Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 984 Attending Guo Dongsheng’s Wedding


Ye Zishu did not go to the capital the day before Guo Dongsheng got married, but went to the capital with Pei Qing the day after receiving the call to check the situation in advance.

When he came to the capital this time, it started to drizzle, making him feel like he had come to the spring in the south of the Yangtze River. This kind of weather became more and more frequent in the north because of the abundant water vapor.

Although the east-to-west water transmission project has only been in operation for less than two years, the climate change in the entire north has gradually appeared, and the rainfall is obviously much higher than before.

In addition, the thermal radiation energy absorption field is arranged in the Taklamakan Desert, the temperature is not as exaggerated as before, the influence of high temperature and air pressure is weaker than before, and it has some influence on the north-south rain line, which has gradually moved northward.

Especially in spring, rain is not as rare as before, so it is not a coincidence that he came here to catch the rain this time, but the normal weather in the north.

After more than a year of sending water from east to west, Lop Nur has recovered to the water area of ​​4,000 years ago, and it is still being injected continuously, and the area will continue to expand.

Several important water systems along the way have also been supplemented by a large amount of water, and have changed from a dry state to a torrential river, and the surrounding desertified land has all been covered with green clothes.

The soil and water conservation work on the Loess Plateau continues to advance, and now it is all covered with grass plants, and arbor planting is in progress, but due to the short period of time, it has not yet become a lush forest.

The water volume of the Yellow River has basically reached the original design requirements. The annual runoff is close to 500 billion cubic meters, which is half of the Yangtze River waterway, and basically realizes year-round navigation.

It is of great significance to the business exchanges along the way. The urban economy and industrial and agricultural development along the Yellow River have been greatly improved, and even some cities have developed very fast.

These changes were all brought about by the east-to-west water transmission project. Although there are occasional floods in some water systems, they are not worth mentioning compared to the huge benefits it brings.

As the dredging work undertaken by Wancheng Foundation continues to advance, such natural disasters will continue to weaken. With the addition of rain regulation operations, it is not an illusion that the future will become smooth.

And all of this is just a change of one or two years. As time goes on, the entire north will continue to undergo earth-shaking changes. In the future, the vegetation coverage rate in the north will not be lower than that in the south.

The number and density of the population that can be carried will also be comparable to that of the South, and the potential for economic development will not be much weaker than that of the South, which can be seen from this year's economic growth.

Coupled with the ultra-high-speed maglev transportation network gradually covering the whole country, traffic problems are no longer the main factor restricting the economic development of the Mainland.

As long as the local government changes its concept, reduces bureaucratic style, and maintains the thinking of governing for the people, coupled with the development layout of its industries,

It's hard not to develop.

Others may feel that it has brought a lot of inconvenience to their lives when they see frequent rains, but he is very happy and proud when he sees the scene in front of him.

The economic and environmental differences between the north and the south will be effectively improved. In addition, the key agriculture and animal husbandry will no longer depend on land resources, and the continuous advancement of urbanization will form a picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

The current changes are the best results achieved under the existing conditions. If you want to be better, you need to wait until his research on the Kyushu space barrier is successful. At that time, it should be another scene.

The waterproof measures in the house are well done, and the breath of spring can be fully felt outside, but there is no dampness in the house. The two of them sat in front of the window, watching the rain falling outside, drinking tea, not to mention how comfortable they were.

When they returned to the capital this time, Ye Zishu was about to enter a closed state after attending Guo Dongsheng's wedding. Pei Qing didn't plan to visit his hometown during this time, and planned to stay here and go to work at the Taiji Group headquarters.

The next day, the two of them went to see Pei Qing's parents together, and then went to Guo Dongsheng's house, but Guo Dongsheng had no time to be distracted at the moment, and there were many things in the company.

Therefore, the preparations for the wedding were handed over to a commercial wedding company. In fact, it was not that complicated, and it was planned to be carried out according to the traditional wedding.

The whole process is to take the bride home, and then entertain relatives and friends. If it is fast, it will be over in half a day, but there are more bits and pieces for the wedding.

Her mother would definitely not be able to manage it alone, so she simply let a commercial wedding company do it. Guo Dongmei asked for leave, and her work in the Qilin Industrial Group was not that busy.

Ye Zishu was not very interested in this. He went to Guo Dongsheng's house for a while, and then stayed at home to study honestly. Pei Qing was very enthusiastic, and spent the next few days busy with Guo Dongmei.

The time soon came to May 1st, which was the day when Guo Dongsheng's wedding was held. He came back the night before and went to the bride's house to visit and communicate with him.

It was not easy for Ye Zishu to stay at home and wait for the banquet this day. Instead, he followed Pei Qing over early, looked inside and out, and then re-checked the wedding process and preparations.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Guo Dongsheng went to the bride's house in a wedding car to pick up the bride. Ye Zishu's relatives and friends in the south would not follow him, just wait at home.

Guo Dongsheng's mother has been very happy these past few days, and she is finally looking forward to Guo Dongsheng getting married. Guo Dongsheng is 30 years old this year. In this age, it is considered a rather late marriage.

At around 10 o'clock in the morning, the relatives and friends invited by Guo Dongsheng, as well as the presidents of major groups, came over one after another. In fact, there were not many relatives and friends on Guo Dongsheng's side.

There were only some relatives from his mother's hometown in Yunnan. For this reason, Guo Dongsheng specially chartered a flight to bring these relatives here. After all, he wanted them to attend the wedding and also to save face for his mother.

When her mother came to the capital with her impoverished father, she thought she would be able to live a good life, but not only did she not live a good life, but she also had to raise two children alone, which was quite hard.

Therefore, it was not easy to contact my hometown, and the transportation and communication were inconvenient at that time, and I basically had no contact with my relatives in my hometown for decades.

Later, his family became prosperous, but he contacted his hometown, mainly because her mother's parents were still there. As for the other relatives, after decades of estrangement, their relationship has faded.

Guo Dongmei and her mother were in charge of entertaining relatives from their hometown and some friends of Guo Dongsheng. Since Ye Zishu didn't know them well, he didn't join in the fun.

He and Pei Qing are the partners responsible for helping to receive business and the presidents of major groups. Although Guo Dongsheng tried to invite as few people as possible, Ye Zishu read it, and together, the number is quite a lot.

Needless to say, the presidents of the major groups under him, and other business partners together, have also invited more than 20 people, and they are engaged in a variety of industries.

These people did not expect that it was Ye Zishu who was in charge of receiving them, and they were immediately flattered and even felt a little restrained, no matter whether they were from state-owned enterprises or private enterprises.

In their view, Ye Zishu is a god-man who sees the head of the dragon and sees the end of the dragon. The status in the hearts of all businessmen in the country cannot be overstated in words.

It's a pity that it was almost impossible for them to meet Ye Zishu in the past, let alone them, and now the presidents of these groups under him have fewer and fewer opportunities to meet him.

Seeing myself receiving them here makes these people very restrained, as if I accept their reception, which makes them feel very troublesome and boring.

So he handed over the work of reception to Pei Qing. With Pei Qing's status, it was definitely more than enough to receive them, while he himself went out to stroll around.

Although there are many courtyard houses in this area, the business is still very prosperous. After a short walk, it will be a bustling commercial street. Living here is a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle, which is very nice.

No wonder Guo Dongsheng's mother didn't want to move. Compared with living in a building or a villa, living here has a closer relationship with the neighbors, and life is very convenient.

After 11 o'clock, he came back. It is estimated that Guo Dongsheng should have brought the bride back by this time, and everyone sat in the courtyard. Fortunately, the weather today is sunny and not too hot, so sitting in the courtyard is very suitable for chatting.

However, there was a clear distinction between the sittings. Relatives from Guo Dongsheng's mother's hometown sat chatting together, while business partners from here sat together. The two groups basically had little overlap.

It's just that the relatives of Guo Dongsheng's mother are looking at this side. The reason is that there are many famous business elders sitting here, and it's hard not to know each other.

On the contrary, Ye Zishu probably doesn’t know much about him, and he rarely shows his face. In the news about him, he doesn’t post his photo specially.

Ye Zishu found it boring to sit with these business people, so he entered the courtyard and sat with Guo Dongmei, chatting with these relatives from Yunnan.

To be honest, he had never been to Yunnan, whether in his previous life or in this life, and he was still full of curiosity about it. Under his guidance, these relatives talked freely.

Through their words, Ye Zishu learned about the situation in Yunnan, mainly the economy, humanities, and the living conditions of the people that he cared about.

Although he has let the Xinghuo Group develop the economy of the counties, especially the poor areas, to drive the economic development of these areas over the years, from the perspective of revenue, the results achieved are very impressive.

But he doesn't know whether the local people have fully enjoyed the development dividend. This chat is of great benefit to him to understand the actual situation.

According to their descriptions, living conditions have been greatly improved compared to before, and many places with ethnic characteristics have launched ethnic custom tourism projects.

In addition, the scenery in Yunnan is also good, and the development of tourism is also in full swing, but compared with the areas he focuses on, it is still slightly worse, which is reflected in the per capita income.

The annual income of relatives like them is generally around 150,000 yuan, and the annual income of Ye Zishu’s hometown county last year generally reached more than 300,000 yuan.

The villagers who have shares in the two companies his father looks at have higher dividend income. The gap between the two is still obvious, but compared with the previous few years, there have been earth-shaking changes.

As for the gap, there must be some. With such a large population and such a large area, it is impossible to achieve complete consistency. Only after the various systems he envisioned is established will it be possible to be relatively balanced.

Generally speaking, the Xinghuo Group's work has basically met his requirements. Several of these relatives work in companies under the Xinghuo Group. In comparison, their income is much higher.

Of course, he will not be satisfied with the current achievements of Xinghuo Group. The investment scale of Xinghuo Group this year is still not low, and the development momentum has not weakened significantly.

Compared with other companies, Xinghuo Group and Xingguang Group, which are managed by artificial intelligence, are much more proactive in business, and they will continue to work hard for the goal of Ye Zishu.

Although other companies are also working hard, their efficiency and initiative are much lower. In addition, their business planning and simulation capabilities are not as good as the above two companies, and their development speed is much slower.

And in contrast, Xinghuo Group and Xingguang Group have advantages in small-scale industrial construction. If other companies do it, they may not make much money, and may even lose money.

He has already read the financial statements for the first quarter of this year. In terms of revenue, the two companies controlled by artificial intelligence have increased by 50% year-on-year, and the momentum is very rapid.

Maybe this year, the revenue realized by the two companies will not be much worse than that of other companies combined. The types of businesses they are involved in are now beyond the number of Ye Zishu.

At around 11:40, the sound of the welcoming band beating gongs and drums was heard outside. The people who were drinking tea and chatting immediately stood up, and some even ran out to watch the fun.

Pei Qing followed Ye Zishu and went outside to watch the excitement. The bride and groom were all wearing traditional wedding attire, but there were some improvements, which were more suitable for the smooth and beautiful appearance of the current era.

The bride's face is covered with a piece of red silk, this is very interesting, it is rarely done in modern weddings, but Pei Qing admires it and thinks it is very good.

Guo Dongsheng carried the bride directly from the car to the wedding room. Naturally, there were a lot of firecrackers and fireworks in between.

After the bride came back, it was time to start the banquet. Naturally, there was no trouble in the bridal chamber, so each of them could find a place to eat. On the way, Guo Dongsheng brought the bride to toast everyone, and the red silk on the bride's head had already been taken off.

Pei Qing was looking at the bride's makeup, while Ye Zishu was identifying the material of her clothes, because the pattern on it was a bit too detailed, obviously it cost a lot of money.

The golden thread inside is actually made of gold thread, using a superb embroidery technique, and the phoenix on it is lifelike. The value of this dress alone is not less than one million.

Wearing a phoenix crown on the head, the main body is also made of gold, with a lot of precious stones inlaid on it. The workmanship is also very exquisite, and the value is no less than one million yuan.

Although everything in their wedding was simple, they didn't save money where they should spend money. It's just that they didn't know whether they rented this outfit or hired someone to make it.

Given the status of the Guo family, they probably wouldn't rent it out, and most likely it was specially made by someone. This isn't just the formal dress used to greet the bride just now, and the cost of the clothes alone may cost nearly ten million yuan.

What is spending money in a low-key manner? This is what it means to be low-key in places where there is obvious ostentation, but to be willing to spend money in places where there is no value, which made him look at Guo Dongsheng with admiration.

After Guo Dongsheng and his wife came out to toast, they returned to the house, and he didn't need to entertain them here. It's better to let the two newcomers get acquainted with their married life in advance.

The banquet ended at two o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the newlyweds came out to entertain them again. This time they were wearing everyday clothes. Although they were also expensive, they were not as luxurious as before.

Ye Zishu and Pei Qing didn't intend to stay longer either. He and Pei Qing returned to their home after three o'clock in the afternoon, and the others followed suit. Guo Dongsheng's relatives had arranged to stay in a hotel. Multiple houses.

"The bride is so beautiful!" Sitting in the car, Pei Qing seemed to be sighing, and said with a hint of meaning.

This made Ye Zishu not know how to answer the question. After thinking for a long time, he said dully: "How about I also make you an outfit more beautiful than theirs?"

Seeing Ye Zishu's expression, Pei Qing couldn't help but smile on Ye Zishu's thoughtful face. She rolled his eyes at him and said with a smile, "I don't want it!"

Pei Qing said so, but the pain from Ye Zishu's waist still told him that in fact she was duplicity, and Ye Zishu could only endure it.

On the third day, Guo Dongsheng brought his new daughter-in-law to visit. He probably went to his mother-in-law's house yesterday. According to tradition, he had to return the next day.

It just so happened that Ye Ziqi came back from a business trip on this day. As for Ye Ziqin, she should be writing a thesis at school at this time, and she will be graduating soon, so the graduation thesis is naturally indispensable.

The graduation thesis of Tianwen Medical College is very demanding. It is definitely not something that can be fooled by just paddling. It takes a lot of energy to do it well.

The three women got together to chat, and he could only sit and chat with Guo Dongsheng, but now Guo Dongsheng was more respectful than before, which made Ye Shu a little uncomfortable.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for the gift, we both like it very much!" Guo Dongsheng said.

Naturally, there was nothing to say about the gifts he gave. In addition, the jewelry and other gifts that Pei Qing gave were also of great value. They were the most generous gifts among all the people, and they totaled tens of millions of yuan.

"You don't have to thank me, you can be regarded as an old man who followed me when I was in my infancy, and you worked hard, so naturally I can't treat you badly." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Boss Ye praised me absurdly. If it wasn't for President Ye's support, I would still be a gangster on the street. Even if I change my ways later, I will still be just a commoner. How could I be in the situation I am today." Guo Dongsheng said hastily.

Ye Zishu didn't intend to continue with these boring questions. In fact, everyone took what they needed at the beginning, and it just so happened that Guo Dongsheng appeared at the right time.

Ye Zishu brought the topic to work. The biggest problem Wancheng Foundation is facing now is how to arrange its employees well to avoid mass unemployment.

According to their statistics, if real estate really enters the era of stock, after the development speed slows down, the number of employees that need to be relocated is as high as 50 million.

It accounts for one-third of the number of employees under their banner. This is not a small number, and it cannot be digested and absorbed by relying solely on brother companies. It still requires their own efforts.

If they can break through the past, it means that there is still a lot of room for development in the future. Perhaps it is not difficult to stabilize the total revenue to reach the level of one trillion yuan.

It will also be a limited number of super enterprises under his umbrella whose total revenue is stable at the level of one trillion yuan. The revenue here does not include the real estate revenue that will be sold in large quantities.

Because it is not a continuous income at all, after everyone buys a house, the income will drop sharply, and it cannot be used as the main source of stable income.

Property management and decoration business can be regarded as permanent business, so they are under great pressure, and must try their best to find ways to expand the scale and diversity of the industry.

What is gratifying is that in the first quarter of this year, their continuous business revenue reached 20 trillion yuan, and it is expected to reach 80 trillion yuan for the whole year, doubling the total revenue of last year.

Their main direction of efforts is still logistics transportation and passenger transportation service business, tourism culture tourism business, self-employment support and development business, urban residence and public service business, etc.

The reason why they don't choose higher-end service business is that most of their employees are not up to standard, and they are all laborers recruited from the countryside.

Letting them do manual work is a good hand. Let them do high-end service industry, the ability is definitely not enough, so we can only choose a compromise method and engage in some low-end service industry.

As for the manufacturing business, although they have a lot of subsidiaries, it is not suitable to continue to arrange manpower, and even some manufacturing businesses are also facing transformation or shifting to overseas markets.

Faced with their problems, Ye Zishu was also powerless. It was okay to ask him to get some technology, but he also felt embarrassed to ask him to find ways to add more industries for Wancheng Foundation.

This is not something that can be understood by sitting at home, unless it is a super-big project, such as the Jurassic Park under construction, which is a business he thinks of for Wancheng Foundation.

However, the placement of so many employed people cannot be accomplished by a few large projects. Instead, many small and medium-sized industries can arrange so many people.

This is also the reason why Xinghuo Group and Xingguang Group have developed so fast and have so many employees, because they focus on the development of small and medium-sized industries.

Of course, they also have mid-to-high-end service industries, but they don't provide many jobs for the market, and most of them hire general-purpose robots because the quality of talents is not up to standard.

The high-end service industry is a knowledge-intensive business, and it is not possible to just bring someone over for a few days of training to be competent. In addition, the current domestic high-end service business has just started, and the total market volume is not very large.

The second job is to arrange the real estate sales business. They are currently in the process of intensive preparations, and they are planning to start mass sales in September or October this year.

Ye Zishu listened to Guo Dongsheng's report, and did not give his own suggestions, but only encouraged him. As for how far he can do it, it depends on good fortune.

There are many things I just want to have a clear conscience. As for whether things can be done, sometimes I can’t control them, and I don’t need to take myself too seriously. Maybe these employees will get along better if they leave the company.

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