Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine hundred and eighty-ninth hold a temporary meeting on the expansion of robot production


Every week, Ye Ziqi will make a video connection with him and report to her the progress of the social security fund and pension fund. By the end of July, the overall framework has basically been fixed.

In other words, this matter is basically a certainty, and there will be no major changes, and even the implementation date has been confirmed, which is planned to be on January 1 next year.

So now the pressure is on his side. Although it is said that the coverage of the social security fund will be promoted step by step, in fact there must be a big discrepancy.

It is conceivable that if you can get a considerable income without working, I believe no one will yearn for it, although only those who have been fired from the company can receive social security fees.

But if an employee really doesn't want to work and wants to leave, there are always thousands of ways. Just like a company, there are also ten thousand ways to fire an employee.

At that time, it will definitely have a major impact on the domestic economy. A large number of companies that were originally harsh on employees will face a large-scale loss of employees, and even business operations will be difficult to sustain.

To be honest, he has no sympathy for these companies. Some companies do have serious problems in management and profit distribution. It is no pity that such companies go bankrupt.

Of course, there are also many companies that really have no choice. Their operating revenue and profits are limited, and they are at the low end of the industrial chain. It is also difficult to improve employee benefits.

Although he has promoted the establishment of the social security fund in a general direction, he will not love other companies too much, after all, they are in the same competitive situation.

In order to cope with the upcoming changes, he needs to make more preparations, so he held a temporary meeting with Kirin Basic Industry Group, Tidal Group, Wancheng Foundation, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company.

Guo Dongmei, as the president of Kirin Industrial Group, also participated in the meeting. After all, the internal coordination of Kirin Industrial Group needs her to do, and she must understand the spirit of the meeting.

"If nothing else happens, on January 1 next year, my country will establish a social security fund. You may have heard about this, but you may not be clear about the details.

The purpose of the establishment of the fund is to pave the way for the next social production reform, which means that after the establishment of the fund, future social development and reform will enter the fast track.

Everyone should also be clear that we have such advanced artificial intelligence and robotics technology, but we have not let go of our hands and feet, and have imposed strict restrictions on applications.

The reason is clear to everyone. It is to avoid large-scale unemployment, social turmoil, economic chaos, and dissatisfaction. In the end, everyone's life will not be easy.

The establishment of the social security fund means that we have cleared the way for us to use robots with our hands in the past.

In the future, the robot industry will usher in great development.

However, in terms of robot management, we still have to adhere to the previous principles. For robots with productivity, we can only rent them but not sell them. There are two reasons.

The first is that the sales price will inevitably be high, which will seriously hinder popularization, and many small and medium-sized enterprises will be at a disadvantage in the competition because they cannot afford it.

The second is that robot employment fees are one of the important sources of social security funds, which is equivalent to robots making money for the unemployed to support their families.

This also means that the employment system of robots is fundamental to ensuring the harmonious development of society. No matter how low the cost of robots is, the employment fee must not be lower than the average social salary, otherwise it will lead to an imbalance of social security funds. "Leaf Book said.

He straight to the point pointed out the important spirit of this meeting and the reason for holding this meeting. The cost of universal robots has now been reduced to 400,000 per unit.

If general-purpose robots are used to replace workers in the general-purpose robot industry chain, the actual cost will be lower, perhaps less than 300,000 yuan, and the cost is already very low.

He specifically emphasized that the employment system is still adopted, because he is afraid that they will sell, so that the financial pressure they face will be much less, and the payment will be paid much faster.

Everyone is a smart person, so they naturally know the meaning of the song, and have no opinion on his ideas, and in the long run, the benefits will be even greater.

The most excited ones here should be Qinglong Technology Company and Kirin Basic Industry Group. Before developing the robot business, they felt constrained. Now they are free, and they can finally show their ambitions.

"I checked some time ago, and the number of employees in all industries under my umbrella has reached 620 million, while the stock of general-purpose robots produced by Kirin Basic Industries Group is only about 60 million.

Among the 620 million employees, the number of replaceable employees is as high as 600 million, which means that there is still a huge gap in the number of general-purpose robots.

Therefore, in the future, Kirin Basic Industry Group must speed up production capacity construction to cope with the wave of resignations that it will face next, otherwise it may be caught off guard by then.

I suggest that from now on, you expand the annual production capacity of robots to 300 million units. Although there may be a huge waste of production capacity later, I think it is still worthwhile. "Leaf Book said.

To be honest, he has long felt that most people go to work, which is not very meaningful. It is just a waste of youth, and he has to tie himself to the production line in order to make a living.

Therefore, he wanted to quickly promote robots to replace jobs very early, but a benign social system has not been established. Even if he had this idea, he did not dare to act casually.

Of course, he can also set up a fund within himself, bring all the replaced employees under the jurisdiction of this fund, and receive monthly salaries from this fund.

It's just that he will be a bit overstepping in doing so, which may arouse dissatisfaction among some people. At the same time, it may form social divisions and cause unnecessary public opinion troubles.

Therefore, the social security fund can only be established at the national level, and the system can be established from a more structured perspective. In this way, not only will no one have any objections to him, but they will be full of favor for him, and the development of its industries will be smoother.

Of course, the above are all cryptic statements. If they are too straightforward, this chapter may not be published. As a smart person, he still knows that some things cannot be taken for granted.

"Without disclosing more advanced mechanical equipment, the number of productive robots required by society as a whole is around 800 million.

Universal robots are only used in my industry for the time being, and are not going to be opened to the outside world, so that our industrial advantages can continue to be maintained for a period of time.

In terms of external business, Qinglong Technology Company needs to take responsibility and expand your robot production capacity to 100 million units. I hope to make preparations in the next half a year. "Leaf Book said.

If they expand their production capacity according to his requirements, they will be able to achieve their goals in the next three years or so. By then, the whole society will enter the era of robots, which will be fundamentally different from the present.

"We understand Mr. Ye's meaning. There is no problem in expanding production capacity, but the financial pressure brought about by the crazy expansion in the short term is very high, and the efficiency of future production capacity utilization will also be low." The old director said seriously.

Although their annual revenue and annual profit are not low, they also have a lot of places to spend money. If they take their time, the financial pressure is not too great. Now such a crazy expansion of production, they are a little bit unbearable.

"I naturally know that you will have financial pressure, so I invited Mr. Ye from the Chaozhou Group to have a meeting together. If you have financial pressure, you can borrow from the Chaozhou Group to solve it." Ye Zishu said.

When Ye Zihua heard her elder brother say this, her face was very cautious, she made some calculations in her heart, and had to say: "Although we can make a large amount of external loans, and they are high-quality loans, we should be very happy.

But I did the math. If we really want to expand production according to this capacity, the loan amount will be too high in the short term, and we need to provide a total of over one million yuan in funds.

We still have many other loan businesses to carry out, and it is estimated that we will not be able to provide such a huge amount of funds in the short term, which is beyond the capacity of Tidal Group. "

Although the bank can lend on a revolving basis, there must be a limit. It is impossible to release all the funds in the bank, and there is still a deposit reserve ratio, which is not unlimited lending.

"I understand the problems you may face, why don't you invite Mr. Guo from Wancheng Jiye to have a meeting together? In the past few years, other brother companies have been supporting their development.

Now that the domestic urbanization construction has entered the second half, Wancheng Foundation will open up and sell its own real estate to the public, which will inevitably generate a lot of cash, which will be stored in the banks under the Tidal Group.

At that time, the deposit amount of Wancheng Foundation in your bank alone may reach tens of billions of yuan, which is enough to meet your ability to support the expansion of robot production loans. "Leaf Book said.

After saying this, everyone has no opinion. Guo Dongsheng of Wancheng Jiye thought that it would be important for him to come here, but he didn't expect that it was to provide deposits for the banks under the Tidal Group, which made him quite depressed.

To be honest, it goes without saying that under the same conditions, they will unconsciously choose to cooperate with brother companies. Even if Ye Zishu doesn't emphasize it, there is a high probability that their deposits will still be deposited in the Tidal Group.

Obviously, he called Wancheng Jiye here for more than just this purpose, so he continued: "I know that the loan interest rates outside are relatively high now, and personal loans are also relatively difficult.

In order to make it easier for the people to obtain their first housing, we must give more support in the financial field to reduce their pressure on buying a house.

I hope that the banks of Tidal Group and Wancheng Foundation will reach a financial cooperation to provide home buyers with more favorable housing loan interest rates. I think about 3% is relatively appropriate. "

After saying this, Ye Zihua and Guo Dongsheng were both surprised. You must know that the current loan interest rate is generally above 5%, and a discount of two percentage points is given at once, which is much less beneficial.

This is not a big deal. If this opening is opened, the Chao Group will face pressure from its peers. After all, they will break the rules by doing so.

"This is not good, we will face a lot of pressure." Ye Zihua said.

"I know what you mean, this kind of preferential measures is just like the preferential measures launched by Wancheng Foundation for the first suite, only for families with the first suite.

If it is a second home, we can consider it as an investment property, and naturally we will not give preferential interest rates. This will not only reduce speculation in the real estate field, but also reduce the pressure from peers.

Moreover, doing so will allow Wancheng Foundation to better complete its sales performance, and at the same time bring a large amount of cash to the Tidal Group, which is a combination of benefits. "Leaf Book said.

Afterwards, Ye Zishu explained his thoughts on real estate sales in a comprehensive way, so that they could understand their intentions better and cooperate better.

Ye Zishu hates speculating in the real estate industry, especially in the early days, it will quickly raise the cost of living for the common people. After all families have their first homes, if they can still speculate, Ye Zishu will not be so angry .

Therefore, when formulating sales and banking financial policies, there is a huge difference between the policies for the first house and multiple houses, which is not only reflected in the strength of house price discounts, but also in loan interest rates and down payment ratios.

If a family buys multiple suites, there will be no discounts, the loan interest rate will follow the market rate, and the down payment ratio will also increase from 30% to 50%.

Doing so can basically curb real estate speculation, avoid the financialization of real estate, and prevent possible future real estate crises and financial crises from the very beginning.

As for whether this will make Wancheng Jiye's real estate business more difficult to do, he actually doesn't care too much. Wancheng Jiye has already made enough money through the first house for all people, and he can't be too greedy.

In fact, the loan fund gap of Tidal Group is definitely not that big. It must be known that the net profit of his industries is tens of billions of yuan every year.

It’s just that the Tidal Group didn’t exist in all of them before, but scattered in major banks in the country. If the Tidal Group really needs it, the funds of its enterprises can be transferred from other banks to the banks under the Tidal Group.

After the funding problem was resolved, Ye Shu continued: "Robots can already be regarded as a mature labor force, so naturally there are different policies from the past.

The robots you produced before did not collect too much tax. This is due to the imperfect system and different views on robots.

There will be fundamental changes in the future, and it is impossible to make huge profits like before. According to the preliminary agreed results, 80% of the robot employment fee will be included in the social security fund.

At the same time, for robot employment fees with excessive income, you also need to pay personal income tax, and the rest is your revenue, which will be paid together with corporate revenue and corporate tax. "

Hearing his words, everyone was very shocked. Although they had a premonition that the robot would not operate as before, they just didn't expect to get so much profit from it.

If they follow this approach, they can only get about 10% of the robot's employment fee. It will take more than ten years to pay back the cost. If the loan profit rate is included, the time will be longer.

General-purpose robots are not bad, with a very long service life, and there is still enough profit in the future, while the robots produced by Qinglong Technology Company have a much lower service life, generally only 50 years of service.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Zishu was very open, and said with a smile: "I, the boss, don't care, so you don't have to worry too much about it.

What's more, the purpose of enterprise development is to promote social development, and the money earned must eventually return to the hands of the people. This is a relatively stable economic structure. Enterprises only need to retain funds to expand reproduction and scientific research.

The concentration of wealth to a few people is not a reasonable economic model in itself, and it is not sustainable. Just like the concentration of land to a few people in the past, it will inevitably be subverted one day in the future. "

Hearing what he said, everyone felt that this was the case. After all, they were all migrant workers, and even he, the boss, was willing to do this, so they couldn't justify their opinions.

In fact, the 80% ratio was proposed by him. In fact, the official only wanted to take out a 50% ratio at the beginning. In the early stage, more benefits were left to the enterprise to expand reproduction.

Ye Zishu believes that the 50% ratio is not enough for the stable operation of the social security fund, and it is still necessary to increase the payment ratio in the future, so it is better to pay it in place at one time.

Moreover, he does not want the social security funds received by the unemployed to be too low. On the one hand, it will cause social dissatisfaction. The gap between the working and unemployed income is too large, which is not conducive to social stability. A gap of less than 20% is appropriate for him. .

On the other hand, it is not conducive to social and economic development. In a society with sufficient productivity, the main driving force of economic development will change from investment-driven to consumption-driven.

As long as there are enough social resources, the more money residents have, the more it will help promote the development of social consumption, thereby driving the development of all aspects of social economy.

At present, our country can obtain a steady stream of resources from all over the world with its strong scientific and technological strength, and there is no obvious resource bottleneck period yet.

In the future, resources can also be obtained from space and the ocean, which can continue to promote the development of my country's consumer economy, thereby promoting the development of domestic industry, commerce and service industries.

In different periods, the way of dealing with economic development is naturally different. In the past, he attached great importance to operating profit, or the net profit of the enterprise.

The reason is that at that time, a large amount of funds were needed to build industries, expand industrial production capacity and industrial production categories, and lay the foundation for subsequent economic development.

Now that the industrial infrastructure is quite solid, it is time to change our thinking. If we continue to drive the economy with industry, there will only be overcapacity.

Of course, the root cause of industrial overcapacity is the severe homogeneity of industrial products and insufficient innovation. This is also why he will throw out some new gadgets every now and then.

Although these new gadgets are expensive, they can absorb the stock funds in the society well and can alleviate the problem of excess industrial products.

Ye Shu would not talk too much about the details in such a meeting. He was mainly responsible for retreat work, and he was not willing to participate in the discussion of details. This was a waste of his time, and it also seemed that these professional managers were too useless.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu said to Guo Dongsheng: "The extensive use of robots will inevitably lead to a large number of people not having to work as hard as before, and have a lot of free time.

In addition, there is not too much money in hand, and the social security is relatively stable, so the enthusiasm for consumption is bound to be much higher than before, and there will be a wave of consumption.

This is a great opportunity for you. I hope you can seize this opportunity and continue to expand and strengthen your service industry, so as not to be preempted by others. "

In fact, this should be applicable to all enterprises. The best state of consumption is to have money and leisure. As long as you have a brain, you can understand that there will inevitably be a wave of consumption in the future.

"What Mr. Ye said is that we will never disappoint Mr. Ye's expectations!" Guo Dongsheng said in a serious tone.

Wancheng Foundation is facing a lot of pressure. Although the employment pressure will not be too great after the establishment of the social security fund, it will be a big deal for these unemployed employees to receive social security benefits.

But it doesn't mean that Wancheng Foundation can stop making progress. This is definitely not what the boss wants to see. It can only be said that the employment pressure of their employees is not as great as before, but the pressure of industrial development has not weakened.

It can even be said that it is better to be stronger. In the past, the employment placement of employees could be used as the development goal. Now this goal is gone, but it has virtually increased their development pressure.

Seeing what Guo Dongsheng said, Ye Zishu couldn't bear to continue to urge them, so he didn't need to hammer hard. He hoped that they could gradually get rid of the restrictions of real estate in the industry and gain a broader space for development.

But after thinking about it, he still said: "Our previous service industry was mainly in China. In the future, as people have leisure and money, there will be many opportunities to travel abroad.

While developing the domestic tourism industry, you can also invest in the overseas tourism industry, take a good position in advance, and incorporate high-quality tourism resources into your banner. "

After hearing this, Guo Dongsheng nodded and responded quickly. He developed overseas tourism, provided services for domestic tourists, and at the same time helped brother companies develop overseas markets. The role is still very important.

Of course, it can also promote the development of tourism in many countries, and strengthen economic ties with our country, which will help expand our country's global influence.

Regarding the development of the tourism industry, Ye Zishu is happy to see that many countries do this. It seems that there is no pollution and it is relatively easy to make money, but in fact it is vulnerable in a crisis.

Allowing other countries to develop tourism can not only allow other countries to have opportunities to develop their economies, but also limit their industrial and technological development. This is the industry he most hopes other countries will work hard to develop.

After finishing this temporary meeting, Ye Zishu wrote a future development report and sent it to all its subsidiaries to make preparations in advance and grab the fattest cake in the coming opportunities.

Among them, the most important ones are Starlight Group, Xinghuo Group, and Wancheng Foundation. In this transformation, many companies will inevitably fall because they cannot adapt, and the remaining market will naturally be occupied by other companies.

Among them, the Xinghuo Group and the Xingguang Group were able to exert a strong combat effectiveness, quickly occupying the market that other companies had withdrawn from, and at the same time avoiding the economic turmoil that occurred in the process.

As for the other companies under his banner, he just reminded him that he didn't bother to care about how big they could be. Anyway, there are two groups of Xinghuo and Xingguang as backups, which made him less anxious.

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