Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 213 Pei Li’s counterattack

Hu Han has been having an extremely bad life recently. He really underestimated Hannah, a woman who now relies on him and can't get rid of her.

Whether it was giving money or threatening, this woman was like a bullshit plaster. Not only that, but now she had learned to threaten him. He had underestimated this woman. She actually knew the password to his safe and took the item inside. The jade pendant representing his life experience threatens him.

All the descendants of the Ouyang family have one of these jade pendants. It is an ordinary statue of Guanyin, but the base is carved with the totem of the Ouyang family, a strange flower with a shape similar to a rose. It has a somewhat evil and alternative beauty.

Not only that, Hannah and Ouyang Feng were beginning to have a relationship. He was increasingly worried that Hannah would reveal the news to Ouyang Feng in advance. Once the Ouyang family knew of his existence, his situation would be dangerous. .

All the things he has worked hard for over the years have to be given away. All these things he has worked so hard to get will be given to the Ouyang family without taking a penny? dream!

He has not forgotten how his mother died tragically abroad, and how Ouyang Jinchuan treated their mother and son, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. If his mother had not supported him, she would have worked as a young lady abroad, and eventually contracted the disease. Death from AIDS?

All this hatred was given by the Ouyang family, and he would never forget it. He would never forget it. If it hadn't been for that kind person who rearranged his identity and gave him enough start-up capital, he wouldn't have been able to achieve what he did.

"If you want to threaten me, you have to see how much you weigh."

Hannah raised her eyebrows nonchalantly and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter how much I weigh, what's important is your identity. I really didn't expect you to be from the Ouyang family. Tell me, if Mr. Ouyang knew that he actually had a child, Will your son be happy outside? I heard that the second young master of the Ouyang family has no son but only two daughters.

You said you have such a good deck of cards in your hand, why don't you know how to use it wisely? It’s not fun to have to lose a winning hand. "

"Bitch, it's none of your business what I want to do. You'd better think clearly. You are threatening me now. If I return to the Ouyang family, you will be the first one to deal with me. Think about whether you have this Ability to withstand it all.”

Hannah must have thought about this problem, but she also risked it, because Ouyang Feng also told her that Hu Han would never admit that he was from the Ouyang family, because anyone from the Ouyang family, except for direct descendants, would not admit that he was from the Ouyang family. Private property must never exceed a certain amount. Even though many of them now have certain investments, the amount is controlled to a certain extent. This is also a very abnormal rule of the Ouyang family. Therefore, no matter which aspect it is, this nonsense Handu will never admit that he is from the Ouyang family now.

"I only want 10% of Tangge's shares, which is not much. Why don't you want this? And what you said, don't think I'm an idiot. I'm not afraid. To tell you the truth, if you are unwilling to agree to my request , I can form an alliance with Ouyang Feng as soon as I turn around. I believe that for the Ouyang family to get such a big deal, the profit that Ouyang Feng can share is also not small. When I marry Ouyang Feng, the final result will be equally wonderful, isn't it? ?”

Hannah actually didn't know that Ouyang Feng actually wanted this palace not to contribute to the Ouyang family, but to increase his private property. Of course, it was easy to trick a stupid woman like Hannah into doing things for him.

"How dare you, bitch!"

Hu Han's character was already extreme, and now he was threatened by Hannah, so he choked Hannah's neck in anger.

Originally it would have been nice if he had just vented, but Hannah's figure was much smaller than that of Hu Han, who grew up abroad. In addition, he drank again tonight, so he exerted force on his hand and made it hard again. His eyes turned red and he strangled the person to death.

Of course, Hu Han woke up after the man slipped from the sofa to the floor. Often it only takes this moment for this man to do something stupid. This is the country of China now. It is absolutely impossible to kill someone simply. Run away.

Just at this moment, Pei Li actually came to the door!

The door of the office was wide open. Because it was night, there was no one around here. No one knew why Pei Li would come to the door now, not even Hu Han himself.

Well, it goes without saying that this result is natural. Pei Li's methods are already great. He was only a few years younger than Hu Han. He directly told Hu Han to sell Tangge to him. He needed an industry to start his own business. This was comparable to If it falls into the hands of the Ouyang family, it is better to get less than half a penny.

Moreover, what happened to Hannah tonight has reminded Hu Han. Ouyang Feng must have known his identity, and maybe he has reported it to the Ouyang family. If this is the case, he might as well just sell it to Pei Li.

Regardless of Pei Li's messy identity, Pei Li is neither soft nor hard, and he has such a big handle that he can't sell it to anyone else except him.

Therefore, Tangge has changed its owner, and the new owner of Tangge is Pei Li.

"What? Pei Li bought Tangge? Where did he get so much money?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was inexplicably surprised. Yan Kuan had told him how much this palace was worth before. How could Pei Li have so much money to buy this?

"No matter how much money there is, Pei Li holds the video of Hu Han accidentally killing Hannah, 300 million, and the house has changed hands. Hu Han was timid and ran back to Country M overnight. This is a chess piece. broken."

Yan Kuan was also a little annoyed. He didn't expect these people to move so quickly and bring this idea to Hu Han. If this was the case, it would be almost certain that Pei Li would move into Ouyang's house.

"Even if it's 300 million, Pei Li can't afford it? He's not the eldest son of the Pei family now."

"Have you forgotten? He has joined forces with Liu Yufei. Liu Yufei has many special undertakings. Those things can make money very quickly."

Shen Xiaoxiao became furious when he thought of this. It was really abominable that they actually let them take advantage of a loophole. He said to Yan Kuan angrily: "It's really frustrating. It's so irritating to see the Liu family living so smoothly." .”

"Don't be angry. Tomorrow, tomorrow you will be able to see a wonderful and inexplicable show. I guarantee that you will be angry enough, but don't be soft-hearted and distressed then."

"Oh? What show?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was a little curious, what drama made Yan Kuan say this?

"It doesn't matter what the show is, what's important is that it can relieve the anger. There is another thing. The Ouyang Family Association will announce Pei Li's official return to the Ouyang Family in a month. Ouyang Tianhui will personally change his name and enter the family tree. The invitations have been sent to KN and K -one!"


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