Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 210 Shen is dormant

Yan Kuan knew that it was not easy to talk to Shen Xiaoxiao immediately, but he had a bold guess in his heart but he did not dare to tell Shen Xiaoxiao right now, because even he was still trying to convince himself that it was really But this sounds too incredible.

There was also the woman lying on the base. She looked exactly like his mother. No matter how much she pretended to look like her, he could recognize her at a glance.

It's just that he needs to cooperate and continue to act out this scene, because he also wants to know who is directing all this behind the scenes, who is secretly controlling all this, even him is involved, this is definitely not simple. , and it is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

As for the person behind the scenes, every decision he made seemed to be made at random, but it also achieved unexpected results. For example, they used their hands to push Pei Li into Ouyang's house. This time, he used Shen's hand to push Pei Li into Ouyang's house. The company came to lure out the boss behind the KN Group, asking questions and wanting to know whether he had anything to do with KN, or what he had to do with the Dark Empire.

Not only did he understand him so thoroughly, but he also calculated every step so well. This person was the first such a strong opponent he had encountered in these years.

"Do you mean to let Shen's company go bankrupt?"

"It's dormant."

Yan Kuan's words made Shen Xiaoxiao still depressed and dormant. Doesn't this mean that Shen's enterprise will fall to the bottom?

"Does the Dark Empire also want to avoid its edge?"

Yan Kuan raised his eyebrows, looked at the indignant look on this little guy's face, and said to her: "Yes, KN ​​Group and the Dark Empire must also avoid their sharp edges."

Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked, who was so awesome that even Yan Kuan had to stay away?

"What happened? Also, is this why you have been so troubled lately?"

Yan Kuan smiled and touched the hair that had reached his neck. It was smooth and black, and would be well maintained.

"Smart, indeed. The purpose of these people is probably not just the Shen family, KN. I think it is more likely that someone is using our hands to influence the overall situation. The real target is probably the Ouyang family."


Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked. Is there someone who wants to deal with the Ouyang family or someone who wants to help the Ouyang family succeed? who is it?

"But it's not right. Why do I feel like the person behind this plot has even plotted against us? I'm afraid we won't be spared what he wants to deal with, right?"

"This is also what I am extremely confused about. There is another thing. The Liu family sent people to country M to investigate your matter a month ago. I think the Liu family should have cooperated with the person behind the scenes."

"What? Is it the Liu family?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was furious, this damn Liu family, she thought it would be best to kill them slowly, but unexpectedly, these poisonous snakes turned around and bit them. It seemed that they were really invincible Xiaoqiang.

"This woman Liu Yufei is not simple, she is extremely cruel."

not simple? She had known for a long time that this woman was not simple, but now that she was helping to control all this behind the scenes and letting Shen fall into such a situation, she would never sit back and wait for death. Liu Yufei, this woman, is really a poisonous scorpion.

"Girl, you can't touch Liu Yufei. At least until we find out who the person behind this is, we have to let Liu Yufei stand up for a while."

"No way, that bitch, I will never let her go easily."

Yan Kuan sighed, and after a long time he said to her: "Liu Yufei and Pei Li will definitely stay at the Ouyang family. You forgot that Liu Yufei has a Suoyin flower tattooed on her body. This Suoyin flower is the mother of the head of the Ouyang family. I only know how to get tattoos, you understand..."

Shen Xiaoxiao was depressed, and after a while he said: "Are you saying that Liu Yufei's existence was deliberately caused by someone? That person may have planned it many years ago to let them enter the Ouyang family?

Who is that? Why do this? Why should Liu Yufei and Pei Li move in? "

"I don't know about this question either. Liu Yufei and Pei Li should be important chess pieces arranged very early, but whether it is Liu Yufei or Pei Li, neither of them is simple."

"not simple?"

"Hmph, in Ouyang Tian's eyes, Pei Li is the purest bloodline of the Ouyang family!"

"What? Isn't this too disgusting? How perverted!"

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't expect that the Ouyang family would have such thoughts. Doesn't this sound too disgusting to the wife?

"There are still many disgusting things about the Ouyang family. Let's take a look at it slowly. Therefore, at least we know about the chess piece Liu Yufei. Once something happens to Liu Yufei, if the people behind the scenes arrange for another chess piece to come over, we will It’s impossible to guard against them. Now at least we are in the dark and they are in the open. It’s not that easy to deal with us.”

"But I'm not willing to let her go like this."

What Shen Xiao wrote was true. She was really unwilling to let Liu Yufei go just like that.

"I know you are not willing to give in, but to deal with the Liu family, you don't just need to deal with Liu Yufei alone, Liu Qianmin is also one of the people behind the scenes."

"Not only Liu Qianmin, but also Gu Yuehua. Wasn't it Gu Yuehua who gave me everything I experienced in my childhood?"

Looking at Shen Xiaoxiao's somewhat gloomy eyes, his heart suddenly thought, maybe even everything Xiaoxiao experienced in his childhood was deliberately done by someone?

If this is the case, the person behind the scenes is too terrifying.

a week later

KN Group held a press conference, and Shen Xiaoxiao announced that KN Group had changed owners and resigned from all positions in KN Group.

Not only that, the stock market has plummeted for a week, and Shen's company is on the verge of collapse. Not to mention the major shareholders withdrawing their shares, Shen's company has also withdrawn from the stage of history like a legend.

When Huang Yueyan came over, she looked at the leisurely woman sitting in the garden drinking tea with a teacup in amusement. This woman was really strange. She was still so calm after suffering such a severe trauma. What did she rely on?

"I have been watching Yueyan for a long time. If I continue to watch it, I will start to doubt Yueyan's orientation."

Huang Yueyan smiled and said lightly: "I'm looking to see if you still have money to make a comeback. If not, I still have some pocket money that I can lend you, but the interest is not low."

The person who can help her at this time, Huang Yueyan, is really a quickie.

It's just that he is helping her now, but he is indirectly targeting the Ouyang family. The Shen family has fallen into decline so quickly today. Without the Ouyang family's involvement behind the scenes, no one would believe this.

"Yueyan's pocket money should be carefully guarded. Of course, if Yueyan really has too much money and no place to put it, why don't I give Yueyan an idea so that you can earn some extra money."

Huang Yueyan knew that Shen Xiaoxiao was a quickie, and of course she wanted to pay her out of sincerity. But now it seemed that Shen Xiaoxiao was not so easy to defeat, so she immediately asked curiously: "What about you? Tell me, what kind of extra money?"

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