
At home, Ye Zishu not only guide Ye Ziqin to study and do research, but also study by himself, and in his spare time, he fiddles with the car he is going to give to Ye Ziqin.

Flying a car in the past might have attracted surprises, but now that Huanyu Group has launched their flying car, it is nothing new for a car to fly in the sky.

It's just that the flying car he made for Ye Ziqin, the technology used is naturally not the technology used by the Huanyu Group's flying car, but the space field technology.

As mentioned earlier, the anti-gravity field is a derivative application of the space field, and naturally there are many in this flying car.

Compared with the flight system realized by aerodynamic technology, the safety and reliability of the flying car realized by anti-gravity technology are much higher.

In addition, the space protection field technology will be added to the outside of the entire car, so that there is no need to worry about the defense, and it will not cause any damage if it is attacked or bumped.

But just like this, it doesn't make much sense for him to do it. After all, these technologies are already mastered, and they are not very attractive to him.

He wants to implement space propulsion technology on this car, that is to say, instead of applying traditional propulsion technology, he uses space technology to propel the car to move.

This is a space technology that Ye Shu didn't master before. Once it is researched, the simplest application is that the interstellar spacecraft no longer needs to carry a large amount of working fluid resources for space flight.

The complex application is even more sci-fi, that is, a proper warp speed engine, which can help interstellar spacecraft achieve interstellar travel and achieve super-light speed flight.

Now the interstellar ship technology he gave cannot realize interstellar travel, and can only go around in the solar system. Once you want to travel across the interstellar, the uncontrollability is too high.

If an interstellar ship wants to fly across galaxies, it must abandon the traditional flight technology system. Although many concepts have been proposed, he believes that space propulsion technology is the best technology for galactic flight.

Another space technology is space penetration. Once this car uses space penetration technology, it means that mountains and rivers are no longer any obstacles and can pass through directly.

The popular point is the legendary wall penetration technique. In fact, the space itself has this ability, but the material wrapped in the space cannot penetrate with the surrounding space.

The space technology he dabbled in in the past was impossible no matter what. The reason is that the previous space technology relied on the sub-space formed by the main space.

Although it shows various magical effects, there is still a problem that cannot be avoided, that is, the subspace is still subordinate to the main space, and is a part of the main space, so it is necessary to abide by a space principle.

And in a space,

It is impossible to achieve self-penetration. If it really exists, it is impossible to form the vast and boundless universe today, because they will be entangled with each other and penetrate each other from the beginning, just like a ball of thread.

Therefore, if you want to realize the space penetration technology, you must realize the independent space, and there is no subordination relationship with the external main space. Then when the materials in the two spaces collide with each other, they will not interfere with each other, and you will not feel the existence of each other. .

The research and development of any kind of product should not be simply the use of existing technologies, as it would be a waste of time for him, it is better not to do it, anyway, the value generated by doing it is not very great.

So he wanted to give Ye Ziqin a unique gift, and at the same time research something new from it, so that he would be willing to invest more time and energy.

Ye Ziqin wanted to learn space technology from him, but he rejected it, not because he didn't want to teach it, but because the difficulty was too high, so high that he didn't have the confidence to teach others.

His research on space technology is basically based on brain supplementation, because the experimental equipment can't detect it at all, although after brain supplementation, a large number of mathematical formulas can be formed to express.

However, even if these spatial mathematical formulas are learned, they will not be of much use, because they are pure theories, and they are still far from practical application.

As for why he was able to turn space theory into technical practice, it is very complicated. First of all, it involves the transformation of matter. The space equipment he produces uses materials that are not in the periodic table of elements.

It is impossible to rely on the substances in the periodic table to realize a large amount of space utilization. In other words, these elements are all substances in this space, and the level is much lower than the space, so it is naturally difficult to shake the space.

Moreover, in terms of the stability of the space, the internal elements are not allowed to shake the space. Although the possibility of naturally forming destructive space equipment is very low, it is not impossible.

The substances he uses in the space equipment are all synthetic. The substances that do not exist in this universe can be said to be substances that are higher than the dimension of this space. At least they must be in the same dimension as the space to be effective.

Therefore, in terms of difficulty, the study of substances that have an effect on space is even more difficult. To be honest, Ye Zishu himself is not even considered an entry-level book.

Because this kind of matter itself is beyond the scope of this space, he studies this space, at least it is still in the space, although he can't feel it or feel it, at least it is still in it.

As for the super-dimensional matter, he can't even feel it. If it weren't for the technical data provided by the virtual space, no matter how powerful he is, it would be useless.

Unless we encounter a special situation where the probability is almost equal to zero, we can observe the existence of super-dimensional space matter in this space, and some ideas will be born. As for whether it can be developed in this space, there are still hundreds of thousands of miles in between. .

He used to think that he was quite good, at least the existing scientific system, as long as he was willing to study and research, there was almost nothing to stump him.

But since he studied field theory and matter in extra-dimensional space, he no longer has this mentality. In the face of more unknowns, his current achievements can be described as insignificant.

As for whether there are more advanced scientific theories in the future, he doesn't know. It takes a lot of time to study space and super-dimensional space. Even if there are more advanced science and technology, he will put them aside.

Fortunately, he can guarantee that his life is long enough, and he has enough time for himself to study slowly. If there is no such guarantee, Kong will not die with so much knowledge without the opportunity to learn and research.

When a person is ignorant, he can live a heartless and happy life, but for a person like him, after seeing the vastness of the scientific ocean, only learning and research can bring happiness.

Ye Ziqin is still studying the results of biomedical research in the real world. It is estimated that it will take two or three years to understand this knowledge.

Later, he will let Ye Ziqin go to the hospital and research institute to practice for a period of time, and then he will write books on this topic himself, let Ye Ziqin learn, and try to train her to be a top talent in the field of biology and medicine.

Leaf Book did not wait for news related to the social security fund, but waited for the country to start an initiative to solve the problem of carbon neutrality, and released a white paper on global climate.

This indicates that the country is deliberately promoting the solution to the climate problem. To be honest, Ye Zishu wanted to solve it a long time ago, but the conditions did not allow it.

The reason is that at that time, our country needed to use a lot of fossil energy, and because of our country's insufficient oil and gas resources, and lack of foreign exchange, we had to use a lot of coal as energy.

Later, although foreign exchange was sufficient and we were able to purchase large quantities of oil and gas resources from outside, it did not change my country's traditional energy structure, and it was too early to talk about "carbon neutrality".

Now Kirin Energy Industry Group has solved the problem of energy sources by using solar technology, and realized the artificial production of fossil energy through the carbon industry, forming a complete set of energy industries.

Now we have the conditions to solve the problem of carbon neutrality, so when we talked with senior leaders last time, we brought this matter up, hoping that the government can actively promote it.

Of course, if we want to solve the global climate problem, our country's efforts alone are not enough. We must promote the global realization of the goal of carbon neutrality, so as to solve the problem fundamentally.

However, if you want to promote global climate issues, you must first set a good example and start from yourself, so that you can speak convincingly in the world. Otherwise, the effect of countries will definitely not be very good for their own interests.

Of course, if we want to solve the climate problem, we must have a practical solution. At this time, the solar energy technology of Kirin Energy Industry Group will come in handy.

The reason why he wants the government to promote carbon neutrality is naturally out of the consideration of the global climate and environment. In his previous life, climate change has become more and more intense and more frequent. He has a deep understanding, and there is a tendency to intensify and accelerate.

It would be too late to start solving the problem until it has emerged on a large scale. It must be solved at the embryonic stage. Therefore, the most fundamental reason for promoting the climate issue is to care for the earth.

Secondly, it is conducive to promoting the globalization of solar energy products of Kirin Energy Industry Group. At present, the most advanced technology in this area is in Kirin Energy Industry Group.

Moreover, they have enough production capacity to help the world achieve clean energy goals, and even have relatively cheap energy storage battery products, which is considered enough.

Of course, the carbon industry fossil energy technology of Kirin Energy Industry Group will not be sold externally for the time being, but the fossil energy produced by the carbon industry can be sold internationally.

This is a very huge benefit. Once countries respond one after another, they can earn trillions of yuan or even more benefits from the international market every year.

It is not enough to let the current solar energy industry of Kirin Energy Industrial Group be abandoned. Now the domestic solar energy facilities are no longer built, and there will be no more in the future.

Not to mention the thermal radiation energy-absorbing field technology, but the controllable nuclear fusion technology he provided to interstellar ships is much more advanced than pure solar technology.

In order to promote solar technology to the world and help other countries achieve energy cleanliness, he intends to change the original pricing strategy and lower the price to make countries more acceptable.

To be honest, the previous pricing was indeed a bit high, but at that time meeting domestic demand was the most important thing, and I didn’t care whether there were overseas markets, so high pricing was not a big problem.

Now we plan to develop overseas markets with all our strength, and we have a grand blueprint to promote changes in the global energy structure. If the price is so high, it will hinder the primary goal.

Previously, the export price per watt was 20 yuan, which is acceptable to developed countries, after all, their own electricity prices are relatively expensive, especially in Europe where energy resources are not abundant.

But for most developing countries, this price is a bit expensive. Not to mention the construction cost of supporting facilities, the electricity produced by solar cells alone costs 0.6 yuan per kWh, plus other costs, the household electricity price needs to be more than 1 yuan.

This time, we intend to reduce the price per watt to 10 yuan, directly reduced to half. According to this price, the cost of power generation per kilowatt-hour is about 0.3 yuan.

It's just that the technology of the exported solar cells is not their most advanced, and the power generation efficiency is 25%, which reduces the production cost here, and at the same time avoids the leakage of advanced technology, or it is used for military purposes.

The cost of this power generation is basically equivalent to the cost of thermal power generation, and cheaper than nuclear power generation. The only disadvantage is that it cannot generate electricity around the clock, and needs to be equipped with off-peak power supply facilities, that is, batteries.

The price of the storage battery is much more expensive, not to mention the expensive lithium battery, after all, the lithium battery is not suitable for large-scale power storage, lithium resources are limited, and the price is more expensive.

The large-scale storage batteries currently prepared are mainly aluminum-air batteries and graphene batteries. Among them, the cost of aluminum-air batteries is relatively low, and the price of graphene batteries is relatively high.

Both have their own advantages. Aluminum-air batteries have larger storage capacity, but the charging and discharging speed is slower and are more dangerous. Graphene batteries have lower storage capacity and greater power loss, but the charging and discharging speed is faster, and the discharge power is very high. high.

In his opinion, aluminum-air batteries are still more suitable for solar power generation and energy storage. In order to promote the active promotion of solar power generation in various countries, a big price cut is also planned for this area.

In his view, in order to promote large-scale storage batteries around the world, the storage cost per kilowatt-hour must not exceed 0.5 yuan. If it is too high, there will be no market.

In the initial stage, the price of electricity storage per kilowatt-hour is set at 0.5 yuan, and later it will be reduced to 0.3 yuan. This price has a certain market in the vast majority of developing countries.

According to this standard, Huanyu Group's aluminum-air battery can be charged and discharged 20,000 times, and the price per kWh is as high as 10,000 yuan, which is very profitable.

You should know that they only need 100 yuan to produce 1 kWh of energy storage aluminum-air batteries. Even if the energy density of the exported aluminum-air batteries is not too high, the cost per kWh will not exceed 200 yuan if the amount of aluminum is increased. .

In this regard, their technology is very mature. In the early stage, they produced products with an energy density of 1,000 watts per kilogram, which is sufficient to meet the global market, and is a very leading product in the world.

However, compared with their theoretical energy density, there is still a big gap. The energy density of the aluminum-air battery that Yeshu gave them has reached the theoretical limit, which is 8000 watts per kilogram.

It's just that the product has to be upgraded step by step, and the king bomb cannot be produced all at once, and the price reduction needs to be accompanied by technological progress, otherwise others will only think that it was too profitable before.

If calculated in this way, the cost of power generation and energy storage per kilowatt-hour is only about 0.6 yuan, because only part of the energy storage is performed during the day, and most of it will be used on the day, so it is not a simple addition.

This cost is very competitive in a country with a good economy but relatively expensive and scarce energy resources. If possible, it will also promote my country's power transmission technology and electrical products by the way.

Organized his thoughts into a document and sent it to Kirin Energy Industry Group, Kirin Electric Industry Group and Huanyu Group, just to confirm the idea, and the price is only as a suggested price.

He is far away from the market now, and the pricing he made may not conform to the current market situation and can only be used as a reference. This is specifically stated in the document to prevent these companies from strictly following his pricing.

According to my country's carbon neutral plan, the realization of the carbon neutral goal is limited to three years, which means that in the next three years, many smelting industries in my country will completely eliminate coal energy.

This gave Kirin Basic Industry Group an opportunity. Currently, the most advanced electric smelting technology is in their hands, and it is a technology that has been practiced in production.

They have sold it to domestic smelting companies before, but because the technology is too advanced and the cost is relatively high, they feel that it is not worthwhile, so they basically did not promote it.

Even if the later operation can save a lot, but the initial investment is too large, without a strong drive, few companies take the initiative to eliminate the previous equipment and choose to use the most advanced equipment.

After all, the most important thing for enterprises is profit, and as long as they don't invest a lot in new equipment, it is profitable for them. Anyway, the previous equipment is not unusable.

In fact, according to the goal of carbon neutrality, in less than three years, domestic thermal power generation has basically been eliminated, and the oil and gas energy used is now basically produced by Kirin Energy Industry Group.

Although the total amount of coal used in the smelting industry is quite large, my country's greenery has gradually recovered over the years. These green plants have the function of absorbing carbon and reduce the total amount of carbon emissions in the air.

The use of thermal coal in China is also gradually decreasing. Most inland river transport ships use fuel oil, and only some old-fashioned inland river ships still use coal. Elimination will not affect the overall situation, and this kind of ship is seriously overaged.

The previous railway transportation is gradually electrified. Even heavy-duty locomotives now have two products, electricity and fuel, which can be completely replaced.

There are very few places where coal is used in other areas. The chemical industry used to use coal as a raw material, but it has basically been eliminated now.

Because the carbon industry under Kirin Industrial Group is already advanced enough, the backward enterprises have basically closed their doors, or changed their production methods and purchased basic raw materials from Kirin Industrial Group.

Therefore, the country's carbon-neutral timetable is already very conservative. It is estimated that domestic smelting companies have relatively enough time to replace their technologies. Otherwise, there will be no big problem in announcing that it will be realized next year.

Now the pressure is on other countries. They used to promote environmental protection, air pollution and the greenhouse effect all day long. Now it is their turn to do it with real swords and guns. If they don't say anything, they are hypocrisy.

Not to mention that the technology is not up to the mark, anyway, our country has prepared a whole set of technology for this purpose, and it depends on whether they want to use it, and even took the initiative to lower the price here, full of sincerity.

Sure enough, after the announcement of this decision, it dropped a blockbuster around the world. In the past, everyone just talked about environmental protection, paying attention to air pollution, and controlling carbon emissions.

As a result, when our country decided to do this, and it also set a timetable, and even planned to achieve the goal within three years, the countries suddenly became silent. Even if the reporter asked the relevant officials, they could only say that they were studying and not sure yet.

On the contrary, the United Nations Climate Conference responded positively, and planned to temporarily hold the conference in Shanghai, our country. It is very positive, hoping to show a model to the world here.

my country also responded positively. In the past, the global economic center was in Western countries, and many world conferences and organization headquarters were located in these countries.

With the rise of my country's economy, its importance in the world is getting higher and higher, and it is inevitable to compete for the right to speak. Holding a world conference is just the beginning, and it will become the headquarters of many global organizations in the future.

The performances of the loud environmental organizations in the past are also different. Some unclean environmental protection organizations suddenly fell silent. Before the donors make a decision, they can only keep silent.

The environmental protection organizations that actively advocate are basically people who are sincerely working for global environmental protection. Facing the example of our country, they are naturally making a lot of publicity, and hope that other countries will follow suit.

Even if carbon neutrality cannot be achieved in a short period of time, a time schedule can be formulated to gradually replace energy sources, which is better than doing nothing.

There are also some countries who prevaricate with the excuse that the price of green energy is too high and the conditions for popularization are not yet available. There are also some countries whose economic foundation is not good enough to realize green energy alternatives.

Just after these remarks came out, Kirin Energy Industry Group and Huanyu Group announced a series of preferential measures according to his instructions.

And it claims that in order to make green energy more popular, it deliberately compressed its own profit margins, and guaranteed to provide a complete set of practical green energy solutions.

Having said so much, it would be evasive to prevaricate, so some relevant national departments began to express their views that they would actively formulate a schedule to achieve carbon neutrality.

It's just that most of the countries that have expressed their views are countries with a good economy, while the vast number of developing countries are silent, and then they still prevaricate with the excuse that economic conditions do not allow it.

At this time, it is necessary to continue to increase the fire. Didn’t it mean that the global climate conference should be held in my country? Then my country should also put forward constructive suggestions to promote this matter.

Also, some of his media outlets put forward constructive suggestions, that is, to levy a carbon emission tax. This idea is not unique now, nor was it specifically instructed by Ye Zishu.

Rather, this approach has already been implemented in some countries, but it is only used internally in some countries to control the carbon emissions of domestic enterprises in order to achieve the goal of atmospheric environmental protection.

Now it is just expanding this approach, implementing carbon emission taxes among countries around the world to urge countries to achieve clean energy, and at the same time giving economic compensation to some industrially underdeveloped countries.

After this idea came out, it naturally aroused a lot of feedback. For countries with almost no industry, this is a good thing, and they can sit and collect money.

But for a country that has industrialization ambitions but has not fully realized industrialization, it is a huge blow, and naturally it is unwilling to catch it without a fight.

For most developed countries, the impact is not great. They are capable of completing this target, but they are a little unwilling to accept a large number of solar energy orders for my country.

Of course, for developed countries with rich energy resources, they are also reluctant. After all, they are rich in resources. Now that they develop green energy, they need to purchase technology and equipment in this area.

The cost is even higher than their domestic energy prices. It is not worth the loss for them to give up their own advantages, but they cannot be vetoed in person. After all, this issue is considered from the perspective of global interests.

If you refuse, it seems that the structure is not enough, and it seems that you have no responsibility. In the end, there is a high probability that you will verbally agree, or extend the schedule, and generally adopt delaying tactics.

But what is certain is that this year's global climate conference will be very lively. As for the outcome, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve it in the short term.

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