Although it was the first time for Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan to walk on the streets of such a gloomy and desolate ghost city, there were many wandering ghosts around, and occasionally two or three ghosts could be seen escorting wandering souls around.

You can still see the ghosts from the beginning, but when you get to the back, the ghosts are basically invisible.

"This road is getting more and more desolate."

"Well, yes, it's desolate, isn't it? This is the capital of ghosts, but is the sword still there?"

"You brought it, you're talking about Dabao's sword, right?"

"Well, it's best to bring it with you just in case. Didn't Xiaobao say last time that even ghosts are afraid of this knife? So bring it with you just in case."

"Don't worry, I know. I also brought the knife Lou Yin gave me. I'm getting nervous because of what you said."

"Don't be nervous. Ghosts are almost the same as humans. It's just that the closer you get to the Yin River, the more resentful souls there are. Don't forget that even Lord Yama has never been here. This means that this is a forbidden area. Even ghosts are in the forbidden area. A place where even ghosts are afraid of coming.”

"I've dealt with people, I've dealt with monsters, I haven't dealt with ghosts yet. I'm so excited just talking about it. I don't know what the background of that galactic girl is."

"It doesn't matter what her background is, it has nothing to do with me. Let's go and cheer up."

"Well, let's go."

Sure enough, as they said, they could feel it getting more and more gloomy as they went to the back, and even the two of them couldn't help but shudder when they were walking halfway.

"Look, there are two mortals here. This meat is so delicious."

"Yes, yes, it smells so good, what a fragrant soul, brothers, that girl is really pretty."

It's really different here from outside. They can even hear the voices of these ghosts. When they were outside before, everything was quiet and there was no sound. But when they got here, except for the whirring sound of the wind, there was this The voice of people speaking is really strange.

"These spirits must be very powerful, otherwise we wouldn't be able to hear this sound."

"It's resentment, resentment and hostility. Be careful, they are probably going to take action."

Just after he finished speaking, there was indeed a male ghost wearing white clothes and long hair who rushed towards Shen Xiaoxiao. However, he probably didn't expect that this mortal could actually hurt him. He aimed at Shen Xiaoxiao and rushed towards him. But he was not prepared at all when Shen Xiaoxiao suddenly turned around and cut his neck with a knife.

Ordinary sharp weapons could not hurt them. Even if the ghost next to him saw Shen Xiaoxiao's work, he was only surprised by her reaction, but he was not worried that her knife would hurt the male ghost.

Unfortunately, things went against their expectations. Just when they thought nothing would happen to the male ghost, but when the woman was about to be swallowed up, the male ghost actually disappeared in front of their eyes. How is this possible? What on earth are they holding in their hands that can actually scatter ghosts?

A strong wind blew by. Perhaps no one expected that the ghost that had been lingering in the underworld for nearly a hundred years would be killed by a mortal with a single blow. What does this mean? What does this mean? It means that these two so-called mortals can disappear between heaven and earth in an instant, and there will be no chance of reincarnation in the future. How terrifying is this?

Even Yan Jun has to follow the arrangements of the book of life and death in his hand, but these two people can directly kill them. How terrible is this.

"They can actually take our lives, what should we do?"

"Run quickly, these two mortals are so scary."

The ghosts were shouting lively on the side, but they were obviously very scared. When they saw Shen Xiaoxiaolu's hand, they were so frightened that they ran away without a trace.

"Are ghosts still so afraid of death?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the ghost who ran away instantly without a shadow, and said to Yan Kuan helplessly;

"No way, are you so afraid of death? Where is your backbone? Where is your backbone as a ghost?"

"Honey, do you think ghosts are humans? People can turn into ghosts after they die. If ghosts die again, their souls will be gone."

"So my sword just now knocked the ghost out of his mind?"


Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the blue transparent knife in his hand with dazzling eyes and said: "This knife is really good. It's so powerful. It can kill not only the monsters, but also the ghosts. It's powerful, but it's a pity that it's so powerful." The black ax couldn’t be taken away.”

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan with some regret and muttered.

But Yan Kuan touched his waist and took out the black ax with silver light and said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"No, look, what is this."

"Where did this come from? Did you steal it?"

Shen Xiaoxiao's little eyes were filled with stars. When Yan Kuan asked her about the weapons she had just now, she thought he had weapons that he didn't take advantage of. After a long time, she still had this surprise?

"You stole it, you exchanged it for crystal stones and black whirlwind." Yan Kuan's words surprised Shen Xiaoxiao again.

"Ah? Are they stupid? Are they willing to trade crystal stones for this?" Shen Xiaoxiao felt that this was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. Are these Black Whirlwind elders not sick?

"Do you still remember the black dragon they picked up before? It was a level three monster with a green spar, so I traded it with them for one green spar and two white spar."

"Ah? Are you stupid? What's the use of this crystal in the human world?" Shen Xiaoxiao didn't understand their thinking at all. He actually exchanged this useless crystal for an ax that can split mountains.

"They just treasure it too much. To them, they don't know the use of this ax at all. They will only put it in the collection room as a display. Therefore, in their eyes, crystal stones are as precious as black axes, but crystal stones are more useful for research. .

After all, none of them had ever entered World of Warcraft. If it hadn't been for the beast tide, they wouldn't have been able to pick up the black dragon. "

"So we got a bargain."

"You can say that."

"Hahaha, that's really a big deal. Now we don't have to be afraid anymore. I still don't believe these ghosts are more powerful than World of Warcraft."

"I'm not sure. Anyway, let's be careful. After all, the ghosts are also very different. They are distinguished by their seniority, just like Warcraft is distinguished by its level."

"I got it."

The two of them continued to walk forward, but when they got to the back, they found that the color of this space had changed a lot. Before, they thought it was all black and gray, extremely rigid and cold, but when they got here, the colors actually changed a bit. Bright red.

"Where is that place in front? Why do I feel so red?"

"I'm afraid we're going to the so-called Yin River."

"I haven't seen what Hibiscus flower looks like, so I'm very curious."

"Don't be curious, I will pick it for you personally when the time comes."

"Okay, let's continue..."

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