Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1130 All six realms are out, time is up

"Burn her - burn her - burn this monster, burn this monster..."

Even if her Wenjiu body was destroyed, even if she was thrown into the Cave of Ten Thousand Bones and experienced the pain of burning, she could not forget the pain of her biological parents who personally held a torch and destroyed her.

Guichi Qilin felt the girl's overwhelming hatred and looked at the charred skin all over her body. If this girl had not had the opportunity to take the demon pill, she might not have been able to keep this last trace of life.


It has been imprisoned for ten thousand years and is facing death. There are so many people who want to take its demon elixir. Instead of being taken by the hateful demon dragon who has been fighting with him for ten thousand years, it is better to help this human child.

"You grew horns on your head because you mistakenly ate my demon clan's elixir, and your face shows blood spots. How can you be a monster? Those stupid humans sent you to the Ten Thousand Bone Cave, a forbidden place in the six realms."

"It seems that no matter whether they are humans, gods, monsters or devils, there are stupid and ignorant people."

Hearing this, Wenjiu's heart tightened. It was indeed the problem with the pill, but how could she have swallowed it by mistake? It was obvious that the elixir ran into her mouth and melted in her mouth. She couldn't even vomit it out, but her dearest relatives didn't believe her. They just thought she was possessed by a demon and imprisoned her in Jinguo Town Treasure Lock Demon. In the tower, I suffered from the burning fire. What a time and destiny!

"You have received my Ghost Pond Kirin Demonic Pill in a mortal body. You have to endure the pain of being burned by the Nine Nether Fires for 10 years before the demonic elixir can be melted into your body. From then on, you will be half human and half demon."

"If anyone wants to get your demon pill, no one can do anything unless you voluntarily break it."

"How dare you do that?"

Burning in the Nine Nether Fire? 10 years of purgatory torture?

snort! What's the point of fear? If she doesn't even take this one chance, she will be trapped here for the rest of her life without seeing the light of day. She will also be roasted by the fiery magma for thousands of years until she is completely destroyed. What's the difference?

"Dare, I dare."

"Okay, that's very good..."

...Ten years later...

Four large iron chains in the fiery lava tightly tied Wenjiu's limbs, hanging in the air and struggling. He was experiencing tremendous pain and looked extremely crazy.

The figure of the fire unicorn at the bottom of the magma is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that it will turn into fire and be submerged here.

But the beam of light on Wen Jiu became stronger and stronger, and she struggled more and more fiercely, as if she was trying her best to break the demon chain trapped in her body.

In the end, there was only time to hear the ghost pond unicorn let out a roar that reached the sky, as if it was trying its best to shout the last sentence:

"You have spent your whole life trying to get my demon pill, and now it is occupied by a mortal. I don't see what you will do. That's enough - that's enough - hahahaha - hahahaha -"

The sound slowly faded, and the Qilin's figure also disappeared from the bottom of the pool. It seemed that the hoarse roar just now did not exist. Only a blood-red light and shadow was left floating in the air in the entire cave.

She had blood-red eyes and a large scarlet birthmark on her left cheek extending from the corner of her eye to the corner of her lip. She was supposed to be a delicate and beautiful woman, but the scar obscured her beauty, making Wenjiu look weird and terrifying.

Yes, terrifying, because the pair of antlers on her head were slowly fading under the flashing red light, until they were completely submerged in the long silver-gray hair.

After a night of nightmares, no one knew that in the depths of this rarely populated jungle, they would witness a miracle.

Half human and half demon, both human and demon...

The bloody eyes gradually receded, and Wen Jiu felt a sense of solidity that he had never felt before.

With a wave of her hand, the four black iron chains that once made her unable to move and helpless broke apart easily like brittle branches. The white bearskin cloak that fell in the corner held her body tightly. Wrapped in one body, gray silver hair is casually scattered on the shoulders.

After taking one look at the cave that had endured 10 years of purgatory, he finally turned around and stepped out of the snow.

The moonlight, which had just been obscured by dark clouds, broke free and relit the winding mountain road.

"Boom, boom, boom" the rocks were turbulent, and the entire mountain was shaken by loud noises one after another. The cave that I just walked out of was instantly submerged in the mountains. From now on, no one knows the secrets here. .

"As a mortal, I would not hesitate to be burned by fire for 10 years. All I want is this free body and the blood feud of your entire Kingdom of Jin.

If they say she is a disaster star that brings disaster to the country, if they say she is a world-famous enchantress, then she will no longer be so famous! "

Demons, demons, gods, ghosts, animals, five realms

The Qilin Star fell, and the last eternal beast in the world died. But where did the eternal demon pill fall in the six realms?

One night, the six realms suddenly appeared, and all the gods, devils and monsters just wanted to snatch the Kirin Demon Pill in the ghost pool. The one who got the demon pill could transcend the existence of the six realms, transform the demon into a god, transform into an immortal, transform into a ghost and ascend to heaven...

At this time, the demon world

"In Ramadan, the Qilin star fell, and the Qilin in the ghost pool fell. What about the demon pill?"

Faith, the princess of the demon clan, looked anxiously at the man who said nothing to the night starry sky. He was dressed in glory and his red clothes were as ethereal as an immortal. This kind of Ramadan always gave Faith a sense of frustration that she couldn't grasp.

He is obviously just a black dragon in the deep pool, but he always transcends the demon world and walks alone. Even if he is the princess of the demon clan, he will never give him any dignity. I don’t know why the demon emperor wants to treat such a person as his guest. , no monsters can be allowed to intrude, not even her, Faith.

When the Demon King died, he passed the position of the new Demon Emperor to Ramadan, leaving behind his last words that Ramadan would inherit the Demon Emperor's position and marry the demon princess Faith.

However, Ramadan not only did not confer the title of Demon Queen, he also refused to marry her. He only stayed at the observatory all day long and stayed behind closed doors.

Now that the ghost pond Qilin has fallen, this demon Danfeisi is not afraid of not wanting her in Ramadan.

The dragon turns into a dragon, the monster turns into a god.

This ancient legend is full of huge temptations. Don’t you want to turn a dragon into a dragon during Ramadan? This is the only chance in millions of years.

Of course, not only Ramadan, but also Faith also wants to get this demon elixir and achieve nirvana and become a phoenix.

Zhai Yue naturally knew what Faith meant, and he knew even more that although the Ghost Pool Qilin was alive and dead, he could clearly hear the voice transmitted from thousands of miles before his death.

It was interesting to let a mortal take possession of the Demonic Pill. It was really interesting. He wanted to see for himself which brave mortal could withstand the Nine Nether Fire for 10 years with his flesh and blood.

He doesn't care at all about the position of the Demon King, but he is determined to get the Demon Pill. What he wants in Ramadan is the Ghost Pond Qilin Demon Pill to help him transcend the six realms and be the only one who dominates.

"The ghost pond unicorn has died! The demon pill has fallen into the hands of others!"

Ramadan told the truth, but Faith didn't believe it. He was possessed just after he fell? Moreover, there is no news coming from the six realms. This Ramadan is just about trying to swallow the demon pill for yourself and not benefiting from it.

Faith turned her head and glanced at the guardian elder. The elder quietly shook his head. Faith resisted the urge and closed her mouth.

Don’t want to be the Demon King?

Don't want to marry her?

Now he is even more unwilling to help her get the Ghost Pond Kirin Demon Pill to help her become a phoenix?

She is Faith, the most noble princess of the demon clan, and the most beautiful woman in the three realms. She will never give up what Faith wants easily. The more unwilling you are, the more I will get it one by one.

"Crown Prince, Lord Black Emperor said that you will attend tonight's reception for her and his wife."

Xiaobao, who is now 11 years old, has grown slightly. He has combined all the advantages of Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao. He has also attended many cocktail parties with them over the years, so now he knows that the parents of Wuliang have lost their parents again. When he went out into the world of two people, he felt that it was really unreliable.

"Well, I understand, Uncle Tianbing, Dabao seems to have grown taller recently."

Tianbing glanced at Dabao who was on the bed, his tone became much softer, and he said directly:

"The king said that there will be something to explain to the Crown Prince tonight, and I'm afraid it has something to do with Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Xiaobao stood up excitedly when he heard this. Don't we have to wait 10 years? Are these years of hard work about to come true?

"Is the agreement made in advance?"

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