Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 988 Analysis of the college entrance examination situation and the launch of the new car of

"It's no wonder that you don't understand, I developed a virtual world system for Baihu Technology Company a few years ago, and it was used for military training.

Later, the Xinghuo Group was established, and this set of virtual worlds was used in economic and industrial deduction work, which is one of the reasons why the Xinghuo Group has developed so rapidly.

In addition to the above functions, this system can also be used in various aspects of social simulation. Your recent work involves the construction of social security systems and laws and regulations.

These are also part of social development, and can be completely simulated in this virtual world, and problems can be found in advance, so as to avoid having to modify and modify them at that time, and being taken advantage of. "Leaf Book said.

This is the first time Ye Ziqi has heard of such a system, not to mention her, probably a small number of people in the whole country know about it, even the military side only thinks that this is a simple military simulation system.

The function was indeed relatively simple at first, but as he took time to improve it, and as artificial intelligence and general robots continued to collect data, the function became more and more complex.

Now, as long as it is a matter in the real world, almost all of it can be simulated in this virtual world. As for the scenes in the non-real world, there is no problem for this system.

"So amazing? But this is a military facility, can we use it?" Ye Ziqi said.

"Of course, but for the sake of confidentiality, it is only open to you for the time being. You can summarize the results of the simulation, and then bring them to the meeting to discuss and modify them.

We need to establish a long-term mechanism to ensure the fairness of benefit distribution while taking into account competition. Of course, we must plug loopholes and prevent people from exploiting loopholes.

We are a civil law system. Once a problem other than laws and regulations arises, it is difficult to amend it in a short period of time. If it is not rigorous at the beginning, it may cause significant loss of interests. "Leaf Book said.

"When will you use it for me?" Ye Ziqi asked.

Since there is such a magical system, there is no reason to use Leaf Chess. In fact, in addition to being used for this matter, it can also be simulated to verify what it has learned.

Some monographs seem reasonable, but no one knows whether they can stand the test of society. In the real world, there are few opportunities to experiment with them, because once they are wrong, it will be very difficult to go back.

At this time, this system will play an irreplaceable role, helping Leaf Chess to practice in the fields of law, social sciences, and humanities, so a large number of new theories may also be born.

"I'll give you a client later, but it's only for you to use, not for others to use. It's best not to let them know." Ye Shu emphasized.

Ye Ziqi naturally nodded in agreement. The reason why Ye Zishu emphasized so much was not that it was really so confidential, but just to avoid trouble.

In fact, the system used by Leaf Chess is independent of the system used by the military, and the amount of simulation is not so large, so it does not consume too much computing power resources.

After the conversation, Ye Zishu gave the client and login verification information to Ye Ziqi, and didn't go back at night, and stayed here for one night.

The matter of Ye Zishu's coming to the capital has basically been completed, let Pei Qing start to prepare, and go back to her hometown the day after tomorrow, Pei Qing naturally has no objection.

The next day, Ye Zishu and Pei Qing went to visit her parents again. If there were no accidents, the next time they came would be around the New Year's Eve, with half a year between them.

After staying at her parents' house until the afternoon, Ye Zishu went to the Ministry of Education again. The results of the college entrance examination had all been released. He went to see how the situation was.

To be honest, the Ministry of Education took good care of him in the face of the voices in the college entrance examination, and did not reveal to the public that he was the one who presided over the question papers for the college entrance examination.

"I reckon you should come over, and I'm waiting for you." The leader said with a smile when he saw him coming.

After exchanging pleasantries between the two parties, Ye Zishu said: "I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow, so I deliberately

Come over to see the situation. After all, the college entrance examination is an important exam in our country, and we still hope to select talents for the country to use. "

The leader was a little surprised when he heard that he was going back to his hometown tomorrow. Although he did stay in his hometown all year round, there was no need to go back right after he was busy. Could it be that his hometown was more comfortable than staying in the capital?

"Going back so soon? We still want to conduct research on the next education reform, and we plan to ask you to chair these research meetings." The leader said earnestly.

"The leader praises me too much. Domestic talents are like a crucian carp in the river. It's my turn to step forward in everything, let alone my opinion. The questions for this college entrance examination are my opinion." Ye Zishu said with a smile .

Seeing him like this, the leader didn't intend to continue to keep him. After all, it was already a face for him to invite him to come over for such a long time for the college entrance examination questions.

Then everyone came to the confidential room and began to analyze the results of the national college entrance examination to see how different the results of the college entrance examination were from the past.

First of all, the high scores are not as ideal as before. In the past, it was not uncommon to see candidates with more than 700 points, but this time there is no one in the country who can reach 700 points.

The highest score is only 684 points, and it is the only examinee who has reached a score of 680 or more, and the rest of the candidates are basically concentrated below 650 points.

The second is that the concentration of high scores is significantly stratified compared with the past. In the past, the number of candidates with scores above 600 was very large, and they were basically the enrollment targets of top-ranked universities in China.

This time, the number of candidates with a score of 600 or above has decreased significantly, or even substantially.

In fact, the number of candidates with a score of 500 or above has decreased significantly compared to the past, but the number of students with a score of 400 has increased significantly compared with the past.

Of course, the number of students with a score below 400 has also increased significantly compared to the past. These situations have been predicted when Ye Zishu wrote the questions.

It can even be said that even one candidate with a score of 680 or above was a bit surprised. After all, it was not easy to get this score in the college entrance examination.

If this candidate does not slack off in the future, he will definitely become a top talent, but I don't know what school he plans to apply for, it is best to apply for Tianwen Institute of Technology.

Although the idea is good, it will not intervene too much. In fact, one or two top talents are not particularly attractive to him, and there has never been a talent that can make him really excited enough to recruit.

Then he looked at the characteristic answer papers analyzed by artificial intelligence, and there were indeed many amazing answers that were unexpected in the standard answers, which was another surprise for him.

Some people may like everything to be within the frame, or as expected, but he just likes people who jump out of the frame to solve problems. Only in this way can unexpected surprises be brought.

But what makes him regret is that this amazing answer is very scattered, which shows that in terms of cultivating innovative thinking, domestic education has not yet formed a systematic cultivation model, and it is estimated that it is completed by the candidates' own talents.

Although talent is inherent, whether talent can be transformed into systematic ability requires systematic training. Without systematic training, it is difficult to fully realize the potential of talent.

It took half an afternoon to look at these analysis data, and then I participated in the temporary seminar held by the Ministry of Education, mainly focusing on the problems that appeared in the college entrance examination.

"To be honest, although there is a large data contrast between this college entrance examination and the previous ones, this is not a bad thing in my opinion. The only shortcoming is that there is no opportunity for national educational institutions to adapt in advance.

I used to think about promoting reform through a bottom-up approach, but this time it gave me the opportunity to carry out a top-down reform, forcing

Of course, compared with the bottom-up approach, this time it can play a greater role in promoting. As long as we persist, there will naturally be no less results in the future.

To be honest, after all the test questions came out, I thought the highest score might be more than 600 points, and the number would be very rare.

The result still gave me some surprises. There were 684 candidates with high scores. Although there was only one candidate, I believe there will be more and more candidates in the future.

Because the reason for this situation shows that the popularity of IQ drugs has indeed had a positive effect on candidates, and they no longer need to spend all their time on habitual training and memory.

I have more time to increase the breadth of my knowledge and the depth of thinking about problems, so I hope to continue this college entrance examination mode in the future and not give up halfway. "Leaf Book said.

He came straight to the point and showed his point of view, which is also his true thought. Although the data seems to be poor, in fact, it is still good in his opinion.

Everyone here also agrees with his statement. To be honest, the biggest difference between the college entrance examination questions and the past is that the assembly line production model cannot be used to cultivate talents like before.

Almost all questions require a certain understanding. Whether it is a liberal arts or a science, candidates need to have the habit and ability to think deeply about the problem.

If it is just superficial memory and habitual training, it is difficult to get a high score. This is the result of a compromise. If you completely follow Ye Zishu's questioning ideas, it is estimated that the number of candidates with high scores will be fewer.

As for Ye Zishu's statement that he would continue to make questions like this in the future, which would cause many people trouble. The reason is that he was afraid that the teacher who made the questions would not be of such a high level.

It is very difficult for the teacher who sets the questions to get rid of the patterned habit of setting questions in a short period of time. Don’t think that the questions are easy. It should not only test the depth of students’ thinking, but also avoid tricky and strange questions.

Just like the so-called innovative questions in the previous life, they were either word picking or brain teasers. Such questions seemed to test the intelligence and meticulousness of the students, but in fact they didn't make any sense.

The leaders here implicitly expressed their concerns in this regard, but did not say so clearly, otherwise it would seem that there are so many teachers in the country, none of them are worthy of great use, which is a bit offending.

Although Ye Shu can continue to serve as the supervisor of the topic, but he can't always be like this. On the one hand, he doesn't have so much time to waste, and on the other hand, there may be some people who have opinions.

"Everyone should have seen the role of artificial intelligence in the field of education. You should be familiar with artificial intelligence. In fact, we have mastered more advanced artificial intelligence than New Oriental Education Group.

If you trust me, I can develop a question-making system specifically for you. On the one hand, it is used as practice questions for students across the country, which can play a better guiding role.

On the other hand, strong support can be given in terms of writing questions for the college entrance examination. After the system completes the test questions for each subject of the college entrance examination, and after the teacher of the test paper approves it, it can be used as the college entrance examination paper. "Leaf Book said.

Although artificial intelligence 2.0 can also do it, in order to be able to produce better results, he plans to partially use the ability of artificial intelligence 3.0 to do this.

"This needs us to go back and study it carefully, and we can't give an answer for the time being." The leader said.

He was not disappointed about this. This decision was also not easy to make, because the steps were a bit big, and it required all parties to coordinate and negotiate to form a unified understanding.

"That's no problem. If you need it, you can contact New Oriental Education Group." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When the meeting came out, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening, and none of the participants had eaten, and naturally neither had he. Originally, the leader wanted to keep him to eat in the cafeteria, but he declined.

After returning home, Pei Qing and the others had already finished their dinner, and Ye Zishu asked the kitchen to make something to eat alone, and then began to think about the afternoon's problems.

In view of the changes in educational needs, he originally only intended to provide some excuses for artificial intelligence 3.0, but now he has changed his mind and plans to upgrade the artificial intelligence system of New Oriental Education Group to version 3.0.

Although it is born out of the current artificial intelligence 3.0, it is different. It is mainly proficient in education business, which consumes relatively small resources and avoids the possible expansion of the scope of use in the future.

These are trivial things to him. When he was looking at the analysis data, the idea of ​​talent test suddenly popped up in his mind, which was still influenced by the fantasy novels of his previous life.

If everyone's talent can be tested from an early age, it will be conducive to targeted training. This process can save a lot of time and energy, and maximize efficiency and benefits.

It's just that he doesn't have a good idea to realize it at present. The only thing that can be touched is the life field technology. He doesn't know whether it will work or not, and needs to find time to study it.

However, this is just a point of interest to him, not very important, and he will not spend time on long-term research, it is just one of the research subjects in his spare time.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Ye Zishu and Pei Qing were going to take a chartered flight home, and Ye Ziqin also went back, not planning to continue her internship at Taiji Group.

She is now planning to study hard with Ye Zishu. After she graduated, the game sports club was sold to Xinghuo Group at a price of 500 million yuan. After paying taxes, she got almost 400 million yuan.

In fact, this game sports club has been making money and has great potential to continue to operate, but Ye Ziqin has been playing for so many years, and she doesn't think it's interesting, so she just makes a move.

The family is not short of money anyway, especially after studying with Ye Zishu, if there is a real need, just ask the elder brother to pay for it, and there are not many opportunities for her to spend the money herself.

The live broadcast has not stopped, but it is almost over. Since the internship, there have been very few live broadcasts. The main reason is that I am tired of playing and not as fresh as before.

If this kind of behavior is placed in the relationship between men and women, it must be a scumbag, but if it is placed in the field of research, it is actually a very good trait, which is conducive to enhancing the desire for knowledge.

Researchers are afraid that they will become numb due to the inertia of dependence. They just follow the existing path to conduct research. If the direction is right, it’s fine. If the direction is wrong, it will be a waste of time.

"The private jet we sold has arrived!" Sitting beside Ye Zishu, Pei Qing said with a smile, looking at the endless layers of white clouds outside the window. ..

"When did it happen?" Ye Zishu didn't even know.

"Not long after you closed down and the county's airport was built, Huanyu Group delivered the private jet we ordered!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"To be honest, the private jet you booked will probably be a waste!" Ye Ziqin said with a smile.

This is true, Ye Zishu only travels far away once or twice a year, Pei Qing is basically a husband and wife, and doesn't go far often, the number and frequency of use are too low.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "Ziqin's words remind us that although we are not short of money, we can't just leave it like this, it is really a waste.

It's better to rent it out in your spare time to earn rental fees. At least the maintenance cost and management cost can be regarded as saved. If it's good, you can also earn some pocket money, what do you think? "

"Of course I have no objection!" Pei Qing responded with a smile.

The private jet he ordered is 150 seats, which is relatively large, and the price before modification is more than 400 million yuan. What's more, his private jet has been specially modified, and the decoration is also quite luxurious, costing more than 600 million yuan.

If it is used for rental, it is estimated that it is to earn a management fee. As long as it can earn maintenance fees, it is not known. As for the return of the cost, there is no need to think about it, unless people book the rental every day.

"Actually, if we publicize it with the big brother's brand, I think we can still make a lot of money. After all, when the price is right, who doesn't want to get rich?" Ye Ziqin said.

"It's inappropriate, your elder brother always dislikes acting in his name!" said Pei Qing who was on the side.

On the contrary, Ye Zishu thinks this idea is good. He is disgusted that others use his name to act, but it is a business, to avoid damaging his reputation, and it is not in line with his desire to keep a low profile.

But renting a private jet is considered a private matter, and there is no exaggeration or false publicity, and there is no possibility of damaging his name. What's more, renting his private jet is not a big deal, but it seems more friendly to the people.

"I think Ye Ziqin's idea is good. I will sign a lease agreement with Wancheng Foundation and let them be in charge of the lease operation." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Pei Qing was a little surprised by what he said, but she didn't say anything, but Ye Ziqin was a little surprised, so she asked, "Brother, why do you suddenly become a bit of a money fanatic?"

"Assets are high-quality assets only if they can generate money. If they cannot be operated with the highest efficiency, assets are nothing but sunk costs and will only become a burden.

Now the domestic private jet business is not developing fast, and if my country's aviation manufacturing industry wants to continue to create brilliance, it is impossible to rely solely on the civil aviation business, and must open up more markets.

Renting out a private jet in my name is the best advertisement. After rich people come and try it, they must also want to buy a private jet. Doesn't this bring orders to Huanyu Group? "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the eldest brother could tell such a great truth, Ye Ziqin was completely speechless, but it made sense after thinking about it, as expected, it was not just luck to earn such a big family fortune.

Seeing Ye Ziqin's expression, Ye Zishu also smiled. To be honest, these words were thought of on the spur of the moment, but they were reasonable. As for the effect, he actually didn't know, so he could only give it a try.

Back home, Ye Zishu first arranged a job for Ye Ziqin. Since she only had an undergraduate degree, she still focused on studying and supplemented by research at the beginning, so she ordered a lot of professional books for him.

At the beginning, I didn't think about letting her develop in many ways. I decided to learn her current major well and master it first, and then I would consider letting her study other subjects.

After arranging this matter, Ye Zishu took his family to the airport in the county. His private jet was parked in a hangar alone, and he had to pay for this.

As for the private jet that Ye Zihua ordered, it arrived last year, but the county airport hadn't been fully built at that time, and now that he's not at home, he naturally wouldn't stop here.

Although the interior decoration of the private jet aroused everyone's amazement, Ye Zishu looked at it and felt that it was just like that. He no longer had much interest in it. In fact, these decorations were not made by him, and they were all made by Huanyu Group itself. Designed.

After reading it, Ye Zishu didn't care about it, and went back home to start his own work. For him, learning new knowledge and researching new technologies were far more interesting than these material enjoyments.

In August, Huanyu Group grandly released their L5 autonomous driving technology and related automotive products, which caused a huge sensation in the world.

The problem is that the price of L5-level automobile products is not too expensive. In China, it is about 50,000 yuan more expensive than the same model of the same brand. Now many people in China can still afford it, and the sensitivity will not be great.

As for the price of foreign exports, it will be much more expensive. Compared with the price of the same model, the price is generally about 100,000 yuan more expensive, but for many people, this money is well spent.

At the same time, the flying car designed by Ye Zishu was also released. The first batch launched three models, and the price was naturally very high. The cheapest one cost 5 million yuan, and the most expensive one cost 10 million yuan.

At present, the country has not promulgated relevant laws to adapt to flying cars. Anyway, people will not let people fly casually on the street, otherwise it will cause traffic management problems.

Therefore, for ordinary people, the practicability is not great. In the early stage, it will only be used as a collection of rich people. It can be regarded as a good toy when you take it to the suburbs to experience the feeling of flying in your spare time.

Seeing this news, Ye Zishu remembered that he was planning to get Ye Ziqin a cool flying car, but he forgot when things got busy. Obviously, the flying car he gave Ye Ziqin would not be a product of the Huanyu Group, and it was low-grade up.

However, to the outside world, the flying car released by Huanyu Group is a good attempt in the field of the automobile industry and has attracted the attention of many people.

As for the market situation, it depends on the number of orders to come. Flying cars only accept reservations and will not be produced in advance like ordinary cars. This will appear to be more aggressive, and the high price will be more reasonable.

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