When Bai Wuchang saw them leaving, he immediately followed them to the Eighteenth Level of Hell. He couldn't wait to earn more performance.

In this ninth level of oil pan hell, as soon as they arrived at the door, they felt the boundless heat. The scalding oil temperature was too hot for those of them who had rarely felt warmth.

The huge oil pan was boiling with gurgling red oil, and there were at least a hundred ghosts inside who were being fried in the oil pan and screamed.

They are lifeless. Being punished like this means that you will be tortured again and again while you are awake. Even if you want to die, you will not be able to do that.

Moreover, this frying is done over and over again. Every two hours, it will be fished out and slowed down for an hour, and then it will continue, over and over again. There will be no pause until there is a new judgment from above, and then other punishments will be experienced. .

When Bai Wuchang arrived, he happened to see the woman the lady mentioned was crying and screaming next to the oil pan. They, the ghosts, had seen these things so many times every day that they didn't find it strange at all. Sympathy? That's even less true. Those who can be sentenced to this hell and punished are definitely those who have done evil things in other people's homes, especially this frying pan. If they are not heinous people, they will never endure this.

"Lord Bai Wuchang."

When the kid saw Bai Wuchang, he immediately saluted respectfully. When Liu Yufei saw Bai Wuchang approaching, she immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "My lord, please get around me and spare me. I don't want to get into the frying pan, no."

"Liu Yufei?"

"Yes, yes, I am Liu Yufei, sir, please, please go around me."

"Do you know Shen Xiaoxiao?" Bai Wuchang asked immediately without hesitation.

When Liu Yufei heard Bai Wuchang ask about this name, she thought that Shen Xiaoxiao was also going to suffer this. Shen Xiaoxiao was not a good person, and she would be put in the oil pan after her death, right?

"She is my half-sister. She has done many evil things and has killed countless people. Will she also be fried in oil? You let her come. She should be fried. Let me go. Let me go. "

In a few words, Bai Wuchang asked clearly. It seemed that he was really unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that he wanted to step on him.

"You not only sold organs but also abducted children and women during your lifetime. Your crimes were heinous. Not only will you be fried in oil, but you will also be sent to eternal hell and will never be reincarnated."

"You, execute, and the punishment for such a vicious person must not be reduced in the slightest."

Bai Wuchang gave the instructions to the little ghost, and the little ghost naturally carried out the instructions immediately.

Liu Yufei was already frightened to death. Aren't these punishments enough? Why? What about Shen Xiaoxiao? What about her?

"Where is Shen Xiaoxiao? What punishment will she receive? Is she the same as me?"

"Ignorance, Shen Xiaoxiao is not dead. How can she go to hell before her life is over? Moreover, she has profound blessings. Even if she dies in the future, she will not end up here."

"What? How is this possible? How is this possible? Impossible, impossible, no, no, this is not fair, this is not fair, why, why..."

No matter how noisy Liu Yufei was next, no one asked a question. She could only feel the feeling of being oiled all over her body...

"Mom, do you want to go shopping? Hey, women just like to go shopping."

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned. How could she want to go to the mall after just looking at it twice? Besides, even if she wanted to go shopping, she wouldn't go to the mall in the underworld.

"I'm just curious. Who said I wanted to go shopping? Let's go back early, in case your father wakes up."

"That's right, we don't have money either. The underworld requires silver, and we don't have it either. If you fancy something that you can't buy, I would be unfilial."

"You ---- little brat, you still know how to be filial. It is the greatest filial piety that you can grow up in peace for me."

Sometimes it is really interesting to say these words to a kid who is like a little adult.

The two mother and son happily ended their night tour of the underworld. They had just returned to the room, and before the lights were turned on, they heard a voice that was obviously holding back its anger and said:

"Where were you two in the middle of the night?"

The two looked at each other and it was over, they were still discovered.

The light in the room was turned on with a bang. Yan Kuan was sitting next to Dabao's bed at the moment, his face so heavy that he was about to shed tears. He must have been waiting all night, right?

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the time. It was already 5 o'clock in the morning. They had been there for 4 hours? Time flies so fast.

"Well, let's go shopping."

"Xiaoxiao, are you teaching your children to lie?" Yan Kuan doesn't like Shen Xiaoxiao's habit of staying up late at night and taking his children around at two or three in the morning to trick people. The key is to try every possible means to hide it from him. What on earth are the two mother and son going to do?

"Stand in the corner for me. Honestly, where did you go?"


"Especially you, Yan Lele, no, from now on you will be called Yan Huohui. You stand in the corner and take care of your mother, and I will take care of you again."

Xiaobao was so frightened by his father that it was so scary when his father got angry.

Mom, you'd better wish for yourself.

Xiaobao immediately stood dog-legged in the corner without daring to move. Shen Xiaoxiao smiled extremely flatteringly at Yan Kuan.

Pulling the clothes with his little hands, or smiling, it's useless, it's useless. If he doesn't tell the truth today, Yan Kuan will never get around them easily.

"You planned it all night just to go out alone. I don't believe it. You didn't do anything."

"Well, we were afraid you wouldn't agree, so we didn't tell you."

Shen Xiaoxiao also knew that if she didn't say something today, she would be in trouble. Wasn't she agreeing to go because she wanted to see the Daughter of the Galaxy? In the final analysis, it was not his fault.

"Honestly, where have you been?"

"The underworld."

"What? Shen Xiaoxiao, you are too courageous. Do I agree with you to go? Where did you take your child? Do you know where is the place down there? Is it something you can go to at will? Have you ever thought about it? "

"I know, I'm just curious."

"Are you still young? What are you curious about?"

After talking about this issue, Shen Xiaoxiao stopped talking, but Xiaobao on the side answered:

"I know, Dad, Mom is curious about the Daughter of the Galaxy, so she wants to go and see it with me. Because they all say that the Daughter of the Galaxy is the destined wife of the Black Emperor, so Mom wants to go and see it."

"What is the Daughter of the Galaxy? What is the Wife of Destiny? Also, kid, don't give me a bad look. If you don't tell your mother, will you know about the Daughter of the Galaxy?"

"And you, tell the truth, who are you, Daughter of the Galaxy?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan, and with a flat mouth, he told what he knew from beginning to end. After finishing speaking, Yan Kuan did not speak for a long time. Instead, he suddenly got up and returned to the room, ignoring Shen Xiaoxiao and Xiao Xiao. Damn it, are you really angry?

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