"You want me to invest in a children's amusement park?"

Huang Yueyan was a little curious. She had never heard of this project.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Huang Yueyan's curious look, and it was no wonder that she was so surprised. In the previous life, this children's amusement park was a smaller version of the adult amusement tubes. It was very popular in almost every city. This project, like online games, has great development potential. .

"Yeah, don't underestimate this project. Today's children are the treasures of adults. If Yueyan is interested, I will invest 50 million. I'm afraid Yueyan's pocket money will be more than this amount. Maybe we can still I can earn some jewelry money.”

Huang Yueyan raised her eyebrows and took it out with 50 million eyes. It seemed that she had underestimated Shen Xiaoxiao, but when she thought of the Ouyang family's action against the Shen family, she began to guess whether Shen Xiaoxiao did this on purpose. So, hibernating on purpose?

"Ouyang Ning can't wait to attack you. Is it because of that person, you and him?"

"No matter how much Ouyang Ning does, it's useless. Yan Kuan doesn't like her."

Huang Yueyan frowned, looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and said with rare concern: "No matter how thoughtful you are, this woman cannot put everything on one man."

These words were really words of concern. Shen Xiaoxiao understood them immediately and said to Huang Yueyan solemnly: "Thank you Yueyan. I know, but there are too many things involved. Well, you are not looking for anything today." Am I shopping? Let’s go.”

Shen Xiaoxiao pulled Huang Yueyan. She didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, and Huang Yueyan didn't want to bring it up. After all, Shen Xiaoxiao was different from her. She had been taught since she was a child that she couldn't rely on men, but had to rely on herself. However, Shen Xiaoxiao had been abroad since she was a child. No matter how old she is, many things are still relatively simple, so Huang Yueyan cares for Shen Xiaoxiao like an older sister would for a younger sister.

This is also the reason why Shen Xiaoxiao has a strong appetite for her.

And now that Huo Wanting knew about her transfer of Huang's property, she no longer cared about her as before, and began to order people to find her father Huang Delong in front of her.

Huang Yueyan looked at her aunt's pretentious look and ignored it at all. 65% of the property had been transferred. Although the remaining 35% could not be moved, the Ouyang family probably did not like it. As for those abroad, the Ouyang family was in China. It's not bad, but once you go abroad, it's not that easy to take away those industries.

Therefore, Huang Yueyan now feels like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Moreover, her methods are extremely tough and she knows Huo Wanting very well. Huo Wanting really has no way to do anything to her.

But the Ouyang family will definitely not place their treasure on her again. This time when the Ouyang family began to seek new development goals, for some reason, they directly targeted the "Tangge" hotel.

According to the previous life, the alliance between the Ouyang family and the Pei family allowed the Pei family to become the first family in Kyoto. But now, their alliance with the Pei family has collapsed, and now they can only find new goals.

On the other hand, Shen Xiaoxiao and Huang Yueyan made an appointment to go shopping, so naturally they wouldn't sit in the house. Moreover, Shen Xiaoxiao didn't have any friends in his previous life except Liu Yufei. In this life, Huang Yueyan finally found her, and she was more to his liking. She also operates with heart.

"You want to buy jewelry? I do know some friends, and the things they got are pretty good."

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled at Huang Yueyan, took her hand and gently pushed open the store door, and said somewhat mysteriously: "You will know later."

"Miss Shen, you are here. Your jewelry is ready. Please wait a moment."

The store manager walked out directly. He was overjoyed when he saw the rich man and hurriedly asked someone to pick up her customized gift.

"This is?"

"Try it, I think you are more suitable for this style."

Shen Xiaoxiao handed a bracelet to Huang Yueyan's hand. Huang Yueyan was very generous. Seeing this, she didn't shirk it and put it on her hand. Not to mention, it was really beautiful.

"This diamond is good. Your gift is a gift to my heart. Come on, just pick whatever you want. Everything you buy today will be on my account."

"My little diamond has pried open your golden mouth. It seems that I am taking advantage."


Be courteous. Even the best friends need these courtesy exchanges. Moreover, Huang Yueyan has an appetite for Shen Xiaoxiao, and the two of them can talk. In addition, Shen Xiaoxiao doesn't need to spend any money on this diamond. She has many diamonds there. Yes, take out the smallest one, this gift is also top-notch.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the various items displayed in the diamond cabinet unceremoniously, while Huang Yueyan let the waiter adjust the length of the bracelet for her.

Just when the two of them were concentrating on their own things, a voice rang out from behind them: "Hey, Miss Shen still has some spare money to buy jewelry? Why can't you Shen still be unable to cross over? Or are you? Which sponsor’s money is used for this?”


Shen Xiaoxiao had been familiar with this voice for a long time, but she didn't expect to meet An Ning here. How could she not be afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi when she went shopping?

"Don't there always be financial sponsors? It's not like Miss An doesn't know about it. Not only that, this financial sponsor is also Miss An, who is chasing after her, licking her face and crawling around! Of course you can buy a piece of jewelry. "

Shen Xiaoxiao's words were very realistic, and An Ning's sarcasm was very serious.

An Ning is a big star, and almost everyone here knows her. When Shen Xiaoxiao said this, many people were talking about it. What does it mean to pursue her, and what does it mean to lick your face and climb up? Doesn't this make it clear that An Ning came to her door on her own initiative?

"Hmph, you are still so harsh now, but I'm curious. The Shen's enterprise has collapsed like this, and Yan Kuan didn't help at all. It seems that you are nothing more than that in his mind."

This was the part that relieved An Ning the most. She borrowed the help of the Ouyang family to deal with the Shen family. She actually thought that Yan Kuan would help. At first, she pretended that if Yan Kuan wanted to intervene, then she would have to control Yan Kuan as a deal. Kuan, of course, it would be best if Yan Kuan didn't interfere. It meant that this woman was really just Yan Kuan's play, which made her feel relieved.

Fortunately, the final verification result was that Yan Kuan did not take action, so when he met Shen Xiaoxiao again, An Ning showed no trace of sarcasm and ridicule. Shen Xiaoxiao no longer had the backing of Shen's enterprise, and this arrogance was also You can't be arrogant for much longer.

"An Ning, you go out so carelessly, aren't you afraid of the paparazzi following you?"

Huang Yueyan came over and said directly to An Ning. Shen Xiaoxiao also didn't expect that Huang Yueyan was on her side now. She thought Huang Yueyan had to cover it up.

"Sister Yueyan, why are you with her?"

An Ning is indeed surprised. After all, Huang Yueyan is Huo Wanting's niece, and her face is comparable to hers in front of Huo Wanting. But now Huang Yueyan and Shen Xiaoxiao are actually walking together. Isn't this inappropriate?

"I can be with whoever I like, what? Do I need to report to you to make friends?"

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