Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1129 Dabao’s journey to another world

"Burn her to death - burn her to death - burn this monster to death, burn this monster to death..."

In the square, shadows floated, and the people who came to watch surrounded the entire Yantai Tower. The guards standing on the tower looked at the restless crowd in front of them with frowns.

As noon approached, the people under the tower became more and more hurried, and shadows floated, and everyone's face was filled with a roar of venting anger.

The girl tied to the stake lowered her head, her clothes were tattered, and her body was covered with blood. Even from a distance, the smell of blood could not stop the crowds.

The summer sun was scorching and hot, and it seemed to dry up the entire Xialiang City. More and more people came to watch, and the heat did not decrease at all because of the scorching sun.

"I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster, save me, grandpa, save me..."

The whispered words had long been drowned by the noisy shouting of the crowd, and her eyes were closed, as if she was afraid to see the scene of thousands of people in the streets and the people of the country wanting her life.

The two strange protrusions on the drooping head were so obvious, and under the sunlight, they revealed a hint of indifference.

"Look, look, she really has horns, big, big, a monster, she is a monster."

How could she be a monster? She is Wen Jiu, the eldest daughter of the Wen family, how could she be a monster.

She just ate the elixir offered in the ancestral hall because she was playful, who knew that she would become like this?

Overnight, palm-sized red spots appeared on her face, and two strange horns suddenly grew on her head.

She was only 8 years old, she had never hurt anyone, and she didn't know how to hurt people.

But all the livestock in a radius of ten miles died, and there was no rain in the Jin Kingdom for three months. All of these were actually attributed to her, saying that she was a demon who brought disaster to the country, saying that she was a disaster.

Her biological parents locked her in a cage, dog blood, fire, beatings, and she experienced different tortures every day.

Now, they actually used the Golden Kingdom's treasure, the Demon Locking Chain, to trap her and burn her to death.

Who can save her? Who will save her?

Grandfather who is away on an expedition?

Will he take out the family heirloom, the golden medal of immunity from death, to save her life?

She is so innocent, so innocent!

A young couple slowly approached with torches, and the people in the stands gradually lowered their voices, just looking at them with burning eyes.

"Dad, Mom, save me, Jiuer is not a monster, I am not."

Seeing her parents approach, Wen Jiu had a little hope in her heart, but she was destined not to have this extravagant wish.

"Evil beast, you are a demon star that brings disaster to the country and a demon who destroys the world. The national teacher has already calculated that you will be executed by burning with a raging fire at noon today. Don't make trouble again. I gave birth to you, a beast, and I will kill you. Why not?" "Madam, why don't you wait for father? I'm afraid that father will send news and maybe save Jiuer's life?" After all, she is his own flesh and blood, and Zhongguo is a little reluctant. However, the 800-mile express has been sent out for 8 days, and there is no trace of her until now. Father loves Jiuer the most. Will he be willing to use the gold medal of immunity from death to save Jiuer's life? In fact, he can't say. Wen Jiu heard what his father said, and a little faith arose in his heart. Yes, there is also grandfather. Grandfather will save her. Grandfather once told her that she is the hope of the Wen family army and the most outstanding descendant of the Wen family. Grandfather will definitely be willing to use the gold medal of immunity from death to save her. "The imperial decree has been issued. How could father use the golden medal of immunity from death to save a yellow-mouthed child?"

"Is my husband also possessed by a demon?"

"This is a beast. How could it be our child?"

"Have you forgotten the eldest and second sons who died young? It was her. This beast killed them all."

When Wen Qinshi mentioned the two sons who died young, her eyes were filled with hatred. They were clearly born from the same womb. Two sons and one daughter were auspicious signs of dragon and phoenix, but the two brothers were killed by this dead girl. Wen Qinshi wanted to execute this monster who was neither human nor demon immediately.

Beast, she was a beast. She was clearly my mother's biological child, but her treatment was not even as good as the maidservant beside my mother. In the end, her biological mother had to take her life personally.

"Report - Marshal's 800-mile express -"

A voice came from afar, and the sound of the horse's footsteps hit Wen Jiu's heart. It was her grandfather, her grandfather sent someone to save her. It must be, she was saved, she must be saved. She tilted her head with hope, not daring to miss a single voice.

"The Marshal has ordered, follow the emperor's order, immediately execute the monster, burn its bones and throw it in the Ten Thousand Bones Cave!"

Throw it in the Ten Thousand Bones Cave?

Her grandfather said, execute the monster, throw it in the Ten Thousand Bones Cave?

Ten Thousand Bones Cave?

Where, where is that place? Even her 8-year-old child knew that it was the place where bones and corpses were buried in the ancient battlefield. For many years, no one dared to approach it. It is said that there are monsters everywhere and evil spirits floating there. She is going to be thrown there? Her real grandfather is going to throw her there?

"Roar -"

With a tearing roar, the eyes that had been tightly closed opened solemnly, and the blood-red eyes stared fiercely at the flesh and blood relatives in front of her who were eager to take her life.

A monster that harms the country? A demon queen in troubled times?

She was only 8 years old, yet they were so cruel.

And there were so many people in the audience, so many people wanted her life, saying she was a demon, saying she was a monster, at this moment she would rather be a demon, if she was a demon, she would want the Jin Dynasty to be destroyed, all the ants who took her life to lie dead here, and the Great Jin Dynasty to bleed profusely, and there would be no day for life and death to turn over.

"Burn her, burn her, burn the demon..."

"It's noon!"


The flames jumped up, and she struggled hard, watching the fire burn her hands and feet, but the demon chain tied her tightly, and her whole body was burning and painful, and the pain was inexplicable.

Those blood-stained eyes looked at the determination of her biological parents to burn her to death. Apart from roaring at the top of their lungs, there was also that deep-seated hatred towards the tens of thousands of subjects in the audience, without any thoughts.

A hoarse, sky-high roar came from the fire. The people who were excited about the fire a moment ago were cheering. The next moment they heard the scream, they were all silent as gold, not daring to make any other sound.

The capital city was overcrowded, but at this moment, except for the roars, no sound could be heard.

The fire burned for three days and three nights. The fire was extinguished, heavy rain fell, and the whole country cheered.

...The land of eternal prehistoric times, the Ten Thousand Bone Cave...

"Little girl, please think carefully. Once I inject this demon pill into your body, from now on, you will be half human and half demon. There will be no place for you in the human world, the demon world, or even in the entire six realms. ”

In the dark red cave, burned by the surging magma, a huge unicorn with a dragon head, antlers, lion eyes, a tiger's back, a bear's waist, snake scales, horse hooves, and an ox tail was revealed. Four thick black iron demon chains were firmly locked in the rolling magma, and were experiencing inhuman torture and suffering.

Its voice was low and hoarse, like an old man breathing heavily every time he spoke, as if he was about to die.

Wenjiu got up from the ground, the red spots on his face became even brighter red due to the red light of the cave, and the pair of antlers on his head were so similar to the antlers of the fire unicorn.

Wenjiu touched the horns on the top of his head and looked at the burnt skin all over his body. How about being half human and half demon?

So what if it's not recognized by the Six Realms?

It is ten times or a hundred times better than being abandoned by the family's closest relatives, being hunted by thousands of people, being burned by fire and trapped in this cave of ten thousand bones.

"As long as I can get out of here alive, as long as I can see the light of day again, it doesn't matter if I'm half-human or half-demon, or if I'm neither human nor demon, I won't be afraid of being rejected by the six realms, and I won't regret being abandoned by the world."

"I want to go out, I want to be free, I want the great Jin Kingdom to be destroyed, I want all the ants who took my life to lie here, and I want the Jin Kingdom to bleed like water, and never be able to recover from life or death. day!"

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