Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 979: Different Looks


As the largest economic and industrial group in the country, if they don't even take the lead to set an example, it is certain that the implementation of the policy will be greatly reduced, and the effect he wants to see will not be so good.

After coordinating this matter, Ye Zishu asked about the progress of their interstellar ship project. This is a very large project, involving a huge workload in terms of personnel, infrastructure, and scientific research.

Not to mention the investment scale, according to the aggregated data, the total investment required for industrial chain construction is as high as 120 trillion yuan, which is unprecedented.

The reason is that too many high-tech technologies are used in it, and the construction of the material industry alone is not an easy task. A 1-kilometer-long interstellar ship requires a huge amount of materials.

This is still a rudimentary interstellar ship. If it is replaced by a 10-kilometer, or even a 100-kilometer ship that may appear in the future, it will be another scene.

At present, they are still in the stage of scientific research team formation and infrastructure construction. Since there are not enough scientific researchers available, they still mainly hire general-purpose robots as scientific researchers.

At the same time, the general-purpose robot will also bring some newcomers to participate in scientific research work. The number of general-purpose robots employed alone will be as high as millions. If it is replaced by human scientific researchers, the number will only increase.

The infrastructure work is mainly to build a large number of factories. Since it is spread all over the country, it has not attracted much attention. No matter how large the project is, it is scattered all over the country, so it is not so conspicuous.

The assembly work of the interstellar ship was placed in Sichuan by Baihu Technology Company. Compared with other places, this place is not only inland, but also in a mountainous area, so the concealment and security are much higher.

The most important thing is that it can be used with the aircraft manufacturing industry chain of Huanyu Group to reduce the overall expenditure and reduce the construction cost to a certain extent.

Among them, large-scale structural parts will be placed around the integrated factory, because long-distance transportation of large-scale components is difficult, and other parts are not so demanding, and they can be adapted to local conditions according to their respective advantages.

Currently under greater pressure are Kirin Basic Industry Group and Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd., which undertake the R\u0026D and production tasks of industrial equipment for the entire industrial chain.

In order to complete the phased goals of this project as soon as possible, the progress of the two companies cannot be delayed. The equipment must be developed before other companies are ready, and they can be provided to affiliated companies in large quantities.

Ye Zishu didn't give any comments after learning about it. To be honest, although this project is set for 5 years, it doesn't really matter if it's longer or shorter.

However, judging from their enthusiasm, it may take less than 5 years to complete the task of building a 1-kilometer-long interstellar ship, and the rest is basically familiarity with the road.

Even a 10-kilometer interstellar ship,

Although the complexity is much higher, most of the functions, structures, and materials are the same, so the difficulty of construction is not so great, and the difficulty lies in the breakthrough stage of zero.

After the meeting with these managers, Ye Zishu left Guo Dongmei and Guo Dongsheng behind. Now Guo Dongsheng is not as thin as he was when he first took charge of Wancheng Foundation. It can be seen that he should be more comfortable in management now.

Ye Zishu first asked Guo Dongsheng about his wedding preparations. A group president like him is less likely to want to get married in a low-key manner, and the preparations need to be done a long time in advance.

Unexpectedly, Guo Dongsheng didn't have the idea of ​​making a fuss. He planned to obtain a marriage certificate with Qin Xuan in a low-key manner, and then invite a few relatives and friends to have a meal.

I originally planned to go on a wedding and honeymoon trip, but obviously it can't happen now. Wancheng Foundation has a lot of things going on, especially with the Jurassic Park project in hand. It is still difficult to go there with complete peace of mind.

Of course, if he really plans to spend his honeymoon, Wancheng Foundation will not be in chaos. When building the system, he emphasized that even without the leadership, the entire system cannot collapse.

Otherwise, it would be a serious threat to his boss. One day, the management collectively forced the palace, and his boss might have to compromise for the sake of the overall situation.

This is a situation that he does not allow, so when building the system, try to ignore the existence of the management. After all, the management is actually a channel for advancement, and it does not mean that it is in control.

After Universal Robots came out, the system construction in this area has been strengthened. There is a complete system to ensure that even if the group president does not manage the board, the company will not have problems.

But Guo Dongsheng has been with him for so many years, probably because he is relatively low-level, he dare not be sloppy in his work, and he works hard, otherwise he would not lose weight for the first time when he took power in Wancheng Foundation.

"It's time to rest or rest, as long as you arrange the work at hand. After all, marriage is a major event in life. If you owe Qin Xuan at the wedding, you have to make up for it in other ways. Otherwise, you will complain in the future. What do you do?"

Although he had limited contact with Qin Xuan, she was still a sensible woman, but people will change with time, and after getting along for a long time, they may not be as reasonable as they are now.

Once the quarrel starts, all the old sesame seeds and rotten millet will be revealed, so within the scope of ability, try to be as perfect as possible to avoid losing your tongue.

"I didn't want to do this about the wedding, but Qin Xuan asked for it!" Guo Dongsheng emphasized.

Ye Zishu didn't care about Guo Dongmei's presence, and said with a smile: "Women usually say one thing and think another way, not to mention that Qin Xuan still studies music.

Even if you are afraid of trouble, you still expect romance in your heart. I think you should make proper arrangements for the wedding and honeymoon, and don't think about it with your own thinking. "

Although Guo Dongmei rolled his eyes at Ye Zishu's words, there was nothing wrong with what he said, not to mention that he was persuading his brother, and he would not refute it.

"Brother, I think what Mr. Ye said is still reasonable, you should make arrangements in advance." As a woman, Guo Dongmei naturally understands women's thoughts, not to mention that she has had frequent contact with her future sister-in-law during this period, so she still has some understanding.

"That's fine, I'll listen to you. As for the wedding, I won't send invitations to Mr. Ye at that time. I'll just call and inform you." Guo Dongsheng said.

This is not a problem, although posting an invitation post seems formal, it also seems extravagant. Since it is intended to be simple, it does not need to be so formal. Generally, posting an invitation post is to invite people with business contacts to participate.

After talking about this, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Dongmei, you are not young anymore, it's time to find a boyfriend, don't drag yourself into an old girl."

Guo Dongmei didn't expect Ye Zishu to persuade herself, her expression was a little astonished, and after she realized it, she said angrily: "You should worry less about my affairs!"

Seeing that Guo Dongmei really didn't want to talk about it with him, Ye Zishu didn't continue talking, he just reminded her, don't really delay it again and again.

"Leaving the two of you this time is mainly about the construction of Jurassic Park, which will be realized according to conventional technology, not to mention whether it is difficult or not, even if it is time, we can't afford it.

In order to achieve the purpose of building in a short time, I conducted a long-term research this time, and finally formed a set of final construction plans, which I will send to you later.

But there are some things in it, I hope only you know, don't spread it to the outside world, the technology inside is too advanced, I don't want to spread it everywhere. "Leaf Book said.

These words aroused their curiosity, and Guo Dongmei couldn't help asking: "Can you tell me in advance?"

As the main promoters of this project, they definitely cannot hide some things from them, so they didn't hide it, and said directly: "The technology used here is a bit mysterious.

In order to maintain the differences between the local environment and the external environment of Jurassic Park, the entire park will be shrouded in a relatively independent space, thus involving the application of space technology.

In order to accelerate the growth of animals and plants in Jurassic Park, time flow technology is used in this space. One year inside may be equivalent to thousands of years outside.

Therefore, during the time speed adjustment period, no employees are allowed in the entire space, including robots. If they are inside, their lifespan will be gone in a while.

As for the construction of the Central Magic City, it needs to wait until the virgin forest of the entire Jurassic Park grows up before it can start. Otherwise, the life span of the city will be greatly shortened after the city is completed.

In order to be able to maintain the operation of the entire Jurassic Park, more advanced energy harvesting and storage technologies are adopted, which can realize the entire ecological needs without relying too much on external energy supply.

As for other advanced technologies, I am not going to talk about them here. You can see the technical overview in the overall planning and design documents later.

Because the technology is too advanced, many parts are inconvenient for ordinary people to touch. Therefore, a large number of general-purpose robots will be arranged to take over part of the work. I hope you can cooperate and understand. "

Apart from other things, the space technology and time speed regulation technology he mentioned shocked the two of them, which was even more exaggerated than when they heard the thermal radiation energy-absorbing field.

What space technology is, until now, scientists still have only a half-knowledge. They all speculate based on their own feelings, and there is not even a set of feasible theories to support it.

Not to mention time, in many fantasy novels, it is set as the highest rule. If you master the time speed regulation technology, it is no different from the rules mastered by gods. It is even unknown whether gods can control it.

The way they looked at Ye Zishu revealed a lot of inconceivability. Is this a technology that humans can master, or is this a technology that humans on earth can master now?

Fortunately, none of them are scientists. If a scientist finds out, they will probably pay a visit in person. Even if they are messing around, they must let him reveal some details, because this is what scientists are striving for.

Isn't the so-called physics just to study this world, and this world is based on space and time, and the ultimate goal is to decipher the secrets of space and time.

It can be said that as long as these two ultimate goals are broken through, many physicists will feel that they have no regrets in this life. "If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening." For true scientists, this is not an exaggeration at all.

"I know you have many surprises and doubts, and I can't give you too many explanations here, I can only show you the 'curative effect'." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When the two heard what he said, they put away their exaggerated expressions just now, but their eyes looked weirder than before, even a little in awe, which was not there before.

Although he has always been the boss of the two of them, and the two of them are very loyal to him, when they get along, they still do it as friends, which is relatively easy.

But now it's different, there is even a trace of awe, and I don't know if they regard him as a god, or just as a genius, anyway, ordinary people must not have this ability.

"Although there are too many technologies that are not convenient for ordinary people to access, there are also many technologies that require you to act now and organize the research and development work." Ye Shu said.

He also didn't say what specific parts they need to be responsible for. He will give them the final plan later, which will be divided into categories, as long as they follow the above.

The main task of Kirin Industrial Group is the cultivation of animals and plants. Due to the huge number and variety, even if they have advanced genes and cultivation technology, it will take a lot of time and energy.

In the early stage of Wancheng Foundation, it was mainly to study the materials needed for the construction of the Central Magic City. Compared with the materials needed for the construction of the outer cities, there is still a big difference.

Since he hopes that Jurassic Park will not gradually die out over time, he naturally does not want Central Magic City to also gradually age and fade over time.

The materials used once are also very special, and their characteristics are much stronger than those of the outside. It is not an exaggeration to describe some materials as magic materials.

However, these materials will appear relatively ordinary in the space of Jurassic Park, but they are much better than similar materials before, and there will be no special effects.

But the situation will change when you get the Central Magic City, and the characteristics shown are far better than the outside, because he will adjust some of the space rules.

The rules of space will affect the composition rules of matter, and these materials themselves are composed of matter. Under different rule systems, it is normal to have different performances.

After the natural environment of Jurassic Park takes shape, Wancheng Foundation needs to organize manpower to build the Central Magic City. In the early stage, materials that are difficult to produce need to be prepared in advance.

In the later stage, it is necessary to formulate a city maintenance and operation management plan to operate this magical city, which will bring them a steady stream of revenue in the future.

After finishing the video conference with the two, Ye Zishu began to upload relevant technical materials, but they were all technical materials that could be shown to them.

As for technologies related to space and energy, not only did he not intend to provide technical information, but even the production tasks were only planned to be completed in his own laboratory, and then transported there for installation and use.

Shortly after the meeting ended, his companies followed the spirit of the meeting and formulated institutional provisions that were in line with the actual conditions of their respective companies to implement his proposition.

Although they are all industries under his banner, the mix will not be bad, but there are still relatively large differences between enterprises and enterprises, and their strengths vary widely.

Even if it is a company under a group, some companies are not very powerful, they may only have a few hundred employees, and they are engaged in basic businesses, and their operating profits will not be particularly high.

In some cases, the number of employees may be as high as tens of thousands, the market scale is very large, and the operating profit is very high.

The reason why there is such a difference is mainly determined by the market. No matter how the leaf book is balanced, it generally abides by the laws of the market. This is not a matter of personal will.

The only thing that has done better is that the salary gap of employees will not be particularly large, and some companies are still operating at a slight loss. Some higher-level companies transfer profits and pay these employees higher salaries.

Only in this way can an overall relatively fair salary system be maintained. If the salary is determined completely according to the market, it means that employees in certain industries are doomed not to be able to obtain matching benefits.

Of course, companies that can do this are generally relatively important supporting companies. Without these companies, there will be some missing links in the industrial chain and must be retained.

If it is not so important, it may adopt a new way to operate, or use high-efficiency production tools to improve production efficiency, thereby increasing individual labor compensation.

This mode of operation is mainly aimed at manufacturers of low-value products, but the market scale is relatively large. It is a good way to increase unit labor output by increasing labor productivity.

Or directly hand it over to enterprises with the ability to operate and carry out industrial integration. This operation method is mainly aimed at small and relatively important product manufacturers with a small market size.

Concentrate the similar businesses needed by all the companies under him, and enlarge the size of the company, thereby producing economies of scale. Similar products required by other companies will be provided by this company.

So generally speaking, regardless of the size of his subsidiaries, there is generally no real loss-making situation, but the profit level varies greatly.

Even if there is a temporary loss, it has not been adjusted in a short period of time. For example, his salary is raised so fast every year, but the timing of the company's book finance and employee salary increases is inconsistent, resulting in a temporary loss.

At this time, either the parent company will stabilize the losses for them, or use the inventory funds to balance the accounts, or borrow from the bank to ease the shortage of funds.

It is precisely because of this difference that in the face of his instructions, each company needs to make adjustments according to its actual situation, and it is impossible to be uniform.

For some businesses, spending a little more each year doesn't make much of a difference, not even a single percentage point in total revenue and theoretically.

However, for some enterprises, the impact is relatively large, especially for enterprises with more women, such as the textile industry. If they are not careful, they may face business paralysis.

In scientific research enterprises like Qinglong Technology Company, the proportion of female employees is not high, and most of them are clerical positions. In addition, the profits are relatively high, and the impact is almost negligible.

Therefore, in the process of implementing his spirit, he will even increase the weight appropriately, not only giving employees three and a half years of vacation, but also giving female employees additional childcare subsidies every year.

And ordinary manufacturing companies like Xuanwu Technology Company, although they also have to give female employees a three-and-a-half-year vacation, not only do they not have childcare subsidies, they also need to slightly reduce their salaries during this period, with a minimum of 80% of the current salary.

Of course, it is also possible not to lower the salary, so there may be no normal holidays, only one and a half years. There are two options for employees to choose, and employees can make decisions according to their own circumstances.

If the elderly in the family can help, they can choose a one-and-a-half-year vacation, and they can get full remuneration for one and a half years. If they are all on their own, the latter option is undoubtedly more friendly.

Although the salary will be reduced by 80%, overall life is still completely fine. After all, the salary of his industries is generally not low, and it will not affect the normal life of employees.

The reason for this is that the saved money needs to pay for the cost of hiring robots, and even Xuanwu Technology Company has to pay for it in order to achieve a financial balance.

There is no way around this. Some companies must plan carefully and carefully. If they are not careful, they may fall into continuous losses, which is very unfavorable to long-term operation.

Maintaining the normal operation of the enterprise is also the prerequisite for the long-term protection of employees' interests. Ye Zishu also recognizes such differences, because it is impossible to achieve complete consistency with the current industrial structure and system.

For example, companies with higher operating profits but more female employees will not reduce their salaries during this period, but in order to encourage women to return to work earlier.

They adopt incentives. If you choose a one-and-a-half-year vacation, your vacation salary will increase by 20%. If you choose three and a half years, you can only get the normal salary.

With the introduction of various corporate measures, it has aroused extensive discussions in the society. It can even be said that this is unprecedented support for the national fertility policy.

Even the government did not expect that the industries under his banner would be so bold, not only supporting the national birth control policy, but also overweighting the standards.

For the women in his industrial system, or for the family, it is naturally a happy thing. They originally planned to have a second child, but they were worried that it would affect their work.

Unexpectedly, the company not only considered their difficulties, but even gave more support. Immediately, the sense of pride and corporate identity burst, and I felt that entering this company was the right choice.

For women who are not in his industrial system, the mood is not so good, and they have to implement such a system in their own companies at first, so that these companies can't tell the pain.

Not all companies have such conditions. Let alone a three-and-a-half-year holiday, even a half-year holiday, they have to consider how much loss they will have.

In response to the actual demands of the society, Qinglong Technology Company promulgated new robot employment regulations at this time, which is to solve problems for these enterprises.

According to the rules they promulgated, during the childbearing period of employees, robots are hired to temporarily take over jobs, more preferential measures are provided, and employment costs are greatly reduced.

If the replacement maternity leave is only one and a half years, then the annual employment fee is 100,000 yuan, a total of 150,000 yuan for one and a half years.

If the maternity leave is three and a half years, then the annual employment fee is 50,000 yuan, and the additional cost incurred during this period is 175,000 yuan, which is only 25,000 yuan more.

Compared with the price of housekeeping services, the discount this time is very strong, and it is limited to this matter. If it is for other matters, the original price will still be used.

To be honest, for many companies, they are still not willing to pay these additional costs, especially when the country does not have mandatory requirements, they will not be willing to pay, even if employees strongly request it.

At this time, the government should come out to deal with it. In the past, the government did not have a good solution. After all, employees who leave their jobs for too long will have a serious impact on business operations.

But with the support of Qinglong Technology Company, the government has the confidence to enforce it, so that the cost everyone pays is almost the same, and there is no competition difference.

So just a week after the new robot employment rules of Qinglong Technology Company came out, the government implemented a new version of the maternity regulations, detailed the relevant regulations, and greatly extended the leave for maternity women.

From less than a year's holiday before, it has been extended to a minimum of one and a half years, and companies are encouraged to implement a three-and-a-half-year holiday. The government has given tax and fee reductions, and finally many companies have to follow the new standard.

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