Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 205 The Rising Du Ze

"What if I insist on looking for you?" An Ning didn't give in at all, she looked directly at Shen Xiaoxiao, and today she made it clear that she wanted to get an answer from Shen Xiaoxiao.

Shen Xiaoxiao folded her hands in her arms, looked at An Ning who was determined to win, and said amusedly: "Then you have made it clear that you are finding fault, and you often deal with people who find fault. Do you know what I always do?"

"Hmph, what? Don't you dare to let the security guard throw me away?"

Shen Xiaoxiao laughed, looked behind An Ning through her eyes, and said directly: "Didn't you hear what the big star said? Throwing it out, I really thought I was a character."

The two security guards behind were stunned, but they carried out Mr. Shen's order very respectfully. The employees of KN Group never worried about who could not be offended or who should be taboo.

Not only in Huaguo, but in any country, KN's employees are awesome. Here, the high-tech welfare is an ordinary security guard, and the treatment is better than that of many senior white-collar workers.

So, even though he was a little curious about the order at the moment, he acted immediately, and really took An Ning's hand and walked out.

"Let go of me, let me go, you dare, you dare, Shen Xiaoxiao, you bitch, how dare you treat me like this, Shen Xiaoxiao..."

"Miss An, please keep your voice down. It's your people who are lost here, and you, please be gentle. The big stars are all delicate and expensive. In case some nails are broken or the hairstyle is messed up, At that time, people will ask the lawyer to send a lawyer's letter."

The two security guards were taken aback, and immediately let go of their hands and said to Shen Xiaoxiao: "Thank you, Mr. Shen, for reminding me." After the two of them finished talking, they actually took out white gloves from their pockets and put them on. An Ning trembled with anger.

That's not to mention, the two of them seem to have bumped into something dirty, they took a step back but looked at An Ning full of combing and taboo.

"Shen Xiaoxiao, why are you so arrogant? You really think that my Ouyang family is easy to bully, don't you? Okay, I can't touch the KN Group, but it is our family's business to crush your Shen's enterprise to death. What an ignorant idiot, Yan Kuan Even if he likes you, it's just for fun, I still don't believe it, he will fight against my Ouyang family for you. "

After An Ning finished speaking, she glared at the two security guards, and walked out of the office angrily.

This moment of anger, this An Ning is really naive, so naive that she is so stupid, how can she, as a daughter of a family, not even understand the simplest truth?

Why is this woman making things difficult for women? A smart woman only needs to deal with a man, but she happened to hit her. I really don't know what her brain circuit is thinking. For any woman with a normal head, even if she sees this situation and doesn't think otherwise, this man must not be in a hurry. An Ning is a strange thing.

It's just that after An Ning left, after she really calmed down, she slowly came back to the memory. Anyone who attended the banquet last time knew that she and Yan Kuan were a couple, and the Ouyang family was no exception. This time I personally came to Yan Kuan's door to find Yan Kuan, so upright and undisguised, without the consent of Ouyang's family, would An Ning dare to do this?

Such a big scandal broke out in Ouyang's family just now. It was really a time when the children of the family were strictly disciplined. Now An Ning is allowed to actively pursue a man who has a partner. It seems weird no matter how you look at it.

Does the Ouyang family really need help so much? Need not only Pei Li, but also foreign businessmen like Yan Kuan? Could it be that the Ouyang family really came up with that whimsical idea? Want to aspire to the highest position in Huaguo? Monarchy? Really crazy!

Yan Kuan has become more and more busy recently, but he is no longer the same as before, unwilling to talk to Shen Xiaoxiao about anything, unwilling to communicate with her, and occasionally talking to him about the politics of Huaguo that Shen Xiaoxiao has never been involved in.

She also didn't know what identity this Yan Kuan had besides being the Dark Empire, and why he could know many extremely hidden things inside the Hua Kingdom.

But she is a smart woman, Yan Kuan doesn't say anything, she really never asks more questions.

She learns and handles various matters of Shen's enterprise every day, and lives a fulfilling and busy life. Her Dongyouguo online room is developing very fast. Even Yan Kuan did not expect that this seemingly inconspicuous online game will be in the market. Huaguo set off a hurricane.

Along with the fame of online games, there is also a young talent of the new generation in the business world, Du Ze.

Many businessmen with a little vision have taken a fancy to online games, but Du Ze became the first person to eat crabs. The name of Dongyou Kingdom is only a short period of more than a month. Including the World Forum, they are all on the list and are talked about.

Huaguo has a vast territory and a large population, and its potential is also endless. Yu Lang is mainly responsible for the management of Dongyou Country. As for Shen's enterprise, it is Shen Xiaoxiao who secretly planned it, and of course Yu Lang also assisted him. .

As Du Ze's popularity is getting higher and higher, major media are competing to report day and night, and advertisements made of special effects technology are broadcast back and forth on the Internet and TV every day. The advertising effect made by the theme is extremely significant, no less than the deterrent effect of those international stars.

So even these young models in advertisements quickly became popular, Shen Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to establish Dongyouguo Entertainment Co., Ltd. again, and signed these young models under the name of her company. Not only that, she was reborn from the previous life. When she returned to Huaguo and was completely unfamiliar with everything, all kinds of movies accompanied her.

So, even though she doesn't know how to operate it, she can still find it. She has connections and resources, and Dongyouguo Entertainment has also started to operate with great fanfare.

It's just that in the eyes of the outside world, these are all achievements made by Du Ze, who appeared out of nowhere.

For a while, Du Ze once again became the topic of being scrambled and clinged to.

Of course, although Du Ze has achieved these achievements, he is not proud and complacent, and worships and respects Shen Xiaoxiao as always.

It's just that Yan Kuan seems to have specially instructed that in the entire dark empire, except for 19, An Yi and Yu Lang, no one knows that Dongyou Kingdom is actually owned by Shen Xiaoxiao. The extremely fast-growing Dongyou Country that everyone feels a little admired is actually one of Shen Xiaoxiao's career territories.


"Brother, don't worry, I don't know about Du Ze? Back then, he fell in love with me so deeply and chased him from abroad. Now as long as I nod my head, I believe he will be so desperate to catch up. "

While arranging her makeup, Pei Meimei said to Pei Li who was beside her.

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