Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1113. So much farce

"Let me ask you, what are your plans? What do you want to do?"

What no one expected was that Wu Xueying was ridiculed and ridiculed by Jiang Wenyi, and immediately approached Nanya.

Jiang Wenyi shook his head when he saw him around the corner. With his IQ, he was worthy of being a suitor? A person who is instantly killed without any challenge is not a pursuer but cannon fodder.

"Miss Wu, what's going on?"

"Stop pretending, you deliberately introduced your nephew to me. In fact, you didn't want to introduce him, but you wanted to use us to deal with Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan, right?"

"Xueying, what did you say?"

"Mom, don't be deceived by her. You don't know what she has in mind. I know very well that she just wants me and Jiang Wenyi to cause trouble for the couple and treat me like a fool."

"Miss Wu, have you misunderstood? I don't even know what you are talking about? I'll leave first."

Nanya didn't expect that Wu Xueying was so stupid that she could start a fight like this. How did she do it? And he is so noisy regardless of the occasion. If anyone really marries such a woman, he will risk his life.

"Don't leave. I want to leave because of your calculations. You don't want to see where this place is."

"Xueying, show me where this place is, where you are allowed to make trouble, let go."

After all, Wu Xueying's mother had had a few more years of food than her daughter, so she knew where this place was and where it was possible to cause trouble.

It's just that Wu Xueying has been angry for a long time. She was already very aggrieved, but now she is being plotted against by a woman from Kyoto. How could she be willing to do so, so she naturally held on and continued:

"You want Jiang Wenyi and I to go find trouble for Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao. You don't want to go there yourself because they don't like them. You insist on borrowing our hand. What kind of peace of mind are you? You don't just have a crush on them. Come on."

"Miss Wu, I think you are young and I won't argue with you. Please be careful when you speak. I'm kindly trying to put a red line between you and my nephew. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with me. You are a young man after all, but you can't be so rude. Mr. Yan and Mrs. Yan are also involved. You know your own thoughts. There is no need for me to explain it so clearly, right? "

"What do you mean by me? What do I mean? Stop pretending."

They were making such a loud noise that no one else would pay attention. Nanya hunted geese all year round, but she didn't expect to be pecked by geese. It was really ironic to say that.

Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao also saw the farce here. They had good ears, and Wu Xueying did not deliberately weaken her voice, so they heard clearly clearly.

"How can we be dragged into each other even though we are so far apart? Are we two troublemakers?"

Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan simply stood up from their seats. It was better to keep these things away to avoid contaminating the children's ears.

"Hey, I really can't go out with dad. It's too troublesome."


"Hahaha, my good son, your little adult-like appearance really makes your godmother jealous. Can't you go out with your father? You are a troublemaker, and you are not as tall as me. Jiabao'er is so handsome, why are you so troublesome?" Huang Yueyan heard Xiaobao's words when she walked over. She was so surprised that this child became more and more lovable.

"Yes, if I am in such trouble in the future, my wife will be in trouble."


"You naughty kid, how can you say that about your father?"

"Mom, you are so beautiful, and I look so much like you, won't it cause trouble in the future?"

"You little sycophant."

"Yan Kuan, do you want to go see the farce you caused?" Huang Yueyan looked at Yan Kuan and teased.

"You are really too idle. Don't you feel bad that your assets have shrunk so much?"

"I feel bad, but I like to watch good shows more. Besides, what is lost is gained in the east, who knows what will happen in the future."

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't care about the confrontation between Yan Kuan and Huang Yueyan. She wiped the child's mouth, straightened his clothes and asked him:

"Are you going to play here with your parents or go play with the kids?"

Xiaobao glanced at the children's area not far away and decided to forget it. Dabao only liked to play with them, and he didn't want it.

"Mom, can we go? I don't like it here. There are a lot of flies."

"This---" Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan and Huang Yueyan, and Huang Yueyan said:

"If the kids don't like you, just leave. Anyway, there's nothing wrong. Everyone who needs to say hello has said hello. I'll reluctantly stay and watch the show. I'll explain it to you tomorrow."

"You're so boring."

But having said that, Yan Kuan still held the child's hand and prepared to leave.

Just after passing the noisy place over there, Black Peony walked up to the two of them mysteriously and said loudly:

"Mr. Yan, Mrs. Yan, you guys are also here to watch the fun. It just so happens that you are the one they are talking about. Hahaha, this is really ridiculous. Let me tell you, how could an outstanding person like Mr. Yan not You are being remembered, don’t you think so, Mrs. Yan?”

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Black Peony, hey, Yan Kuan is indeed a bee attractor, troublesome.

"Well, yes, it is indeed easy to attract flies. There are all kinds of flies."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Black Peony. She really disliked this woman. She was everywhere. Why did she come out to watch their show? I don’t even want to see if I have the ability.

But at this time, Black Peony's daughter Anna appeared again to cause trouble. She was heard to say:

"Why are you such a bitch about this couple's affairs? I don't know, I thought you also had thoughts that you shouldn't have."

"Damn girl, what did you say?"

Black Peony is so angry. Is this daughter born to be her nemesis? Why does she come out to disrupt the situation every time she wants to confront Shen Xiaoxiaozuo to watch her show?

"You're not deaf, are you? You can't hear me anymore?"


"Black Peony, mind your own business. Your daughter is right. Don't be such a bitch. You are not sober as your daughter. Why are you such a bitch?"


"Why are you talking to her so much? It's a waste of saliva. She doesn't know what the so-called woman is, and you don't even bother to look at her."

Yan Kuan's words were direct, and Hei Mudan's face turned red immediately. She never expected that Yan Kuan was so disrespectful to others, but that's right. If Yan Kuan could show mercy to other women, she wouldn't think it was precious. It’s over.

"Mr. Yan, are you speaking too directly like this? Black Peony is a beauty of a generation, a pretty Peony among men. How disappointing are you to be so direct?"

Huang Yueyan said to Yan Kuan with mocking words, which was actually what Black Peony had heard. Black Peony saw Huang Yueyan and said rudely:

"Mr. Huang, I heard that Huang's Enterprise has been in trouble recently. You have time to talk about this here, so why not take some time to take care of your Huang's Enterprise."

"Oh, I have a lot of money and I want to throw some away. Can you handle it?"


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