Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1154 The master can’t help but eat you

Can’t stand a man who is so good-looking?

This little thing actually knows this sentence. Who taught her? Also, is he good-looking?

"Who taught you this?"

"Ghost pond unicorn."

As expected, what this damn Guichi Qilin teaches is not good.

"Fan Xing, there are some men in this world who are good-looking and reliable."

"Well, I know, Guichi Qilin said, unless that person's ancestor burned high incense, my ancestor was wicked, so it's not my turn."

Zhai Yue opened his mouth slightly. He was choked again and didn't know what to say. Forget it, he'd better not speak.

"Let's go, why don't you go?"

"let's go."

"Have you found any trace of Ramadan?"

"Your Highness the Princess, the last time Your Highness appeared in front of everyone was in the Kingdom of Jin, and it is said that she took away a woman's life."

"Took away a woman who had a life?" Faith looked at the little demon with some surprise. Ramadan never had contact with women or banshees from the outside world. Why did he suddenly take away a woman who had a life?

"Do you know the identity of that woman?"

"I hope I can find out, but no one knows where that woman came from, and she seems to have a grudge against the Wen family."

Faith knew that the little demon had said everything, so she waved her hand and let the little demon go down.

But at this time, the six elders came over.

"Your Highness Princess, there is something wrong with the woman who was taken away by Ramadan."

Suddenly seeing the elders coming in and suddenly hearing them say this, Faith was a little confused, what was going on? And the elders got the news so quickly?

"What happened? You guys got the news?"

"Princess, Guichi Qilin's demon elixir should have been given to that woman."

"What? How is this possible? That's a human being. How can this person be able to suppress Guichi Qilin's eternal demon pill?"

"Because that woman was the woman who mistakenly took my demon clan's elixir 10 years ago."

"Great Elder, please tell Faith in detail. I'm really confused."

Faith has great respect for the six elders. This is the most important thing left to her by the late Demon Emperor. With their presence, they can help her win the position of Demon Emperor. Originally, if Ramadan married her, she would have everything. There is no problem, but Ramadan is unwilling to marry her, so she can only rely on herself and the help of the six elders.

The six elders explained what they learned to Faith in detail, and Faith suddenly realized. She just said, how could Ramadan take away a human woman for no reason? It turned out to be this reason.

"Elder, if you say this, can I obtain the demon elixir in that woman's body?"

"No, as I said just now, unless the woman voluntarily takes out the demon elixir from her body, no one can get it, not even during Ramadan. Maybe this is the reason why Ramadan must stay in the human world."

"Then after Ramadan obtained the demon elixir, did you really give me the reason?"


The six elders looked at each other in confusion. No one could guarantee that. After all, Ramadan had a weird personality and was beyond their control. Moreover, they really couldn't control the demon dragon who was not even willing to sit on the throne of demon king.

"Elders, don't worry. If Ramadan doesn't give me the demon pill, I will have a way to get it. Now can I find out where Ramadan is?"

"Zhai Yue did not deliberately hide his traces. At this moment, he is in the Kingdom of Jin as the second prince of the Kingdom of Jin, and he has married the woman as his wife."

"What? You said Ramadan actually married that human woman?"


"This is impossible." Faith simply didn't believe it. How could someone as arrogant as Ramadan be willing to marry a human being?

"Princess, if you want to take the demon pill, you must be willing to do so."

With just one word, Feisi's already jealous and crazy heart calmed down all his anger. Yes, if a woman is to voluntarily give up her life and take out the demon pill, Ramadan will not only have to marry her, but also He would also make her fall in love with him.

"Damn it."

"Your Highness, a little impatience will ruin a big plan."

"I know, but since Ramadan is in the Kingdom of Jin, send the little demon to monitor it at all times."

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate. They can't hide from Ramadan."

"Then I'll go myself."


"If anything happens in the process, I can detect it immediately. Elder, don't worry, I know the rules of the demon clan."

"Well, then, princess, be careful."

"Why should I sleep on the ground floor and you sleep on the bed? Is there no other room? Why should I be in the same room with you?"

"Because husband and wife have to be in the same room. If you come to bed, you have to have a bridal chamber with me. Do you want to have a bridal chamber with me?"

Fanxing tilted his head and thought for a long time, do you want a bridal chamber? Can she just sleep on the bed but not have sex?

"Why? Why can't I just sleep on the bed and not have a wedding?"

"Because Master can't help it."

"Ah? What can't you resist?"

Fanxing once again made that adorable look, so cute and adorable. Zhai Yue had never thought that this little girl was so cute. It made him feel itchy and uncomfortable, and her little face was so fleshy. , pink as if pinched.

Zhai Yue was not polite and actually reached out and pinched her little face.

Fanxing was a little surprised when he saw Ramadan suddenly pinching his face strangely. What does this mean?

Do you want to wrinkle her? Or a slap in the face?

"Are you going to beat me up?"

"No, Master wants to tell you, what can Master not be able to bear?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Fanxing felt her eyes go dark, and her lips were covered with something soft and icy. Then a small snake-like thing came into her mouth, which made her feel extremely strange. She hid, It started to work harder and harder. Although it was sweet, it felt strange. Then she simply bit it down hard.

Ramadan never expected that he couldn't help but kiss that little mouth. Not only did he kiss it, but the most important thing was that he was actually bitten.

"Master, your mouth can turn into a snake. It's so fun. I even bit it just now, hahaha."

"You sleep."

Ramadan didn't want to talk to her anymore and went to sleep to avoid being angry to death.

Seeing that Zhai Yue had indeed gone to bed, Fanxing stood by the bed with a pouted mouth. After thinking about it, he said to Zhai Yue:

"Master, I want to sleep on a bed. I haven't slept on a bed for many, many years. I like soft quilts."

"You don't have to sleep, you demon. If you have nothing to do, just practice."

"No, I want to sleep on the bed, and master, didn't you say that you are also a demon?"

"You sleep."

Ramadan found that he had been quiet for ten thousand years and no longer knew how to communicate well with humans, especially a child like this. This trick didn't work on her at all.

"Then I'm coming up."

When Fanxing saw that Zhaiyue didn't refuse, Jiliu climbed up, took off his clothes three times, leaving only his inner clothes, and snuggled into the warm quilt, which was covered tightly, even though it was really dark outside. It’s snowing in the middle of winter, but are you afraid of the cold? Why didn't he know?

"You're not afraid of the cold, so why are you covering yourself up?"

"Master, I am a half-demon, but not a full-demon. Master, you are so stupid."

"I----Okay, I'm stupid!"

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