Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine hundred and eighty seventh reform progress exceeds his expectations


It will take a day or two for the results to come out. First, the exam papers need to be scanned into the marking system with a high-definition scanner. This process alone is estimated to take a day or two.

The second is to mark the papers. Although there is supercomputer support behind it, the process still takes one day, and it takes about two to three days.

Ye Zishu has nothing to do now anyway, so he plans to wait here to see how the national candidates are doing.

He doesn't care about the impact of students' grades on college admissions, but wants to see how much change the IQ drug has brought about after one or two years of use.

As for the admission rules of the college entrance examination, because of this reform, the model of first filling in the school and then checking the score has been changed to wait for the score and then fill in the school, omitting the link of the candidate's score assessment.

The reason is actually very simple. This time the college entrance examination scores will not be particularly accurate, because the examinees give not standard answers, and they may get scores. The standard answers are just a reference answer.

Maybe the answer given by the candidate is more exciting than the reference answer, then there will be no loss of points, which is easy to be inaccurate in the scoring link.

Moreover, the admission and application for the college entrance examination has also abandoned the blind box model in the past to avoid the situation that too many candidates from some schools apply for the examination, resulting in the failure of some students to be admitted, resulting in a large number of repeat students.

The process of applying for college entrance examinations this time is completely open. Before students fill in the application form, colleges and universities must give enrollment quotas and restrictions on various majors in advance. Once they are given, they will generally not be changed midway.

When candidates apply for the exam, they will know in real time the number of students who have applied for the school and the ranking of the candidates' scores, and give the probability of admission.

In this way, candidates can make a comprehensive judgment based on their actual scores and the application status of the major in the school they are applying for.

Although some students are very obsessed and feel that they should not study in that school, but for most students, unless it is the top universities in front of them, other schools do not have a particularly obvious tendency to choose other schools.

Moreover, this system is also very fair and just when recruiting. In the past, colleges and universities still had a lot of power to choose independently. After this recruitment system was used, it was completely restricted.

Of course, private schools like Tianwen University don’t have so many restrictions, and they can decide the ratio of admissions independently. Like Tianwen College of Science, they implement fully independent enrollment and do not go through the college entrance examination process.

The other colleges of Tianwen University generally only use half of the quota for the college entrance examination. This is in line with basic common sense. Harsh.

Of course, Tianwen University has its own set of strict self-enrollment procedures.

It's not that the teachers inside can do whatever they want. If that's the case, sexual problems will inevitably occur.

Pei Qing didn't go to work anymore, she stayed with him at home, maybe because of Xiao Biesheng's newly married, the two of them became a little sticky, so they just took a day off.

The next day Ye Zishu called Ye Ziqi and asked her to come here for dinner in the evening, and wanted to know about the preparations for the two major guarantee funds.

Seeing Ye Ziqi again, the whole person revealed a sense of calmness, which was not there before. It can be seen that she has made great progress by letting her participate in this matter.

Ye Zishu didn't directly cut into the topic, but first asked her about her work and life. The Ye Zishu Foundation is now basically handed over to the general robot for management.

The hardest part of foundation work is fundraising, information verification, and assistance. As for fundraising, this foundation doesn't need it so much, but it saves a lot of work.

Information verification and assistance work is not difficult for the universal robot, and it does not even need to use advanced artificial intelligence and supercomputers behind it, and the universal robot can handle it by itself.

There is also no need to worry about corruption in the process, so the entire operation of the Yezishu Foundation does not need to spend too much time and energy on her, except for occasional entertainment that requires her participation.

His usual main work is still on the operation of the law firm. According to her goal for this year, the law firm should handle more than 1 million lawsuits annually.

The workload is not low. Although the economic development is indeed much faster than in the previous life, the thinking mode has not kept pace with the times, and most of them still need to be mentally prepared for litigation.

This is also an important reason for them to carry out legal knowledge publicity work. Only when everyone is fully aware of what the law can do and how to solve the problems they encounter in practice, will everyone choose to take up legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests.

Of course, the increase in the number of lawsuits does not mean that the social environment has deteriorated. It will only make the society more orderly, and deal with problems in a civilized way that used to be dealt with in barbaric ways.

It is now July, and according to real-time data, they have handled as many as 600,000 lawsuits in the past. If there is no sharp decline in the next time, the completion of the annual target is a certainty.

With the frequent economic exchanges, economic disputes are increasing rapidly. Among the more than 600,000 lawsuits, economic lawsuits accounted for as many as 300,000, accounting for half of the proportion.

The scope involved is also very wide, covering almost all aspects of economic activities. In the past, it would have been difficult to find a suitable lawyer to deal with these issues.

Our country lags behind in the cultivation of legal talents, which is far behind the needs of economic development, especially talents familiar with international law, which are quite scarce in China.

In the past, when there were problems, many people recognized them by pinching their noses, or resorted to violent means to deal with them, so the entrepreneurs at that time had a sturdy temperament all over them.

Without such a temperament, it is difficult to get ahead in the domestic business world. Of course, Ye Zishu is an exception, because what he started to do is not in the field that others can do, and he does not have much interest in these people.

Later, although the scope of his industry expanded, his strength was strong enough, and he could no longer be easily dealt with by fighting hard, so that he could develop to the current situation safely.

In fact, dealing with economic and legal issues is the most profitable for law firms, so they are also the most vigorous in developing their business in this area.

The reason is actually very simple. It is to maintain the operation of the law firm, because they provide a lot of free legal aid in other areas, and the income is not high.

Moreover, in order to promote the improvement of people's legal awareness, even paid services will be offered at a lower price, but the employment fees of these general-purpose robots are not low at all.

What's more, there are still a large number of employees who cannot create higher value and need to be cultivated. Although their business capabilities are not very strong temporarily, they have to be cultivated, which increases additional costs.

In terms of economic business, in addition to litigation business, there is also legal consulting business, which is also developing faster and faster, and the legal consulting business in intellectual property rights is the most profitable.

There are also relatively strong companies that have signed long-term legal counsel cooperation with them to provide services for all legal issues in the process of business operations.

The companies under Ye Zishu have also begun to hand over some legal issues to them. Although they can also hire general-purpose robots, the cost is relatively high, so it is better to outsource these businesses.

In terms of revenue, it also achieved good results. The improvement of economic business has greatly increased the average income, reaching the level of 30,000 yuan.

Including other legal services, the half-year income reached 30 billion yuan. Although it is nothing compared with the size of my country's economy, it is also far behind some developed countries.

However, as a company that has just been established for more than two years, it is already explosive growth to be able to achieve such a high profit, and the future growth potential is full.

Judging from their current development speed, it will not be difficult for their annual revenue to exceed 100 billion yuan in a year or two, but the profit margin is not high.

The reason is that it is too expensive to hire a general-purpose robot, and the talents cultivated are not yet ready for use. The overall net profit margin is only about 10%, which is seriously low in the legal service industry.

Ye Ziqi didn't care much about this at the time. As long as the business can develop and have a positive effect on society, the low net profit will not have any impact on her.

The nature of the high-end service industry also determines that it relies heavily on the professionalism of personnel, which is fundamentally different from the industrial industry. The company's net profit is too high, which is not a healthy state.

Seeing that the law firm's business was on the right track, Ye Zishu thought for a while, and planned to let Ye Ziqi enter the accounting industry. Although her major was not suitable for her, business management did not require her to do it herself.

What's more, with her IQ, as long as she is willing to learn, it is not difficult to enter the industry. Accounting service is also a high-end service business, which is in line with his future economic development direction.

Compared with the legal service business, the accounting service business is easier to internationalize, and it is also an important part of the commercial society. If we do not work hard to develop this business, it will be occupied by others.

In fact, Xinghuo Group is involved in this business, but the scale is not very large. The reason is not that they do not work hard, but that the entire domestic economic environment is still dominated by industrial industries.

The demand for high-end service business fields has not yet been maximized, many related systems are not perfect enough, and the demand for high-end accounting services is not strong enough.

In addition, Xinghuo Group itself has a lot of business needs to develop, and this business is not a high priority, because the fundamental purpose of Xinghuo Group is to create more jobs.

However, there are not many talents in the field of high-end accounting services in my country. To develop this business, it is also necessary to hire a large number of general-purpose robots, which does not greatly promote employment.

He told Ye Ziqi about his idea, and Ye Ziqi began to hesitate. After all, there is still great potential in the field of legal services, and there is no need to rush into new industries.

For her, entering the accounting industry is considered cross-border, and she needs to do a lot of work, and she doesn't want to be too busy. For her, she has no worries about food and clothing anyway, and work is more out of interest.

Seeing her hesitant expression, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much, there are ready-made enterprises under the Xinghuo Group with a solid foundation, and you don't even need to worry too much about management.

If you agree, I will transfer this business under the Xinghuo Group to you, and even contract out part of the accounting business of my company to you. "

Hearing what her brother said, Ye Ziqi finally agreed. Although in fact it will definitely not be so easy, and she really doesn't need to worry too much about management, but she still needs to spend some time thinking about business development.

"In fact, the accounting business of my company is already very standardized. If you really want to develop this business, you still have to start with other companies. Among them, Chinese companies may have a great demand for this business." Ye Zishu said.

In fact, accounting business deals with money, and money is the basis of all activities. If you really want to study it carefully, accounting services can penetrate into all walks of life.

Even government finance can be included in third-party accounting and auditing to audit the direction, efficiency, and benefits of the use of financial funds by various governments.

Of course, accounting services are not limited to these contents, but can also be combined with enterprise management process construction to launch more and more valuable services.

It’s just that Ye Zishu is too lazy to finish it all at once, and Ye Ziqi needs time to figure out the specific development by himself. He just pointed out which direction to work hard next, which will help her develop business.

After talking about these things, Ye Zishu began to talk about the main topic of this conversation. Improving the social security system is particularly important for the future development of his industries, and it is also a step closer to the society he hopes to build.

"At present, the basic framework has been negotiated, basically according to our thinking, that is to establish social security funds and pension security funds.

However, the government intends to set up an additional government employee protection fund to provide protection for retired personnel during the government reform process, and this part of the funds will come from normal financial funds.

At the same time, in line with the principle of earmarking funds for exclusive use, it is also planned to set up an education guarantee fund to support domestic basic education and higher education.

The sources of funds are mainly divided into two parts. The first part is funded from government finances, and the other part is funded from special education taxes and social donations.

These funds all adopt the principle of pay-as-you-go, and if there is a balance, it can be used for stable capital operation to realize value-added. " Ye Ziqi said.

Ye Zishu was a little surprised when he heard this. These measures reveal a lot of interesting things. First of all, the proposal of the government employee guarantee fund means that the government intends to carry out reforms in this area.

In fact, he mentioned the suggestion in this regard when he had a meeting with the leaders last time, but he just mentioned it and didn't get too entangled.

The reason why he mentioned it is based on the principle of developing in a good direction, and it is the duty of a citizen of a country, but if it is too entangled, it will make people have bad ideas, so just try it a little bit.

After all, he is already one of the few entrepreneurs in the country. He holds many key economic lifelines and is already very powerful. Some misunderstandings should be avoided as much as possible.

It's just that he didn't expect the leaders to be so broad-minded. They listened to his opinions and began to prepare for the next reform. The progress of the reform exceeded his expectations.

Once the reform starts, a large number of government workers will leave their posts or retire. The living security of these people must be satisfied, otherwise the reform will not be carried out at all.

As for why it is not agreed to be included in the social security fund, there should be two considerations. The first is that the stability of the social security fund is relatively poor.

The source of funds for the social security fund has also been mentioned earlier. Although the source may be extensive, the main source is taxation from robots.

It is equivalent to robots working for these unemployed people, and part of the money they earn is put into the social security fund, which is a special tax.

The source of funds for the government employee security fund comes from the national finance, which is much more stable. As long as the country exists stably, there will be no shortage of this part.

On the other hand, it is to take precautions. Although a considerable number of government personnel or personnel from public institutions will leave after the reform, they can be quickly recalled in special cases.

If they are all dealt with according to the unemployment method, these personnel will not have much to do with government work in the future, and their command and action capabilities will be much worse.

Ye Zishu can also understand this approach. After all, the universal robot was developed by him, and the complete set of technology and equipment is also provided by his company.

It can even be said that so far, many technical details have not been fully understood by his scientific researchers, and it is a prudent approach to leave room for it.

To be able to push forward with reform despite concerns about this has already shown the dang's mind and realized the benefits of doing so.

The second is the proposal of the education guarantee fund, which means that the country pays more attention to education. In the past, education was mainly responsible for various local governments, and most of the funds were raised by local governments.

If the Education Guarantee Fund is established, it will include the money from the national education special tax, and at the same time, a certain percentage will be drawn from the local fiscal revenue as a supplement.

This is very important for the balanced development of education across the country. If the past practice is followed, the educational resources in rich areas will naturally be much stronger, because they can spend more money to attract better educational talents to join.

Although the establishment of this fund may not be able to achieve absolute balance, because localities can still invest according to their actual conditions, there is still a certain investment gap.

But at least the goal has been achieved in the general direction, and the education industry can be managed and promoted from a higher dimension. Overall, there are many benefits.

Of course, the Education Guarantee Fund is only responsible for distributing money and supervising the use of funds. Basically, it allocates funds according to the number of students. As for the specific management of the education field, they will not be responsible.

Judging from these two additional funds, the government intends to promote the construction of earmarked public funds to avoid continued chaos in the use of public funds.

In fact, all taxes are consolidated into the finances, and some places will embezzle some of them for themselves, causing problems in many public utilities, and things like teacher arrears of salary happen from time to time.

Of course, the situation has improved a lot in the past few years, mainly because the economy of many places has gradually developed, the fiscal revenue is relatively abundant, and the cases of misappropriation have decreased.

This time I propose it mainly because I want to take advantage of this reform opportunity to put on the agenda those areas that needed reform in the past, especially since these funds are relatively similar in general, and the resistance encountered when they are dealt with together is even smaller.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve it in one step. If the reform is too large, not to mention the greater resistance encountered, it is difficult to complete the preparations in all aspects as scheduled.

Take the operation of the social security fund as an example, the review may be stricter in the early stage, the purpose is to avoid the large number of resignations, which will lead to social and economic development chaos.

Because the social security fund will not be too high, but it will not be too low. For example, the average monthly salary of his companies this year is 25,000 yuan.

Then, the security fund issued by the social security fund may be around 20,000 yuan per month. Generally, the average social salary of the previous year is used as a reference, and then the actual payment standard is formulated according to the size of the fund.

If this standard is followed, there may be quite a few people whose on-the-job salary is not as high as the social security fund, so naturally they will not want to continue working, and it is better not to work.

Although Ye Shu didn't reject this, after all, the development of society would make people more and more relaxed and their quality of life better and better, so he wouldn't look down on these people.

It's just that Kirin Basic Industries Group cannot provide so many general-purpose robots in a short period of time, and even with the robots provided by Qinglong Technology Company, it cannot achieve a short-term complete replacement.

Moreover, too many people receiving social security funds in a short period of time will make the income and expenditure of the social security fund unbalanced, which is likely to cause certain confusion and cause social dissatisfaction.

Therefore, in this process, it is necessary to control the rhythm and gradually promote this process, otherwise the reform that was originally good turns into a mess, which is not good.

"At present, the framework work has been completed, and now we are doing some detailed work, mainly the formulation of rules and regulations and management structure," Ye Ziqi said.

Ye Zishu nodded after hearing this. In fact, the government agreed to carry out reforms in this area, and it had already reached an agreement on the framework. It was just that he got involved and needed to negotiate.

However, based on the basis of the talks with the leaders last time, the two sides have no differences in the general direction, but only discuss some special issues.

For example, the management issue he mentioned here, in his view, these funds are all about managing money, and they don't have too much technical content, and they don't need management capabilities beyond common sense.

The use of artificial intelligence management is the safest way. It not only improves management efficiency, but also prevents possible security problems. It is the best solution.

Since he intends to use the earmarked funds for special purposes, although he does not support Ye Zishu's request overwhelmingly, after all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are benefits.

However, after many rounds of consultations, he agreed to his proposal in principle. After all, the key to this reform still lies with him. If no agreement can be reached in this regard, the subsequent matters will be very difficult.

"After the construction of the rules and regulations and the management structure are completed, the legal work will be carried out immediately. This is the real detail, which requires more energy and time." Ye Ziqi said.

"You have to participate in the whole process!" Ye Zishu said.

"You don't need to remind me, we have already formed a team and started communicating with relevant personnel, trying to come up with a good result as soon as possible." Ye Ziqi said.

Ye Zishu didn't pay attention to Ye Ziqi's words, but thought for a while and said, "I think the super simulation calculation system can play a role in this process."

Ye Ziqi was very puzzled by his words, and looked at him with puzzled eyes.

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