Shen Xiaoxiao knew that Qian Weitang was in Yan Kuan's hands, but Shen Xiaoxiao didn't know whether he was detained at home or abroad.

As for the account book, Yan Kuan has not yet taken it out. Shen Xiaoxiao has asked him about it, and Yan Kuan did not hide it deliberately. He said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"It's safer to keep this account book in my hands. That old man Pei Dongguo can even kill his own adopted daughter for this account book, let alone you?

Be good, I am doing it for your own good. If you know less, it will only benefit you and not harm you. When needed, this account book can be reconstructed and known to the world, which will become reasonable evidence to bring down the Ouyang family. "

"Then why don't you hand it over now?"

"Hand it over? To whom? Although the people above suspect that the Ouyang family is wary of them, they have not found any effective evidence. Even our account books are only auxiliary evidence. As for physical evidence, the Ouyang family must It’s definitely not that easy to uproot.”

"Hey, I've been back for so long. Why can't these things go smoothly? It's so frustrating."

Yan Kuan smiled, looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's annoyed look and said, "Who said nothing goes smoothly? At least your engagement is canceled, and at least you get back Shen's enterprise."

What Yan Kuan said was true, but Shen Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable. Even the matter of her breaking off the engagement felt like someone was planning it behind the scenes, so no matter what aspect, she felt very aggrieved.

"Okay, now that person is hiding in the dark, my people have been searching for him as soon as possible, and there should be news soon.

I brought Qian Weitang back to China, what do you want to do with him? "

"Qian Weitang? Since we are so aggrieved, our family cannot suffer so much. Since he is a key criminal of the Chinese state, he should be returned to the Chinese state.

Qian Weitang's crime was not a capital crime. He could only be imprisoned for life at most. However, the things in his hands were deadly. He had left an escape route for himself and did not personally participate in those things, otherwise his life would not have been spared. "

"Well, let's go together. Since we are not comfortable, let's muddy the waters and make everyone uncomfortable."

"I remember Qian Weitang's wife and son are still there. Have your people checked?"

"His wife is still lying in the nursing home. As for his son, he is currently being seduced by Pei Meimei."

After hearing the news, Shen Xiaoxiao frowned and said: "The maximum age for this money is 18 years old. Pei Meimei is 22. How can she say it? They are nominally cousins. The Ouyang family is really not Come out with good stuff.”

After Shen Xiaoxiao finished speaking subconsciously, he remembered that he seemed to have scolded Yan Kuan as well, and immediately pulled Yan Kuan's clothes in a flattering manner.

Yan Kuan didn't care at all, just scold him. Anyway, he never admitted that he was from the Ouyang family.

Qian Weitang was sent out. As for whether it would be reported on TV, Shen Xiaoxiao didn't know, but the next day, as Yan Kuan expected, all the major media networks and even the streets were talking about a person. , and named Gu Yuehua the most vicious mother in the world.

Her reputation spread all over the streets overnight. Not only that, she was hailed by everyone as one of the top ten evil mothers in the world.

Even Liu Qianmin and Liu Yufei began to be sexually assaulted by people. One was a former driver and a young and Dangerous boy, and the other was photographed in a bar with several men.

The Liu family became the laughing stock of the entire Chinese nation overnight. Of course, since Yan Kuan said that Liu Yufei would not be touched for the time being, the main targets of the attack this time were Gu Yuehua and Liu Qianmin.

One mother is known as the most vicious mother in the world, and the other is known as the most vicious stepfather, which is a good match. As for Liu Yufei, although she is not the main person who is despised, she has received a lot of public opinion.

In fact, she was seeking her own death and couldn't control herself. She often went to bars and lingered, and she couldn't help being photographed one after another.

"Damn, damn, Liu Yufei, you bitch, you are so shameless. Everyone knows that you are my Pei Li's woman, but you actually cuckolded me, you idiot!"

Liu Yufei's face was equally ugly. She didn't expect that someone would report her mother and father for selling Shen Xiaoxiao. Not to mention that some photos of her going to the bar were also released. She also She was so angry that she knew without even thinking that this must have been done by Shen Xiaoxiao. Only she would do this to the Liu family, her mother and father.

"Brother A Li, you really can't blame me. You know, sometimes I really can't control myself when it comes to this Suoyin pattern. I swear, I swear I will never go out again. I'm at home, just at home. .”

Pei Li was simply blocked. Liu Yufei actually used Suoyinhua as an excuse. Although what she said was true, these were not the reasons for her to cheat. Not only that, she now asked Suoyinhua It was also to warn him not to be so arrogant. The tattoo she had was called Suoyin Flower. With this and with her, he, Pei Li, could be the head of the Ouyang family. Therefore, Pei Li had no choice but to endure it. .

But at this time, Pei Li also began to wonder. If every head matron had this tattoo of the Suoyin flower, how did these head matrons deal with their own unique and special problems?

There was also Huo Wanting, whom he had met many times. She was a very tasteful, beautiful and mature woman. How could she restrain herself from being so promiscuous? It seems that he needs to find someone to investigate. There are too many secrets in the Ouyang family that he doesn't know.

"Just stay at home and don't go anywhere. I don't care whether you tie yourself up with your hands or yourself. You're really a bitch, huh!"

Pei Li left angrily, and Liu Yufei looked at Pei Li's back with a livid face, Damn it, damn it.

There have been too many things to worry about recently. Scar is dead, and there is still no one to take over some things. The mysterious person is pressing for money. She is busy looking for people everywhere, but she didn't expect that something happened to her mother again. This is really difficult to handle.

Liu family mansion

"Sister-in-law, it's not my fault that your reputation has been ruined. Our second brother-in-law has been extremely kind to you. Don't forget that the former nobleman of our family prevented his eldest brother from going to jail. He was sentenced to three years. This is no joke. Yeah, why do you want to push me out to take the blame now that things are exposed? Does our second room owe you or something? I don’t care, you have to give me the money. I have to go abroad to find my daughter, and I have to wait for the money to come out. , I, a woman, cannot support my daughter who is studying abroad."

"Lihua, you didn't say hello to us when you sent Yumeng away. How can you study abroad without a lot of money? Don't wear such a big hat if you don't have such a big head.

As for the expensive money thing, this is what he and his eldest brother agreed upon. Our family has never treated you badly over the years. You have a lot of money to spend on popular drinks. You have also become a rich wife. This money is expensive. We were given 5 million yuan as settlement allowance when we came in. Even close brothers would be enough, right? Now we still need more money? "

Gu Yuehua was very upset. She had been disgusted with Wang Lihua for a long time. She must have exposed that damn Shen Xiaoxiao this time. She is now like a rat crossing the street and everyone is shouting and beating her. She still doesn't blame this person who came up with the idea back then. As for Gu Yuehua, it would be better for her to come to them first and try to blackmail them again. She is not a soft persimmon who will let them manipulate her!

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