"Okay, stop arguing."

Liu Qianmin suddenly shouted, and the two quarreling women stopped talking at the same time. Liu Qianmin took out a check from his pocket, signed it and put it on the table. Then he said to Wang Lihua:

"Lihua, take the money and you go abroad. Every month I will pay you a living allowance as agreed at the time until the money is high. There are many things at home, so you should leave first!"

Liu Qianmin had a headache due to the quarrel between the two women and decided the matter directly. Gu Yuehua was so angry that Wang Lihua smiled provocatively at Gu Yuehua as if she had won the battle, took the check on the table and left.

"Liu Qianmin, why did you ask me to give you money without saying hello? Don't forget where the money came from."

Gu Yuehua's attitude towards Liu Qianmin has not been good recently. Although Liu Qianmin was humble about what happened last time and Liu Yufei also interceded for her father, for Gu Yuehua, she did too many things for Liu Qianmin and even abandoned her biological daughter. , but what she got was a betrayal, and she couldn't feel happy.

So recently, Gu Yuehua got angry at Liu Qianmin for no reason, and Liu Qianmin had to endure it.

"If you have the energy to quarrel, you might as well think of a countermeasure. Now we both have a bad reputation on the street. It's all thanks to your daughter. You are such a bitch. You are not afraid of embarrassing yourself by exposing these things."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Gu Yuehua's head immediately began to shift. He was much more resentful towards Shen Xiaoxiao than towards Liu Qianmin, and he immediately said:

"I'll go find her in person tomorrow. I still don't believe it. Do you really want a mother like me to kowtow to her and confess her guilt? Who doesn't know how to act? I still don't believe that I can't compare to a yellow-haired girl."

Liu Qianmin watched Gu Yuehua target Shen Xiaoxiao and said nothing more, but his premonition was not good. Shen's shares had already dropped to the limit, but due to the guidance of public opinion, there is now a trend of recovery.

The entire society tends to favor the weak. Just like Du Ze, one of the top ten outstanding young men not long ago, he always felt that this matter was never over.

But it would be nice to spend Gu Yuehua doing other things, saving her from having to stare at his things all day long, which makes her feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

He also didn't expect that after finally hooking up with that old woman Ouyang Minyan, he didn't get any benefits at all and even made a fuss. However, it was not without benefits. At least his daughter had some eyebrows. Once their Liu family became Ouyang The in-laws of the family, the Shen family, and the Pei family will all be swallowed up by him in the future.

Sure enough, Liu Qianmin's premonition was excellent. The next day, before Gu Yuehua went out to look for Shen Xiaoxiao's trouble, a series of photos and videos leaked on the Internet. The protagonists were none other than Liu Qianmin and his brother Liu Qiangui. It's a big deal to stage a photo.

This poor heroine's stepfather turns out to be not only vicious, but also a pervert. He got involved with his biological brother. How old is he now? Do you want to be shameless? There were also puddles of white liquid on the bed (actually it was the shower gel made by Da Jinya and the others). It didn't work anymore. It made me want to vomit.

"Liu Qianmin, I'm going to fight you, you bitch, you beast, how could I marry you, this disgusting scum, get out of here, get out of here, this is my home, get out of here. "

"No, it's not like this. Yuehua, listen to me, no, it's not like this."

Liu Qianmin was also helpless. He already felt sorry and disgusted with his brother Liu Qiangui for the ridiculous night that night. Now that this incident came out, he was even more embarrassed to see anyone.

Fortunately, his younger brother is staying in the dormitory now, otherwise he would be really embarrassed to see Jiang Dong's father.

"Dad, you should go to the hotel to stay for a few days. You can wait until Mom is relieved and this matter has calmed down before you come back."

Liu Yufei winked at Liu Qianmin. Liu Qianmin wanted to explain a few more words, but Gu Yuehua's mood was extremely unstable and she couldn't even listen to the words. Liu Yufei could only send her father away.

But she didn't expect that her father would be so ridiculous, how could he get involved with his second uncle? How could his father be able to deal with such a sloppy person like his second uncle, just to find some fresh meat?

Liu Qianmin naturally didn't know what his daughter was thinking. If he knew, he would probably be sick to death.

Afraid of irritating Gu Yuehua, Liu Qianmin listened to Liu Yufei's words and planned to go to the hotel to take shelter. However, as soon as he opened the door, reporters at the door were already waiting there and surrounded the mansion. There was no other way, so Liu Xiangyi had to retreat and could only stay. In the room, Gu Yuehua would stare at her with big eyes, or Gu Yuehua would get angry and use her hands or words.

"Mom and Dad, I will go to Shen Xiaoxiao in person. She must come forward to clarify and handle this matter in a low-key manner, otherwise our family will not be stabbed to death in the spine."

Liu Yufei looked at the scene outside and had no idea what to do. Shen Xiaoxiao was such a bitch that she actually came up with this trick. Shen's enterprise, which was about to collapse, is now starting to recover. This is really annoying. .

"Are you going? Yu Fei, Shen Xiaoxiao's attitude towards you is no worse than your mother's, and she is also very capable. If you go, it probably won't have much effect."

"Dad, don't worry, I have already planned it, and I have people to help me. This matter can definitely be handled well."

Liu Yufei patted her chest and assured Liu Qianmin that she was not really confident that she could deal with Shen Xiaoxiao, but that she knew that Ouyang Ning was also hostile to Shen Xiaoxiao, and all she had to do was to borrow Ouyang Ning's hand. Give Shen Xiaoxiao a hard blow.

Didn’t they say that her parents were the most vicious in the world? What if she is not a good person herself?

For example, instead of working as a boxer abroad, she became a prostitute, voluntarily, so the attention that fell on her parents should go back to the CEO of Shen's company, right?

Isn't it pitiful? Then let's see if working as a prostitute abroad will cause everyone to pity her.

Liu Yufei couldn't help but feel excited when she thought of this. Whether it's a photo or a video, as long as you find a master, you can fake it. Since you won't make it easy for me, I will also trample you under my feet and never stand up.

An Ning and Liu Yufei, two women who were both full of hostility towards Shen Xiaoxiao, collided and sparks flew. A lot of money was poured into it, and top foreign computer production experts were specially invited to make photos. It must be done. To perfection.

And they have also made plans to reveal these things at a special time. This special time is the annual meeting of Shen's Enterprise's 50th anniversary. By then, they will give Shen's Enterprise a dirty name that cannot be deleted.

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