Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1156 Breakup, calculation

"Why do I catch fire as soon as I come back? Mother, you are too lax in supervising the backyard. If you don't know, you might think you are dissatisfied with me."

What Fan Xing said was more and more like a person of normal age. Of course, Zhai Yue knew that only when she was facing Wen's family, this girl's brain and firepower were at full range, and her words could anger people to death. of.

Sure enough, Mrs. Wen Qin's face instantly turned extremely ugly. There was no way her daughter could accuse her mother, and this was while she was in Guining.

Just at this time, Wen Tian led others and Zhai Li from outside to the hall. There was no way, it caught fire. The only place that did not catch fire was the inner courtyard hall.

We are all a family at this moment, so there is no need to avoid suspicion. Everyone heard what Wen Rong said, but Prince Zhai Li of Yizhao was sitting on a chair elegantly drinking tea at this moment, not minding that his wife was talking to him at all. Is the mother-in-law's words impolite or disrespectful?

Wen Tian glanced at the granddaughter who started to get angry as soon as she came back. Now she was absolutely sure that she was definitely possessed by a ghost. Moreover, they had already made a decision, so even if the granddaughter came back now, they would not change.

However, there must be some face and affection, especially for this prince. Even if he cannot reach a high position, as long as he knows how to teach, his future will be limitless. Don't do it as a last resort, and never offend easily.

"Rong'er is good at joking, but he is still so naughty even after getting married. Your mother asked the kitchen to prepare your favorite dishes early in the morning and is waiting for your return, Your Highness."

After Wen Tian finished speaking to Wen Rong, he looked at Zhai Yue and bowed slightly to show his respect.

Fanxing knew that Wen Tian was not easy to deal with, and she had no intention of establishing a good relationship with them. Her goal was to kill the Wen family and everyone in the Wen family.

"I'm just joking. Didn't this fire always ignite every night before I got married? I told you that it's the eldest sister who is unwilling to accept it. Since you have done something wrong, just admit it. Maybe the eldest sister won't get angry. I won’t light fires everywhere at home.”

Wen Rong's words stunned Zhai Li, who was unaware, and asked directly:

"What does the second sister-in-law mean by this? Is this related to the late Miss Wen? But isn't she a monster?"

"What kind of evildoer? It's just that you accidentally swallowed the elixir, and you foolishly thought you were a evildoer. Of course, your biological parents personally corrected and killed you. How could my eldest sister not be resentful?"

"Unbridled and elegant."

"Mrs. Wen, is your name Wen Rong too? She is my king's concubine. She will follow her husband when she gets married. She is already mine."

It seems that Ramadan has been sitting on one side and saying nothing, but when someone wants to get angry with a little thing like him, he feels unhappy. I can't even bear to yell. Why do you yell?

But everyone reacted to his anger. Yes, no matter how angry he was, Wen Rong was already the princess, and even had a much higher status than Wen Fu. After all, Zhai Li only wanted to be bald until now. Just a prince.

It's just that Wen Rong was too careless when speaking and dared to say anything. This was the emperor's will at the beginning. When she said this, didn't she mean that the emperor was at fault?

Wen Fu thought of this and immediately said:

"Third sister."

"You should call her second sister-in-law, or princess." Zhai Yue continued to say coldly from the side. Wen Fu was trembling with anger at Zhai Yue's words. Damn it, Zhai Yue actually defended this damn girl like this. I couldn't tell that she really He has good skills.

"Princess, when Wen Jiu was possessed by a monster and imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower, not only our Wen family, but also the people of the entire Kingdom of Jin knew about it. Even all the ministers in the palace saw it clearly. Also, the emperor personally issued the order to execute the monster, so we can’t be blamed for this. Does the princess accuse the emperor of doing something wrong? "

Fanxing looked at Wen Fu, her mouth was so sweet. She didn't like herself when she was a child. Every time she saw Wen Qin's neglecting her, she would laugh at herself together with those girls. This sister always followed others' advice and was very articulate. Mrs. Wen Qin loves her the most among all her children. Now he jumps out and pours dirty water on her head. Does this mean she is as easy to bully as a child?

"If you don't tell me, the third prince and concubine have forgotten it. I heard that the third prince and concubine actually called my husband's name on the wedding night. What happened? Did the third prince and concubine want to look at Shu? Or is her mind not pure? There are still some problems in her body. I haven’t cleaned it yet, so I’m here to mind my family’s business. Wenfu, are you too horny?”

What Wen Fu tried so hard to hide was so carelessly exposed to the crowd. Wen Fu immediately looked at Zhai Li. Sure enough, Zhai Li's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip.

"Wen Rong, this is your sister."

"Mrs. Wen, since you said so, I will also ask the Wen family what their plan is. Come and bring them in."

Ramadan put down his tea cup and shouted towards the door.

After a while, the three women were thrown to the door, and four bearers were kneeling in the courtyard. Even Wen Tian was surprised by this action.

Didn’t those bearers and women come back that day? Who are these people?

"Don't be surprised. It's just a little trick. Those who returned to the Wen family that day were just my servants. As for these few, I think they are willing to talk to my father about these little thoughts of the Wen family. Right? When did the Royal Erlang allow you, the Wen family, to be so picky and choose to marry whomever you want? If you don’t have the destiny of being a princess, don’t expect to be superior to others. Women, you should abide by your duty, am I right? ? The third prince’s concubine?”

The last sentence of the third prince's concubine made Wen Fu's face turn red. Zhai Li was not an idiot. What else could he not figure out? If the emperor's brother hadn't discovered it earlier, he would have really been picked on. Of course, he was still The one who was left alone.


"Third Prince, please listen to my explanation. It's not what you think."

"Explanation? Humph, I really want Marshal Wen to give a good explanation, but not to me, but to my father."

After Zhai Li finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the door. Fanxing watched Zhai Li leave, then looked at everyone here, and stood up and said:

"The Wen family is so ruthless that they really don't recognize their relatives. They killed my eldest sister with their own hands 10 years ago, and they will destroy my happiness with their own hands 10 years later. Hmm, it's ironic, it's really ironic. Marshal Wen, I hope you can always be so happy. Ruyi, it seems that the eldest sister is still too soft-hearted in doing things, just a few fires. I am afraid it is too simple for the Wen family. I really hope that the eldest sister can take revenge and complain, hum! "

"Let's go, Princess, you don't have to come here anymore."

After the two of them finished speaking, they walked out. As for the mother-in-law and the bearers, they were all left behind. Wen Tian and other sons and daughters of the Wen family were all looking at Wen Tian with worried faces at this moment. How will things end?

Outside the gate, Zhai Li's carriage did not leave. When he saw Zhai Yue coming out, he immediately walked over, saluted Zhai Yue, and then said:

"Thank you, second brother, for paving the way for my younger brother."

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