Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1114 Your rank is getting lower and lower

Wu Yinghao, who came in a hurry, saw Yan Kuan standing not far away, and his daughter was surrounded by a woman. After hearing a few words, it seemed to be related to Yan Kuan. He knew that his daughter had feelings for Yan Kuan. Thinking about it, the commotion is so intense now, needless to say, it must be my daughter who is causing trouble again.

This daughter has read so many books, and she used to think that she must be more sensible than the other daughter. However, she was disappointed. Nothing but disappointment.

"Mr. Yan, I'm sorry to have caused you trouble again. I apologize to you on behalf of my daughter."

Wu Yinghao's act of apologizing without asking the reason made everyone who had watched the show startled, and then laughed sullenly. Wu Xueying's face turned red from embarrassment, and she said to Wu Yinghao:

"Dad, what are you doing? It has nothing to do with Mr. Yan. It's this woman. She wants to use me to deal with Mr. Yan and the others. I'm exposing her."

When Wu Yinghao heard his daughter say this, his face turned red. Is there anything wrong with his daughter? Is this place making such a fuss? Even if someone is plotting against you, you still have to deal with it quietly. What will everyone think of such a fuss?


Wu Yinghao no longer knows what words to use to describe his stupid daughter. If he had known better, he shouldn't have been soft-hearted and agreed to take her out to see what all this is about. Is it embarrassing or not?

"Dad, this woman is so bad, you must make the decision for me."

Still calling the shots? He just felt embarrassed.

"Mr. Yan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Dad, I told you it's not about him."

"Sister, your skirt is dirty. Let me accompany you to the bathroom to clean it up."

A daughter beside Wu Yinghao is also Wu Yinghao's illegitimate daughter. Of course, she is Wu Yinghao's niece to the outside world, but she is an extremely smart person. Seeing her sister seeking death like this made her uncle so angry that she originally didn't want to take care of her. , but this is a matter of face for their Wu family. They both prosper and lose, so how can they just watch this farce continue?

However, when she came out to smooth things over, she also wanted to see if others were willing to cooperate. Wu Xueying looked at Wu Xueli's interrupted appearance and said:

"What do you know? Don't talk nonsense, my skirt is not dirty."

Wu Xueli's face couldn't hold back anymore. Is this eldest sister too stupid? We usually know that she is very good at studying and is very competitive. People in her family say that the eldest sister is the best next generation of the Wu family. However, no matter how good she is in terms of human behavior, such a person cannot be tolerated in a family like theirs. .


"go away."

At this moment, Jiang Haoming also frowned. After all, Nanya was also his wife. How could members of the Jiang family be bullied by a little girl.

"What happened to Nanya?"

"Husband, you have to make the decision for me. This little girl doesn't know what's going on. She insists on saying that I'm teasing her. I kindly tried to win her over to literature and art, but why did it end up shocking her?"

"Literature and art? Where is literature and art?"

Jiang Haoming is not stupid. The key to this matter is literature and art. Wouldn't it be clear if literature and art can speak out?

"Yes, let Jiang Wenyi come out. It was Jiang Wenyi who told me just now, telling me not to be sold out by you and to help you count the money."

When Jiang Wenyi heard this while hiding in the corner, she didn't know how to describe her feelings. Why did she meet such a woman who didn't understand her clearly? This was really stupid.

Let him go out at this time? He is not stupid, of course it would be better to leave early. As expected, the outside world is so complicated and full of intrigues. He still misses the army, but he knows that it is no longer possible. He has left the army for a long time.

After searching around and not seeing Jiang Wenyi, naturally they had no choice but to give up. They started making noise again, and here Huang Yueyan was also arguing with Black Mudan, and there was even a joke between Black Mudan's daughter, which was really lively.

But what Yan Kuan hated the most was how noisy these women were. In the end, he pulled Shen Xiaoxiao and the child and walked out.

When Black Mudan saw Yan Kuan was about to leave, how could he miss such a good opportunity, he opened his mouth and said loudly:

"Mr. Yan, don't leave. That little girl from the Wu family is fighting for you."

Black Peony's loud voice made everyone look towards them again. Yan Kuan was extremely annoyed and said to An Er:

"Remove her jaw. If she makes trouble again, I will remove her limbs and throw them to the Pearl River to feed the fish."

Everyone was shocked by Yan Kuan's words. Even Black Mudan himself did not expect that Yan Kuan would say such words to him. Not only that, but also to remove her chin. Didn't Yan Kuan know how to avoid taboos at all? ?

Black Mudan's daughter even more didn't believe that there was a man in the world who would treat her mother like this. Not to mention that it made her feel a little excited. She really admired the man who could make Black Mudan suffer a lot. She was so adoring that she fell head over heels in admiration. To say it was her mother was because she was her mother, so she had always disliked some of her ways, which was simply disgusting.

Someone should have come out and taught her a lesson long ago, so that she would never feel that she was great.

An Er's movements were so fast that even the big guys didn't see how he did it, and Black Mudan didn't even scream, her scream was stuck in her throat.

The world was quiet now. Yan Kuan turned to look at Huang Yueyan and said angrily: "Your level is getting lower and lower, just like a talkative woman."

Huang Yueyan is so angry. She didn't just want to speak for them, but she actually called her a talkative woman. And Xiaoxiao, how did your tutor teach you?

"You're going to die for calling me a tongue-tied woman."

Everyone was shocked by Huang Yueyan's courage. Mr. Huang actually dared to challenge Mr. Yan. Wasn't he afraid that Mr. Yan would also remove her chin?

But what everyone didn't expect was that Yan Kuan just glanced at her and pulled Shen Xiaoxiao and the child away. However, Shen Xiaoxiao said to Huang Yueyan in embarrassment:

"Don't worry about him getting angry. I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow. Let's go first, Yueyan."

"Godmother, let's go first. In fact, you don't want to be a tongue-tied woman at all."

Huang Yueyan is so angry, but everyone understands that her child is Huang Yueyan's godson. No wonder she dares to challenge her like this. It seems that the rumors in the room are true. The relationship between Huang Yueyan and Yan Kuan's family is indeed extraordinary.

Black Peony's jaw was removed. This farce is over. It's okay if you don't want it to end. This Black Emperor strikes decisively and quickly. Why do I need to nag you so much?

But as soon as they walked out of the banquet, they met Jiang Wenyi, who had been waiting for a long time.

Jiang Wenyi saw Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan coming out, and immediately walked up to Shen Xiaoxiao and said to her...

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