"What did you say? What did you say? You said your name was Wenjiu? Are you Wenjiu?"

Wen Qin's eyes widened in disbelief. Is she Wen Jiu? How could she be Wenjiu? Is she resurrecting a dead body? Or was the monster not burned to death at all?

"What? Are you disappointed that I didn't burn to death? My good mother?"

"It's impossible, it's impossible. You were burned for three days and three nights. How could you not be burned to death? You are a demon. You are a demon."

"Demon? You say I'm a demon?"

"You are a monster, a monster."

Wen Tian and Wen Zhongguo both stood up and looked at Fan Xing who took a step back with obvious fear. Could it be that it was really Wen Jiu who was here for revenge? That's why you directly want the lives of everyone in the Wen family?

"I was really not a demon before. I just ate the elixir enshrined in the ancestral hall. My good grandfather, you know this best. You clearly knew that I was not a demon, but you didn't save me and said that I would be killed without mercy." , Humph, it really is hypocritical to the extreme. How about it, now you are also being framed. Doesn’t it feel good?

But as for Wen Qin's question just now, about whether I am a demon, I think I'd better tell you. I was not a demon before, but now, I am half-human and half-demon. "


After Wen Jiu finished speaking, she turned her body, and her true self appeared, with a bloody mouth, long horns, and cheeks covered with red spots. It looked really scary.

Now everyone was scared and hid in the corner. Even Wen Tian, ​​who was used to seeing killings and life and death, was trembling now. Did Wen Jiu really become a demon to take revenge? What can we do? How can we do this?

"You, you, what do you want?"

"What do I want? My good grandpa, didn't I just say it? I want you all to taste everything I have experienced. How about it? Does it feel good? How does it feel to be wronged and not be redressed? However, This is not enough. I have been burned by fire for ten years. Do you think I should torture you for ten years and then execute you?"

"It's none of my business, eldest sister. I was still a child back then. I didn't know anything. It was my mother's idea. It's really none of my business."

Wen Fu knelt on the ground and kept crying. As soon as she finished speaking, Wen Qin's poisonous eyes stared at Wen Fu. She didn't expect Wen Fu to be so selfish at the critical moment.

But what chilled Wen Qin was still behind. Her biological son, Mr. Wen San, knelt on the ground like his sister and said to Wen Jiu:

"Sister, eldest sister, this matter has nothing to do with me. I was still a child back then and I didn't know anything. It's none of my business. It's none of my business."

Wen Qin looked at her two biological children. Are these the children she has planned and educated throughout her life? One wants revenge on himself, and the other two push themselves to die.

This is my own child, this is the child I educated.

"Mr. Wen Qin, look, these are the children you have educated. These are your children. It's so pathetic. Either you kill them yourself, or you raise white-eyed wolves. Do you think you are living a pathetic life like this?"

"Shut up, shut up, you monster, you monster."

"Don't worry, I'm here to see you as a prisoner. As for your other appearance, it has nothing to do with me, because the revenge I want is not over yet. Just wait, I will slowly and slowly settle the accounts with you, but Well, that's what happened to the Wen family. After entering this heavenly prison, it's extremely difficult to get out. And you are the first, followed by the royal family of the Great Jin Kingdom, those important ministers, and I will not let anyone go from top to bottom in the Kingdom of Jin who wanted to kill themselves."

"You--you--you want the entire Great Jin Kingdom to be destroyed?"

"My good grandpa, you are finally a little smarter."

After saying this, Fanxing no longer looked at them, but looked at Wenrong, and suddenly reached out to attack Wenrong. He originally thought that this half-demon would definitely not show mercy, but Wenrong would definitely be splattered with blood today. He was on the spot, but what he didn't expect was that Wen Rong not only dodged it, but also shot at Brahma Star. This move was even more surprising. It was obviously a magic method. How could this Wen Rong know magic? ?

Wen Rong, how come this happened?

Everyone was stunned, but Fanxing looked at Wen Rong with a bloodthirsty smile and said:

"I thought you were not simple, but I didn't expect it to be so. Let me guess, are you a monster? Or a devil?"

"Then you come and try, am I a demon or a demon?"

The two started to fight in the Tianlao. The battle between these magic techniques was so exciting. Faith didn't expect that this half-demon was so cruel and so proficient in the magic. This was worthy of being a disciple taught by Ramadan, but this Ramadan General The half-demon's teachings were so powerful. What on earth was he thinking? Wasn't he afraid that he would end up raising a tiger?

"It turns out to be a demon. Let me guess, why did you come here? For me?"

"Hahaha, yes, really smart, but there is another reason. As for this reason, you will know it soon. The venue here is too small, and these stupid humans are really in the way. If you want to fight me, we still have more Time, now, I have more important things to do, let’s keep this fight, we can always have a good time.”

After Faith finished speaking, she turned into a stream of blue smoke and flew away from Wen Rong's body, while Wen Rong collapsed on the ground unconscious.

"See? This is a monster!"

Fanxing didn't bother to take a look at these prisoners, turned around and flew out of the prison.

There was a coldness in the entire palace, that kind of coldness that made people feel numb, and there was a sense of death everywhere. Fanxing frowned when he looked around, something was wrong.

Something is wrong here. Could it be that something else has gotten in?

Fanxing continued to walk in, but as soon as he reached the outside of the hall, he saw several bright lights forming a circle. Ramadan was surrounded inside, while more than ten other people were standing outside, fighting extremely fiercely.


Fanxing's eyes turned red. Where did these people come from? There are monsters, demons, and ghosts. Where did these damn things come from? Why did they besiege Ramadan?

Fanxing felt pain and anxiety in her heart when she saw it, but she found that those bright lights were blocking her, preventing her from entering or helping.

Ramadan was fighting fiercely inside, but he couldn't see Brahma Star outside at all. This time the six realms joined forces, they had already made preparations. Brahma Star could see the fighting Ramadan, but Ramadan could not see Brahma Star.

So at this moment, no matter how Brahma Xing screamed, Ramadan had no reaction at all.

Ramadan knew that the six realms had joined forces to launch such a huge attack today, and he didn't want to just let them go.

He has a real dragon to protect his body, and even without the real dragon, they are no match for him. He wants to kill them all in one fell swoop. At this moment, Ramadan pretends that he is invincible and falls heavily from the air to the ground...

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