Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1140 Illusion, provocation

Walking up the water channel, looking at the colorful petals of falling flowers flying everywhere, the long corridor is connected to an octagonal pavilion. Ramadhan, who didn't know where he went just now, is lying casually and loosely on the pavilion.

Hey, the white hair that I saw yesterday has turned into a head full of black hair today, and the white mantle is fluttering in the wind. Is he really a human being like this, who is like an immortal?

The light and shadow shine on one foot, and the shadow is so clear. There is no figure in the five realms except the human realm. Is he really a human?

But if it were a human being, how could this hair of black hair appear? If he were a human, how would he know that she was half-human and half-demon, and that she was not even his opponent?

"What are you looking at? Little thing."

Wen Jiu's thoughts were interrupted by his voice. When her eyes met, she looked away awkwardly. Those eyes like a deep pool were so cold and bottomless. She was smiling clearly, but without any warmth. , this smile actually made Wenjiu feel heartache for a short time. Why is this?

"do not laugh"

She still said these three words. Ramadan was really sure of her meaning this time. The eyes that looked at her began to be full of scrutiny. She was the first person who could see into his heart.

"This snow bear fur is nice to look at, but it's not the depth of winter here, so it doesn't need to be so thick. Don't you know how to transform? Get another one."

Wen Jiu took a look at the clothes she had transformed into. This was the snow bear fur she had heard about in her childhood. She only remembered that this thing was extremely precious and a rare treasure in the world. Therefore, when she transformed, she used the snow bear fur melted out.

The sun rises from the east. It is indeed not as cold here as outside. He can only wear a thin shirt. Compared with him, it does seem a bit cumbersome.

But what should it be replaced with? as same as him?

She turned around in a circle, and sure enough, Bai Qiu retreated, and a smaller version of the same dress was put on her body. Her hair was still gray, and with this white dress, she looked even more cold and aloof, but also more The cold loneliness.

For some reason, he felt it was annoying and even a little displeased. Although he was still smiling, he spoke directly:

"Change it to yellow."

yellow? The color was not bad, and Wenjiu, who was still a child at heart, was happy to play this game and spun around again. The clothes were still the same, but the color had changed to yellow.

People seem much more delicate, but Ramadan is still not satisfied.


Another circle, if it doesn’t work, change it again.



This has changed all the known colors. By the time it was changed to red, Wenjiu had lost the fun he had just now. He had a child's temperament and lacked concentration.

What's more, she doesn't like the color red. Red represents the flame and the pain of fire she has experienced.

Frowning and standing there displeased, she thought, she still thinks white looks good. Like him, white has the elegance of an immortal, so it suits her well.

"No wonder it feels wrong. It turns out to be this hair. Do you like my black hair? If you like it, you can transform it yourself. Only humans can have black hair. Do you want to be a human? Just transform into a black hair."

Be a human being?

Wenjiu looked at Ramadan's head full of black hair, and for some reason, she intuitively felt that he seemed to be lying to her, because yesterday he had white hair, but no one thought he was a monster.

There was a trace of hesitation in her little eyes, a trace of confusion, and a trace of inexplicability. She didn't know how to change. She only had time to learn how to change clothes.

"you will not?"

He stared at Zhai Yue with his arrogant little eyes, and turned around with a huff. It was really the nature of a child to get angry when he said he was angry.

Thinking about it, I think it should be like this. I was thrown into the Cave of Ten Thousand Bones at the age of 8. How can I learn anything from that ten thousand year old antique?

With 10 years of torture left, what energy do I have to study? Unexpectedly, he actually found an apprentice for himself and also caused some trouble.

Pointing her finger, Wenjiu saw that the white hair on her shoulders had turned into black hair before she could react. This long-lost look made her a little happy, but she deliberately suppressed the joy. No, she couldn't let him see it. Her joy.

Ramadan could see her little movements clearly, but he did not taunt, but fell from the roof and slowly walked to her side.

The red dress is like fire, the black hair is wrapped around it, the blend of red and black really suits her.

In this peach blossom forest, even the petals flew around her, fearing that she would not dare to compete with them. For such a gorgeous person, the loneliness she felt just now was finally suppressed a bit by this color.

"The Brahma star is so, so beautiful!"

There is no girl who does not love beauty. Even if she has forgotten what beauty is, when she heard these words, her cheeks still turned a pure blush.


A distant bell sounded, and Wenjiu frowned slightly. How could there be a bell?

"Let's go, we have a guest. This is not an easy job for the Imperial Master."

Yes, she almost forgot, he is the national master...

There was Noda's palace behind the peach blossom forest. Wenjiu looked around curiously. It wasn't until she entered the hall that she shifted her gaze and stared at another thing that made her even more curious.

To be precise, it was a person, a child, who called Ramadhan "Your Majesty"

These are nothing, the key is that there is a tail behind the child, yes, a white and fluffy tail, like a fox tail, big and comfortable.

Is this a demon?

How could a monster be allowed here?

Who is Ramadhan? Is he also a demon?

Zhai Yue took a look at the curious little thing and knew that she could definitely see through the illusion. This Wan Gu Yao Dan was indeed good. There were few people in the world who could see through the illusion he personally set up!

"That's the black fox, the black fox demon!"

Zhai Yue deliberately emphasized the word "demon". Wen Jiu did not respond, but looked at the child with more fiery eyes.

The child's scalp was numb because of being stared at. He did not dare to look up at the "young prince" brought back by the Lord. She was the Lord's apprentice, and they did not dare to cross the line.

"The envoy of Wei State has arrived..."

A long voice sounded, pulling Wen Jiu's sight back. A man wearing a forged robe and a feather crown came to the gate. He saw Zhai Yue was extremely respectful, and immediately bent down and prostrated himself.

"Master State Master"

"No need to be polite. Wei Xiang came here in person, but is it for the matter of the Qilin Star Falling a month ago?"

Wei Xiang was stunned. It was indeed the State Master, so ingenious.

Wei Xiang did not stand up and continued to prostrate himself on the ground, but his voice was more humble, and he said to Zaiyue:

"The national teacher once said: When the Qilin star falls, chaos will arise, and the Three Kingdoms will fight. Your Majesty asks the national teacher, can the Great Wei fight?"

Zha Yue still looked casual and unfocused, but this time the smile on his face seemed to have added a little more evil charm than before. He only heard him say: "Yes"

The man who was prostrating himself on the ground was overjoyed to hear this, and he kowtowed several times, and then asked the generous gifts outside the hall to be presented, with countless jewelry and jade.

Zha Yue did not even look at it, and said to Wei Xiang: "Go quickly, seize the day"

Wen Jiu listened from beginning to end, and did not interrupt during the period. Those long-lost upbringings were still in her consciousness, but she began to think of what she said yesterday: "The Three Kingdoms are in chaos"

This seemed to be his intention to provoke, and for some reason she always felt that his hand in the Three Kingdoms chaos was so clear and tangible.

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