Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 982: The Rise of the Aerospace Boom and the Invitation to Compile the College Examination Pa

The second exciting thing is that Baihu Technology Company frequently launches missions to expand the space station into a space city, and the scale has been expanded by more than ten times.

In order to build the space city as soon as possible, Baihu Technology Company has launch missions almost every day. Even so, it will take two or three years to build the space city.

At that time, the entire space city will be able to accommodate 10,000 people permanently, and the maximum capacity will reach 20,000 people. This is still the intermediate form of the space city.

As for whether to expand into the ultimate form and expand the resident staff to 100,000, we still need to look at the situation. According to the current situation, this necessity is not high.

In the previous planning, the space city is an important transit station for space activities and a bridge between the ground and space. Its status is particularly important, and its scale is naturally large.

It was even planned to build some industrial facilities in the space city at the beginning, to smelt the ore collected in space in the space city, and then pack the waste and high-quality goods separately and transport them to the ground.

Now that there are interstellar ships and a more advanced anti-gravity system, the role of the space city transfer station is greatly weakened, and it will not even be used in the future.

The main purpose of the expansion is to expand the scale of space research and at the same time increase the scale of the space tourism market, which still has certain economic and scientific value.

But no matter how big it is, it is not necessary. If 10,000 people travel to the space city every year, based on 10 million yuan per person, the annual revenue will be 100 billion yuan.

If you add 10,000 permanent scientific researchers, it can also generate hundreds of billions of yuan in revenue every year, and it will be profitable to expand it into a space city in general.

During this period of time, the main launch mission of Baihu Science and Technology Company was around the space city, but space observation and scientific research equipment and space resource detectors also launched frequently, and two or three rockets were launched into the sky at the same time every now and then.

Since launching rockets is too crazy, it is not surprising that it has become the focus of global heated discussions. This has also made countries around the world realize that space will become the next strategic high ground.

It is only limited to technical reasons, and they have not yet seen the huge benefits. They are only included in the national strategic plan as a long-term goal.

Space activities are very resource-intensive. Don’t think that Baihu Technology’s launch is so easy, and other countries can do the same. This is a big mistake.

Other countries are limited to technical reasons, and their launch costs are dozens of times that of Baihu Technology Company. Now Baihu Technology Company only needs less than 10 million yuan to launch a rocket.

There is also a lot of profit left for the space launch center. If the whole process is done by Baihu Technology Company itself, the cost will be even lower.

Such a crazy space program has naturally driven the pace of global space development, making the entire space development hot, and many topics are related to this.

Not to mention the original aerospace powers, countries with tens of millions of people are also formulating their own space development plans. If they are unable to develop space projects on their own, they will adopt a cooperative model.

In fact, not to mention these small countries, even the former aerospace powers have to choose to cooperate. Naturally, my country's aerospace sector is their primary partner for cooperation.

Today is different from the past. If it were a few years ago, it would have been almost impossible, and it would even be reversed to impose a space technology blockade on us.

It's different now, we have the world's top space launch technology, as well as the world's top space equipment research and development technology.

In addition, the economic volume is very large, far surpassing other countries, and the military strength may as well be more generous. Although there are only two integrated aircraft carrier formations, aerospace aircraft and suborbital vehicles are far ahead.

This makes up for the gap in my country's naval tonnage, but it also means that our country's naval strength is poor, and its technological advancement is also far superior to that of its peers. What's more, in May, my country launched two more aircraft carriers.

At that time, our country will have 4 reorganized aircraft carrier formations, which will be enough to safeguard our country's global trade interests. Although it is possible to add 2 aircraft carrier formations later, the urgency is not so high.

In the past, our country was relatively weak in the financial field. As the world's number one economic power, it did not allow its currency to go on the road of internationalization and became a weakness of a superpower.

Now this weakness has been made up for by the Tidal Group's cosmic currency. According to the current development trend, within a year or two, the cosmic currency will occupy the status of the international mainstream trade settlement currency.

No matter from which point of view, our country is a well-deserved number one power. The sense of camp that used to be clearly divided is no longer deliberately emphasized now. Emphasis is to make yourself uncomfortable.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Zihua visited old M as the president of a financial group. Although the other party was very dissatisfied with the currency issued by the Tidal Group, he still received him politely.

This is the treatment that a superpower should be given. No matter who was once a dragon or a tiger, in the face of absolute strength, I have to fight. This change of situation, that is, two or three years.

Last year was not as obvious as this year. The reason is that not long ago, the country announced our country's economic data. During the global financial and economic crisis, our country was still thriving.

On the premise of already having a huge economic volume, it still achieved a substantial increase in GDP and continued to widen the gap with the world's major economic powers. This is reality.

In terms of technical cooperation, of course they want to seek comprehensive cooperation with Baihu Technology Company, but Baihu Technology Company is more cautious about this and is only willing to conduct limited cooperation.

The reason is that there are too many advanced technologies in Baihu Technology Company, and they are only willing to cooperate in conventional space technology, and the things they come up with will not be too much ahead of their own technology.

The reason why they don't reject all of them is that as long as the economic interests in it are relatively rich and the overall layout is not affected, the limited cooperation is generally beneficial to Baihu Technology Company.

One is that it can obtain good economic benefits, and the other is that it can restrain the development of space technology industries in other countries. It is difficult to make money in the space scientific research field. As long as they agree to cooperate here, they will spend much less money on independent scientific research.

Therefore, my country's aerospace department not only has to launch the space equipment of Baihu Technology Company, but also undertakes the launch missions of space equipment from many other countries.

Naturally, the price will not be calculated according to the launch cost of our country, but according to the international launch cost, with certain preferential discounts, but the price of each launch is still as high as hundreds of millions of yuan.

Including additional expenses such as insurance, the total cost of each operation is nearly 200 million yuan. Although it is much cheaper than before, it is still much higher than the actual cost. This is a typical case of making huge profits by using technological advantages.

Ye Zishu thought that he shouldn't have to go out this year. After all, after much deliberation, there was really no reason for him to go out. In the end, he didn't expect an invitation letter to arrive in his hands.

Although the content of the invitation letter didn't seem to have much to do with him, it was really hard for him to refuse, because he was invited to preside over the compilation of the college entrance examination papers.

Perhaps because he was afraid that he would be dissatisfied with a small position, he was directly assigned the position of editor-in-chief, responsible for compiling the test papers of all the upcoming college entrance examination subjects.

To be honest, he can still refuse other things, and he can do it according to his own wishes, but he really can't just refuse the compilation of the college entrance examination paper.

Our country has always attached great importance to education. Receiving this task is not so much a job as an affirmation, which shows that his influence in the field of science and education has been valued by the country.

This is actually nothing. The real reason why he doesn't want to refuse is that he wants to guide the school's teaching to develop in the direction he expected, and cultivate talents that meet the requirements of the times for the next period.

In the past, our education direction was mainly towards the direction of test-taking. Everything was for the test. The teaching content seemed rigid, and it was difficult for students to experience the joy of learning knowledge.

There are many reasons for this. First, my country's economic level is relatively low, and most families are not rich enough to achieve diversified development, so they can only study regular subjects.

Second, the number of teachers is weak, and the level of teachers is not high, so it is impossible to have high requirements for teaching quality, because that is unrealistic, and only schools with inherent advantages can realize it.

This is also the reason why the school district housing was so high in the previous life, that is, high-quality teachers were scarce, and in order to compete for these scarce resources, they could only compete through wealth.

The third is that the students’ intellectual level is not up to the requirement. Simply learning the contents of the books will almost exhaust the entire time of the students. If they want to learn additional content, the students will be under greater learning pressure.

The current situation has changed a lot compared to the past. First of all, the economic conditions are much better than before, and the country’s per capita education expenditure is much higher than before, which has a higher foundation for improving teaching content.

Secondly, the role of general-purpose robots in the field of basic education has gradually emerged, and has also been recognized by the national education department.

New Oriental Education Group has basic education schools in various cities across the country. Comparing the teaching content with other local schools, we can see the obvious gap.

As a result, many schools now start to recruit teachers from the basic education schools of New Oriental Education Group. The reason is that these schools do not know that these teachers are general-purpose robots.

If they knew, they would not poach people from New Oriental Education Group's schools, but directly hire general-purpose robots from Kirin Basic Industry Group.

Of course, if Universal Robots wants to become a qualified teacher, it needs to use the educational content resources of New Oriental Education Group. Without the support of these software resources, Universal Robots is just an ordinary robot.

In response to this situation, the New Oriental Education Group will naturally not stop it. As a result, more and more teachers are being poached away, making them have to desperately replenish their team of teachers.

The only downside is that the teaching staff in these schools seems a bit bloated. After all, it is impossible to directly lay off the teachers who were originally established. If they want to improve the teaching quality and competitiveness, they can only continue to poach them.

At the same time, the contract teachers who have no establishment are facing the risk of being laid off. Fortunately, New Oriental Education Group has recruited teachers with good abilities.

Let them be responsible for the daily work of the school. It is impossible for a school to be in charge of all general-purpose robots. Although there is no big problem, it lacks human thinking.

As long as we work hard on the supervision system, it is very necessary for New Oriental Education Group to arrange real teachers in non-key positions as much as possible.

Moreover, letting these teachers get along with general-purpose robots will help improve the teaching ability of these teachers, and they may grow into teachers with outstanding abilities in the future.

The purpose of large-scale use of general-purpose robots is not to replace humans. There are two main purposes. One is to solve the problem of talent shortage so that talent shortage does not become an obstacle to social and economic development.

The second is to improve the level of human beings. Using general-purpose robots to teach and guide humans in the same position is conducive to improving human knowledge levels, professional ethics, and ability levels.

Perhaps one day, these brought out humans will be better than general-purpose robots in some aspects. As long as this goal can be achieved, it will be of great significance.

Closer to home, a large number of general-purpose robots have entered the classroom, and the effect has been that the national education level has been significantly improved. Even in rural schools, New Oriental Education Group has sent a large number of general-purpose robots and other teachers to help.

Then, the effect of IQ drugs is very obvious, allowing human beings to break through the limitations of intelligence, greatly improving students' learning efficiency, and allowing teaching content to develop more diversified.

Why didn't he be asked to preside over the compilation of the college entrance examination papers in the past, because it was not necessary. At that time, the college entrance examination was basically a fixed model, and it didn't matter whether he was there or not.

However, the emergence of IQ drugs has changed the original education model, and naturally the original college entrance examination model. Based on past experience, it will not work.

All the students in the school have used 4 doses of IQ drugs, and their IQs have all exceeded 140, and most of them have IQs around 150.

As long as students are not particularly lazy and tired of studying, with their IQ level, learning the content of books is a breeze, basically without much effort.

Last year's college entrance examination showed signs of this. The original question-setting model was difficult to achieve the purpose of stratified selection of talents. There were a large number of high-scoring students, and the scores were relatively concentrated.

This is not long after IQ drugs have been used. As a large number of IQ drugs have been used since childhood, this trend will become more obvious. The teacher who made the question did not know how to grasp it.

At that time, there will be a large number of outstanding students since childhood, and the depth of their knowledge is likely to be no worse than the teacher who gave the question. Although this is a good thing, it will also give the teacher a problem.

This is also the reason why he was invited to sit in this year's college entrance examination paper compilation. He used to make a sample for the latecomers and tell them how the future college entrance examination papers should be written.

The college entrance examination is in July, and the test papers should come out in June. After all, there are printing, transportation and other work, which will take some time to arrange.

It's already April, and during Labor Day in May, he will attend Guo Dongsheng's wedding, so naturally he can't go in, because if he goes in, he will be under closed management before the college entrance examination, and he can't communicate with the outside world, and he will be no exception.

"Zi Shu, accompany me to see Zi Hua's house." Pei Qing came to his study and said shaking his shoulder.

During this time, Ye Zishu has not been idle. It is not easy to research a space protection device covering the whole country. It is not a simple superposition of the device used in Jurassic Park.

The technical difficulty and complexity are much higher. The problem is that the whole process is entirely based on imagination, and then expressed in mathematical formulas, which requires a little bit of manipulation, which is very troublesome.

Once the idea is wrong, a lot of time will be wasted. In fact, he has tried many wrong solutions, but the experiment is done in the virtual laboratory, which saves a lot of time.

"Did Mom and Dad go to see it?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Of course Dad went to see it. He wandered around when he had nothing to do. Mom didn't pay attention. Now she is completely immersed in the joy of reading and spends most of her time on this aspect every day, and she doesn't bother to care about these mundane things." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu said: "Go and tell Mom, the three of us will go there together!"

After hearing this, Pei Qing said happily: "I'll go over and tell Mom right now, get ready here, and we'll set off later."

Seeing Pei Qing go out happily, Ye Zishu rubbed his temples, he really felt a little tired during this time, it's not bad to go out to relax.

It's not an option for Pei Qing to stay at home with her. During this period of time, she probably saw her frowning face, but she didn't say anything.

She also made an excuse to let herself go out to relax, usually there is nothing to let him go out, just in time for Ye Zihua's house to be built, let him go out.

As soon as he put on his thin coat, when he went outside, he saw Pei Qing coming out of the library with his mother. The two of them just saw Ye Zishu come out, and they didn't make any special preparations, and directly dragged him into the car.

The distance between the two places is not far, and it takes only ten minutes to drive, and it will arrive in a while. Although it is said to be on the edge of the county seat, it is still a few kilometers away from the county seat.

The buildings in the house are not high. If it is next to high-rise buildings, the privacy will not be very good, so it is deliberately chosen to be far away from the built-up area of ​​the county.

The house is surrounded by a high wall, and only some eaves can be seen from the outside, but nothing else can be seen. The privacy work is not bad.

The house has been completely completed, and the construction personnel have all withdrawn. Currently, the daily maintenance of the house is done by robots, but it is not as exaggerated as his house.

Only 10 general-purpose robots are employed to take care of it. After all, it is only 500 mu of land. There are not too many buildings inside, and most of the area is occupied by gardens and ponds.

The whole garden is built according to the charm of southern gardens, but if it is a pure southern garden, it is true that the winding paths lead to secluded places, but if there are few residents, it looks a bit gloomy.

Therefore, it is very different from the traditional Jiangnan gardens. The field of vision is obviously much wider, and there are no large areas of bamboo planted. The overall layout of the light is good, and even if you live alone, you will not be afraid.

The architectural style refers to ancient typical buildings, but also combines modern technology, making the building both ancient and modern, and the living comfort is also very good.

In order not to destroy the charm and beauty of the whole house, ordinary air conditioners and floor heating products were not used, but a unified temperature control system was adopted.

Through the underground air flow pipes, the temperature of all buildings in the whole house is controlled, and the air is also filtered to keep the air in the buildings flowing and fresh.

This set of temperature control system technology is very mature and was developed by Qinglong Technology Company. Compared with the previous central air conditioner, it is more intelligent and advanced, and it is the leading solution in the current centralized temperature control field.

When developing this system, a project team was set up at the request of Wancheng Jiye, and the results are very good. At present, this temperature control system has been widely used in the building temperature control field of Wancheng Jiye.

In any case, human beings have high requirements for temperature, humidity and fresh air, which are the standard configuration of modern houses. In order to avoid the installation of a large number of air conditioners in every household.

It not only affects the beauty of the building's appearance, but also increases the danger during the installation process, and the effect is not particularly good, so this idea came up.

There must be a more advanced temperature control system to replace the traditional temperature control equipment. In fact, Wancheng Jiye also wanted to develop it, but considering the interests of the brother company, the project was handed over to Qinglong Technology Company.

Because once the system is realized, it means that the traditional air conditioner market will shrink on a large scale, which will greatly damage the interests of Qinglong Technology Company.

In addition, at that time, Wancheng Foundation could not spare too much energy to do this, and they also had a lot of research and development tasks. In addition, there were a lot of other businesses, so Qinglong Technology Company's research and development was the best choice.

His house also uses this temperature control technology, whether it is hot summer weather, cold winter weather, or the rainy weather that feels helpless in the south.

The indoor living comfort can always be kept within an appropriate range, and the air temperature and humidity can be maintained well, and even he can't find any major faults.

Of course, if field technology is used to achieve these goals, the effect may be better, but he feels that there is no need to go to war for such a trivial matter, and it can only be used for his own use, so the overall benefit is not great.

In the past, the price of such a set of equipment is still very high, much higher than the cost of ordinary air conditioners and central air conditioners, and the pressure on people to afford it is relatively high.

But now that the economic conditions are good, residents will not be under too much pressure to afford it. For example, they can serve a complete set of temperature control equipment and systems for 20 households, and the standard price is 1 million yuan.

In this way, each household needs to bear the system construction cost of 50,000 yuan. In fact, in order to be able to install these devices, including the temperature control system switchboard, network service relay equipment, power relay equipment, etc.

Wancheng Foundation generally builds an empty floor on the top of the residential building, which is not only used for sun protection and heat insulation, but also for placing these machinery and equipment. These additional expenses also need to be shared by buyers.

It’s just that it won’t be included in the housing price, because Wancheng Jiye’s housing price simply refers to the inside price, and all the facilities and public areas outside belong to Wancheng Jiye.

This is to avoid disputes in the future, and the property rights must be specified in detail, so these additional costs will be recovered through property fees.

Moreover, it is a relatively feasible method to add it to the property fee, so that buyers do not need to pay extra expenses at one time, and the burden pressure is relatively small.

As for the equipment usage fee, it needs to be paid extra. It will be paid together with the property fee every year, and it will be charged uniformly regardless of whether the residents use it or not.

It’s not that he insists on the overlord clause, but it’s hard to define who will use it and who won’t. Even if it can be cleared up, Wancheng Foundation will spend too much energy on this aspect, and the cost will be very high, so it’s better to be overbearing and just make it so rigid. .

The area here is five times larger than the house where Ye Zishu lives now, so there are more flowers and plants, and there is a relatively large lake inside, and the surrounding small bridges and flowing water eventually converge here.

It's just that the water system inside is not running water from the outside. In order to maintain the characteristics of running water, a lot of technological products have been used to make the water flow according to certain rules, which is similar to running water.

Even this approach can prevent the internal water system from being polluted by the outside, and it can also prevent the external water volume from rising and falling and affecting the water volume inside the house. It is the best solution for this large-scale residence.

After seeing the whole house, Pei Qing felt that she still liked the house in the capital that Ye Zishu built for him. After all, that house was built according to Pei Qing's intentions, so there was no reason not to like it.


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