Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 986 The situation of the college entrance examination


Ye Zishu was not very satisfied with the test papers issued by the teachers of the various subjects in the following subjects. The test marks were too heavy, and they could not meet the standards of talent selection in the new era.

His request is actually very simple, that is, open-book exams can't be of great help to the candidates' promotion. Only in this way, students who can get scores in the test can be regarded as reading with their brains.

According to his standards, Chinese is considered the biggest magic change. In the past, there were content assessments of rote memorization, but now they are all questions with content comprehension.

None of the other subjects such as history and politics escaped, and the rote memorization part was basically abandoned, but if you don't memorize it, you may not even know the source of the test questions, let alone answer them.

For his approach, the liberal arts teacher who set the question was firmly opposed at first. In contrast, the science teacher who set the question was not so fierce.

The willingness is that the science itself does not emphasize rote memorization. Even if Ye Zishu has changed the purpose of the question a lot, as long as it is true, it can still get a high score.

But liberal arts is different. If you have a good memory, you can get good grades in the test. If you read a wide range of books, you can get higher scores.

It's a pity that with the emergence of IQ drugs, rote memorization is no longer the focus of the assessment, because for them, there is no difficulty at all, so it does not have the value of assessment.

Ye Zishu took out the IQ medicine, not to make rote memorization easier for students, but to reduce the time for rote memorization, to add more and more content, and to have time to think about problems.

If you just stay at the stage of rote memorization, even if you get a high score in the exam and enter a top university, you will be nothing more than a parrot without thinking. Instead, you will still be self-righteous and feel that you are very good.

Faced with the reasons mentioned by Ye Zishu, the liberal arts teacher who originally strongly opposed it did not object as strongly as before, but only expressed reservations.

In fact, there was no temporary position as a supervisor at all before the college entrance examination questions. Generally, it was enough for each subject to have a team leader in charge, and they could not manage the situation of other subjects.

This year is quite special, and the purpose is actually to be a model for the selection of talents in the new era, because the education department learned from the national education results that the previous educational thinking must be changed.

Because according to the latest educational results, the scores of high school students across the country have been greatly improved compared to before, and the routine assessment is no longer suitable for the requirements of the times.

That's why he was invited to come out to preside over the proposition of the college entrance examination. In order to be able to play his role, he was even assigned the position of director, who has the power to make final decisions on all subjects.

Although he didn't clearly say what he was asked to do, he needed to know why he was invited. If he still followed Xiao Gui and Cao Sui's method,

There is no need to invite him over and waste his time.

How precious his time is, wasting it on meaningless things is not only a huge loss to him, but also a huge loss to the country.

As long as he develops something within this period of time and is willing to promote it, it will be a real economic growth point, and it will even increase the country's technological strength by a large margin.

If it is not particularly important and of special significance, he will not be invited to take up this position. If he is asked to follow along, he will not agree to come over, thinking that it is meaningless.

Therefore, he must strictly perform this duty, even if many teachers do not understand it, even if he is scolded after the college entrance examination.

As long as everyone has experienced pain once, they will know what to do in the future, and then they will know that education reform must be carried out to the end, so as to cultivate more talents who meet the requirements of the times.

In fact, he didn't intend to promote drastic education reform so soon, but he thought to wait until New Oriental's education reform was successful, which would be more convincing.

But time waits for no one. If the basic education reform of New Oriental Education Group is successful, it will take more than ten years, and the country and society simply cannot wait.

Then there is only one way, and that is to advance directly from the college entrance examination, reform from this perspective, and force the entire basic education to reform spontaneously.

Although many candidates failed in this process, many candidates took advantage of the momentum to rise up, so it cannot be said to be absolutely bad, which is why he dared to reform boldly.

But being scolded is certain, but he doesn't care, he doesn't need to make a living from it, and he doesn't need to deliberately cater to a certain circle, he just needs to do what he thinks is right.

It took more than a month later to produce three sets of test papers for each subject. Each province can choose one of these three sets of test papers as the college entrance examination paper according to its own needs.

As education investment continues to increase and educational resources become more equitable, the situation of different college entrance examination papers in different provinces will be gradually eliminated in the future. This is a highlight of future education reform.

In terms of college entrance examination enrollment, major adjustments will be made in the future. Except for some special identities, other provinces may need to be included in the agreed enrollment quota, instead of enrolling students by province.

Of course, this is just his opinion. As for the final result, no one knows, because not only the selection of talents is considered here, but also many other factors, and it is inconvenient for him to intervene too much.

After all the test papers were finalized in mid-June, there was nothing for them, and the test was in July, with a period of ten to twenty days in between.

The other teachers are drinking tea and chatting together, or looking for some entertainment to pass the time. He is actually relatively young, and it is really difficult to play together in other aspects except for work.

What's more, his time is very precious, and he doesn't want to waste it on meaningless things, so for the next time, he stays in his room and reads.

On the surface, he read the books he brought over, but in fact, he entered the virtual library and continued to study field theory. Up to now, he thinks he has learned some superficial knowledge, and he is still far away from being fully proficient.

The other teachers were also very happy about this. The reason was that on the first day of rest, some teachers suggested to play chess. After all, we are all teachers and gentlemen. Even if it is entertainment, we should play some brains.

As the director, he was naturally invited, but what happened next made many teachers feel boring. The reason was that he hadn't lost since he came on the field, and the other teachers changed round after round.

The whole morning passed like this, and in the afternoon, I changed to playing Go, hoping to make a comeback in this regard. After all, there are not many young people learning Go now.

To be honest, Ye Zishu has never played Go. After all, his family was poor when he was a child, so he never played Go. After he went to university, he didn't have the time and leisure to study it.

At the beginning, he asked these teachers to teach him how to play. He lost in the first few games, but as the number of games increased, the situation reversed. He basically never lost, and at most it was a draw.

And the farther to the back, the faster the teacher who played against him lost, so this entertainment activity was given up by other teachers, because if it continued, it was purely looking for abuse.

It was also the first time he played with other teachers like this. After that, he found reasons to stop playing together after reading. The other teachers naturally enjoyed it like this. Playing with him is really not fun.

Now the college entrance examination time is still on July 8th and 9th. Ye Zishu and the others left the holiday manor where they had been staying for a long time after they finished the college entrance examination on July 9th.

In addition to having Yepshu as the director of the test, the college entrance examination has greatly reformed the content of the college entrance examination paper, and another highlight is the use of artificial intelligence to mark the papers.

This proposal was proposed by Ye Zishu. Before entering the lockdown, it was proposed to the relevant departments. The reason is actually very simple, it is for the fairness of the examination papers.

Unlike the previous college entrance examination papers, each question has a relatively clear answer. This time, some questions, especially those in the liberal arts, do not have clear answers.

The answers given by their question teachers can only be used as a reference, not as the only answer. In this case, using manual marking will cause many deviations.

Due to the heavy workload of marking, and the marking teacher is afraid of taking responsibility, he dare not give points independently, so he can only give according to the standard answers, which will make many excellent answers not get points, which violates the original intention of the question.

In contrast, artificial intelligence has no concerns in this regard. In addition, artificial intelligence has been deeply involved in the education of our country and has the ability to undertake the work of marking papers.

At present, the college entrance examination has not started to set the independent test questions of each province. The provinces can only use the national unified test paper. The reason why three test papers are issued is to prevent the backup test paper from being used immediately after the test questions are leaked, so as to avoid the expansion of the situation.

In fact, the national unified proposition, and the use of a set of test papers at the same time, is less likely to leak the test papers. Instead, each province has its own proposition, and many problems have been exposed in this regard.

The problems exposed by independent propositions in various provinces and cities are mainly in the quality of test papers, the cost of making questions, and the confidentiality and security of test questions. There will be relatively large defects, but the benefits brought are not so obvious.

During the two days of the college entrance examination, the teachers who were in a closed state were very apprehensive about the information from the outside, and they did not have the leisurely attitude after the previous questions.

This kind of atmosphere also affected Ye Zishu. He who used to stay in his room reading books freely, did some teachers come to visit in the past two days and wanted to discuss these issues with him.

To be honest, there was no turning back when they opened the bow. Ye Zishu could only comfort them with their anxiety. Anyway, he was the director and he was the one who proposed reforms.

If he was really going to be scolded, he was naturally the one who was mainly responsible, and had little to do with the teachers who set the questions. In fact, many of the questions were set by Ye Zishu himself.

Ye Zishu didn't have any good words of comfort either. He just said that if the situation is really serious, just push it to him. It doesn't affect him anyway, and he won't die if he is scolded a few times.

As for Ye Zishu himself, he didn't have this anxiety, or that sentence, since he accepted the position of Proposition Director, he has been mentally prepared.

If he had been worried at the beginning, he would not have accepted the job. Although he was paid for the job, this amount of money was nothing to him, and of course it would bring about an improvement in his reputation.

It's a pity that this kind of reputation improvement has no effect on him. On the contrary, the status of other teachers and members of the college entrance examination proposition will help enhance their prestige in the field of education and bring tangible benefits.

Instead, what he cares about is how much impact it will have after the reform of the college entrance examination proposition, and whether the outstanding talents he hopes to see can be selected.

After the lockdown was lifted, when she got home, Pei Qing had the robot chef prepare a large table of dishes to clean up the dust for him. Those who knew him knew that he was going to do big things, but those who didn't know him thought he was going to squat. It's over.

Although the level of food chefs during the closed period is not as good as our own, it is not too bad. It is a buffet style, with both Chinese and Western food, and it is still very rich. There is no need to worry about being treated badly in this regard.

He was surprised when he saw Ye Ziqin here, and after asking, he found out that after she graduated successfully, she planned to continue studying with him, but he was not at home.

And now that she is free, she naturally doesn't want to stay in her hometown, so she came here, originally intending to play and relax, but Pei Qing arranged for her to continue her internship at the Taiji Group Research Institute.

"Brother, it's a good thing everyone doesn't know that you are the one who wrote the exam questions, otherwise you would be scolded to death!" After everyone sat down, Ye Ziqin said with a smile.

"Why, many people scolded the person who made the question?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"It's not just scolding, it can be described as boiling against the sky. Whether it's on the Internet or offline, whether it's students or teachers, they are all complaining!" Pei Qing said with a serious face.

Compared with Ye Ziqin's jokes, Pei Qing still paid more attention to this, and specially collected some feedback information. After reading it, her heart became heavier. This may cause a major blow to Ye Ziqin.

It is easy for students to complain. After all, the candidates are the parties involved. It is no wonder that they are not annoyed when they suddenly encounter such a strange way of writing questions.

Teachers complain, they may not understand, but in fact it is easy to understand. After all, teachers’ teaching performance is linked to students’ college entrance examination results to some extent, involving evaluation of professional titles and bonuses, etc., and they are stakeholders.

It's okay if it's just like this. After all, the reform is not aimed at some people, but at everyone. If everyone fails in the exam, they still need to be admitted according to the ranking, and it will not cause too much impact.

But these teachers are keenly aware that the future education will no longer be the current model, and higher requirements are put forward for the teaching level of teachers, and it is no longer enough to just talk about the knowledge points in textbooks.

It is also necessary to cultivate students' divergent thinking and rich extracurricular learning ability. In the process of this change, some teachers may have to retreat to the second line because they cannot adapt.

This is the root cause of the teachers' complaints, especially for those teachers who only follow the scriptures, they are determined to leave the front line of teaching, which is not based on personal will.

"For the first time, it's normal for this to happen. After a few more times, everyone can adjust, and there will be no such complaints.

Besides being scolded, I don’t need to worry too much. When I accepted this task, I was already fully prepared and would not be affected by these remarks.

Every reform is bound to be accompanied by the redistribution of benefits, and some people must make sacrifices. Compared with these people who have been sacrificed, it is nothing for me to bear some infamy! "Ye Zishu comforted with a smile.

He was also not worried about pressure from other parties. When he was appointed as the director, all relevant parties should have such psychological preparations, and it was impossible to turn around and blame him.

What's more, it doesn't make any sense to blame him, and he is not under the jurisdiction of the relevant departments, so he won't be able to vent his anger on New Oriental Education Group. If they do, they may have problems themselves.

Anyone who is rational and has in-depth thinking understands that this reform really cannot be blamed on him. If there is any blame, the society is developing too fast, and the society does not have enough time for all parties to gradually adjust.

Especially with the emergence of social security fund and social pension fund system reform, the society will develop and operate in a way different from any previous ones.

Because these systems have not been established before, even if the companies under Ye Zishu have advanced technology, they will use it leisurely and dare not make drastic advances.

Once these two systems are established, there will be no previous concerns. At that time, the reform of the social operation model and the reform of the business operation method will enter a deep water period.

During this process, everyone's fate may undergo major changes. Some people will leave their current positions secretly, and some people will make great strides forward.

The only gratification is that with these guarantee systems in place, even those who are eliminated during the reform process will not be trapped in life difficulties and can still have a decent life.

Specific to the education reform triggered by the college entrance examination, a large number of teachers will inevitably leave their posts and be replaced by general-purpose robots with stronger professional capabilities.

Only some top teachers can stay on the job. After years of teaching practice, teachers who can outperform general-purpose robots in the teaching field are really rare.

Of course, during this process, there may be some people who are willing to be eliminated, especially those with relatively low salaries, who may receive even higher amounts of social security funds after unemployment.

Not all people can get the average monthly salary of his companies, and there are many people whose salaries are far from keeping up with social development. For them, such a choice is more beneficial to them.

Even if the original salary is good, the social security benefits received by unemployment have been reduced, but compared with not working, it is still acceptable, unless the original salary is particularly high and the gap is particularly large.

It's just that this kind of situation is relatively rare. Under the special control of Ye Zishu, only those who are particularly talented and hardworking will get a salary that is much higher than the average level.

The salary of the average person under his banner hovers around the average salary. Although there is a gap, it is definitely not exaggerated. Even the companies under him are like this, and the salary in society will only be lower.

After the establishment of the social security fund, most people receive more security benefits than when they were on the job, only a small number of people get a little less, and as for people with much less, it will be rare.

After all, real talents, even in the era of artificial intelligence and robots, will not be eliminated easily. If they can get high salaries, they have strong abilities.

"You, you still don't know that people's words are scary. Fortunately, everyone doesn't know who made the question!" Pei Qing said angrily.

The official will definitely not disclose the news, and the teachers who worked with him on the question will not disclose it on purpose, and even they themselves participated in the question, they have to cover it up.

Although he led the reform of the college entrance examination questions, these teachers are also participating parties after all, and if it breaks out, it will be affected to some extent.

The questions for the college entrance examination this time not only made innovations in the content of the test questions, but also made great changes in the form of the test questions. The most typical one is that there are no multiple-choice questions, let alone true or false questions.

All the test papers are occupied by fill-in-the-blank questions and answer questions. It is almost impossible to hit luck. This is very stressful for students who are not solid in their studies.

Of course, due to the relatively large scale of reforms, the test time is much looser than before. The test time was only one and a half hours before, but it was extended to two hours.

The subjects that used to take two hours have been extended to three hours. On the one hand, the difficulty has increased, and on the other hand, it is also an opportunity for candidates to adapt.

According to him, it doesn't matter how much time is given. If it takes a long time, the examinee will not be able to do it, so as to avoid peeking.

This time, the same set of test papers used a\\b two sets of test papers, and the order of the test questions was disrupted. The next table around a candidate used test papers in a different order, which greatly increased the difficulty of peeking.

In the past, papers were graded manually, which brought a greater workload to the teachers, but now using artificial intelligence to grade papers, there is no such trouble.

In addition, an intelligent monitoring system was installed in the examination room, which further increased the possibility of cheating. Even if the invigilator wanted to be waterproof, it would be difficult to do so under this system.

So judging from various measures, this college entrance examination should be the most stringent one in history, but it will become the norm in the future, but it is superimposed with the reform of the college entrance examination questions, which makes people feel a little targeted.

Faced with Pei Qing's worries, Ye Zishu just smiled, and did not continue to comfort or explain. She was just worried about him, and if she had experienced it herself, she would not be so worried.

"Why didn't Ye Ziqi come?" Ye Zishu asked.

"She is very busy during this period, so she doesn't live here. She also has to manage funds, manage her law firms, participate in the negotiation of new system construction, and participate in the formulation of laws." Pei Qing said.

Hearing what she said, it seems that she is very busy. In fact, what really takes more time is the negotiation of the social security fund and pension fund system construction, as well as the supporting legal system construction.

After all, these are the interests of the game field, and it is also a place to deal with people. No matter how high the IQ of Ye Ziqi is, he must deal with it with 12 points of spirit.

Especially Ye Ziqi has only been out of school for two years, and the people who participated with her are all old foxes for many years. If they have no ability, they will not know if they are cheated.

That's why he handed this matter over to her, because it was a good training opportunity for her, and if she could handle it, her growth rate would be greater than ever.

Then he asked about the self-enrollment situation of various colleges under Tianwen University. The reform of the college entrance examination has affected their number to some extent.

Although they have had their own set of admissions standards for many years, they have to make some adjustments in the face of the new situation, hoping to attract more talents in the new stage.

Fortunately, their reputation has risen in recent years. They don't want to have obvious disadvantages in recruiting students like they did back then. They already have the strength to compete with the domestic century-old famous schools. Generally speaking, there is no need to worry too much.

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