Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 981: The construction of Jurassic Park begins and the reshaping of the international financi

Guo Dongsheng heard that the space device had been transported to Badain Jaran, so he quickly flew over from Shanghai by plane. The purpose of his trip was very simple, just to see how amazing this device is.

Although the device requires high confidentiality and will not be displayed in front of ordinary people, as the president of Wancheng Foundation, he can still get a glimpse of it.

When he came to the factory building in a hurry, he found that there was a small piece of equipment placed alone inside, with a milky white ball on it.

The height of the entire device is only half a meter, and it does not have the sense of colossal object he imagined. It feels more like a slightly larger trophy, which is beyond his expectation.

It was really hard for him to imagine that such a thing could really be as miraculous as the boss said? If he hadn't seen more than 20 security personnel around him, he felt that throwing it on the street would be regarded as an ornament by others.

"Can you touch it?" He asked the guide next to him.

"Okay, this thing is not that fragile, it's actually very strong!" A universal robot next to it replied.

The device is not fully turned on yet, otherwise the ball on it would not be milky white, but would emit a bright light, making it impossible to look directly at.

The reason why it is so strong is not that the material is so strong, but that the outside of this device has been wrapped by a layer of space shield.

If you want to destroy the device inside, you first need to break through the defense of the space shield. Obviously, with the current human technology, it is impossible to do it anyway.

Guo Dongsheng touched the ball with his hand, and found that he didn't feel anything other than a little cold. This was because his hand didn't touch the body of the ball at all, and the middle was separated by a space shield.

The reason for the coldness is that the device is absorbing the surrounding energy, but it is not fully turned on, and it feels a little cold. When it is fully turned on, it will not feel this way.

Because the device will absorb energy from a large area around it and gather it on the surface of the device, the temperature will not be low, but will be very high, so you really can't touch it casually.

In fact, the device can not only absorb common thermal energy and electromagnetic energy, but also absorb dark energy. The reason for this is that the energy absorption will not be interrupted in extreme environments.

Now that the device has arrived, the next step is to officially start work. The security personnel of Universal Robots will place the device in a tight alloy box.

Then it was pulled directly to the Badain Jaran Desert, which can now be called a grassland. After continuous water replenishment and the blessing of many high-tech plants, this place is no longer the same as the original desert.

At a glance, there is no grassland on the side. Because there is no grazing, the height of the grass is generally almost as high as an adult's knee. The soil has also been greatly improved, and the thickness of the soil layer has reached 20 cm.

If it is not used to build Jurassic Park, it only needs to rest for another 5 years before it can be used for grazing or planting crops required by shallow soil.

The device was placed in the center of Badain Jaran, which will also be the location of the Central Magic City in the future. After the device was placed safely, it did not take long.

After the order was issued, the milky white sphere, which was originally plain, gradually became brighter, but it was a pity that it was wrapped in an iron box, and this process could not be seen from the outside.

Just when the milky white sphere became brighter and brighter, the people around felt something passing over them, but they wanted to feel it again, but they didn't have that feeling again, it was very subtle.

In less than a minute, the whole device was fully activated. The position they are standing at now can be said to be the original Badain Jaran, or it can be said to be in another space.

"Now the device has been fully activated, and we are already in the space covered by the device." The operator reported to Guo Dongshenghui next to him.

When Guo Dongsheng heard this, he was a little surprised and said: "It's activated? But there is no obvious feeling."

"What I want is no obvious feeling!" Universal Robots replied succinctly.

After the device is activated,

The next job is to spread the various plant seeds produced by Qilin Agricultural Development Group in specific places according to the overall design plan of Jurassic Park.

Don't underestimate the workload. Even if you use drones, it is not easy to spread the vast land of nearly 50,000 square kilometers according to the planning and design.

It stands to reason that it is necessary to carry out earthwork reconstruction in specific areas, mainly to excavate lakes. In Jurassic Park, how could there be no lakes.

Although at the time of the original design, the topography of Badain Jaran was referred to, and the design was carried out on the premise of minimizing the amount of earthwork to reduce costs and man-hours.

However, major changes have to be made in some places. This is a tourism project. If you want to have a good experience, in addition to visiting Jurassic animals and plants, you also need to create more natural beauty.

Now it is not necessary to use mechanical equipment to carry out earthwork operations, but to use space technology to carry out operations, which saves time and effort, and the effect is much better than manual work.

In fact, manpower is not needed to complete the sowing of plant seeds now. You only need to place the plant seeds that need to be sown in this space, and the device will use the power of space to complete the sowing of plant seeds.

It's just that during this process, there will be relatively intense spatial fluctuations. People in it are easily affected by spatial fluctuations, and may be seriously injured.

Therefore, after confirming that the device is installed, everyone must withdraw from the area covered by the space. When everyone withdraws, the entire space will be completely closed.

Once it is closed, people will not be able to enter the area. Although they will not encounter obvious walls alone, they will find that no matter how they walk, they have not actually gone far and are still standing still.

The scene inside will not be visible from the outside. The scene seen to the outside is just a scene simulated by the space ball. The inside may already be full of flowers, but the outside is still a grassland.

"What about the water pipeline passing through this area?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

It is important to know that the main aqueduct pipeline of the east-to-west transmission directly passes through the Badain Jaran area. If it is affected, many areas behind will face the risk of water cut-off.

"Please rest assured Mr. Guo, we have considered this situation and it will not have any impact," said the person in charge.

Although he didn't explain it too clearly, after listening to it, Guo Dongsheng finally felt relieved. For the next few days, Guo Dongsheng will still stay here.

He witnessed what the space blockade looked like with his own eyes. He saw a tree in front of him, but he couldn't get to the tree no matter how he ran, he still vividly remembered that feeling.

But the ground that the feet stepped on is real, and people feel that they have been walking forward, but they just can’t reach the small tree in front. No one will believe it when they say it. It’s too amazing, and it’s completely a fairy trick.

After the space device sealed off the space, it immediately activated the landform transformation. Nothing can be seen from the outside, but the space inside is quite chaotic. It can be called a space storm, but it is just a regular space storm.

In order to avoid serious disturbance to the main space around the closed space, the space action inside seems to be very large, but in fact it does not achieve the maximum effect.

Therefore, using space technology to change the terrain does not take a short time, and it takes about a week. The inside is already full of vicissitudes, which is very different from before.

Immediately after the landform transformation is completed, the space technology will be used to move the plant seeds and spread them where they should appear according to the plan, and all formations are particular.

If you want to have beautiful scenery everywhere, it is impossible to follow the natural state completely. There must be artificial traces, but it should not be too obvious, and it needs to be carefully designed.

This process took longer. It took a full half a month to place the plant seeds where they should appear, but it didn't mean they were in a mature state.

Because after this step is completed, the time acceleration will start inside. After thousands of years, everything will be changed, and the final result is hard to predict.

This process needs to last for one year, and the flow of time is 10,000 times faster than that of the outside world. What will appear in front of the world at that time will be the ancient forest that has been around for thousands of years.

In the next period of time, people will find that the concentration of carbon dioxide around this area will decrease significantly, and the amount of water intercepted in this area will gradually increase.

However, due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide and high water vapor concentration in the inner space, it will gradually form a difference from the outside climate. Even the outside is sunny and sunny, but the inside is full of storms, lightning and thunder.

The next thing has nothing to do with Wancheng Foundation. After Guo Dongsheng understood the basic situation, he went back and left some security personnel here to prevent anyone from breaking into this area.

After one year, Wancheng Foundation needs to start building the Central Magic City. If they want to finish it as soon as possible, they need to produce the required materials in advance.

At that time, whether to use artificial construction or use space technology to complete the construction has not yet been determined. If you want to create more jobs, of course you must use artificial construction.

However, it will take a long time to adopt this method. It will take two or three years to build a city that can accommodate tens of millions of people, and it may even take longer.

If space technology is used to achieve the purpose, it takes much less time, maybe only a few days, and the efficiency is very high, while the cost is very low.

In fact, according to the requirements of the planning time node, the use of artificial construction can no longer keep up, and there is a high probability that space technology will eventually be used to complete it.

There is no need to go through a lot of trouble in order to create jobs. If it is Yeshu, they would rather distribute the saved money to employees than waste too much time.

In fact, the money that can be saved is only the labor cost of artificial cultivation, as well as the production cost of some seeds and the maintenance cost of animals and plants.

Now, due to the use of the power of time derived from space technology, animals and plants have truly experienced tens of millions of years under the influence of time.

The number of samples of animal and plant seeds and animals can increase through natural reproduction in this process, and the complexity of the ecosystem can also slowly increase over time.

When it is uncovered, it will no longer be a newborn forest, but a forest that has been bred for thousands of years. It has formed its own system and can complete a self-stabilizing cycle.

The real big spender is the construction of the Central Magic City. The previous budget was 15 trillion yuan. Even if the power of space is used to realize the construction, the cost of materials alone will cost more than 10 trillion yuan.

In general, the project that originally cost 20 trillion yuan has not only improved efficiency but also saved costs through new technologies. Now it only needs to cost about 12 trillion yuan to complete the entire project.

In the next year, Guo Dongsheng was worried about this and wanted to go in and have a look. Unfortunately, no one could go in until the power of time was stopped, and the inside was completely isolated from the outside world.

This action actually alarmed the relevant departments of the country. Ordinary people may pay little attention to this project. After all, most people even think that the possibility of it being completed is relatively low.

But people from the relevant state departments don't think so, because the project proposer is Ye Shu, so they are always paying attention to the progress of the project.

When a large number of workers withdrew from the Badain Jaran area, but judging from the satellite images, there was no change in the area. Obviously something was wrong, and it felt like the entire project was at a standstill.

Therefore, investigators were sent over to take a look, and they encountered the same situation as Guo Dongsheng, at the edge of the space enveloped, no matter what, it was difficult to make an inch.

It is difficult to describe the feeling in words when encountering such a situation, as if the whole person is in a psychedelic formation, seemingly walking forward, but actually standing still, the shock is indescribable.

As the instigator of the project, Ye Zishu was naturally disturbed by a phone call thousands of miles away. Naturally, he couldn't explain this kind of thing too clearly. He explained it vaguely, and finally got over it.

Although the relevant departments knew that the matter was not that simple, they had no intention of delving into it, because the technology had already surpassed the scope of technology that humans could touch. In their minds, it was no longer a technology, but a fairy art.

It's just that as a materialist, I can't say so on the surface, but I think so in my heart. In the hearts of some people, the importance and mystery of Ye Zishu have been greatly improved.

Although this incident has passed on the surface, the relevant departments did not really turn a blind eye, and urgently organized a scientific research team to directly enter the Badain Jaran area.

When they started to study this mysterious space, they wanted to ask Ye Zishu directly, but unfortunately they knew that they would not get the answer if they asked, so they could only explore it by themselves.

If they research something by themselves, Ye Zishu has no reason to object, just like many scientific technologies he gave, he may not tell the researchers the principle, but he does not object to the researchers' own research.

It's a pity that it is very difficult to research something through this space. Without the support of basic theory, with the current level of human cognition, the effect will not be great.

Space is a very mysterious existence. We live in space every day, but we have very little about it. Even the previous knowledge of physics is just a study of the matter in space.

As for the research on the space in which he lived, he hadn't even touched the door. He wanted to rely on human beings to research the theory of space, and even Ye Zishu himself was not confident.

If it weren't for the fact that there are field theory-related science and technology materials in the virtual library, or if it happens to have field theory science and technology in space, it would be almost impossible for him to get started, let alone others.

Compared with the technical system we are studying now, the span is too large, so big that even he thinks that it cannot be solved by time, unless it is a coincidence, it is possible to get the opportunity to get started.

In fact, this is also the case. Although the scientific research team racked their brains to study space issues every day, they did not gain much in the next few decades, but only gained some fairly correct conceptual cognition.

Because the difficulty lies in the fact that human beings can feel it, but cannot measure it, and cannot use machine equipment to conduct research, just like dark matter and dark energy, because they cannot be observed.

We have discovered the possibility of their existence through scientific calculations, but we still don't know what they are. Compared with dark matter and dark energy, space is more unpredictable, and it is even more impossible to study and understand.

To be honest, Ye Zishu can’t actually observe it. His research on space is currently based entirely on scientific theories and calculations related to space field theory to confirm its existence. At the same time, through these theories, it is transformed into technical applications one by one.

In other words, when he researches, he does not conduct research through the senses, but constructs and researches in the virtual environment through theoretical knowledge.

According to his speculation, it is only possible to truly study space issues from a sensory perspective unless you really jump out of the space you are in and conduct research from a higher dimension.

This is like the NPCs in the virtual world. Although they are very smart and intelligent, they will never be able to figure out that they exist in a pile of electronic hardware.

Being in it, you don't even have a chance to see the leopard. Being able to propose the existence of space is already considered a remarkable thinking. If you want to go further, the difficulty is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Of course, it is not completely impossible to do research, that is to conduct destructive research, to directly use brute force to destroy, and to conduct research through the phenomenon exposed by short-term imperfections.

This is also a common research method, but it is not so easy to rely on brute force in space research, because space itself is scalable, not a rigid container.

In addition, space is extremely concealed and accommodating for both matter and energy. It is only theoretically feasible to tear up space through powerful energy, or to affect space through extremely high density of matter.

It is even more difficult for human beings to realize it, because human beings cannot create such a powerful energy explosion device, or an object with super high density.

At present, the densest object or celestial body we know is a black hole, but it is not an easy task to study and understand space through black holes, and the research problems are very limited.

The reason is that the existence of black holes is far from being able to destroy the space. Naturally, it is impossible to expose more of the space, and it is also difficult to study it.

Therefore, he is not afraid of research at all, and even looks forward to what they can research. Maybe they can realize the research of space from different angles and provide him with another way of thinking.

To be honest, it is actually quite uncomfortable for him to study space now, because of the unobservability, all the research process has to be done by brain, and then use the knowledge he has learned to fill in the perfection.

Although he thinks that the research will not produce any results, he still has certain expectations. Human wisdom is infinite, and there may be research methods that he has not mastered.

During this period of time, there are only two hottest topics in the world. The first one is the new currency issued by Tidal Group. As it is used more and more frequently in global trade, everyone's attention is getting higher and higher.

In the beginning, it was only used for trade between countries. Individuals seldom hold this currency. The reason is that the currency has no entity, that is, no banknotes are issued.

However, with the development of trade, some countries have a large surplus, and ordinary people have the opportunity to exchange and hold such currencies. There are also people in some countries who are afraid of the depreciation of their own currencies and hold such currencies to preserve their property.

Gold standard currency is naturally much higher in credibility than credit currency, because no matter what, they can get equivalent gold, and gold is naturally currency.

Coupled with the fact that the Internet is so developed, some people like to share or show off on the Internet after exchanging this type of currency, resulting in an increasing number of individuals holding this type of currency.

During this period of time, some people also tried to exchange their currency into gold, wanting to see if they could really exchange it into gold. Unfortunately, Tidal International Currency Bank did not accept scattered gold exchange business.

Because the gold they hold is only stored at the headquarters, if they accept sporadic exchange business, their cost will be too high, and the gold needs to be transported frequently.

Of course, it is also possible to store gold in the headquarters of Tidal International Trade Bank in various countries, but for safety reasons, they have no intention of doing so.

If you want to exchange gold, you have to go to the headquarters of Tidal International Monetary Bank to handle it. As for how the customer transports it back, it is not a matter for the bank to change.

And even if you go to the headquarters to exchange, the total amount needs to reach a certain scale. It's not that you don't want to bear gold. For the Tidal Group, there is a lot of gold, so there is no need to worry about not having enough gold.

It’s just that the exchange amount is too small, and the cost is too high. The initial amount of one-time exchange for gold is 10 catties, which is the weight of a gold brick. Converted into currency, it is 500,000 universe coins.

Interestingly, in the past, there were quite a few gold trading markets in the world, denominated in various currencies. Since the issuance of Universe Coin, the situation has undergone subtle changes.

Since the cosmic currency and gold are in an equal exchange relationship, and the purchasing power of the cosmic currency is relatively stable within a certain period of time, it is impossible to experience big ups and downs.

Therefore, a strange scene appeared. The activity of the global gold trading market is getting lower and lower, and the financial institutions engaged in gold trading have less and less room to display it. It is rare for gold prices to fluctuate greatly.

The reason is simple. Everyone has unconsciously anchored gold and Cosmos. If the price of gold in the gold trading market does not match the value of Cosmos, the market will make rapid adjustments.

If you insist on manipulating the price of gold, the positioning of gold will not fluctuate too much, but the currency that trades gold will have a significant change in the exchange rate against the universe coin.

This is a more subtle point, which shows that everyone has great trust in the purchasing power of Cosmic Coin, which leads to a very stable value of its anchored gold.

Therefore, fluctuations in the price of gold transactions priced in other currencies, in the eyes of many people, are not fluctuations in the value of gold, but fluctuations in the value of the currency.

For example, if the price of London gold has risen, it means that the value of the British pound has decreased, and the exchange rate of the British pound against the universe currency has also become lower. This makes the issuer of the British pound very uncomfortable. It's getting harder and harder to make money online.

Of course, there are also currencies that were undervalued in the past. With the universe coin as a reference, they have to appreciate passively, otherwise they may face the situation of capital manipulation.

Although this delicate situation has just begun, it is foreseeable that the new global financial order is gradually changing with the emergence of Cosmic Coin, which cannot be changed by human will.


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