Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 975: Calling it a strategic project is not an exaggeration


After breakfast the next day, Pei Qing asked people to load gifts into the car, and then took Ye Zishu to her parents' house, which was still the original courtyard house.

In fact, this courtyard belongs to Pei Qing. Pei Qing bought it at first, but now her parents and grandparents mainly live here, and her two older brothers have moved out.

Although Wancheng Jiye has not sold a lot of real estate, other real estate companies have developed a lot of real estate. In addition, the money Pei Qing gives every year is not bad, so there is no problem for her two brothers to buy a house.

Compared with a few years ago, his two elder brothers finally looked a little more stable, maybe they were also old, some things were hard to move, and of course they might really calm down.

At present, her eldest brother has opened a small supermarket, and her second brother has opened a small supermarket. I heard that the business is not bad. After all, it is difficult for an individual to grow these two businesses.

In the field of supermarket retailing, Wancheng Jiye is the absolute leader. It owns as many as 50,000 medium and large shopping malls and supermarkets, and the number of alliance supermarkets is very large.

The number of convenience stores is as high as 120,000, and their convenience stores can be seen in almost every community, providing diversified services for residents living nearby.

Not to mention, it is one of the main businesses of Shengshi Entertainment Company. If self-employed want to compete with them, they need to spend a lot of energy to gain the upper hand.

It's not bad for the two of them to be able to maintain their respective stalls, at least it's better than just eating and waiting to die, and with the money Pei Qing gives every year, it's not too bad.

Of course, Wancheng Foundation and Shengshi Entertainment Company can't say that they make much money in these businesses, because the salary of the personnel is relatively high, no matter how good the management is, no matter how low the procurement cost is, the profits will be swallowed up by the labor cost.

It belongs to the industry with small profits but quick turnover, and the overall net profit margin is generally below 10%. Fortunately, the salaries and benefits for employees are relatively good, and the service quality is naturally much higher than that of peers.

It's not that their peers don't want to learn, but if they really learn this way, not only will they have no profit, but they will suffer losses. The reason is that their supply chain system is not perfect and their management capabilities are much weaker.

If you want to gain an absolute competitive advantage in the supermarket industry, you must achieve the ultimate in all aspects. Obviously, it is difficult for small enterprises or individuals to achieve this, and the cost of other aspects is relatively high.

Other similar companies have been eliminated, not because of their poor management, but mainly because they lost to the rising labor costs, making them more and more unprofitable.

In fact, this situation has also happened in other industries. The previous model of relying on cheap labor to make profits has become more and more unsustainable under the drastic market changes.

And his industry has made preparations for this a long time ago.

Under the continuous optimization of each link, it can still cope with the rising labor costs.

Especially in the fierce fast-moving consumer goods market, as long as they do a little better than their competitors, they will have more chances of survival than their competitors. After the fierce market competition reshuffles, the rest will naturally be them.

Of course, his industrial advantages are not limited to these. Since the entire industrial system is very large and related to each other, internal cooperation is much more harmonious than external cooperation. These are all favorable factors.

In addition, the huge financial strength is incomparable to other companies and individuals. If it enters the stage of a war of attrition, the only ones that will be out are his companies.

Not to mention domestic competitors, even international giants, it is difficult to face the competition of many industries under his banner, and it would be nice to be able to survive.

The two brothers-in-law knew that Pei Qing would bring him to pay New Year's greetings today, but they came here early, and Ye Zishu had a rare drink with them, which was a great honor to them.

This also made the two brothers-in-law very happy. In the past, they always felt that the brother-in-law looked down on them. Now that they can drink with them, it shows that their attitude towards them has changed a lot.

Pei Qing also felt that the atmosphere was good this year, so she stayed here for a while longer, until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, before leaving with Ye Zishu and returning to her home.

In the evening, the three ladies did not form a small group. After dinner, they took him to the library in the house to read, which surprised him.

"What's so surprising about this is that my sister and I usually come over to read after dinner. My sister-in-law came back yesterday, so we naturally have to get closer." Seeing Ye Zishu's expression, Ye Ziqin said with a smile.

Regardless of whether what she said was true or not, he was still very happy to hear it. No matter what, it was always right to read more books, but if you can't believe in the books, it would be better not to read.

Reading can allow people to gain a lot of knowledge from others in a short period of time, but it is also easy to lose self and judgment. When reading, one needs to have dialectical thinking.

Four people sit around and read books. There is a huge desk in the middle. Let the robot take the books you want to read in advance and place them here in advance, which can save time looking for books.

Ye Ziqi's reading is quite complicated, and now she is no longer limited to only reading books on law, but books on economics, politics, philosophy, etc. have also become her daily reading content.

Pei Qing mainly reads books on economics and management, and of course she also reads some casual books. For her, reading has no clear purpose, and she can read whatever she wants.

Ye Ziqin is more focused, and she mainly reads books related to biomedicine. She has not yet entered the room in this area, so naturally she should focus on improving her major and not be overly distracted.

Ye Zishu didn't read books, after all, there was a big difference between the books he read in real life and the books he read in the virtual library.

So he just asked the robot to find him a few science fiction novels to read, maybe from these science fiction novels, he can broaden his horizons and provide him with good ideas.

The four of them watched until ten o'clock in the evening, and then went back to rest. Guo Dongmei brought her sister-in-law over the next day. It should be Pei Qing who called Guo Dongmei.

The five of them had already made an appointment to go shopping and play, Ye Zishu only greeted them, and then led the security personnel to Da Nei.

This time was almost the same as last time, several important leaders were present, and Ye Zishu saw such a big battle, it seemed that the content of this conversation was not simple.

"We were looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally Mr. Ye came to the capital!" The leader said with a smile.

"Look what the leader said, if you really want me to report something, just call me. Anyway, I'm just reading at home, I'm not that busy!" Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

"Ye is always too modest. You made a lot of big battles last year." Another leader said with a smile.

"I don't know what the leader said about the big battle?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

Although he said this with the meaning of knowingly asking, but he actually did a lot of things last year, although the Jurassic Park and Starship projects are big projects.

But other things are not too small. For example, the super energy storage he gave to Kirin Energy Industry Group is a super technology, and it is also invaluable outside.

"Naturally, it's the Jurassic Park and Starship plans. We also read the project documents you submitted, and we were all shocked by these two businesses at the time.

Although judging from the project application form, it seems that the plan is feasible, but we have no idea whether it will work or not. Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask Mr. Ye for advice. "Another leader took over and said.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "The domestic economic situation was very good last year, which shows that our economic policies have been correct over the years, people's income has greatly increased, and all walks of life have achieved great development.

However, last year the economy was able to develop significantly, mainly due to the substantial upgrading of the low-end industries in the past, although this process was completed through market-oriented means.

But it is undeniable that when this process is completely completed, the traditional industrialization path will basically come to an end, and it will become more and more difficult to continue to develop by relying on traditional industries.

Next, how to develop the domestic economy is the question before us. If the previous path is followed, the economic growth rate will enter a low-speed growth state from the previous high-speed growth state.

If you are just willing to achieve this level, then you don't have this trouble, you just need to follow the steps. With the huge population and perfect industrial system, the annual increase will not be bad. "

Ye Zishu analyzed the current economic situation. Last year's data must be very impressive, but this is the result of the replacement of domestic low-end industries by the two companies of Xinghuo Group and Xingguang Group.

Although a large number of low-end companies have gone bankrupt, it is very beneficial to the domestic economy as a whole. At least the recruited employees can earn higher income than before.

The common people can also enjoy more high-quality products, and the competitiveness of import and export is stronger than before. It can be regarded as a solid foundation for our country's industry and a more solid industrial strength for our country.

But this also means that the potential is almost consumed. Unless there is a revolutionary technology, it will give the social economy a new round of development opportunities.

Obviously, it is not easy to achieve this. The conventional development direction is to transform from traditional industries to intelligent industries. In fact, his industries have been advancing in this regard.

This is also the reason why he believes that the domestic economy still has good room for development, but it is very difficult to grow as fast as before.

"So in the future, the country will focus on the development of the high-end service industry, but the overall quality of the domestic population is currently low, relying on the current scale of talents, it is difficult to reach this point.

This aspect can only be realized through general-purpose robots + artificial intelligence, which will support various domestic high-end service industries in advance and accumulate experience in advance.

Obviously this is not enough, so high-end tourism has become a good direction for our development. A few years ago, I also provided personal air flight technology, which played a very positive role in the domestic tourism industry.

But this is not enough. It just so happens that the Kylin Agricultural Development Group has a large area of ​​land, so it wants to create a unique tourism project, so there is the Jurassic Park project that everyone has seen. "Leaf Book further explained.

This is the first time that everyone knows the process of the birth of the Jurassic Park project. It turned out that it was not a whim, but a result of his thinking about the continued economic development at the current stage of economic development.

"If the Jurassic Park project is implemented smoothly, it may bring hundreds of millions of tourists per year, and the annual direct economic benefits will be as high as several trillion yuan, and the indirect economic benefits will not be bad.

The direct employment created will be as high as several million, and the indirect employment created will also be several million yuan. This is not a pure Jurassic Park tourism project.

In the future, a number of extended tourism projects will be followed up to guide consumers who come to travel to other tourism projects, instead of letting people go home after seeing Jurassic Park.

However, these are all attempts. If you really want to further develop the domestic economy, then relying on investment will become more and more weak, and consumption-driven economy will become the next solution.

Therefore, for a period of time in the future, the industries under my umbrella will further reduce the working hours of employees, so that employees have enough time to rest, entertain or study, which will help promote consumption.

This project is also a costly project, with a direct investment scale of up to 20 trillion yuan, and the economic growth driven by investment is also quite a lot, and it is not an invalid investment. "Leaf Book said.

The leaf book's role in promoting the Jurassic Park project is much more optimistic than the description in the submitted approval documents, but seeing the entire Jurassic Park project, the leaders didn't feel that he was bragging.

The reason is that Jurassic Park is so magnificent that it will become the most desirable tourist project in the world. There is no such thing as one of them. This is the conclusion that anyone who has seen it can draw.

After saying this, Ye Zishu thought for a while and continued: "In fact, in addition to boosting the economy, we also want to experiment with new urban management methods.

In the magical city built in the center of Jurassic Park, we hope to adopt full artificial intelligence management to provide the city with efficient, clean and fair urban public services. "

Although these words seemed a bit reserved, in fact, everyone understood what he meant after hearing it, and it also made everyone fall into deep thought, because this decision will be of great significance.

"It seems that Ye always has opinions on the current governance model!" A leader said with a smile.

Although these words were said with a smile, Ye Zishu couldn't just answer the words, but thought for a while: "If you have any opinions, let's not say it, I think it would be better if no one would refuse!

Many people in the outside world don't understand why the industry under my umbrella develops so fast. Although there is a development momentum brought by technology, it is not the most important thing.

If there is no development momentum brought by technology, although it will not grow to such a large size, it will not be very bad, at least it will develop much faster than ordinary enterprises.

The reason is that we always want to do better, instead of being satisfied with the current achievements, and even to avoid the slack mentality of the company we founded before for a long time, and to sit back and enjoy the success.

I have also established two businesses that are fully managed and operated by artificial intelligence, and they are growing at a very fast pace, even far surpassing some of the businesses I founded before.

With the encouragement of these two companies, it is conducive to promoting the sustainable development of other companies. If there is no external pressure, it may be the time of sinking and dying. The ancestors said it well, born in sorrow and died in peace. "

Although Ye Zishu didn't say it clearly, he just gave examples of his industries, but everyone is a smart person, and everyone understands what he wants to express.

The scene fell into silence again. After a long time, a leader finally said: "Mr. Ye's idea is very strange. Perhaps it is really necessary to explore new ideas for urban management."

"Actually, I think so, not only to explore new ideas for domestic city management, but also to explore new management ideas for the future interstellar era.

In the vast and boundless universe, it is completely unfeasible to adopt the traditional management model. Under the traditional management method, even the small earth looks like this. The space between planets and planets is far apart. One can imagine what it will be The situation is gone. "Leaf Book said.

This is something that everyone did not expect. Ye Zishu actually considered the interstellar era now, but thinking of the interstellar ship project, it seems that it is not too far away from now.

"Mr. Ye, can you talk about your thoughts on the development of Interstellar?" a leader asked.

"Actually, I don't have too many ideas. The first thing is to allow us to go to space, which is why we developed the interstellar ship project.

If it is very difficult to even go to space and engage in space activities, then don't think too much about it later, it's better to take one step at a time.

We are still very confident in the interstellar ship project, so in the early days we mainly focused on space mining to solve the problem of insufficient resources on the earth.

The second is to transform the planets in the habitable zone. Humans want to get rid of the constraints of planets. This is a necessary step. There are many planets in the universe that may be suitable for humans.

However, there are not many planets suitable for human beings in the solar system. If you want to obtain more space to multiply and live, you must accumulate planet transformation technology to transform harsh planets into livable planets.

The last is to build space outposts, explore interstellar routes, and realize long-distance interstellar migration. I won’t say much about this, and it will be difficult to achieve in the short term. "Leaf Book said.

On the cosmic scale of light years, it is indeed a bit early to consider space activities outside the galaxy. In the short term, the solar system can still meet the needs of human survival and development.

And the planets in the habitable zone he mentioned are only three in total, one is Earth, one is Mars, and the other is Venus. The other planets are either too close to the sun or too far away, and the environment is even worse.

"When does Mr. Ye think we will be able to achieve planetary transformation?"

"It's hard to say, we need more data on the target planet that needs to be transformed, and at the same time, we need to study all celestial bodies at the scale of the entire solar system.

At present, all our data are observed through mathematical and physical methods inside the earth. Although it has strong guiding significance, it cannot be guaranteed to be 100% correct, and there must be many omissions. "Leaf Book said.

He will definitely not give an accurate time for this kind of thing. No one knows what will happen in the future.

Seeing that he was unwilling to say more, the leader said: "We don't know much about your interstellar ship project. Can Mr. Ye give us a detailed introduction."

This project belongs to the internal project of his industry, and there is no need to declare it. What's more, there is no sign at present, and the preparation work has not been fully carried out. It is normal for them not to understand the details.

It can even be said that apart from him, none of the companies under his umbrella can fully understand all the details. This is deliberately arranged by Ye Zishu, and each company only knows the part it is responsible for.

"The interstellar ship project is mainly based on actual needs. As I said just now, after many years of rapid industrialization development, traditional industrialization is basically coming to an end.

Although there is still room for development, it is definitely not as fast as before. At this time, it is necessary to inject new vitality into the industry so that the industry has the potential to develop again.

Although this is just an interstellar ship project, it is a very complex and innovative systematic project. If it is implemented smoothly, it will definitely bring my country's industrialization to another level.

In addition, the development of interstellar mining, tourism, exploration and other projects is also part of our economic development, and may become a huge new economic industry in the future.

Another reason is to consider the future. Resources are an important endowment for the development of a country. The reason why our country was able to develop in such a short period of time was not limited by too many resources.

The main reason is that we have used too many new technologies, which have allowed us to reduce the constraints caused by resource constraints, but this does not mean that it will always be the case. If you want the people to live better, you must consider finding more resources.

The seabed mining business of Kirin Resources Development Group is carried out under this guidance, and the same is true for the space mining concept. Resources and technology are indispensable.

In order to accumulate the resources needed for the construction of interstellar ships, we still need to import a large amount of resources from the world on a large scale in the future, as much as we need.

As for the technical details of the interstellar ship, I won’t say much else, just two. The first is to use controllable nuclear fusion as energy, which means that the human energy structure will undergo fundamental changes.

The second is gravity and anti-gravity field technology, which is the fundamental technology for us to easily enter the interstellar space, and it is also one of the basic technologies for our future long-term space activities. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu paused at this point, and did not wait for everyone to express surprise, and continued: "The above are just some of the many reasons why we started the interstellar ship project.

There are several other reasons. The first reason is to cooperate with the international currency issuance of the Tidal Group. If you want it to occupy the international trade currency circulation market as soon as possible, you must release a large amount of currency to the market.

In order to achieve industrial self-reliance, we are unlikely to relocate a large number of industrial industries like the old m did. This will cause the domestic industry to become hollow. This will only benefit capital, and there will be no benefit in other aspects.

The second reason is the endowment of global resources. To develop the space industry, resource consumption is very large, but the resources of the earth are certain. If we use more, other countries will use less.

Not to mention whether they will be able to build interstellar ships of the same size as ours in the future, the resource consumption alone will make many countries unable to do so, which can effectively reduce the number of our competitors.

As for us, since we have already entered space, our resources will naturally not be limited. We will be at another level and will enter another stage of development. "

A seemingly simple interstellar ship project, with such a large chess game behind it, it is definitely not an exaggeration to call it a strategic project.

Regarding Jurassic Park and the Starship project, Ye Zishu intends to only talk about this much, too many details are unnecessary.

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