Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1118 Night Tour in Hell

The judge's words were a shock to Shen Xiaoxiao and Xiaobao. Now they don't even want to find the Girl of the Galaxy. But who is the Girl of the Galaxy?

"Judge, who is the Daughter of the Galaxy?"

"Well, madam, we have never seen the face of the Girl of the Galaxy. Except for going to Xuantian Pavilion on the 15th of every month to take away the souls with the most resentment, she spends the rest of the time guarding the Flowers of the Other Shore and has never appeared before us. In front of everyone's eyes, even when she appeared in Xuantian Pavilion, she looked like silk and satin like flowing water.

Red as fire, like a floating Bianhua flower, without roots, like a wandering soul. "

This answer simply refreshed their facial features, so why is it called the Daughter of the Galaxy? Isn’t it just a formless soul?

"Then why is she called the Daughter of the Galaxy? Why is she considered to be the destined wife of the Black Emperor when she doesn't even have a form?"

It's normal for Shen Xiaoxiao to ask this question. Even the judge knows that this lady is Lord Black Emperor's wife in the world, so he knows everything about her questions.

"This is an ancient legend, and we don't know it. It seems that in ancient times, the Daughter of the Galaxy was transformed into a flower blooming on the other side. One day, the Daughter of the Galaxy met Lord Black Emperor, and the two fell in love gradually. However, Lord Black Emperor wanted to After falling into the mortal world through calamity, the Daughter of the Galaxy has been waiting in our hell, hoping that Lord Black Emperor will come back, so..."

"In other words, the Destined Wife is just a legend?"

The judge was stunned. It sounds like it is true, but this legend has been passed down for thousands of years. Could it be false, right?

"This legend has indeed been passed down for thousands of years, so we all thought..."

"So you all think that the Black Emperor and the Girl of the Galaxy are a couple?"

"That--it's true."

After hearing such an answer, Shen Xiaoxiao felt relieved. If this was the case, what was she afraid of? What was destined or not, it was just rumors, that Yan Kuan would marry a strange woman? How can it be.

"Where is the Daughter of the Galaxy? Judge, please give us a clear path."

The judge looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and Xiaobao with some embarrassment. If something happened to them, how could he afford it?

"Madam, please don't embarrass me. I really shouldn't tell you. If Lord Yan finds out, my official position will be cut off and I will be sent to the 18th level of hell if my tongue is cut out. If Madam and the Crown Prince must insist, If you want to go, why not wait for three days? After Yan Jun comes back, the Crown Prince can inquire about the specific matters from Yan Jun. "


Shen Xiaoxiao knew that the judge was being careless, but he really couldn't embarrass them. They were already very considerate, and he came so quickly and told them so many things. They said that if he told them, he would lose his official position and be expelled. Things that go to hell with your tongue.

"Well, I'd like to thank the judge for clearing up my confusion today."

"I don't dare, I don't dare, madam, you're too polite."

"Xiaobao, let's go."

Xiaobao nodded. He respected his mother very much in this regard. If Shen Xiaoxiao decided something, he promised not to say no.

The door slammed shut, and Xiaobao looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and asked:

"Mom, are we coming again in 3 days?"

"Well, that judge is really in trouble. Xiaobao, you have to remember that in this boundless hell, the King of Hell is easy to dispatch, and the little ghosts are difficult to deal with. Don't offend these ghosts easily unless you have to. They are different from humans."

"Well, I know, mom, should we go back now?"

"Well, go back."

"Shen Xiaoxiao, it's Shen Xiaoxiao, let me go, that's Shen Xiaoxiao, hahaha, Shen Xiaoxiao, I didn't expect that you are also a short-lived ghost, and you actually went to hell, hahaha, Shen Xiaoxiao, Shen Xiaoxiao.”

The two mother and son had just walked through a broken road and when they reached the fork, they saw a group of ghosts pressing three people towards the direction they had walked before. Those prisoners were all women, and their hands and feet were trapped. Wearing white clothes, his hair was messy, his face was extremely pale, and his expression was extremely dull.

The person who was yelling at Shen Xiaoxiao and the others was none other than Liu Yufei, who was already dead. I didn't expect that this person could be seen even after he died. His ghost was indeed still there.

"Shut up and pull her down."

"Shen Xiaoxiao, retribution, retribution, you also have today..."

Liu Yufei was forcibly taken away by Gui Cha. Her mouth kept opening and closing, but she could not utter a word because of Gui Cha's spell.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Xiaobao with some surprise. Xiaobao naturally didn't know Liu Yufei, but fortunately Bai Wuchang came over at this time. When he saw the two of them, he ran over and said extremely flatteringly:

"Your Majesty, Madam, you are here. I'm sorry that we didn't take good care of you and scared you."

"It's Uncle Bai Wuchang."

"I don't dare to act like an uncle to the Crown Prince. Are you bringing your wife to play?"

Bai Wuchang didn't expect that the prince had no airs at all. Every time he saw them, they were shouting uncle, uncle, and they were very sweet. Even if he was not the prince, they couldn't be cruel to such a cute child.

"Well, bring mom to see."

"Bai Wuchang, who are the three women you brought with you just now?"

When Bai Wuchang heard Shen Xiaoxiao's question, he immediately replied: "Oh, those three women just now, they all just came out of the eighth level of iceberg hell and are about to enter the ninth level of oil pot hell."

"Iceberg hell?"

"Yes, those are all promiscuous women who had sex with people in the world. After death, they will be stripped naked and thrown on the top of the iceberg."

"Huh? Then the oil pan hell means going to the oil pan?"

"Madam is smart. This is naturally the case. This is what the heinous people in the world will do."

From this point of view, Liu Yufei has to go through these things even if she dies, and I don't know if she will regret it.

Bai Wuchang saw Shen Xiaoxiao's expression was abnormal and thought she was worried about what would happen to him in the future. He immediately flattered her and said:

"Madam and the Crown Prince are blessed with profound blessings, so naturally they will not come to our boundless hell."

"Oh, I'm not worried about this. It's just that Liu Yufei was someone I knew before she was alive, so I asked a few more questions."

"Oh, madam, do you want me to say hello to the people below?"

So it turns out that the underworld also has connections? Sure enough, corruption really exists everywhere.

"It doesn't have to be like this. I'm not familiar with her, I'm just curious. I must not break the rules of the world below. And since she is dead, she has no connection with me anymore. Am I right?"

"Madam is transparent, indeed."

"Thank you Bai Wuchang for clarifying our doubts. I'll take my leave now."

Now that Shen Xiaoxiao knew what was going on, he naturally turned around and left with Xiaobao.

When Bai Wuchang saw the two people leaving, he thought about it and decided to go see the lady's old friend. It didn't look like they had any good friendships. If they were enemies, then he would still have to help. Only if you make friends with them, it will be terrible for them in the future...

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