Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine hundred and seventy-eight: Follow-up arrangements for space rule technology and childbi

The day before the new year, Ye Zishu finally finalized the final technical plan for the construction of Jurassic Park. It is estimated that Wancheng Jiye and his final technical plan are already anxiously waiting.

What they have obtained so far are only renderings. Without the technical solutions provided by Leaf Book, it is basically impossible to achieve dreamlike effects. It is even a question of whether the animals and plants involved in Jurassic Park can survive. .

After all, the climate difference between the two is very large, and Leaf Book has imposed certain restrictions at the genetic level to prevent the spread of animals and plants in Jurassic Park.

Species invasion will bring many problems. Although a new ecological balance will be formed after a period of time, the whole process will lead to the extinction of some species, which must be treated with caution.

During this period of time, he has been busy with how to use space field technology to achieve microclimate adjustment. After consulting a large amount of technical information and his own research and demonstration, he finally came up with a feasible solution.

Compared with the space field technology he studied in the past, the biggest breakthrough this time is the space rule technology, that is to say, he can construct a rule order in this space that is different from the main space.

This is an unprecedented breakthrough. To give an example, we all know that the speed of light travels in the universe, and it is still constant, which is determined by the rules of space in the universe.

But in the dimensional space he built, by modifying the rules of the space, the speed of light can be propagated at another constant value, which can be different from the main space.

This is different from the gravity and anti-gravity technology he provided before. In principle, the gravity and anti-gravity technology does not belong to the rules of space, but is just a derivative phenomenon of the rules of space.

The real space rules are modifications to the space constant data rules, involving the most essential basic characteristics of space, such as the speed of light, Planck's constant, the basic operating rules of particles, and so on.

The solution he considered before was to realize a composite field through the superposition of various fields, so as to realize the diversity of functions, so as to be more widely used.

Obviously, doing so will not only increase the construction cost, but also increase the complexity. The cooperation between the field and the field is not always perfect, and there may be a separation phenomenon at a certain point in time.

The stability is much worse than that of a single space field, which is why he had the idea of ​​realizing it before, but he has not put it into action for a long time, because there are certain problems.

Maybe hundreds of thousands of years, there will be no problems, but the situation is different when the time is measured in hundreds of millions of years. Although it seems unnecessary to be so serious, for him, it needs to be taken seriously.

Science cannot tolerate "almost enough", and he believes that if this problem is solved, it will be a major update and breakthrough to his knowledge system, and it is worth spending more time.

Looking at the bright and coquettish sphere in front of him, there is an inexplicable excitement on his face. Regardless of the size of a fist, the independent space formed can reach a radius of 500 kilometers and cover an area of ​​up to 785,000 square kilometers.

Not to mention that the Badain Jaran Desert is less than 50,000 kilometers long, it is more than enough to cover several provinces, and everything under its cover will have to abide by the new rules.

Of course, if it is only used for the Jurassic Park project, many advanced functions will not be used at all. It is only necessary to adjust the flow rate of time, filter substances, adjust the order of energy flow, and so on.

In fact, there is no such thing as the rule of time. This is also when Ye Zishu studied the field theory. He never mentioned the study of the time field, because time itself is a by-product of the space rule, and it is only a macroscopic feeling described by the activity of matter.

If the rules of space are modified so that all the matter in it is in an absolute static state, then it can be said that the flow rate of time inside is zero, because everything is static and there is no change of anything, so time does not exist.

Time is a concept created by human beings for the convenience of describing the changes of things. In the basic rules of the universe, there is no time rule.

However, it does not prevent him from using the adjustment of space rules to achieve the purpose of controlling time.

Therefore, from the perspective of feeling, time, like space, is everywhere.

According to the conventional method, it will take more than ten years to build Jurassic Park even with advanced biotechnology. By adjusting the spatial rules to speed up the time, the time required can be greatly shortened.

The bright sphere in front of him was named the space ball by him. If he wanted to make regular adjustments to the space covered by the space ball, he also needed a set of supporting technologies to realize the adjustment.

Of course, if people can freely control their consciousness, they can also communicate with the space ball in front of them. Unfortunately, even he does not have this ability at present, let alone others.

Therefore, the only way at present is to develop a set of supporting facilities that can communicate with the space ball. Because the importance of the space ball is very high, many things cannot be done conventionally.

In the past, he relied on external artificial intelligence to control the system. This time, he needs to implement artificial intelligence directly on this set of facilities to reduce external dependence and avoid being controlled by people with ulterior motives in the future.

He never underestimated the greed of human beings. As long as he controls this space ball, he has the ability to become the master of the world. This is not just talk.

First of all, the space covered by the space ball can form an absolute defense. Space defense must be advanced in any defense method. Before there is no space attack technology, there is no solution.

This means that whoever masters this space ball will be invincible. With the level of human technology, even after tens of millions of years, they may not be able to master space attack technology.

The second is to adjust the rules of space and weaponize space. For example, the time flow problem mentioned above. If the time flow speed is adjusted to 100 million times the current speed, people will grow old instantly as long as they are covered.

Nothing can stand the test of time, this is not the only means of attack, there are space squeeze, space tearing and so on.

Therefore, when a product of this level is born, it is destined not to be mastered by anyone other than him, and it needs to be more cautious about its control system.

On New Year's Day, even if he had a reason, he had to rest for a day, because the sacrificial activities at home could not do without him, especially when Ye Zihua was not around, it was even more difficult for him to escape.

Moreover, studying and working for a long time has consumed too much energy and energy of him, and he also needs to repair it. The difficulty of the control system is not high. The problem is how to keep it from failing for a long time.

No matter can experience the brilliance of time, no matter how powerful the material technology is, it will gradually lose its proper state as time goes by.

That being the case, he plans to create an absolutely static space on the space ball and the auxiliary facilities, so that there will be no concept of time, and there will be no decay.

It’s just that maintaining this state for a long time requires a lot of energy consumption. If you want to minimize energy consumption, you need to keep the difference with the external space to a minimum.

The greater the difference, the more energy it consumes. How the space ball maintains energy self-sufficiency is particularly important. The best way is to build an energy absorption field.

The energy absorption field he first came into contact with and applied was the thermal radiation energy absorption field. Later, in order to realize the transformation of matter, he learned and researched an energy field that can absorb dark energy.

This time, it is not enough to rely only on these two. In order to allow the space ball to have a steady stream of energy to absorb, he is going to study the full energy absorption field technology.

So unless it is an absolute space, unfortunately so far, there is no scientific proof that there is an absolute space, and in fact there is no absolute space.

Of course, if Ye Shu is willing, he can still build an absolute space, but it doesn't make any sense to do so, at least for him, it doesn't make any sense.

Even if the above-mentioned time is still, it is not absolutely still. It only has an effect on the matter in it, and the energy will not be greatly affected.

If even the energy is affected, the space ball cannot absorb energy from the outside, because the energy must pass through the time-static space, and then be absorbed by the space ball inside.

Therefore, if you really want to do this well, just a space ball is not enough. It can even be said that the space ball is just one of his technical verification products, not the final product.

Now that he has these technologies, he plans to develop a space matrix to cover the entire country and become the absolute guardian force of the land of China.

In ancient times, Dayu cast the Nine Tripods to protect the land of China. Although it is not clear whether it is true, he also wanted to follow suit and cast the "Nine Tripods" for the land of China to achieve absolute protection.

At present, there are two main crises facing the earth. The first is the climate crisis. As long as the earth is still composed of many countries and civilizations, the interests will never be fully aligned.

It is also not easy to reach an agreement on climate protection coordination in a short period of time. Only when a catastrophe is imminent will everyone feel the urgency. Once the crisis passes, it is estimated that it will return to the original state.

This is why although he asked his subsidiaries to call for environmental protection and climate issues, he did not take tough measures and generally let nature take its course.

He can't control others, and he doesn't want to control them, but the people in the country can't suffer because of this, so controlling the microclimate so that it won't be too much affected by the big climate is a feasible direction for him.

The second is the nuclear crisis, which is not considered a crisis for him personally, but for ordinary people, once it happens, it will have a huge impact and has to be guarded against.

As long as there are interests, there will always be disputes, unless he suppresses this force with absolute strength, but it will never be eliminated, and he is not willing to do this kind of work.

In fact, he is increasingly unwilling to care about most of life and death. He certainly did not have this mentality before. After he has been exposed to a lot of advanced technologies, especially when he has reached a certain level of biological science research, his mentality still has some changes.

For him, creating species is actually not difficult, and now it is even more powerful. Let alone creating species, it is not impossible for him to create a new world.

After a person possesses the ability of the Creator, it is impossible for him not to change his mentality. He can still maintain a human mentality, which is considered very self-sufficient.

Although he adopted a laissez-faire approach, he did not want the domestic people to be threatened by nuclear weapons. This is also an important reason why he intends to imitate the sages.

There are many other functions. For example, if one day the domestic strength drops sharply and you don’t want to fall into the situation a hundred years ago, you can also activate this system to form an absolute defense, and then slowly catch up.

Although he thinks that this possibility is already very low, there are accidents in everything. He doesn't think that he will stay on the earth forever, and it can be regarded as leaving some legacy for future generations.

The process of celebrating the New Year is the same, the only difference is that Ye Zihua did not come back to celebrate the New Year, and there are many things that need a man to take care of at home, and many things that require him to step forward.

Just after the Chinese New Year, the country promulgated a new family planning policy, fully opening up the second child. Although it is slightly different from Ye Zishu's proposal, it is still in line with expectations.

Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. Many things need to be gradually opened up to see how the effect is. It is unrealistic to think too much at once.

What's more, the planetary transformation, interstellar immigration, etc. he mentioned are all uncertain things, and taking uncertain things as prerequisites has a great risk in itself.

The current policy is considered mature and prudent. Even if it is really impossible to achieve interstellar immigration, it can still be easily supported by relying on domestic resources and capabilities.

As Ye Zishu said, with the current level of technology and resources in the country, as long as the total population is below 2 billion, it is not a big deal.

There are still many potentials in his industries that have not been realized, such as energy. At present, only the thermal radiation energy absorption field has been established in the Taklamakan Desert, and it already has such a huge amount of energy.

In fact, there are many places like this in China, the most typical being the vast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Once a thermal radiation energy-absorbing field is built, the power generated will not be bad at all.

In his view, energy is matter and a resource. As long as there is enough energy, it can become a steady stream of resources, but different resources have different cost performance.

In fact, in the past few years, there have been calls for open births. Since the problem of insufficient land resources has been solved, it means that there is no problem in feeding a larger population.

It’s just an increase in population, not just land issues, but also needs to improve the economy, improve education, and provide enough jobs in the future.

If these cannot be achieved, the situation in the future will still be very bad, but in the last meeting, Ye Shu proposed many relatively fair benefit distribution mechanisms.

These mechanisms reassure the country a lot. In fact, with the current level of technology, it is not a problem to feed a larger population. The problem is whether resources can be allocated relatively fairly.

If some of them occupy a large amount of interests and have not given back to the society, it will inevitably cause a serious gap between the rich and the poor, and the larger the population, the heavier the burden.

The country's opening up of childbirth at this time can be regarded as responding to the voice of the society. Sure enough, the news these days has focused on this matter, and even people in his village are discussing it.

Although these rural areas do not strictly follow the policy, it is common to have two children. If there are no sons, it is possible to have more children in a row.

Although this is a bit patriarchal, which is not what Ye Shu likes, but he has no way to change it. It will take a long process to change the traditional concept.

Any concept is closely related to social economy. When parents no longer need their children to provide for them, and when the traditional family system disintegrates, the traditional patriarchy will no longer exist.

Of course, this also requires the society to have a more tolerant attitude towards women's employment and childbearing, and to have relevant policy support, otherwise this time will be extended.

To be honest, since the appearance of humanoid robots, the amount of labor force is no longer the key to social productivity. Even if all women do not work, they can receive a salary by raising their children at home, and society will still not have too much burden.

It’s just that it’s very difficult for a single company to do this well, and it needs to be solved at the national level, because companies need to compete in the market, and any move that is not conducive to fair competition will be a fatal blow to the company.

If it is done at the national level and the birth tax is directly levied on each enterprise, then it is fair to the enterprise, because each enterprise will face the same problem, and everyone is on the same starting line.

It is foreseeable that in the next period of time, there will inevitably be a small birth peak in China. Families who had one child before will consider having another child.

This will have a certain impact on many businesses and families. After all, it is impossible to go to work during the childbearing period, and it is necessary to face various adjustments.

In his previous life, he had seen the difficulties faced by many childbearing women in the workplace, and this change was long-term, which of course Ye Shu was happy to see.

In order to avoid such problems in his own companies, he held an impromptu plenary meeting to explain the importance of childbirth to society, and asked companies to adopt a tolerant attitude.

As for the costs and risks brought about by the changes in the personnel structure faced by the enterprises themselves, it is also easy to handle, and they can directly accept the temporary employment of robots.

If it is a low-precision job, such as an office clerk, you can temporarily hire the domestic service robot of Qinglong Technology Company, and give a relatively favorable price to reduce the company's concerns.

For example, hiring a domestic service robot costs four to five hundred thousand yuan a year, which is definitely not appropriate. If the annual fee is reduced to 50,000 yuan, many companies are still willing.

For Qinglong Technology Company, although the price is a bit low, it is still profitable on the whole. After all, the cost of their robots is not very high, it is just a matter of earning more and less.

This measure is not only implemented in his companies, but other companies are also allowed if necessary, but they must be strictly reviewed. If they are not temporarily replacing pregnant women, they are not allowed to hire.

For delicate work, only general-purpose robots can be used. There are not many jobs that require the use of general-purpose robots. In fact, the robots of Qinglong Technology Company are enough to deal with a large number of application scenarios.

Therefore, he does not intend to open the general robot to the outside world, and it is limited to internal use. If it is a temporary replacement for a female employee in the childbearing period, the price can also be reduced to reduce the burden on his companies.

At present, the maternity leave given by the state is only half a year. Ye Zishu feels that this time is a bit short, and it is not convenient for pregnant women to commute to and from get off work, which is prone to accidents.

Even after the baby is born, it is very cumbersome to take care of breastfeeding and other tasks, which makes these female employees exhausted. This was the case with his female colleagues in his previous life.

Therefore, he plans to extend women's maternity leave to three and a half years, and let their children go to kindergarten at the age of three and return to work.

This proposal immediately frightened all the group presidents. On the one hand, the cost is too high. Unless it is stipulated by the state, it is not suitable for enterprises to do so.

If it is better to have one child, given the size and scale of their company, it will not cause too much pressure. If two children are born in a row, employees will have to leave their posts for 7 years, and the cost will be very high.

On the other hand, they are away from work for a long time. The knowledge update of these employees is relatively slow. It is not yet known whether they can adapt to their current jobs. It will take a period of time to adapt, or pay more training costs.

"I understand everyone's concerns, but I think it is necessary to implement it for a very simple reason, that is, as a forward-looking experiment of social reform.

You all know the existence of artificial intelligence and general purpose robots, since the emergence, in fact, the ordinary labor force has become less important.

Because these technologies can completely solve the labor problem and completely solve the labor model of human beings for thousands of years, a large number of groups that can live well without labor will inevitably be born.

The direction of the future labor force is mainly focused on innovation and culture and art, and it is difficult for ordinary workers to have the opportunity to display their talents.

It's just that the relevant system has not been established yet, and we haven't accumulated enough robots to take over. We can only use the current method to proceed, hoping to make a smooth transition.

I have considered a lot of practical difficulties just now. According to my idea, all female employees in non-key positions can go home to take care of their children and send them money directly.

It's not fair to them just considering that a person will lose their ability to work if they don't work for a long time. After all, not everyone doesn't want to work, and sometimes work can bring people happiness.

That's why we didn't take such a radical approach, and gradually reduced the on-the-job hours of employees in the later stage of preparation. This does not distinguish between men and women, and everyone is the same.

Of course, no matter whether they are on the job or not, they cannot work in other companies, nor can they engage in profit-making activities, unless they are related to the company. "Leaf Book explained.

It's hard for them to refute Ye Shu's explanation, because what he said is the truth. As top talents, they have naturally thought about this issue, and they also have ideas similar to Ye Shu.

After all, this is not such a profound idea. When society develops to a certain level, more people can live well without working. This is an inevitable trend.

It's just that Ye Zishu intends to implement it gradually from now on. The first batch of beneficiaries are women in childbearing period, and it can also improve more women's willingness to bear children.

Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company naturally agree with this decision, which means that their robot industry will be greatly improved and become a new major growth point.

It's just that the initial investment is relatively large, but the combined profits of the two companies last year are quite a lot, a full 20 trillion yuan. If it is not enough, they can also borrow from the bank. It is not a problem for them to pay interest.

They borrow from banks under the Tidal Group, and the interest rate is much lower than other commercial banks, generally only 3%, which is stipulated by Ye Zishu.

On the one hand, their loans are benign loans with very low risk; on the other hand, they need to promote the development of their industries and reduce the pressure on loans; and third, they need to transfer profits to real companies and not let financial companies make too much money.

Moreover, most of the funds of the banks under the Tidal Group come from the deposits of these companies, but through the amplification effect of the banks, a penny can be spent as a penny.

Kirin Basic Industries Group's general-purpose robot production capacity will not be increased for the time being, and the production capacity will be increased to 50 million units according to the original plan, which is enough for use.

General-purpose robots are generally used in high-end fields, such as scientific research, precision engineering, and advanced knowledge services. They are rarely used in ordinary fields, mainly because they cannot be hired.

Then he talked about the use of new currencies for international trade settlement, hoping that they can closely cooperate with Tidal Group to promote the new international trade currency.

This work is inseparable from their support. I hope they can coordinate well and don't lose the chain when the time comes.


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