Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine hundred and eighty-fifth: Restart iron ore procurement negotiations and a compromise pl


In May, the international iron ore supplier finally couldn't bear it anymore, and began to seek a new round of negotiations with Kirin Basic Industries Group on iron ore procurement, without any arrogance before.

In fact, at the end of the year, we announced the termination of iron ore procurement negotiations and the suspension of all iron ore imports. At that time, these iron ore suppliers did not take it too seriously.

Think that we are bluffing. After all, various constructions in our country are in full swing, and these economic activities are inseparable from iron ore.

And we have no intention of mining domestic iron ore on a large scale. After all, the grade of iron ore in my country is generally not high, and mining requires the construction of a large number of facilities in advance, and the initial cost is also high.

As for the reserves claimed by Kirin Basic Industries Group, although they believe that there are some, because our country has indeed shown signs of importing more resources than needed in the past few years, they believe that it will definitely not last for a few months.

As for Kirin Resources Development Group's claim to expand seabed mining, although they are very afraid, they think it is not easy to expand production, and it may be a bluff, at least in the short term it is difficult to expand production on a large scale.

After all, the manufacturing requirements of seabed mining equipment are particularly high, and seabed prospecting is not an easy task, and it is not easy to quickly expand the mining volume if you want to expand.

It has been dragging on for several months like this, and our economic development has not been greatly affected at all, and we have no intention of asking them to negotiate with them again on the purchase of iron ore.

This made their iron ore suppliers panic. In fact, they have been panicking since March, and they have started to speak out through the media.

It’s just that they were still posing at that time, and it turned out that another two months passed. No matter what they said in the middle, we didn’t talk to each other, as if we really didn’t need their iron ore.

It's not that my country doesn't import iron ore. In addition to several super iron ore suppliers, there are many small iron ore suppliers in the world.

As long as they don't raise prices, we will still purchase if we can, but only limited to their production capacity and reserves, the overall scale is not large, and the impact on the international iron ore market is limited.

Interestingly, due to the lack of our super seller in the international iron ore market, there has been an oversupply of production capacity, and steel companies in other countries have lowered their purchase prices one after another.

As a result, in the past few months, the international iron ore price has continued to drop, coupled with the lack of orders from my country, the market sales volume has dropped by 90%.

Wanting to maintain the previous mining scale and personnel scale, these iron ore suppliers have been in a state of loss, but they dare not reduce their personnel and mining scale casually.

Because it is easy to reduce, restart mining, and recruit new employees, it takes more costs in the middle, so they have been in a state of loss for the past few months.

It wasn't until May that they finally couldn't bear it anymore. Not only did they start to put more positive information on the media, but they also sent high-level executives to talk to us about procurement.

The current situation is naturally beneficial to Kirin Basic Industries Group, so it didn't take over immediately, and started to practice Tai Chi, but it didn't respond positively.

After repeated rejections, the temper of the other party was completely worn out, and we began to agree to a new round of iron ore procurement negotiations.

Before the negotiation started, we put forward our own request, which is to start the negotiation based on the current international iron ore price. If you disagree, there is no need to talk about it.

At present, the price of iron ore purchased by my country is 100 universe coins per ton, and the price converted into US dollars is 50 US dollars per ton, while the price per ton last year was 80 US dollars per ton.

Due to the increasing proportion of Cosmos in international trade, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against Cosmos has been falling, and the current exchange rate has reached the level of 1 U.S. dollar to 2 Cosmos.

In fact, no matter what the exchange rate is, there is no harm to Cosmic Coin, because Cosmic Coin is not pegged to any other national currency.

Only anchored with gold.

Therefore, when the international exchange rate is converted, everyone has gradually started to anchor the national credit currency and the universe currency. The reason is very simple, that is, the currency contains gold.

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The amount is different.

The national credit currency is only backed by the national credit endorsement. In fact, it does not have a hard gold content. Coupled with the rapid expansion of money caused by the modern economy, the value of the national credit currency will always be in a state of depreciation.

But Cosmic Coin is different. It is backed by gold. Holding Cosmic Coin can be exchanged for the same amount of gold. It will not be weakened as the number of Cosmic Coin expands, so the value of the currency is constant to some extent.

Although the other party was reluctant to this request, they agreed to it in order to get rid of the current situation. After all, it is much better to earn less than to earn nothing.

The second condition is the settlement currency. In the past, the settlement was in US dollars. In the future, all mineral resources purchased by our country will be settled in universe currency.

Some countries may not be satisfied with this condition, but these iron ore suppliers agreed without any hesitation.

After several months of operation, it has been proved that Cosmocoin does have strong vitality, not only has a constant value, but also has affirmed its purchasing power.

For businessmen like them, as long as the currency they get has purchasing power, they will naturally not refuse it. As for whether to consider the feelings of individual countries, it is no longer what they need to consider.

The third condition is the need to sign a long-term contract, not once a year as before. This condition makes many iron ore suppliers very entangled.

What they originally meant was to resume the cooperation first, and raise the price appropriately when the talks are next year. As long as it is not too much, the talks should not collapse.

The reason why the talk collapsed last time was that these iron ore suppliers opened their mouths, treating us like lambs to be slaughtered, and ignited their temper.

So this time they have learned their lesson and are going to adopt the method of boiling frogs in warm water. A 10% annual increase is definitely not too much, after all, the world is generally in a state of inflation.

If a long-term contract is signed, their idea will go bankrupt, and mineral resources will be sold at the current price for a long period of time in the future.

Just when the other party was hesitating, we revealed a piece of news here. After June, the annual iron ore mining capacity of Kirin Resources Development Group will reach 1 billion tons.

In terms of my country's demand for iron ore, 1 billion tons is absolutely sufficient, not to mention that my country's urbanization has reached a new stage, and the demand for steel will gradually decrease.

If they don't agree now, they may not be able to obtain our country's market for a long time in the future, because at that time, all markets will be occupied by Kirin Resources Development Group.

They were a little skeptical about the news, and specially arranged for personnel to go to the ore unloading dock of the Kirin Resources Development Group to investigate and see the scale of the iron ore arriving on the shore.

This news is certainly not false. In order to meet my country's huge demand for natural resources in the future, Kirin Resources Development Group has made great efforts to expand production capacity.

According to their plan, the iron ore production capacity will be expanded to 1 billion tons in the initial stage, and then the production capacity of other mineral resources will be expanded to solve our country's current immediate worries.

After a few days of spot investigation, after a simple estimate, although there is some discrepancy with the production capacity mentioned in the news, it is not too big. At least in the second half of the year, it is possible to reach the production capacity target of 1 billion tons.

With this news, they completely lost their temper, and even a little eager to sign a longer agreement to ensure that this market will not be lost, for fear that there may be changes in the future.

The following negotiations were much simpler. In a "harmonious and friendly" atmosphere, the two parties completed all negotiations in just one week.

The signing of the procurement contract is very long, with a period of 10 years, which is double the 5 years expected by Kirin Basic Industry Group. It can be described as an ultra-long contract.

During the negotiation, Kirin Basic Industry Group proposed 5 years, but the other party disagreed and wanted to set the validity period of the cooperation as 10 years.

At the beginning, Kylin Basic Industries Group disagreed. After all, they didn't know what happened five years later, and the interstellar ships have come out after five years, and space mining operations can be carried out.

Don't think that the cost of space mining is very high, in fact

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Otherwise, if an asteroid with high resource content is found, one may be enough for domestic use for many years.

In addition, interstellar ships do not use ordinary technology, and the cost of space travel is not as high as imagined. The overall cost performance may be cheaper than purchasing from these suppliers.

But the other party is also tempered and insists on signing a 10-year contract. In fact, their purpose is very simple, that is to try to lock in this market and avoid future changes.

Of course, we are not vegetarians. We can also sign a 10-year contract, but the price needs to remain unchanged. If this condition is not agreed, then there is no need to talk about it.

The reason why this condition is put forward is that Kirin Basic Industries Group reduces risks. If the cost of space mining in the future is really low, this condition can also reduce their losses.

Since we put forward our own conditions, it is impossible for the other party to agree without struggling. It is okay not to increase the price, but the purchase volume must be increased.

For them, resources can only be sold to make money, and if they cannot be sold, they are waste. Since the purchase price does not rise, they should find a way from the purchase volume.

As long as the purchase volume increases, the total amount of money they make will still increase, and they will still make money overall, so it is not surprising that they put forward this condition.

To be honest, Kirin Basic Industries Group is hesitant about this. Judging from the current situation, this condition is beneficial to them. After all, the desire for resources will be very strong in the next five years.

The reason for their hesitation is that they can't see the situation five years from now. If they agree to increase the purchase volume, they may face huge losses in the future.

Originally, they planned to communicate with Ye Zishu and ask whether they should agree to this condition. After all, as the boss, Ye Zishu took a longer-term perspective than them, and of course it might be to make excuses for future problems.

It's a pity that Ye Zishu has already entered the test group of the college entrance examination paper at this time, and cannot contact the outside world casually. In the end, there is no other way, and the documents are placed on Guo Dongmei's desk.

After careful consideration, Guo Dongmei decided to agree. No matter what, resources are the basis of economic development, and it is impossible to be completely worthless.

Although more resources may be obtained from space in the future, more resources may be consumed in the future. The price of resources may not necessarily fall, and it is good to be able to maintain stability.

After comprehensive consideration, she believes that there is a high probability that resource prices will remain stable or rise in the future, so she signed the document and agreed to their request.

After receiving the instructions from the superiors, the negotiations continued. We wanted to expand the annual purchase of iron ore to 1.5 billion tons. Adding the 1 billion tons of Kirin Resources Development Group, it is not too small.

As a result, the other party even opened his mouth, hoping to sign an unlimited supply contract. How much they produce, we need to purchase in principle, and the minimum purchase volume is 2 billion tons.

This kind of condition contrary to common sense makes us need to consider their purpose of doing so. After all, such conditions are rarely proposed in cooperation agreements, because the uncertainty is too high.

If their annual output reaches 10 billion tons, we also need to purchase 10 billion tons. Not to mention that we don't have that much smelting capacity, even if we do, a large backlog of funds here is not a cost-effective deal.

Of course, the other party does not have the ability to expand the production capacity to 10 billion tons. Although iron ore resources are abundant, mining is not easy, and a large amount of infrastructure needs to be built to transport iron ore out.

Moreover, it is not sold just after being dug up, but a certain amount of processing is required to make it into a standard product, which requires a lot of investment and time to expand production capacity.

Although it is beneficial to Kirin Basic Industries Group in the initial stage, interstellar ships consume a lot of resources, especially interstellar ships with a length of 10 kilometers.

However, for the sake of prudence, they still did not dare to agree to all the requirements, but agreed to limit the purchase scale to a maximum of 2 billion tons. Within this range, they tried their best to purchase.

Although the other party is not satisfied, it can be regarded as a compromise. As for Kirin Basic Industry Group, if it is really necessary, it can just purchase from outside.

In fact, except for their super supply

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In addition to suppliers, there are many small suppliers. Although the production capacity of each is not very high, but together, the number is not low, accounting for 50% of the total production capacity.

One or two companies cannot make all the money. In order to promote Cosmic Coin, more countries need to benefit. Expanding the number of purchasing countries is their best choice, and it can also disperse risks.

After half a month of negotiations, the two parties finally reached a new cooperation in June and announced it to the public. The stock prices of these iron ore suppliers soared.

In the past few months, their operating income has been terrible, and the stock price has fallen off a cliff, but it has made Tidal Investment Company a fortune.

It is precisely because of the pressure from operating performance that these iron ore suppliers have to accept such a low price and bite the bullet to find cooperation.

Other resource suppliers were a little confused when they saw the new purchase agreement. After all, this new agreement is generally not good for iron ore suppliers.

It wasn't until a month later, when the data of the Kirin Resources Development Group's seabed mining were gradually revealed, that they realized that their purpose of doing so was to lock in the market.

This gives other resource suppliers a great sense of crisis. If the Kirin Resource Development Group intensifies its exploitation of other non-iron ore resources, these resource suppliers may also face the same predicament.

Therefore, these suppliers also want to sign long-term supply contracts with Kirin Basic Industries Group. With the current resource prices, if they sign, their interests can still be well guaranteed.

But these are all things to talk about. After all, there are too many global resource suppliers, and it is not an easy task to reach an agreement with all of them. This side is also more cautious about this, and dare not sign cooperation agreements casually.

"Director Ye, isn't this too difficult?" A group of teachers couldn't help but look at the math test paper in front of them.

Ye Zishu came to this closed holiday manor and immediately put into work, ignoring other subjects for the time being, and organized the teachers of the math problem group to start writing the math test papers.

At the beginning, he asked these teachers to come up with questions. As the director, he didn't actually have to go to the battle himself. He only needed to review the test papers that had already been made, and it was up to him to decide whether he passed or not.

But after reading several math test papers in a row, he was not very satisfied. The main reason was that they were too routine. As long as students did enough questions, they could always find their shadows.

In his opinion, such test papers can't reflect the students' talent in mathematics at all. In his opinion, mathematics is the subject that needs the most talent, and hard work is not enough.

In the past, the idea of ​​cultivating talents in our country was still mainly to train engineers. It only needs to be proficient in using problem-solving skills, and talent is not so important.

But it is different now. Different times have different needs for talents. With the emergence of artificial intelligence, ordinary engineers do not actually have much competitiveness.

The reason why there has not been a large-scale elimination, and his companies are still recruiting, is mainly due to two considerations. The first is to improve the quality of talents.

Since schools cannot cultivate the talents they need, let their own companies cultivate the talents they need, recruit engineers and train them reasonably, and maybe they can become real innovative talents.

The second is out of the consideration of God rewarding hard work, no matter what, people with the ability to reach the engineer level must put in more effort than ordinary people, and they should get more benefits than ordinary people.

Although it may not be able to create excess value, it is conducive to maintaining a positive atmosphere in the entire society and preventing the society from being like a pool of stagnant water, unable to form a sense of competition.

No matter how rich the future is, the sense of competition is absolutely indispensable, otherwise social development will lose momentum, and the current good situation may not be sustainable in the future.

Of course, this is the situation after the emergence of the universal robot. Before the emergence of the universal robot, it still needs the hard work of these engineers to transform the scientific and technological information in his hands into a product.

After reading several sample papers in a row, he became a little impatient, and directly produced a test paper by himself, which is the one that the teachers who wrote the questions saw now.

It's not that the test paper he produced is so shocking.

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It's shocking, after all, the scope of knowledge involved in the test paper cannot exceed the knowledge points learned by the candidates.

But he is a bit unconstrained when he writes the questions. The knowledge points are those knowledge points, but when they are combined or used different expressions on the questions, the situation is very different.

The previous ones are better, they are all investigations of a single point of mathematical knowledge. Although there are ingenuity in the questions, most students with a solid foundation can still do it.

But when it comes to the later test questions with more knowledge points, the questions are not only more ingenious, but also very tricky. If the foundation is not solid, it is impossible to start.

If you just have a solid foundation but don't have a good sense of mathematics, the answers later will not be smooth sailing, and you will encounter many difficulties, which hinder students from continuing to answer.

Not to mention those college entrance examination students, even their teachers are a bit confused at first glance. They need to carefully scrutinize before they know how to solve the problem, and even later need to calculate whether their ideas are right or not.

They were able to be summoned as teachers who set the questions, and they were all outstanding in the field of basic education, but facing this test paper, they themselves found it a bit difficult, let alone the candidates.

"The college entrance examination is to select talents so that they can be distinguished for different levels of training. We will not discuss the criteria for selecting talents in the past.

But in the future, the requirements for talents will be much higher, and the requirements for hierarchical training of talents will be even higher. Top talents will be trained according to the standards of top scientists.

Intermediate talents will be trained according to the requirements of top engineers, and ordinary talents can only do the work of ordinary experimenters or engineers.

As for the inferior talents, they have no choice but to go to vocational schools to obtain a means of earning a living, which requires not only hard work, but also talent.

I read some of your test papers earlier, they are good, but I can't distinguish the top talented talents from the ordinary hardworking talents. "Leaf Book said.

I don't know whether these teachers did not refute his remarks face to face because of the face of his great achievements, or the face of the temporary position assigned to him.

Instead, he said in a roundabout way: "There is no problem with Director Ye's words, but this requires a gradual process, and the changes are too big all at once, and we will become the target of public criticism.

Moreover, the previous teaching method has not been fundamentally changed. We need to use a gradual method to guide it, so that the process is gentler and more acceptable.

Since Director Ye felt that it was difficult to distinguish top talent talents from ordinary hardworking talents in the previous way of setting the questions, there was no need to confuse other students.

It is completely possible to use the previous question-setting method in the front, but make a proper distinction on the second comprehensive question of two questions, which is enough to distinguish top-end talents from ordinary hard-working talents. "

Ye Zishu thought about it, and felt that what they said was quite reasonable. Although he still thought that the test paper he gave was the best, considering the actual situation, a compromise is not impossible.

So the two parties sat down, took out the questions they had asked before, and compared and analyzed them with Ye Zishu's test paper. After combining them, a math test paper that met the compromise plan appeared.

However, Ye Zishu still made a lot of revisions and increased the number of knowledge points to be investigated. The purpose is to avoid people who gamble on the questions. If you want to get the ideal score, you must thoroughly understand every knowledge point. It is absolutely useless to do the questions blindly.

For Ye Zishu's approach, these question teachers were also very helpless, but this was already the result of a compromise, so they didn't insist on it anymore and let him modify it.

After this test paper comes out, it is not difficult for students who have a thorough understanding of every knowledge point. Hard-working contestants can also get very good results. The difficulty is the next big question, which is the real difficulty for distinguishing top talents. .

As for those students who don't work hard and pay attention to overtaking in curves, this test paper is very difficult, and the test results may be much lower than usual.

On the whole, it is more difficult than the previous test papers. This is for sure. Otherwise, the IQ medicine of Taiji Group will not be used in vain.


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After the teacher heard about the situation of the mathematics questioning group, he was a little confused about how to set the questions, and he was a little unsure of the requirements of the new director.

Ye Zishu didn't know that what he did had such a big impact on the teachers of other subjects that it affected the overall progress.

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