Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1127 Strange changes

Because they knew they were going to enter Jiuyou Continent, they were all prepared in advance. Both Shen Xiaoxiao, Yan Kuan, and Xiaobao were all dressed in ancient shorts.

At this moment, Shen Xiaoxiao's purple clothes were entangled with red silk pieces that looked like blood flow, so obvious and eye-catching.

Yan Kuan had no idea why Xiaoxiao was suddenly swept up in the air by the red flower of the other side. At this moment, he was completely at a loss. He didn't know what to do. They had already flown into the Milky Way. Shen Xiaoxiao was completely There was no response, and Yan Kuan was anxious and confused below.

He tried to run forward, trying to chase Xiao Xiao's flying figure, but no matter how fast he moved, it was not as fast as Xiao Xiao's flying speed.

At this moment, Xiaoxiao, who had flown into the air, slowly began to fall. Yan Kuan felt nervous, and the bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

The silvery Milky Way has no transparency, just like mercury, which makes people feel sick.

But when he saw Shen Xiaoxiao starting to be submerged in the water little by little, Yan Kuan jumped in without thinking.

At this moment, Shen Xiaoxiao only felt that she was wrapped in warmth. It seemed that she had never felt that her body was so soft and warm, but the redness in her eyes made her unable to find her direction.

It's like being merged into a red world. You can't see the direction clearly, and you can't see everything happening around you.

"Where is this?"

Her voice echoed around and no one answered her, but just after she said this, something red like silk slowly poured into her mouth. She couldn't close her mouth even if she wanted to, she just felt All the limbs and bones of the body were wrapped in a sea of ​​scorching heat.

The red silk satin seemed to be flowing out endlessly. Shen Xiaoxiao was at a loss and couldn't move his limbs, as if he was back to the time when he was filled with tears.

What exactly is going on?

But here, after Yan Kuan jumped into the river, he discovered that the fruits of this river were indeed different from ordinary water. They seemed to be heavier. As soon as he fell into the river, it seemed as if something was pressing towards him from all directions. Same as before, he also wanted to move, but there was no way.

It was clear that a round red sphere-like thing not far away was wrapped around Xiao Xiao, but Yan Kuan was stunned and could not move at all.


No one responded, and the same situation as Xiaoxiao happened, except that what poured into Yan Kuan's body was the countless silver river water.

One is red like fire, and the other is shining with silver light.

As time passed by, they felt that their bodies seemed to have undergone strange changes. They became lighter and lighter. It was clear that countless things were flowing into their bodies, but they could not seem to feel any burden. Instead, they became lighter and lighter. Even contentment, yes contentment, that feeling of contentment comes from their belly.

The elixir that I had practiced before was so warm that my limbs and bones were about to turn into a ball.

The two of them stayed in this state for at least 2 hours before slowly regaining their composure, but outside the galaxy, things were already going crazy.

"Jun Yan, Jun Yan---the water of the Milky Way has really dried up."

"What? How is it possible?" Yan Jun stood up from his seat in surprise. How could the water of the Milky Way dry up? how come?

"Yan Jun, do you want to go take a look?"

"No, that's a forbidden area, we can't go in. Is it the Black Emperor, Lord Black Emperor or the others?"

The judge was also very curious and surprised, but there was really no way, because any ghost official with the position of ghost official could not step into the Milky Way, so now that they had received the news, even if they were extremely surprised, they could not personally Go check it out.

"Let the kid monitor you closely."

"My subordinate understands."

Yan Jun was walking around, and when he saw the judge going out, Yan Jun immediately got up and walked towards Dilong, or to find the prince. Since this matter has a lot to do with Lord Hei Di and the others, then in the end Hei Emperor and the others will definitely come back and take away their children.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao."

Yan Kuan was able to move and immediately ran towards the red ball on Shen Xiaoxiao's side, but he didn't know why. When he got in front of the ball, he actually cut his wrist open and let his blood flow towards the red ball. Go.

At this time, Shen Xiaoxiao, who was wrapped in the red ball, finally felt that his body was beginning to move. Not only could he move, but he even felt that his limbs seemed much stronger.

I don't know how much blood Yan Kuan drained. When he saw the red sphere getting weaker and weaker, Shen Xiaoxiao finally revealed his full face.


"Yan Kuan."

When the red ball hit the ground, Yan Kuan ran up to it regardless of his wounds, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm okay."

"Xiaoxiao, your clothes."

"Yan Kuan, your clothes."

Both of them were stunned, because it was only at this time that they saw the changes in each other's body. Shen Xiaoxiao's hair actually turned fiery red. Not only that, the originally purple clothes turned into a fiery red dress. The long red skirt is like an ancient wedding dress, embroidered with exquisite flowers of the other side, and the long blue silk is draped over the shoulders. The whole person looks like a different kind of evil beauty.

The same thing happened to Yan Kuan at this moment. The original dark blue robe on his body has now turned into a silver robe, which is also embroidered with exquisite gold thread. Even Yan Kuan's hair suddenly turned into a long blue silk, and his eyes were full of flowers. With a different kind of charm, when they looked at each other, in addition to affection, there was also a deep look of surprise in their eyes.

The two of them were completely similar and changed into one person, causing the entire galaxy's light to lose its original color. It seemed that there were only two of them in the universe.

The originally bottomless Milky Way had long since dried up, and in Yan Kuan's eyes the red and bulging wasteland was now filled with bright red flowers of the other shore, boundless and with no end in sight.

"The flowers here are indeed as bright as blood and as red as fire."

"Yan Kuan, can you see it?"

"Xiao Xiao, I think I know what happened to us."

At this moment, Yan Kuan looked at his cut wrist, and sure enough, it began to heal at a speed that he could see.

"What's going on? How could you be hurt?"

Shen Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand to touch Yan Kuan's hand, but just when her hand touched Yan Kuan's, their Blue Devil Stars had just touched each other, and a ray of light suddenly swept toward the two of them, and a golden light suddenly appeared. , once again wrapped the two of them inside, countless memories flooded into the mind, and they seemed to be no longer them...

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