Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1128 Starting a journey to another world

At the beginning of the ages, the sky was in chaos. A man with silver hair, as ethereal as a fairy, stood on the edge of the Milky Way. He took the red ribbon in his hand and dropped his own blood on it. The red ribbon suddenly danced around as if it were alive. The silver-haired man was surrounded by people.

"You and I have made a ten-thousand-year agreement, waiting for me to come back after all the calamity..."

"Husband, who are you?"

"Xiao Xiao, you are the daughter of the Galaxy."

"This, this, this, this----you--then who are you?"

Yan Kuan suddenly smiled. With this smile, everything in the universe seemed to have lost its brilliance. He stretched out his hand and scratched Shen Xiaoxiao's green hair. There was distress and deep love in his eyes. Without saying anything, he held her in his arms. .

"The promise of ten thousand years has been long awaited."

She didn't know why Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't say a word at this moment. She just felt sour in her heart and didn't understand what was going on.

"how so."

"Good boy, you are my destined wife, Shen Xiaoxiao, you are who you are."


"Don't be afraid. We are a family of four and are doing well, so we don't have to worry about anything."

"Yeah, okay, I understand."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, looking at the fiery red flowers all over the mountains and plains, feeling indescribable melancholy in their hearts.

"Should we first get to know that Wenjiu? The possessor of Dabao's soul?"

"Well, I was brought here by the Girl of the Galaxy before. It seems that these are the flowers from the other side."

Shen Xiao finished reading and waved her hands in the air. After finishing, she seemed to realize that these actions were so familiar and comfortable, as if she had done them thousands of times.

"Don't be afraid, that's how it is."

Yan Kuan took her hand and continued the action just now. It seemed that Yan Kuan could also do this action. No, it seemed that there was nothing Yan Kuan couldn't do. It seemed that everything in the world was under his control from just now.

"That one?"

A flower of the other shore flew into the air, and Yan Kuan also waved his sleeves. The flower of the other shore turned around in the air and transformed into a human form. As expected, it looked exactly like the Dabao they had seen in the crystal world before.


"Lord Black Emperor, Daughter of the Galaxy."

Wenjiu was very respectful to the two of them. Of course, perhaps from this moment on, no one would recognize them anymore.

"We want to know something about you. Are you from Jiuyou Continent?"

"I am the eldest granddaughter of Marshal Wen Tian of the Kingdom of Jin. I have been growing up..."

"Uncle Yan Jun, why are you here too?"

When Xiaobao saw Yan Jun actually coming over, he immediately walked over. He had no luck today and couldn't find where the soul-suppressing mirror was. Uncle Dilong hid it very well.

"Crown Prince, your father and others should be coming out soon. I'll take you there."

"Really? Are they coming out? Let's go then."

Yan Jun took Xiaobao and hurriedly walked towards the edge of the Milky Way, but just halfway through they met Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan who were walking towards them.

But when both Yan Jun and the judge saw the two of them, they couldn't hold back their expressions of surprise. Even as soon as they approached, Yan Jun took the lead and knelt down, with his head on the ground, and said with great respect and fear:

"Lord Black Emperor returns on Halloween."

"Yan Jun is polite, get up."

The judge was so frightened that he trembled. Lord Black Emperor returned from the calamity, his souls were united, and there was the Daughter of the Galaxy. It turned out that the lady was really the Daughter of the Galaxy, and it was indeed the fate of her previous life.

"Dad, Mom, why are you changing your clothes?"

Xiaobao flew towards the two of them and crawled into Yan Kuan's arms in a few clicks. He really crawled.

"Dad, you dyed your hair. No, Dad is wearing a wig."

"Good boy, we can go to Xuantian Pavilion now."

This time, Yan Jun did not disagree with a word. After standing up from the ground, he said again with great respect:

"Lord Black Emperor, my subordinates will take you there."

"Good work."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Xuantian Pavilion houses all the ghosts in Jiuyou Continent. Whether they are humans, monsters or monsters, they will be accommodated in Xuantian Pavilion after death, just like ghosts in other worlds will be received in other Heavenly Pavilions. This will not only It is conducive to the management of the underworld and is also a method that is less error-prone.

Similarly, if they want to enter Jiuyou Continent, Xuantian Pavilion is one of the places they must pass through, and the new world begins from this moment.

"Dad, the people here are dressed the same as on TV."

"Well, yes, the same, because they are both ancients."

"Is this the case for us?"

"At least in their eyes."

Yan Kuan's dazzling long hair felt very strange in the eyes of these ancients. He looked around at the people pointing fingers at them and suddenly changed, with his black hair fixed on his head by a hairpin.

"Dad, it turns out you can do magic. Mom, can you do it?"

"Mom still needs some time."

Shen Xiaoxiao knew it, but she was still in the learning stage. Yan Kuan smiled at her, and then said to Xiaobao:

"Let's go find out the news first."

"Mom, I want to eat that candied haws."

At this moment, they all changed into black and white clothes. It was a bit novel for a family of three to wear clothes of the same color walking on this antique street.

"Okay, go buy it."

A small piece of silver was replaced by a large number of copper plates for Xiao Bao to hold in his arms. Yan Kuan still held Xiao Bao in his arms, looked at the pedestrians passing by on both sides, and said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"Let's go find a carriage too. This Jiuyou Continent has their laws. You should take a look and understand them first, and then talk to Xiaobao about them."

"Ok, I know."

"Is this the Kingdom of Jin?"

"No, it's Daqi. We have to cross from Daqi to Dajin."

"Am I not allowed to cast spells at will?"

"Yes, there are ordinary people here. We can't use magic at will unless we encounter people from other five realms, so we can only pass slowly. And we can't save Dabao now, so we just treat it as an ancient tour."

"Oh, but it's nice to be able to ride a horse. How about we put a car in next time?"

"This is fine."

"Wait a minute, how are we going to get back?"

It seems they haven't thought about this question yet. When Shen Xiaoxiao raised this question, Yan Kuan smiled and said:

"Fool, of course your husband will be responsible for this. After 7 days, even if we don't want to leave, he will automatically send us away."

"Oh fine."

"Mom, look, is that a Pegasus? In fact, there is a Pegasus?"

Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the sky at the same time. Yes, there are also Pegasus, not necessarily just carriages. Why didn't they think of that?

"Sure enough, I missed it. It seems that I need to get to know the world here again..."

"Husband, do you think those things that Wen Jiu said are true? If so, isn't it too scary?"

"It should be true."

"Mom, what's the matter? I want to know."

"This is what happened..."

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