"Dad, what you said is true? Are you sure that person's news is reliable? Is Shen Xiaoxiao really a boxer in the club for more than 10 years?"

Liu Yufei couldn't stop the astonishment on her face. Shen Xiaoxiao was so arrogant and domineering. She thought she had such confidence. It turned out that she relied on men.

He has been a boxer abroad for more than 10 years. According to the information provided by that person, that Shen Xiaoxiaoke has been locked up in the club for more than 10 years, without any chance to contact the outside world. Not only that, it is said that he does not even speak English. will say something.

If this was the case, she would have died laughing, this Shen Xiaoxiao was so annoying, she thought she was so amazing, she pretended so well, a person who couldn't even speak a word of English was still showing off in front of her.

"The information provided by that person, how can it be wrong, it must be true, but if you want definite evidence and photos, you have to wait a few days. That little oriental lolita is not a cover, she has a great reputation, and many people still remember.

It is said that a few days later, along with the evidence, there is another witness, who grew up watching the boxing match of Little Oriental Lolita, and he will never admit the wrong person.

That Shen Xiaoxiao made us suffer so much this time, we must not make her feel better. "

"Hmph, not only won't make her feel better, I want her to get out of Shen's company. Those things belong to us, and they must only belong to us. No one else can steal them from us."


"Boss, Miss An Ning is here again, do you see?"

Yan Kuan continued to deal with the matter in hand without raising his head, and said to the door as a secretary: "Take her to Mr. Shen."

The secretary was taken aback, and asked the big star to go to Mr. Shen. This was the fifth time in the past month. Every time he said that, the big star left angrily. Will not leave again.

The secretary closed the door and walked out. Seeing where An Ning was standing with a proud face, she was too embarrassed to tell her. This is really strange. The big star was rejected by their boss and still persevered. Keep up the good work. This is really the news of the century. She didn't even know how to describe it.

It's a pity that it can't be exposed to Gossip Weekly, otherwise she will definitely earn a lot of money. But when she thought of what happened to the secretary who secretly delivered the news, she shuddered. That one has now mixed into the bar as a hostess. Isn't it because she wants to sell the news to make some money?

So, even though she saw Qian waving to her at this moment, she didn't dare to have any other thoughts.

"Miss An Ning, our chairman is at Mr. Shen's office. If you have anything to do, why not go to Mr. Shen's on the 35th floor."

It's Shen Xiaoxiao again, once An Ning gets angry, she has come here 5 times this month, and every time she comes here, Yan Kuan stays at Shen Xiaoxiao's place, is K-one so free? Does this Yan Kuan only enjoy women not caring about his career every time?


This time, An Ning decided not to run away, she must go to the door, she wants to see what kind of ability that Miss Shen has to fascinate Yan Kuan so fascinated.

On the 35th floor, KN Group Huaguo Headquarters.

As soon as An Ning, a big star, arrived, it naturally caused a sensation, but because it was the president's office on the 35th floor, the only people who saw her were people from the secretary department.

But there are more than 20 people in the secretarial department alone. An Ning's eyes are slightly closed when she sees this. What kind of backing does this woman have? Why is she qualified to be the president of KN Group? Who is behind her? Does Yan Kuan know?

This KN is stronger than K-one, could it be related to Yan Kuan? Will it be so?

It seems that she has to find an opportunity to test it out. If it is really Yan Kuan, then this "fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders" must not let this girl of the Shen family be contaminated in the slightest.

If it wasn't for Yan Kuan, she would have to find out more about the person behind Shen Xiaoxiao, because their Ouyang family needs such a powerful person. If she can find such a helper, then she will be in Ouyang in the future. The position of the family will only become more and more secure and stable, at least Huo Wanting can't threaten her at every turn and shock her.

"Miss An, are you looking for Mr. Shen?"

An Ning looked at the secretary like she did, and walked towards the president's office without paying any attention to the secretary. She even walked in without knocking on the door. The secretary didn't react, and the man had already walked into the office.

"Miss An, Miss An... Mr. Shen, Miss An..."

"Well, I see, let's go out!"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the helpless look on the secretary's face, and found it funny when she saw An Ning acting like someone owed her tens of millions. In fact, looking at it now, there is really no similarity between An Ning and Yan Kuan.

Yan Kuan's mother looks exactly the same as An Ning, but Yan Kuan doesn't seem to have inherited his mother's appearance at all. He looks more like his father.

Otherwise, she would have already discovered what was wrong, but not to mention, this An Ning is really beautiful, with a moon and a shame, a fish and a wild goose, and a good figure. As a big star, she is extremely well-dressed. 10 points of demeanor, now also has 10 points of appearance.

As soon as the door was closed, Shen Xiaoxiao sat on a chair and stretched casually. She only wore a white woolen coat today, which was a little casual, and she still had a clear soup noodle face, with a unique youthful atmosphere , This is a lot beyond An Ning, after all, no matter how you look at it, one is a natural oxygen beauty, while the other is an artificial beauty packaged by various cosmetics and skin care products.

"Miss An is here, it's really a rare visitor, but earlier I lamented that the daughter of the Ouyang family is different from us girls, both the etiquette and manners are pleasing to the eye, and they look particularly eye-catching.

It's just that now, Miss Ouyang is so rude, she's no different from those starlets who play big names when they become famous. "

"Hmph, you are the most powerful one, so I won't say much, just tell me, what conditions will you leave Yan Kuan."


Shen Xiaoxiao had already guessed that An Ning's visit was to separate her from Yan Kuan, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Yes, please make a condition. Do you want your Shen family to be promoted step by step? Or to develop opportunities. As long as you say it, there is nothing that my Ouyang family dare not respond to."

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled, this An Ning is a strange thing, taking advantage of the power of Ouyang's family to be so domineering, it is really a good dog raised by Ouyang's family.

"Well, I won't open this street. If you want me to leave Yan Kuan, you don't have to look for me. Well, you go to Yan Kuan. As long as he nods, I will definitely leave without leaving any trace."

Looking for Yan Kuan? Then An Ning has to find a talent, Yan Kuan has been avoiding her all the time, how can she meet someone?

"If I have to find you..."

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