Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1141 Her persistence

"The envoy from Qi State has arrived..."

Within half a quarter of an hour, the hall had already been emptied of the gold foil and jade articles. On the same day, envoys from the two countries arrived one after another. Are they asking about the same thing?

Sure enough, when the Prime Minister of Qi learned the same answer, he left inexplicably excited, still leaving behind a huge amount of money.

In this way, Wenjiu knew more clearly that Ramadan would provoke a war among the Three Kingdoms, but what about the Kingdom of Jin? Is it time for the Kingdom of Jin to come soon?

"Where is the Kingdom of Jin? Does the Kingdom of Jin also want people to come?"

"Little one, do you want someone to come?" Ramadan slowly walked down the stairs, casually picked up the money in the box, and asked the little man behind him who was full of doubts.

"Kill, kill all the Jin Kingdom."

Sure enough, all she could think about was killing everyone from the Kingdom of Jin. Ramadan was silent for a long time. When Wen Jiu became impatient, she heard the child report again: "The envoy from the Kingdom of Jin has arrived..."

Zhaiyue saw that Wenjiu rushed out with a single step, even the child was knocked to the ground. He smiled helplessly, turned around and strode out of the hall...

There were two envoys from the Kingdom of Jin, one a high-ranking official and one an eunuch. This was different from the Great Qi and the Great Wei in that they were sent by the prime minister and did not bring any eunuchs.

As soon as Wen Jiu came out of the palace, she ran towards the envoy from the Kingdom of Jin, with murderous intent in her eyes. She was actually like an angry little leopard, holding a grudge, and would be furious whenever former high-ranking officials from the Kingdom of Jin appeared.

Once upon a time, she was escorted to the main hall of King Jin's Palace. The civil servants and generals not only commented on her like a monkey, but also beat her with black dog blood and willow leaves.

As long as she resisted a little, they would use those hot irons to burn her skin, legs, back, and chest. There was no intact place on her body.

When she roared in anger and killed the cheetah they deliberately put in the cage, they finally gave up teasing her and imprisoned her in the Demon Locking Tower, a national treasure in Jinguo Town. Finally, she was imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower. He was burned for three days and three nights and almost died.

Therefore, when she saw these so-called high-ranking officials of the Jin Kingdom, she could not control her anger and hatred at all. She could remember her hatred for 10 years, and she would not hesitate to endure the burning fire of the Nine Nethers as a child. She could persevere. All because of this hatred.

Now, seeing these two former "old friends", how could she hold back her violent heart?

The envoys and chamberlains stood respectfully outside the palace, not daring to look up.

While the two of them were patiently waiting for the boy's report, a strong wind hit them, scaring them so hard that they retreated violently.

What's strange is that the envoy has already fallen to the ground. Instead, the chamberlain saw the murderous intention revealed and directly pulled out the saber from his waist and slashed Wen Jiu.

He was a fourth-grade warrior, but he was of no use against Wen Jiu. Instead, he was defeated and was vulnerable to a single blow.

The chambermaid's hat floated off his head. Wenjiu just glanced at it accidentally and was stunned. How could it be him? Prince, Prince of Jin?

Recognizing the person, Wen Jiu's eyes became more murderous, and he used his claws to attack the Jin Kingdom Crown Prince.

Prince Zhai Xiao watched helplessly as the unavoidable claws were about to grab his throat. He seemed to be able to hear the sound of blood splashing everywhere.

At this moment, the claws that were clearly in front of him suddenly and strangely retreated. Zhai Xiao took a closer look and discovered that the girl who was going to kill him had a ribbon tied around her waist at some point. That ribbon made her keep retreating, even if she was struggling inexplicably with her teeth and claws bared.

"Okay, calm down."

calm? How could Wenjiu be calm?

"Fanxing, don't forget to use the magic method, you will be hungry."

With just such a quiet word, Wenjiu stopped struggling. He was hungry. When a demon is hungry, it can only suck blood in the human world.

Could it be that because of this restraint, she could only watch the enemy in front of her and not be able to kill it with her hands? No, of course not, but hunger, that kind of itching and numbness that comes from the bottom of my heart, is completely different from the burning fire of real swords and guns.

Is she about to give up like that?

"If you want to take revenge, you must learn to be patient. You don't have the strength to endure at all? Instead of killing the prince of a country here, it would be better to annihilate the capital of a country in one fell swoop. Wouldn't that be more satisfying?"

Ramadan's words were like a clear spring pouring in, making Wenjiu's mind instantly clear. Yes, it would not be better to destroy a country.

He gathered his thoughts and glared at the somewhat embarrassed prince, then turned around and entered the hall. This temper and character really left Ramadan speechless.

"Master of the State"

"Prime Minister Feng was frightened. When I saw this unidentified person, my little disciple was naughty and became a little reckless. I just don't know that this dignified prince of the Jin Kingdom actually came to my Immortal Pavilion disguised as a chamberlain. What is this?"

Zhai Xiao was stunned, and he guessed it. His expression changed from frightened to cautious and inexplicable. He bent down and knelt down. Although he himself felt that such an action was too humble and incompatible with the pride that a prince of a country should have, but in this situation Immortal Pavilion, in front of this national master, he still didn't dare to take a step forward.

It was said that the Imperial Master was an immortal who descended to earth, a messenger from the immortal world who specially came to protect the human world, but in his opinion, he was just a person seeking fame and reputation.

It is said that he knows astronomy and geography, and is rich in knowledge. He believes this because he has already witnessed his power in verbal battles with the heroes in the Three Kingdoms Debate held every five years.

But he always didn't believe in uniting with the Immortal. The human world and the other five realms have always been independent of each other and did not interfere with each other. Even if a monster suddenly came to the Kingdom of Jin 10 years ago, it was not an accident.

Therefore, the prince did not maintain such a solemn respect for this state teacher. Of course, this time he came here, he also wanted to see whether the things he asked about the day and night observation of the celestial phenomena were credible.

"Master, please calm down. I came here only because of the falling of the Qilin star the day before yesterday. I came here as the destiny said. I have no ill intentions. As for pretending to be a eunuch, that was my willful intention. In fact, this matter concerns the fate of my Great Jin Dynasty, and the rules of Linxian Pavilion are here. I can only resort to this last resort. I hope Master, please forgive me."

"Since you know that my Linxian Pavilion has a rule that no outsiders, especially those who are ****, will be accepted except for envoys from various countries, you should understand that you broke into my Linxian Pavilion today. How can I make an exception?"

"Come here, send the envoys and the prince of the Great Jin Kingdom out. No one from the Great Jin Kingdom shall step into my Linxian Pavilion for three years."

"This, this, this, Master, please calm down, Master, please calm down..."


With a wave of his sleeves, the envoy and the prince were thrown far away. Ramadan turned around and returned to the hall. As soon as he entered, he saw the figure of a villain sneaking around. He pretended not to see it and walked straight back to the peach blossom forest.

"When will the country be destroyed?"

The little thing that followed him suddenly said this abruptly, and Ramadhan began to wonder if this little head only had this one thing in mind?

Ramadhan's guess was actually correct. Indeed, the most deeply engraved memory in Wenjiu's mind was revenge.

"Did you see the prince just now? Now, you transform into his appearance."


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