"Your Majesty, we have found traces of the Imperial Master."

Xiaobao is sitting in front of the window sill. He is 11 years old and has already become a handsome young man.

Wearing a red coat and dark-patterned cloud sleeves, he lowered his eyes and face, his long and graceful fingers dancing on the strings like flowing clouds and flowing water. There was something flashing in his eyes under his long eyelashes that made people unable to catch him. , but wanted to peep.

The heavenly soldiers stood on one side, not daring to step forward. When they came here, the prince's strength was improved like never before. Sure enough, no matter what humans in the 21st century wanted to do, nothing could compare to the experience of the Jiuyou Continent. progress.

The sound of the piano stopped suddenly, and Tianbing even felt regretful for a moment, but the news at this moment was much more important than the sound of the piano.

Sure enough, Xiaobao turned around and looked at the heavenly soldiers. He didn't ask where he found it or what the situation was. He just said:

"Leave immediately."

Tianbing hesitated a little, then after thinking about it he said to Xiaobao:

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Preceptor is married to Wen Jiu."


Xiaobao didn't expect that they would get married in just a few days.

"What's going on? How many days has it been?"

"Which one seems to have done it on purpose."

"Damn Little White Dragon, you really deceived people too much."

"The prince's top priority is not to find them, but to go there and beat the dragon whip."

Tianbing's words once again reminded Xiaobao that yes, he should get back the dragon whip. Without the dragon whip, he would not be able to defeat this eternal demon dragon.

"Where is Dabao?"

"Don't worry, Crown Prince, I have sent people to observe closely. Nothing will happen to Wenjiu in the short term."

Xiaobao was a little hesitant, but he also knew that if he wanted to take Dabao away from Xiaobailong, he really had to beat the dragon whip.

Since there are still 5 years left before the agreed time, he shouldn't be in a hurry.

But when I wanted to think about it, I was still worried and scared.

"Go to the underworld immediately."


"What is Guining?"

Fanxing asked Zhaiyue with some doubts. Zhaiyue was sitting on the porch, watching Fanxing practicing the magic method with ease. After hearing this, he said:

"A married woman who returns to her parents' home three days later is called Guining."

"Oh, so I have to go back to Wen's house?"


"I do not want to go."

"If you don't go, it won't be a good show?"

"What's the show?"

"Have you forgotten? They want Li Daitaojiang."

"Oh, ok, okay, I'll go and set a fire by the way. I haven't been here for the past few days, and no one has set fire to play."

Zhai Yue looked at her and could only smile helplessly and said:

"as long as you are happy."

"You didn't make a fuss on the second day after you got married, so we knew it probably wouldn't work out. Unexpectedly, not only did it not work out, but you were treated like this by the third prince. Damn it, it was all planned, but what happened in the middle of it? What happened?"

Wen Fu took Zhai Li to the Wen Mansion early in the morning. Although Zhai Li was dissatisfied with Wen Fu, the Wen family held a lot of power in the Jin Kingdom and was definitely not someone who could be offended easily. On the contrary, because of this incident, The Wen family can't just ignore him like before.

So even if Zhai Li is dissatisfied with Wen Fu, he will accompany her back for his own benefit. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like this woman. At worst, he can just find a woman he likes to be his concubine. Now she has become his woman, and he still has I don’t believe that the Wen family has the guts to let the prince and his concubine live apart, unless the Wen family really wants to replace him as the emperor.

Wen Tian took all the men of the Wen family and accompanied Zhai Li to the study, while Wen Qin took her daughter and asked her carefully about the past few days.

They had no way to enter the prince's palace at will, so from the time they got married to now, they were worried. When they saw Zhai Li and Wen Fu appearing, they knew that all their plans had failed. Fortunately, this did not let them Discover the truth, otherwise you wouldn’t know how to make a fuss.

"Mom, what's going on? Can you ask which ladies?"

"After asking, they all said everything went well when they came back. We thought it was really going well, but when no news came out the next day, we knew it was probably not that simple. Now Your grandfather is afraid that Prince Yoshiaki will find out about this. Only he may have the ability to get you two back without anyone noticing."

"Mom, are you talking about the magic method? Is this magic method really so powerful?"

"Of course, this is an immortal method. Even if it is an entry-level immortal method, it is hard to find in the world."

"That's not necessarily the case, mother. It's better to let grandpa and the others support the third prince's ascension to the throne. Although the second prince has a perfect way, mother, don't forget, what the national master once said, the laws of the human world, as long as After learning the art of cultivating immortals, he wants to ascend to the throne of the human world, but it is unfair to others, even the national master will not ignore it. "

This is also a very important reason that these Tian Wentians thought of. Where are the laws promulgated by the National Master. If a prince who knows immortal magic is allowed to take the position, it will be very unfair to other people in the human world.

"Your grandfather and the others have naturally thought of this. They have read the laws promulgated by the Imperial Master in the past few days. Yesterday, they have united many ministers to ask the king for instructions. At this moment, His Highness the Crown Prince is probably very happy. It's just that the third prince has no wings. Before the harvest is over, let the prince and the prince fight first, while the third prince reaps the benefits."

"Really? Grandpa, they really did this?"

"Of course, your grandfather will never let a woman who doesn't care about the Wen family take over the East Palace. Wen Rong has been withdrawn since he was a child and doesn't talk much. Your grandfather doesn't like him. Now he's still so eccentric, and even your grandfather and the others are like him. I suspect that Wen Rong is possessed by a demon, so even if she marries the second prince, it won't cause any trouble. "


"Don't worry, my son. After I go back today, I must be careful with the third prince. If I get pregnant as soon as possible, any barriers will disappear. With the support of my Wen family, my son's good days are still to come."

Hearing Wen Qin's words, it was as if she had taken a reassurance, which made Wen Fu calm down. As for whether Wen Rong was possessed by a ghost, this was not what she was worried about. She was already married. , they will definitely not care about it anymore.

"No, ma'am, there's a fire in the big kitchen."

"Madam, madam, there is a fire in the south wing of the backyard."

"Madam, there is also a fire in the garden pavilion."

"Ma'am, there's a fire in the front hall."

Just when the two mother and daughter were chatting happily, reports came out one after another. Ms. Wen Qin's scalp was numb with shock. Why did it start to catch fire in broad daylight? She had only rested for a few days. What on earth was going on? what's going on?

"What exactly is going on?"

"Madam, madam..."

The housekeeper hurried in at this time and shouted anxiously to Mrs. Wen Qin:

"What's wrong? Is there a fire somewhere?"

"No, no, ma'am, it's Miss Third and His Royal Highness Prince Yoshiaki who are here."

"Damn it, it's really that damn girl. She's really haunted by a ghost. When she comes back, she's on fire everywhere. Damn it, damn it..."

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