Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1177 The first one to operate

"What does this mean, Your Majesty?"

"What do you mean? A princess who can't even see her own position clearly. Do I need to tell you more?"

Miao Ling was choked by Zhai Yue's words. She couldn't see clearly where she was? What's the meaning?

"Third brother, tell this princess what I mean."

Ramadan's name is Zhai Li, which is an overjoyed thing for Zhai Li, because it shows that Ramadan is really willing to push him to the top. This is definitely good news. At least everyone has seen it, and all the ministers are here.

Zhai Li was not timid, he stood up directly and said to Miao Ling:

"Your Majesty, the Wei Dynasty, asked you to come and get married. Didn't you choose your consort? Or do you think you have any qualifications that allow you to choose at will? My father, the prince, and your ministers think that our brothers have already taken wives, and the princess has a distinguished status. , I can't be a concubine. I think it's better to choose an unmarried son from among the princes and ministers to host the wedding for the princess. This is a way of paying attention to the noble status of the princess. What do you think? "

"Hahaha, what my son said is good, just do as my son said. Dear friends, if you have an unmarried son of the right age at home, you can tell me, and I will personally marry him."

Miao Ling's face turned livid. He actually humiliated her like this. She was a majestic fairy. Could these stupid humans choose her at will?

But at this time, even Wei Yan felt that the princess was asking for trouble. After all, from the beginning, she was really going to betroth her to the prince, but the princess just jumped out uneasily. Let me ask, she, a princess, said it herself She fell in love with the prince, how could her brother still want her?

Apart from marrying the children of high-ranking officials, no one else could want her. Otherwise, she would have to go back with them. However, after returning to the country, the princess would not be able to marry into a good family, and she might become the leader of the entire Wei Dynasty. Sinner, this princess is simply too willful.

Not only did things go beyond Miao Ling's expectation, but she also didn't know what to do.

But she still knows one thing, that is to annoy Brahma Xing, no matter what method she uses, she must be annoyed.

Miao Ling knew that her situation was not good at this time, but she was not a real princess of Wei. She didn't care whether you were doing well or not. But just as she was about to speak, she heard Zhai Yue say again:

"Why don't we take the third son of the Wen family? Although he is two years younger than this young princess, he is a good match."

Neither Wen Tian nor Wen Zhongguo expected that at this time, Zhai Yue would actually propose to let their family have a princess. This is probably not a good thing.

"No, Your Majesty, you cannot marry the princess to the Wen family. The Wen family has evil intentions. I have something to report."

The prince's right-hand man, the Minister of War, came in anxiously from outside, but he was the first to speak, and everyone heard what he said before they could react. This is not a good thing. He has evil intentions. What does this mean? ? Is this collaboration with the enemy and treason?

As soon as Fanxing heard this, she knew that this was the show that Ramadan had been talking about. She straightened her waist instantly, and her little appearance made even Ramadan think it was a bit ridiculous.

Although Fanxing has always said that he wants the lives of everyone in the Great Jin Kingdom, Zhai Yue knows that Fanxing hates the Wen family and everyone in the Wen family the most.

Therefore, the people of the Wen family were the first to undergo the operation. Of course, the second ones were all the officials and the royal family who participated in the Great Jin Kingdom.

"Shen Tianlin, don't talk nonsense."

When Wen Tian heard this, he reacted the fastest. He immediately stood up and yelled at Shen Tianlin who rushed in from the main hall.

However, Shen Tianlin is the prince's man, at least in everyone's mind. He yelled regardless of his image and the occasion. Unless there was absolute evidence, he wouldn't dare to cause trouble here even if he had the courage to do so.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I have evidence, I have evidence."

Shen Tianlin looked very excited. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned to look outside. Then everyone saw that Sanlang of the Wen family, the only son of the Wen Qin family, was the Wen family member who had just been said to be married by Ramadan. The young master was escorted up by two officers and soldiers.

Not only that, everyone in the Wen family was also horrified. What was going on? what's going on?

Not only that, at this time, the Wen family's predecessor Yue Jia, the defeated Daqi Kingdom Zhenguo General, was also escorted up at this moment. Behind him were also followed by two people, the other two young masters of the Wen family.

Good guy, this is all done in one pot, what's going on? So what happened?

"Shen Aiqing, what happened? Why did you escort them here?"

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen heard with his own ears that they were arranging to seize the palace tonight. Not only that, Wen Jiajun entered the city for no reason. In the end, Wei Chen saw with his own eyes that they had occupied four city entrances, and this The soldiers and horses of Da Qi's general Zhenguo are also waiting ten miles outside the city."


Zhai Jin was so frightened that he stood up from his position. Wen Tian also panicked. How could it be possible? How could his Wen family army send troops secretly without seeing his tiger talisman? What exactly is going on?

"Impossible, Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible. Our Wen family army will never do this."

"Your Majesty, what I say is true. There is absolutely no need. Your Majesty can send someone to check immediately."

It was time for Ramadan to appear at this time. He stood up slowly and said to his left and right hands, General Huwei:

"General Huwei, go check it out personally. If this is the case, immediately arrange for troops to intervene from the four gates and notify the guards outside the city to be ready for counterattack at any time."

"Subordinates take orders."

There was no intention to report to Zhai Jin. As the general of the army, Zhai Yue still had the military talisman in his hand. Of course, he had no intention of taking out the military talisman now, so he announced it to his right and left hands. Order.

Although Zhai Jin felt uncomfortable, he had no choice. The current time did not allow him to be pretentious at this time.

In the main hall, no one dared to say a word. Even Miao Ling was a little surprised. Why didn't anyone tell them what happened?

Will it conflict with their plans?

But despite this, about half an hour later, a soldier came to report in person, and his words were exactly the same as Shen Tianlin's words before. At this moment, everyone in the Wen family was stunned, even Wen Fu, who was already married, was also surprised.

How could this be?

But at this time, the three young masters of the Wen family all looked at Wen Tian and Wen Zhongguo with guilty expressions. With this look, no one believed that they had no problem.

Wen Tian looked at his grandchildren. No matter what he yelled or said, they would always kneel on the ground and not dare to move. Except for looking around with fearful eyes or occasionally staring at Wen Tian, ​​they had no other reaction.

"Your Majesty, that's not right. My son is wrong. They seem to be controlled by others. Your Majesty, Your Majesty is wronged."

Mrs. Wen Qin reacted too quickly and her brain moved too fast. After finishing speaking, she knelt on the ground and could not get up.

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