Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1132 Joining in the fun

Huang Yueyan, a woman, has become more and more boring in recent years. The child is already 5 years old and is very naughty, but there is no need to watch her every day. Moreover, Huang Yueyan's education of the child is similar to that of Shen Xiaoxiao and the others. It is completely Let them play freely first, and then send them to Black Tornado to be locked up when they have enough. If you miss them, go and see them, and live a life in paradise. If you don’t miss them, just live a two-person world with Aiwei. Think about these days. Just beautiful.

"Yueyan, why are you becoming more and more like a bastard?"

"You're just the eighth mother-in-law. Don't you think your life is boring? You can't go shopping all day. Look at her belly. It's impossible for us to stay out for a day. Her husband is mute at times. Damn it, do you remember when she gave birth to her child? That angry hair made me scared. Forget it, don’t mess with that kind of man who is holding back his bad intentions. He’s very scary.”

"Hey, who do you think is holding it back? My husband is feeling sorry for me. Don't you think he is too weak? Isn't it good to be strong every once in a while?"

Lou Yin couldn't help but defend her husband, Huang Yueyan was too lazy to argue with her and just said:

"Yes, yes, everything you say is right."

"Okay, let's go to the banquet tonight. I wonder what a pregnant woman's evening dress looks like? I really want to try it."

Shen Xiaoxiao would be defeated by them every time. These two women really couldn't be described as normal.

"I made the mistake of making bad friends."

After a while, I saw Lou Yin wearing a maternity evening dress specially designed for pregnant women. The tutu skirt was cute and tight. She looked many years younger, but Lou Yin was very happy.

"Has Xiaobao gone?"

"The young master has passed away, and the master has not returned yet."

"If Yan Kuan comes back, tell him that I went with Xiaobao."

"Yes, ma'am."

The three women appeared on the stage, wearing different clothes, but without exception, they were all luminous and had amazing figures (except, of course, Huang Yueyan). Every piece of jewelry on their bodies was high-quality antiques. Of course, these were from Shen Xiao Some of the pure natural products from Jiuyou Continent provided by Xiao Free are even treasures snatched from demons or monsters.

Absolutely exquisite.

Shen Xiaoxiao's long black hair is decorated with a red and gorgeous phoenix hairpin, but anyone who knows the goods will definitely be able to see the exquisiteness and gorgeousness of this hairpin at a glance.

Because Lou Yin is pregnant and wearing a tutu, she wears a pink pearl necklace and bracelet.

Huang Yueyan has always been an extremely dazzling and flamboyant woman who never holds back at all. Her set of red jade necklaces dripping with blood, bracelets and rings, coupled with her black trousers, are full of domineering, carrying Shen Xiaoxiao. When He Louyin entered the venue, everyone's eyes turned over.

"Wow, those three beauties are so amazing."

"Likes are useless, they all belong to their own owners, and they cannot be messed with."

"What can't you mess with? Your husband is awesome? Let me tell you, these ladies are so beautiful, but their husbands are definitely not good-looking. Money is the key. That's why we are still celebrities with our good looks. Handsome, these ladies will definitely like it. If they are willing to invest in your movie, I will tell you that you will be very popular."

The two new male stars of Nanya were muttering to the side. They have been very popular recently. One has filmed a web drama, and the other has only a few new songs that are not bad. They are quite popular anyway, but these two are obviously the first. They were attending such a truly wealthy feast, so they were talking lively, but they didn't realize that no one around them spoke to them. Not only that, they were also holding wine glasses and laughing very weirdly.

"Master Yan, is your mother and your godmother here?"

The young man known as Mr. Yan is only 15 or 16 years old. He is the only son of tonight's host, catering tycoon Li Yishou.

He can call a child who is only 11 years old Young Master, so it is conceivable that he must be targeting Yan Kuan and the others. However, although Xiaobao is only 11 years old, he has already been experienced in dealing with people and is extremely sophisticated, not to mention He was still experiencing back and forth between the two worlds. The thoughts of these young people, no, even the thoughts of adults could not escape his eyes.

But he was extremely happy to see his mother coming over at this time. With his mother and godmother here, his two younger brothers no longer had to be so bored.

"I'll take my brother there first, excuse me."

Li Duo saw that Mr. Yan, a famous man in Kyoto, was really impeccable and handsome even though he was young. He was still young now, so he didn't know how many girls he would charm in the future.

"Tian Ling, Tian Jue, come here quickly, mom and the others are here."

When Ai Tianling and Ai Tianjue heard their favorite brother calling them, they immediately abandoned the children beside them and ran to Xiaobao.

"Brother, are mom and godmother here?"

"Well, here we go, let's go."

"Aren't they going to waste money by shopping?"

Xiaobao feels that he and Dabao were already very precocious when they were young. Why are the two younger brothers also so precocious? He didn't know how to say this.

"Tian Jue, you can ask your godmother and the others."

"Brother, do you think I'm stupid? If I ask, my mother will beat me. Brother, your hands are dirty, wipe them."

Xiaobao looked at Tian Jue holding up his two little hands. His hands were dirty from the ice cream he had eaten. Tianling's hands were also dirty. Xiaobao very patiently took out his handkerchief, yes. , handkerchief, and wiped the two brats carefully with extremely careful and gentle movements. In the eyes of outsiders, this scene definitely means that the young master has a good relationship with the Huang family. Another thing is that the young master looks better than him. Dad is much easier to talk to.

In fact, only one of them knows what is really going on. He is a member of his own family and will never be merciful to outsiders.

"Have wiped it. Don't tell your godmother that you ate ice cream later. If you get beaten, I won't let you stay."

"Don't worry, the evidence has been wiped clean in the end, and my mother won't know."

Tian Jue is obviously more lively than Tian Ling, but Xiaobao knows that bad ideas are usually made by Tian Ling and carried out by Tian Jue. The boy seems to be honest and silent, but in reality, again, only he knows.

But when Xiaobao was about to take his two younger brothers over, he heard another exclamation at the door. Well, it must be his father who has arrived. It is like this every time he appears. Can these women be more reserved? Dad is really Yes, that short silver hair cannot be turned back to black. It can be as long or short as you like, but the color cannot be changed at will. My uncle said that this is the sign of Lord Black Emperor, and that silver hair is unmatched.

"Let me go, can't your idol dye his hair back to black? Make it silver to attract people, right? Be careful you will suffer." Lou Yin looked at Yan Kuan's coquettish appearance with some contempt, and endured it. He couldn't help but start complaining.

"I think it's pretty good-looking. Besides, he doesn't like these ordinary things."

"Tch, let's start the show again."

But they didn't expect that before Yan Kuan came over, two young talents walked up behind him, new stars Qin Zihan, Zhong Yi...

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