Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 1178 I have another name

When Wen Qin shouted, even Zhai Yue glanced at her again and reacted quickly, but how could someone reveal the things he had arranged so easily?

He only needed to blink, and Wen Qin's biological son, Mr. Wen San, cried to Wen Qin:

"Mother, we lost. We lost. Stop fighting. My son has no destiny to be the emperor. Mother, I lost. I lost everything."

Well, as soon as she said these words, Wen Qin almost fainted from anger, but there was nothing she could do, even if she pretended to be faint, the words she said were already nailed to the bench.

"Your Majesty, it's unfair, it's unfair."

"Unjustly? Your grandson admitted it himself. Also, where is your tiger talisman? I gave you such an honor to name your subordinates after your own family name. This is how you repay me. Today, as long as you take out Tiger Talisman, I believe in you.”

Zhai Jin obviously didn't believe what Wentian said. Of course, he also said that he would believe him as long as he took out the tiger talisman. But Wentian couldn't take out the tiger talisman even if he took off all his clothes. He knew that today It was being calculated, and even the calculation was so seamless that no trace was revealed. Who wanted to target the Wen family like this, and who wanted to kill the Wen family.

"Take all the young and old members of the Wen family into the prison."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me, please forgive me."

It's just that no matter how loud they shout, this involves rebellion, and it's definitely not easy to get away from. It will be easy for the whole family to finish playing.

"Your Majesty, what about the third princess and the second princess?"

Zhai Jin glanced at the two princesses. Both princes were married to girls from the Wen family. It seemed that he trusted them too much and fostered their ambitions.

"Take them along with you."

Now everyone was in a rage, and Wen Fu even started crying. However, this imperial guard was not a fool. If you want to make a fuss, you can just knock him out and take him away.

Now Fanxing felt happy, and it was very happy. Even if you could prove your innocence in such a thing, it would already be a thorn in the emperor's heart, and he still wanted to be as reused as before. It was simply impossible to be trusted, let alone how could Brahma Star give him a chance to make a comeback.

This is a farce, and the war has come directly. No one is in the mood to talk about peace talks or anything at this moment. Zhai Jin waved his hand and asked everyone to evacuate.

Zhai Yue and several other ministers and princes were called to the imperial study room by him, while Fanxing ran out happily because she was going to Tianlao to have a good meeting with the Wen family.

"It's unjust, we are unjust."

"Mom, I don't know. I really don't know what's going on. I was standing there with my brothers to greet my uncle. How come I'm here as soon as I wake up? What's treason, what's the Tiger Talisman, I really don't know. ah."

The third young master Wen said what he said was extremely innocent, and the first young master Wen and the second young master also woke up at this time. Their appearance made Wen Tian and others know that they must have been taken advantage of, and some unfair methods were used. Technique.

It's just that in front of the envoys of several countries today, the emperor will definitely not stop his explanation. Therefore, the timing is really good. I just don't know who is behind the scenes. Although Shen Tianlin is The prince's person, but Wen Tian felt that this matter probably had nothing to do with the prince, but had something to do with Zhai Yue, because the three grandsons were all so confused, except Zhai Yue's use of Dao Yuan's method to make people like this Besides, who else has it?

But at this time, more and more people were imprisoned in the sky prison. There were people from the Wen family, families very close to the Wen family, and close associates of the Wen family. It seemed that this matter was really happening. There was a big fuss, and the movement was so hidden. The people behind the scenes were too clever. There were also those troops who could hold the tiger talisman and mobilize the Wen family army. Apart from him, Wen Tian could only be Wen Zhongguo, but he This son has always been cowardly and has no opinion on everything. How could it be him.

It really made his scalp explode thinking about it, and Wen Tian couldn't figure out who this person was.

But at this moment, someone they didn't expect actually came to Tianlao.

Wen Qin was the quickest to react. He immediately stood up and looked at Fan Xing walking towards them and said directly:

"Is it you, you and Zhai Yue who harmed us?"

Wen Qin's shout made Wen Zhongguo, Wen Tian and even others have to pay attention to this woman again. Could it really be her?

how can that be possible? They have no grievances, so why does this woman deal with them?

Wen Rong stood up and looked at Fan Xing. It was really interesting. He never saw Ramadan going out. He was always with this little girl. He didn't expect that she was even detained here without making a sound.

It seemed that his ability exceeded their expectations.

But the sky couldn't hold her captive. Just as she was about to leave Wen Rong's body, she saw this half-demon walking over.

It seems that there are still some things that they have not found out.

"You're not stupid. You guessed it so quickly. Then guess again, why did I do this?"

"Fan Xing, our Wen family has no grievances against you, why do you do this to us?"

"Because I want to accuse you wrongly. Is it so simple that you can't even see it?"

"Damn girl, why are you trying to accuse us unjustly?"

Wen Fu got angry when she saw Fan Xing and started roaring, but Fan Xing just pinched Wen Fu in mid-air and caught her in the air.

Wen Fu touched her throat, her face turned red instantly, and her feet lifted off the ground. Everyone believed that she could kill Wen Fu instantly if she wanted to.


Wen Fu was thrown into the corner so hard that she was speechless in pain, but no one cared about her at the moment. Everyone was looking at Fan Xing, wondering why on earth, why she wanted to deal with the Wen family. .

If a woman who knows magic wants to deal with them, then it really makes sense, because she knows magic and can pretend to be anyone.

"Why, why do you want to deal with our Wen family? Is it because you want to be the second princess?"

Wen Qin could only think in this way, after all, women sometimes do incredible things because of these things.

"Mr. Wen Qin, you have been smart and confused for a while. Do you think that everyone is just like you, and you can directly remove those obstacles for whoever you like?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Okay, I'm too lazy to guess with you. Why don't I tell you my other name? Do you want to know it?"

"what name?"

Everyone looked at Fanxing. Fanxing looked at the Wen family members locked in the prison, and then said word by word:

"I also have a name: Wen and Jiu, do you still remember?"

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