated technical and theoretical knowledge, how to understand thoroughly will test his wisdom. If he just learns one by one, he will only waste time, which seems a bit clumsy.

But it's not easy to understand it thoroughly, at least you have to lay a solid foundation, and you can have a deeper understanding on the basis of a full understanding. He still understands this truth.

Therefore, I didn't feel irritable because my learning progress was not as expected, not to mention that he is not bad, and he has researched a lot of things by using field theory, which can be regarded as useful for learning.

The next day, Ye Zishu said that he had a rest, but he felt that he had nothing to do when he was free. Instead, Pei Qing was busy with the affairs of the Taiji Group, which made him appear to have nothing to do.

Years of busyness have formed a habit, and now it is difficult for him to get used to drinking tea and walking birds all day long, and it will take a long time to do so.

In the morning, he still chose to study. After lunch, he and Pei Qing went to the county town leisurely, and temporarily stayed in the mansion given to Ye Ziqin. Robots were usually arranged to clean it here, but it was spotless.

Usually Ye Ziqin doesn't live here, but his father sometimes brings his mother to live here for a day or two. In contrast, his father has adapted to the life in the county town and lived happily.

In the middle of the afternoon, Pei Qing took him around the county town in a car. The familiar county town had completely changed, and there was no trace of it at all.

If Pei Qing hadn't told him the purpose of these buildings, he wouldn't have known very well. With the development of the economy, people's requirements for commercial facilities and living environment are constantly increasing.

It's just that it is still difficult to achieve per capita villas like those in Europe and the United States. The reason is that our country has a large population, and it will take up a lot of land to do so.

Although the Kirin Industrial Group has solved many land problems and made the land less tense than in the previous life, it has not reached the point of squandering.

Even if there is enough land, it must be left to nature, and it cannot be completely occupied by humans. Therefore, in the process of urbanization, we still follow the construction policy of high-rise buildings in the previous life.

But relatively speaking, it doesn’t need to be built as high as in the previous life. Like a county town, the highest is only 10 floors, and there is no need for it to be higher. At the same time, the per capita living area is relatively large, not as small as the previous life.

The street is very tidy and the management is obviously stricter. The shops and other commercial facilities on both sides are full of people coming and going, obviously the business is very good.

Everyone has money in their pockets, so they are naturally willing to spend it. Eating out is no longer something to think about. With their salaries, eating out every day is no problem.

He saw a lot of chain stores belonging to the Xiaodangjia Catering Group, because all the catering brands under his banner would have a small pattern of the word "Dang" on the signboard, which could still be distinguished by looking carefully.

When he saw that the vocational school built by the New Oriental Education Group used to be on the edge of the county seat, but now it is in the center, covering a very large area, and the land value is much higher than before.

It is estimated that selling these lands can not only earn back all the previous investment of the school, but also make a lot of money, but this benefit is not taken seriously by New Oriental Education Group.

Fortunately, the area where the school is located is in the cultural and art area, which fits well with the positioning of this area. If it is in a commercial area with high-rise buildings, it will seem a bit abrupt.

Looking around, the biggest feeling is that the main road, which was a little empty before, is now full of cars. Although there are not many luxury cars, there are many family cars.

Fortunately, it was planned ahead of time, the road was built wider, and the parking lot was built a lot, otherwise there would be a traffic jam, and the cars might park randomly, making it look chaotic.

At the same time, he also saw the crock pot soup shop next to the school before, but now it's moved, and the sign has not changed, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to recognize it.

After Ye Zishu left his contact information, the boss struggled for a month before calling Wancheng Jiye, and the two sides reached a cooperation.

Later, it developed very well and opened chain stores in many cities. I heard that the business was very hot, but later this business was transferred to Xiaodaojia Catering Group.

Now he has no intention of getting out of the car to taste it, the robot at home can make crock pot soup with exactly the same taste, but looking at the shop of this boss, the business is still very good.

I just don't know if he regretted selling his formula back then. If he hadn't sold it back then, he would probably be able to open a chain store today instead of staying in this small county.

However, the current small county is not what it used to be, and the business is prosperous. As long as the technology is strong, there is no need to worry about no business, not to mention the location of the shop that Wancheng Jiye gave him is very good.

After all, the two parties were partners before and had a good friendship. Within the scope allowed by the rules, there is nothing wrong with taking care of acquaintances, and it does not violate the company's regulations.

He also saw the high school he used to go to, but now it has moved, the old place has built high-rise buildings, and the new place is also very good, just next to Nanshan.

There is a small inner lake, which was full of rubbish before, but now it has been rehabilitated, and it is already rippling with blue waves. With the long white embankment, it complements the surrounding mountains, and the scenery is very beautiful.

It's just that it's winter now, so I can't enjoy such a beautiful scenery. The school is also very well built, and the county government is not short of money, so it is naturally willing to invest.

After walking around, he was naturally full of emotions. Although he had regrets because the original memory was gone, he didn't feel any regrets. The most important thing for people to live in this world is to look forward.

It is also impossible for him to prevent others from living a happy life for the sake of his poor memories. At least for most of them, they are very satisfied with their current living conditions.

Compared with four or five years ago, the quality of life now is much higher, and it can even be described as a world of difference. There is nothing happier than watching the quality of life improve by leaps and bounds.

After going around, I finally came to the Art Theater. The whole building covers a large area, with a height of about 40 meters, and the whole shape looks like a huge river clam.

It actually echoes the pillar industry of the county, but at the time of design, the pearl industry has not yet become the pillar industry of the county, it is just an inconspicuous small industry.

The two booked a large private room. Since they brought security personnel, if they were outside, the security work would be more difficult and not cheap.

After he entered the box, he glanced at the entire venue, and roughly estimated that there are about 10,000 seats, which is relatively large in an indoor venue.

Wancheng Jiye used such a large venue, which shows that it has a high level of confidence in this performance. Otherwise, the tickets would not be sold out, and the staff would not be able to get together.

He drank tea with Pei Qing in the box for a while, and the venue was already full of people, and some even held signs, some of whose names he recognized.

For example, Na Ying, who he personally invited to join Shengshi Records, and many well-known singers in previous lives, seem to be here today.

No wonder Wancheng Jiye was so confident. All the invited guests were heavyweight singers. Judging from the scene, all the tickets in the venue should have been sold out.

The ticket price is not cheap, the fare for the front row has reached thousands of yuan, and the fare for the last row is two to three hundred yuan, which is relatively expensive in a small county.

It's not that they can't afford it, but that spending so much money to watch a concert needs to be considered for many people, after all, they have never been so extravagant before.

From the perspective of age, they are mainly young and middle-aged. They are familiar with these singers and are willing to pay for it. If it is an older one, they are not willing to pay for it, no matter how cheap it is.

The first person to come on stage was not Na Ying, but Tian Zhen. The opening song "Keng Jiang Rose" was very suitable for the occasion and made the atmosphere of the scene very active.

Tian Zhen sang three songs in a row before retreating behind the scenes, and other singers sang in the middle. Na Ying was arranged at the end. field".

He helped write the song "Looking at Flowers in the Fog" at the beginning, and it feels like a world away after listening to it.

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