Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1126 Flower of the Other Shore

There was a fire in front of them. They originally thought it was close at hand, but when they walked along the light, it was not as close as they imagined. In fact, they encountered many more troubles along the way than before.

"These ghosts are becoming more and more courageous with frustration, right? They don't even run away anymore." Shen Xiaoxiao had just solved one ghost, and then another one rushed at him, each one more powerful than the last.

"They are so powerful that they can't withstand our blows. Don't be afraid. They are only angry and only know how to attack and seize bodies."

The two of them were fighting all the way. They were somewhat flexible and had to dodge several times before they could dodge. Moreover, they all used claws as their attack weapons, and their nails were extremely long, making them look particularly fierce.

Each claw even carries a black airflow when it moves. You don't need to guess at all to know that once you are touched by this black airflow, you will definitely not feel comfortable.

If they want to go inside, they have to eliminate all the more than 100 countless ghosts. Fortunately, as long as their knives touch them, they will be wiped out immediately.

"What a powerful girl, and that man, you all should be careful to avoid their weapons."

An old lady with a full head of silver hair stood up and said to the ghosts. It was obvious from one look that this old lady was the most senior one.

"Is this the old monster from Montenegro?"

Xiaoxiao can still enjoy the misery, but this Black Mountain old demon is definitely not it, but it is definitely an old ghost.

"I'll deal with this old ghost, but be careful of the other little ghosts."

"Okay, it's not tiring to work with men and women together."

The fighting on this side became more and more intense, and on the other side.

Xiaobao looked at Dilong's lack of energy and ran over worriedly and asked:

"Uncle Dilong, are you feeling uncomfortable? Your beard is not as shiny as before. I have seen little White Dragon's beard drooping on the ground when he was uncomfortable."

"Little white dragon? Have you seen other dragons?"

In fact, Dilong and Xiaobao are not acquainted with each other. If Xiaobao hadn't always liked the idea of ​​using a soul-suppressing mirror, Dilong still liked this kid very much. Even if he knew that this kid was the prince, Dilong also felt that this kid was actually the prince. Very cute.

"I've seen it before. I saw a little white dragon when I was in the Deep Forest of Warcraft. It was so white and beautiful. I even rode him. By the way, we named him Dabai."

"Have you been to the Warcraft Forest too?"

"Yes, my sister Dabao and I are training in the World of Warcraft Forest."

"No wonder, he has such ability at such a young age." Dilong was not stingy in his praise of Xiaobao.

"Uncle Dilong, if you feel uncomfortable, how about I help you look after the soul-killing mirror."

Xiaobao blinked his little eyes, and sure enough, seeing the little fox's tail exposed, Dilong Wuyu decided to pretend to be dead, and it would be fine if he didn't speak.

Dilong stopped talking, and Xiaobao pursed his lips. Look, it happens every time. As soon as this issue is mentioned, Uncle Dilong starts to pretend to be dead.

Xiaobao simply stood up and hurriedly walked towards the soul-suppressing mirror. He took one step and looked back, and then took another step and turned his head to look. Unfortunately, his actions had been seen through by the earth dragon, and the soul-suppressing mirror had long been seen. It was hidden by it, and he didn't believe that this kid could find it.

Sure enough, Xiaobao searched around the room and didn't see it. At first, Dilong placed the soul-suppressing mirror on the threshold of the door. Later, after he got entangled with him, the soul-suppressing mirror was placed on a Under the table, and later, such as behind the stone wall of the Earth Dragon Cave, covered with grass. The most outrageous time was that the Earth Dragon actually pressed under his belly.

This time, Xiaobao has treated it as a hide-and-seek game and wants to see where it is hiding this time.

It's a pity. I don't know why this time, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Could it be that the earth dragon is suppressing it again?

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

After seeing the old ghost turn into smoke, Yan Kuan saw that Shen Xiaoxiao had almost finished cleaning up, and hurried over to clear away other obstacles.

"It's okay. Compared with the monsters, these ghosts are more agile in their movements. They can't compare to them in terms of strength or other things. Moreover, they have no entity, so it's easier for me to do it."

"It's okay, let's go, we should be arriving soon."

"Okay, the red light ahead is getting thicker and thicker."

The two of them continued to walk forward, but they didn't dare to take it lightly in case someone attacked from behind, but they couldn't feel it. After all, it was a ghost, not an entity.

"It's strange here. There is no sun or moon, but it is so bright here."

"Well, especially since it's all red light."

"Wow - Yan Kuan, look, there are so many flowers, these flowers are so beautiful."

Not long after they walked, they saw an endless sea of ​​flowers blooming on both sides of a silver river.

Shen Xiaoxiao has never seen such a beautiful sea of ​​flowers. Could this be the legendary Flower of the Other Side?

"Xiaoxiao, what did you say?"

"What? What did you say?"

"You said beautiful flowers?"

"Yes, it's very beautiful. Look, it's red and dripping with blood. I've never seen such a beautiful flower."

Shen Xiaoxiao's words made Yan Kuan frown. Are there flowers here and there? What flowers are there here and there besides the silver river? All the bare soil is red soil, and all the red light here is probably coming from this red soil.

"Xiaoxiao, come here."

Shen Xiaoxiao turned to look at Yan Kuan. He looked so serious. Is there something wrong with these flowers?

"What's wrong? There seems to be something wrong with your expression."

"Xiaoxiao, I didn't see any flowers. What I saw was a piece of red soil, bare, and yes, there was a silver river."

"What? It's impossible. It's a beautiful flower. It has many petals, and it's all red from the stamens to the branches."

"Xiaoxiao, endure the pain and bite the tip of your tongue."

When Shen Xiaoxiao heard what Yan Kuan said, he really decided to bite the tip of his tongue. Yan Kuan also did the same action, because no one was sure whether it was the hallucination that the other party saw.

There was a stinging pain, not only the tip of the tongue, but they also dropped a sea of ​​blood on the Blue Devil Star in their hands. This thing would help them stay awake at critical moments.

After doing all this, when the two of them looked at the sea of ​​flowers again, Shen Xiaoxiao still said:

"Many flowers, all of them, boundless. At least they are all in my sight."


The two looked at each other, what on earth is going on?

"What exactly is going on?"

Yan Kuan shook his head, but said:

"Take me to the flowers."

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded and led Yan Kuan towards the flowers.

"Xiaoxiao, try cutting a flower with a knife, remember not to touch your own hand."

"Well, don't worry, I'll be careful."

After Shen Xiaoxiao finished her novel, she took the knife and carefully cut a flower. Just as it touched the root of the flower, the flower on the other side turned into a red stream like a ribbon, wrapping Shen Xiaoxiao instantly. She was surprised. He shouted to Yan Kuan: "Yan Kuan"

But before Yan Kuan had time to reply, at this moment he saw that Shen Xiaoxiao was entangled in the red ribbon-like thing he saw in his dream and flew into the Milky Way...

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