Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1131 5 years, 10 years

"I said, you two have really become younger and younger over the years. How come I noticed that your little face is getting more and more supple?"

Huang Yueyan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and touched her face with some jealousy. It was indeed smooth and tender. How did this little girl maintain herself? She seemed to be 28 years old. She looked like she was in her early 20s. Are there really so many benefits to having children early?

"No, she's not much younger than my mother. Her face is so tender, I'm jealous of her."

Lou Yin touched her belly. This was her second pregnancy. Fortunately, the one in their family was at school and she could run out and be lazy. Otherwise, the group of supervisors would be nagging her again.

"Your baby must be a daughter. Your skin has gotten better recently."

"Then I really hope it's a daughter, otherwise the overseer will ask me to continue having children until I give birth to a daughter."

Huang Yueyan and Shen Xiaoxiao both smiled. Lou Yin's first child was a son. Didn't he hope that his second child would be a daughter?

"The little novel is that a daughter is probably a daughter. You are a better calculator than our Master Jiang He, but have you calculated where Yan Shengmo has gone? He has been missing for several years, but we have mobilized a lot of power and have nothing to do. Find people.”

The three of them felt a little uncomfortable when this matter was brought up. Yan Shengmo disappeared. This matter was probably related to the troubles in his family. However, the vehicle that was involved in the accident was found at the time, but no one found it. They don't know where it went. where.

"Don't worry, Sheng Mo has her chance. I can only say this much, do you understand?"

"Really? You've said this to us for so many years, and you still understand? Do you know too much and want to ruin our fortune?"

"Yes, you know and still ask?"

Lou Yin pursed his lips. They knew that Xiaoxiao had some opportunities in the past few years, so they asked them. But they didn't know whether they were happy or sad to get this answer.

"Hey, there will be one less mahjong partner in the future."

"You, you are really not playful. Didn't you say you want to buy baby products? Come on, it's still early. Let's go shopping and have barbecue in the evening."

"Okay, let's go. I didn't even go to the party tonight, so Xiaobao will take care of it."

"Haha, just in time, I asked Aiwei to take the two naughty children, so today is our happy time."

The three women haven't gone shopping for a long time. Lou Yin was with the man who looked much younger than him whom he met at the alumni association. At that time, they even said that Lou Yin would find a young man.

But that boy is really suitable for Lou Yin. As soon as he touches an antique, he will be immersed in it. He can go out without taking it for a month. Of course, except Lou Yin, as long as he touches Lou Yin, that boy will fight. He was as excited as chicken blood, so he followed Lou Yin to Black Tornado. Not only did Lou Yin accompany him, but he also had so many antiques and treasures in Black Tornado. Even if he couldn't come up with them after studying them all his life, that was fine.

Furthermore, Lou Yin is such a strong woman, unless there is a man who can suppress her, of course the chance is relatively small. After all, even in front of Yan Kuan, Lou Yin has to be arrogant when she should, so she can only find a man who is willing to do so. She was the one who bullied her. Of course, Lou Yin happened to be very fond of her husband, so they naturally got together.

"Our pastor's work is all about ancient costumes. I want to dress my baby in modern clothes."

Lou Yin muttered while choosing, but Shen Xiaoxiao said directly:

"De Xing, it sounds like you don't have new clothes every season. If you don't want them, I won't let you give them away in the future. I will give them to my godson."

"That's right, we'll give it to our godson."

"Aren't you stingy? You can't even say a few words? Do you think I look good in this maternity dress?"

"You look good. You look good no matter what you wear."

"Okay, waiter, wrap up everything except the green one for me."

Lou Yin will probably never change the colloquialism of calling the waiter "waiter" in her life. She has no choice but to change. She says that this can reflect her uniqueness, so she is unwilling to change.

"You are rich, can you buy a few sets for my son?"


Both Shen Xiaoxiao and Huang Yueyan were joking about Lou Yin. This girl is an invisible rich man. She is rich. If you take out any of those antiques and treasures, they will definitely be used as heirlooms of some wealthy families. Therefore, every time they come back Here, it would be embarrassing if I didn’t kill her.

"Hey, is that woman's leg healed?"

The three of them talked happily, but when Lou Yin happened to look up, he saw a familiar figure walking around at the other end of the mall.

Shen Xiaoxiao and Huang Yueyan followed Lou Yin's gaze and saw that it was Jiang Shuixian.

"Good morning. That guy Jiang Wenyi has been kind to this aunt. He spent a lot of money to send Jiang Wenyi abroad for medical treatment. He has been treated for two years. Isn't that okay?"

"This is really interesting, so now she's doing it again?"

"Isn't that true? Seeing that we now know how to avoid and evade, we don't dare to compete face to face anyway. Now we are really fighting with Nanya. That woman Nanya advocated driving her out of the Jiang family back then. So now it’s okay, isn’t it time to come back and start the war?”

"In the Jiang family, Jiang Wenyi is the only one who can be considered a normal person."

"Who said that? Jiang Wendong is not bad. He studied well in Black Tornado. Although he is a bit older, he works hard enough and is considered good. Although he is the oldest student in the history of our Black Tornado."

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled and stopped talking about Jiang Wendong's topic. After all, she had done her best to help Jiang Wendong get to this point. It was up to Jiang Wendong to do it himself in the future.

"Let's go, continue shopping. By the way, Xiaoxiao, he kept asking me to ask you about the antique you gave us. Which dynasty it was from. He just couldn't figure it out. It was so frustrating."

"Hehe, take two more pieces back when you leave, maybe you can figure it out."

"Well, that's a deal. But I'm a little hungry. Let's sit down and have some cake."

"I said, how long have you eaten? You're hungry again? Hey, pregnant women are so troublesome. Let's go."

Huang Yueyan complained, but she didn't dare to starve this pregnant woman. Wasn't it the same when she was pregnant?

"Oh my god, is there an event at the mall today? So many acquaintances?"

As soon as Huang Yueyan finished speaking, she saw her pointing to a jewelry store not far away.

Now they looked up again. It was Nanya.

"Nanya, a new generation of strong woman, the president of Nanxing Entertainment, is very popular in the industry now."

"How can she not be popular? The artists under her are all involved in this or that scandal, I am too lazy to watch them."

"But she still has some vision, at least some of her web dramas are really good, so she should show off. She must go to the banquet tonight. I guess she is choosing jewelry today."

"Why don't we go tonight too? I want to watch the fun. There are Nanya and Jiang Shuixian who just returned to China. I don't believe they won't fight."

"You are so boring..."

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