Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 974: Guo Dongsheng's Girlfriend


On January 20th, Ye Zishu followed Pei Qing to the capital and lived in a mansion that he lived in only once a year. To be honest, he felt that he was a bit unreasonable when he built such a house.

Although he expressed his importance to Pei Qing, it was indeed a bit wasteful, and it is impossible to sell it now. First, it is difficult for Pei Qing to explain, after all, this house was given to Pei Qing.

The second is that the current price is too high. It cost 5 billion yuan when it was built. This price is a huge expense for most rich people.

What's more, the market price is higher now, not to mention the above buildings, even the land is more than 5 billion yuan. If Wancheng Foundation hadn't sold it at the original purchase price, the land alone would have cost tens of billions of yuan.

In addition, a lot of thought has been spent on it, and a lot of advanced technologies have been used. The ground construction will cost at least tens of billions of yuan. It is conservatively estimated that the market price will be more than 20 billion yuan.

Of course, the above are his own rational views, but life itself is mostly emotional, not to mention that if he really plans to sell, some people may start to speculate whether there is something wrong with his financial situation.

The two came to the capital during the daytime, Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin both went to work, so there was no one else at home except for maintaining the robot.

I don't plan to go to Pei Qing's parents' house today. Pei Qing needs to make arrangements for the inside and outside of the house. After all, she only comes here once a year, so she must make arrangements.

Ye Zishu took a gift and went to Guo Dongsheng's mother's place, and brought her a copy of the special products brought by the family, which made the old lady happy.

When Ye Zishu entered their home, they found that the whole yard was like a zoo, not to mention the common pets such as dogs and cats, as well as the naive panda, and the red panda who looked similar to the little raccoon.

Among the other pets, there are some that Ye Zishu has never seen before. They are obviously pets designed by Kirin Basic Industry Group. There are more than a dozen of them together.

"Dongsheng and Dongmei, seeing that I like the pets you gave me, they each bought some!" Guo Dongsheng's mother said with a smile.

With the financial resources of the two of them, buying these robotic pets is not too much of a burden. They have been with Yeshu for so long, and the scale of assets they have accumulated is not small.

At present, the annual salary of the president of his group is 10 million yuan, which is regarded as the top salary among domestic professional managers, but it is actually not outstanding compared with the level of the company they manage.

After all, the companies each of them manage are at least trillions of yuan, and there are not many companies with tens of trillions of yuan, so this salary is not too much.

The salaries of all the first-level presidents under him are the same,

Even the presidents of Shengshi Cultural Group and New Oriental Education Group, whose revenues are not particularly high, have this figure.

What really reflects the income gap is the bonus. The larger the group size, the better the benefits, and the higher the performance, the higher the bonus will be.

The companies managed by Guo Dongsheng and Guo Dongmei are both very large in scale and highly complex in management. Their revenue scale and development speed are also not low, and their performance is good.

Due to the excellent performance of the Kirin Industrial Group managed by Guo Dongmei last year, the bonus she received was the highest among the group presidents, with 50 million yuan.

The Wancheng Foundation managed by Guo Dongsheng, although the total revenue is not the highest, but in view of the complexity of their business, the responsibilities and pressure they bear are greater, so the bonus is not low, with 40 million yuan.

The bonuses of other group presidents range from 10 million to 40 million yuan. Although the bonuses are not low, there are no measures such as share dividends.

Compared with the top corporate executives in foreign capitalist countries, the total income is really not top-notch, and they have not expressed dissatisfaction with this.

Of course, the reason is not that they have no desires and desires, and no one dislikes their high profits, but it depends on the situation. Although the scale of the companies they manage is indeed huge, if you take out any company under your control, you can get a company, and you may be listed on the world's top 500 .

It's just that these achievements are not entirely created by themselves, they are just qualified managers, and the person who contributes the most and is the most important is still Ye Zishu.

Even he did not get a penny of wages and dividends from these companies, and he has repeatedly stated that he will not share benefits from these entity companies to him personally in the future.

Compared with his contributions and benefits, the treatment of these group presidents is already very generous, which also means that Ye Zishu is just the boss in name, owning equity and control rights, but giving up the right to benefits.

The presidents of these companies in their previous lives were indeed relatively successful in starting their own businesses, but now, they may not be able to succeed when they go out to start a business. The reason is very simple, that is, there is such a "little bully" like him.

Many well-known companies in the previous life fell under the rolling wheels of the company he founded. Today is different. In the face of absolute strength, sometimes personal strength is really not worth mentioning.

Moreover, the success of entrepreneurship is a lucky story, and there are countless possibilities of failure behind it. The same person may have completely different results under different conditions and time and space.

"This panda is so cute, I've never seen it before!" Ye Zishu smiled and hugged the panda in his hands, ravaging it.

The grown-up pandas are huge, the production cost is relatively high, and they are not as cute as the smaller pandas. Therefore, the panda robot pets sold on the market still do not look like grown-ups.

Seeing Ye Zishu playing with the panda, other pets also wanted to be hugged, especially the red panda, which immediately started to climb its trouser legs, which is quite different from the animals in the zoo.

Seeing Ye Zishu's appearance and expression, Guo Dongsheng's mother said with a smile: "Surrounded by these small animals all day, time seems to pass quickly, and I feel very good all day long.

What's more, if you tell them to do something, they can understand it. Although no one is flexible in doing it, it is not bad, and it is a good helper at home. "

Apart from these pets, there are potted plants that can be seen everywhere in the yard, and it is estimated that these pets are ordered to help in this regard.

If it was a real pet, with so many of them, the potted plants in the yard would probably suffer. That's why she didn't keep pets before.

"This is also a big selling point between robot pets and real pets. Although the price is indeed a bit more expensive, it is much less troublesome than real pets!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After sending these pets to play separately, they followed into the house. Although some warm sheds were built outside and potted plants that were not hardy to cold were placed inside, it was still relatively cold outside.

The weather today is not very good, it is a bit gloomy. If there is sun, you can consider basking in the sun outside. It is not that it is not cold, but they are all wearing super warm clothes.

Wearing super warm clothes, the winter in the north is not as difficult as before. It is possible to spend a long time outside, which actually promotes the economic development of the north.

Kirin Textile Industry Group's super warm clothing and super heat insulating clothing are two of their leading products in many textiles, and they are the two largest types of single-product textile revenue.

For example, super warm clothes were sold abroad in the past because they were expensive, and it was difficult for domestic residents to afford them.

But now it is relatively easy for domestic people to buy, so the sales volume is very good. Last year, 1 billion pieces were sold worldwide. The revenue of this business alone is as high as several trillion yuan.

Although super insulated clothing is not so exaggerated, the annual sales volume is not low. Last year, the sales volume was 500 million pieces, and the revenue scale reached trillions of yuan.

It is also with the support of many advanced textile materials and products that the Kirin Textile Industry Group has become one of the few companies under the Kirin Industrial Group whose annual revenue exceeds 10 trillion yuan.

There is still great potential for growth in the future. After all, the basic needs of people are food, clothing, housing and transportation. In terms of clothing, they have absolute strength and crush any competitors.

"You sit down for a while, I'll call Dongmei and tell her to go home quickly." Guo Dongsheng's mother said.

Then he found his mobile phone from the sofa, called Guo Dongmei, and it was over in a few words. This reminded him of the time when he wanted to develop the communication industry.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, the country has entered the stage of full mobile communication coverage directly from the situation where there were not even a few fixed telephones.

Now domestic mobile communication signals are covered in all densely populated areas. As for the wilderness, everyone can only use the satellite communication service of Baihu Technology Company.

Doing so is the most cost-effective for communication operators, because the utilization rate of the base stations in the wilderness is too low, and they are basically in a state of loss, so they can only be handed over to Baihu Technology Company.

This kind of practice is not only done by domestic communication operators, but also basically done all over the world, and the reason is also due to cost considerations.

Some communication operators even contract out the backbone communication network to Baihu Technology Company. The reason is to save costs, mainly to outsource inter-city services to them.

Because most of the communication actually takes place within the city, the volume of inter-city communication services is much lower. Some operators do not want to spend money to build facilities for this, and simply outsource it.

As for international communication services, the market share of Baihu Technology Co., Ltd. is also increasing. Compared with building submarine optical fibers, using satellite networks is obviously more cost-effective.

Relying on these leftover enterprise business and personal communication service business, Baihu Technology Co., Ltd.'s civilian communication service revenue reached 100 billion yuan last year.

This revenue scale is not very low among many communication operators in the world, at least it can be ranked in the top ten, and the net profit margin is much higher than that of other communication operators.

"Guo Dongmei has gone home?" Ye Zishu asked.

"She came home last night, and went shopping with Dongzi's girlfriend during the day." Guo Dongsheng's mother said.

When Guo Dongmei came home, he just casually said that among the many groups, although the Kirin Industry Group had the largest revenue scale and the largest industrial volume.

But among the presidents of various groups, the president of Kirin Industrial Group is considered to be a position with a relatively small workload. This is also due to the fact that he was lazy when he was the president and delegated all the actual business.

After Guo Dongmei became the president, although he strengthened the management of each subsidiary company, the basic structure has not changed, and his approach has been followed.

First, for the sake of stability, the interests involved in too much change are also great, and it will not benefit her to take charge of the Kirin Industrial Group, so she must be cautious about it.

Second, there is no need to change too much. The current management model does not hinder the development of the enterprise. Generally, reforms are for the better development of the enterprise. If this purpose is not there, there is no need for major changes.

The third is to strengthen the supervision, so that the headquarters has stronger control over the following. The supervision system formed by the general robot has gradually penetrated into all aspects of the entire system.

This has greatly strengthened the control of the headquarters over the subordinates, so that there will be no possibility of disintegration in the future. The authority of the headquarters has been confirmed without affecting the room for free play of the subordinates. It is just a good state.

Ye Zishu was surprised that Guo Dongsheng actually found a girlfriend, he didn't even know it, and felt that he cared a lot less about Guo Dongsheng than before.

"Dongzi found a girlfriend and didn't tell me anything, so I didn't prepare any gifts!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Without waiting for Guo Dongsheng's mother to speak, he directly ordered the security personnel next to him to notify his family immediately and ask the general robot to bring gifts temporarily. Fortunately, this time he came here, he brought more gifts.

About half an hour later, the general-purpose robot in his home delivered the gift, and Guo Dongmei came in with a woman about her age on the back.

He took a closer look and found that he was very handsome. What surprised him was that his eyes were clearer than many people he saw. Could it be that Guo Dongsheng likes this type of person?

No wonder he is not too fond of beauties in the entertainment industry. After being the president of a record company for so long, he was stunned to find a suitable one. The reason is that it is difficult for beauties in the entertainment industry to have such clear eyes.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the two parties discovered that the other party turned out to be a music teacher from the Central Conservatory of Music, named Qin Xuan, who had quite a high education background, at least much better than Guo Dongsheng.

"Dongzi didn't even tell me that he found a girlfriend, so I had to bring some gifts from home temporarily. I hope you don't mind." Ye Zishu handed the gift to the other party.

Naturally, the other party made some excuses, maybe because he felt that he was not familiar with him, so it was a bit inappropriate to accept the gift suddenly. If it wasn't for Guo Dongmei who was next to her to let her accept it, she probably wouldn't be able to give it away.

There are some jewelry inside, which are very expensive to others, but to him, it is really nothing, anyway, these jewelry are all produced by his own company.

After that, he mainly talked to Guo Dongmei and her mother, and only occasionally to Qin Xuan. After all, she was Guo Dongsheng's girlfriend. He couldn't be too enthusiastic, but he couldn't be too cold, and he had to be careful.

Knowing from the chat that they plan to get married on May Day this year, Ye Zishu made it necessary to send invitations to himself, and said with a smile: "At that time, I will give you a gift that money can't buy. Gift."

This made Guo Dongmei very curious, but she just asked unsuccessfully. After all, this kind of thing cannot be said in advance, so there will be no sense of expectation, and it is not convenient to talk about it everywhere.

I had a meal here at noon, and now most of the housework is contracted by robots. In order to show the importance she attaches to him, Guo Dongsheng's mother personally cooked some home-cooked dishes this time.

After sitting for a while in the afternoon, he bid farewell and left. Ye Zishu sat in the car thinking about Ye Zihua's marriage. He said he would get married last year, but he still hasn't brought his girlfriend to show his parents.

It is said that Guo Dongmei is not young anymore, she was a child with him, and she is 28 years old this year. For women, if she is not married at this age, she is already considered overage.

Especially in this day and age, marriage is still very important, but until now I haven't even found a boyfriend, and it seems that I don't want to look for it.

After returning home, Ye Zishu briefly explained the situation to Pei Qing. When Pei Qing knew that Guo Dongmei had returned to Beijing, she said on the spot that she would go shopping with her.

In the evening, Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin came home from get off work, and the three women had a show, so naturally he had nothing to do. After dinner, they had their own entertainment.

Ye Zishu didn't intend to join in the fun. He returned to his study and started to study. Facing the vast amount of knowledge, he always felt that time was not enough, and he had to race against time to study.

It's just that not long after studying here, I received a call. The leaders wanted to meet him. Considering that I would go to Pei Qing's parents' house to pay New Year's greetings tomorrow, I set the time for the day after tomorrow.

In fact, he can guess what the leaders want to talk to him, and he can make the leaders think about it, and he can hold his breath. He didn't propose to meet until he came to the capital, but there were not many things.

It is nothing more than two things. The first thing is the international currency issuance of Tidal Group. Although it is a currency issued by a private company, it still has a great impact on our country's financial system.

my country's financial and monetary policies will undergo a series of changes with the issuance of new international currencies, and we need to discuss these issues with him.

The second thing is the most important thing, and that is the starship project, which is a confidential project for others, but it is not a secret for senior leaders.

And he didn't intend to hide it from them, because he knew it was impossible to hide it. Such a large and systematic project could not be easily completed by him in his private laboratory, and he needed to mobilize a lot of resources.

On the one hand, they are concerned about whether this project can be completed. After all, once it is completed, it means that the entire solar system will be our place of activity, which is of great significance.

With the completion of this project, the resource problem currently facing us will no longer be so tense, and the development foundation of our country's economy will become more solid.

This is the second thing. According to some information that Ye Zishu usually reveals, the most important thing is the transformation of alien planets, interstellar immigration, etc., which are also issues they care about.

Although this sounds a little nonsense, they don't really take what Ye Shu said seriously. Facts have proved that what he said over the years is really not bragging.

Moreover, after the completion of the interstellar ship project, the transportation link in the large-scale interstellar migration, the capacity will no longer be a restrictive condition, and the rest is the planetary transformation.

There are many things involved here, such as who owns the planet after the transformation of the planet. If no relevant agreement is reached in this regard, there will inevitably be changes in the future.

Under the new situation, many systems need to be innovated, and the old system is not necessarily suitable for the new era, and there may even be serious internal friction, wasting a god-sent opportunity.

In the era of great exploration of the earth, a country's control over overseas territories was so weak that large-scale wars broke out later, and in the end it was not divided into so many countries.

What's more, in the interstellar era, the distance between planets is so far. Taking Mars as an example, the closest distance to the earth is 5,500 kilometers, the farthest is 400 million kilometers, and the average distance is 225 million kilometers.

It is much more difficult to achieve effective rule on another planet so far away from the earth than in the age of great exploration.

Moreover, no one in this world is naturally willing to be ruled by others. It is all based on practical needs and helpless compromises. Otherwise, there would not be so many countries and nations fighting for independence.

Although it feels too early to discuss these issues, he feels that it is necessary to conduct discussions in advance and carry out institutional and legal innovations in advance, rather than doing them at the last minute.

As for saying that Mars is a planet owned by all the people on Earth, it is only meaningful to say it when it is evenly matched. Facing a planet, no one will be humble when they are capable.

In the age of great navigation, the mountain was king, and in the interstellar age, the mountain was also the king. This will not change because of the difference in modern society, because human beings have always been a virtue from ancient times to the present.

If such a conversation really starts, Ye Zishu has the absolute initiative, because only he has the ability to transform a planet in a short period of time.

According to the current technical level of the earth, it will take at least thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, to transform Mars into a planet suitable for long-term human habitation like the earth.

And if he really wants to do it, even if he is not in a hurry, it is not difficult to complete the transformation within a hundred years. It depends on whether he needs to be so anxious, and his value is fully reflected here.

Besides these two things, other issues may be discussed, but compared with these two things, other things are not so important.

For example, the Jurassic Park project, although it is also a huge project, once completed, will form a huge tourism industry, and the annual contribution to the economy will definitely not be low.

Another example is the expansion of the seabed mining business, which plays an important role in the stability of my country's industrial development, and will definitely receive great attention, which can be regarded as having certain strategic value.

However, if these projects do not exist, it will not affect the overall situation. The current domestic economic situation is very good, and as the global economy gradually recovers, the future will not be bad.

Although resources will be coerced by international capital and mining companies, as long as they are willing to pay some economic price, they can still be easily purchased from all over the world. No country or company is willing to make this money.

As for whether there is anything else to discuss, he can't guess for the time being, he can only find out when he goes to the scene.

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